libdir . '/grade/grade_category.php'); require_once($CFG->libdir . '/grade/grade_item.php'); require_once($CFG->libdir . '/grade/grade_calculation.php'); require_once($CFG->libdir . '/grade/grade_grades_raw.php'); require_once($CFG->libdir . '/grade/grade_grades_final.php'); require_once($CFG->libdir . '/grade/grade_scale.php'); require_once($CFG->libdir . '/grade/grade_outcome.php'); require_once($CFG->libdir . '/grade/grade_history.php'); require_once($CFG->libdir . '/grade/grade_grades_text.php'); /** * Extracts from the gradebook all the grade items attached to the calling object. * For example, an assignment may want to retrieve all the grade_items for itself, * and get three outcome scales in return. This will affect the grading interface. * * Note: Each parameter refines the search. So if you only give the courseid, * all the grade_items for this course will be returned. If you add the * itemtype 'mod', all grade_items for this courseif AND for the 'mod' * type will be returned, etc... * * @param int $courseid The id of the course to which the grade items belong * @param string $itemname The name of the grade item * @param string $itemtype 'mod', 'blocks', 'import', 'calculated' etc * @param string $itemmodule 'forum, 'quiz', 'csv' etc * @param int $iteminstance id of the item module * @param int $itemnumber Can be used to distinguish multiple grades for an activity * @param int $idnumber grade item Primary Key * @return array An array of grade items */ function grade_get_items($courseid, $itemname=NULL, $itemtype=NULL, $itemmodule=NULL, $iteminstance=NULL, $itemnumber=NULL, $idnumber=NULL) { $grade_item = new grade_item(compact('courseid', 'itemname', 'itemtype', 'itemmodule', 'iteminstance', 'itemnumber', 'idnumber'), false); $grade_items = $grade_item->fetch_all_using_this(); return $grade_items; } /** * Creates a new grade_item in case it doesn't exist. This function would be called when a module * is created or updates, for example, to ensure grade_item entries exist. * It's not essential though--if grades are being added later and a matching grade_item doesn't * yet exist, the gradebook will create them on the fly. * * @param * @return mixed New grade_item id if successful */ function grade_create_item($params) { $grade_item = new grade_item($params); return $grade_item->insert(); } /** * For a given set of items, create a category to group them together (if one doesn't yet exist). * Modules may want to do this when they are created. However, the ultimate control is in the gradebook interface itself. * * @param int $courseid * @param string $fullname The name of the new category * @param array $items An array of grade_items to group under the new category * @param string $aggregation * @return mixed New grade_category id if successful */ function grade_create_category($courseid, $fullname, $items, $aggregation=GRADE_AGGREGATE_MEAN) { $grade_category = new grade_category(compact('courseid', 'fullname', 'items', 'aggregation')); return $grade_category->insert(); } /** * Tells a module whether a grade (or grade_item if $userid is not given) is currently locked or not. * This is a combination of the actual settings in the grade tables and a check on moodle/course:editgradeswhenlocked. * If it's locked to the current use then the module can print a nice message or prevent editing in the module. * If no $userid is given, the method will always return the grade_item's locked state. * If a $userid is given, the method will first check the grade_item's locked state (the column). If it is locked, * the method will return true no matter the locked state of the specific grade being checked. If unlocked, it will * return the locked state of the specific grade. * * @param string $itemtype 'mod', 'blocks', 'import', 'calculated' etc * @param string $itemmodule 'forum, 'quiz', 'csv' etc * @param int $iteminstance id of the item module * @param int $itemnumber Optional number of the item to check * @param int $userid ID of the user who owns the grade * @return boolean Whether the grade is locked or not */ function grade_is_locked($itemtype, $itemmodule, $iteminstance, $itemnumber=NULL, $userid=NULL) { $grade_item = new grade_item(compact('itemtype', 'itemmodule', 'iteminstance', 'itemnumber')); return $grade_item->is_locked($userid); } /** * Updates all grade_grades_final for each grade_item matching the given attributes. * The search is further restricted, so that only grade_items that have needs_update == TRUE * or that use calculation are retrieved. * * @param int $courseid * @param int $gradeitemid * @return int Number of grade_items updated */ function grade_update_final_grades($courseid=NULL, $gradeitemid=NULL) { $grade_item = new grade_item(); $grade_item->courseid = $courseid; $grade_item->id = $gradeitemid; $grade_items = $grade_item->fetch_all_using_this(); $count = 0; foreach ($grade_items as $gi) { $calculation = $gi->get_calculation(); if (!empty($calculation) || $gi->needsupdate) { if ($gi->update_final_grade()) { $count++; } } } return $count; } /* * For backward compatibility with old third-party modules, this function is called * via to admin/cron.php to search all mod/xxx/lib.php files for functions named xxx_grades(), * if the current modules does not have grade events registered with the grade book. * Once the data is extracted, the event_trigger() function can be called to initiate * an event as usual and copy/ *upgrade the data in the gradebook tables. */ function grades_grab_grades() { global $CFG, $db; if (!$mods = get_list_of_plugins('mod') ) { error('No modules installed!'); } foreach ($mods as $mod) { if ($mod == 'NEWMODULE') { // Someone has unzipped the template, ignore it continue; } $fullmod = $CFG->dirroot .'/mod/'. $mod; // include the module lib once if (file_exists($fullmod.'/lib.php')) { include_once($fullmod.'/lib.php'); // look for mod_grades() function - old grade book pulling function // to see if module supports grades, and check for event registration status $gradefunc = $mod.'_grades'; // if this mod has grades, but grade_added event is not registered // then we need to pull grades into the new gradebook if (function_exists($gradefunc) && !event_is_registered($mod, $gradefunc)) { // get all instance of the mod $module = get_record('modules', 'name', $mod); if ($module && $modinstances = get_records('course_modules', 'module', $module->id)) { foreach ($modinstances as $modinstance) { // for each instance, call the xxx_grades() function if ($grades = $gradefunc($modinstance->instance)) { foreach ($grades->grades as $userid=>$usergrade) { // make the grade_added eventdata // missing grade event trigger // trigger_event('grade_added', $eventdata); } } } } } } } } /** * Given a float value situated between a source minimum and a source maximum, converts it to the * corresponding value situated between a target minimum and a target maximum. Thanks to Darlene * for the formula :-) * @param float $gradevalue * @param float $source_min * @param float $source_max * @param float $target_min * @param float $target_max * @return float Converted value */ function standardise_score($gradevalue, $source_min, $source_max, $target_min, $target_max) { $factor = ($gradevalue - $source_min) / ($source_max - $source_min); $diff = $target_max - $target_min; $gradevalue = $factor * $diff + $target_min; return $gradevalue; } ?>