. /** * Utility classes and functions for text editor integration. * * @package core * @subpackage editor * @copyright 2009 Petr Skoda {@link http://skodak.org} * @license http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html GNU GPL v3 or later */ defined('MOODLE_INTERNAL') || die(); /** * Returns users preferred editor for given format * * @param int $format text format or null of none * @return texteditor object */ function editors_get_preferred_editor($format = NULL) { global $USER; $enabled = editors_get_enabled(); $preference = get_user_preferences('htmleditor', '', $USER); if (isset($enabled[$preference])) { // Edit the list of editors so the users preferred editor is first in the list. $editor = $enabled[$preference]; unset($enabled[$preference]); array_unshift($enabled, $editor); } // now find some plugin that supports format and is available $editor = false; foreach ($enabled as $e) { if (!$e->supported_by_browser()) { // bad luck, this editor is not compatible continue; } if (!$supports = $e->get_supported_formats()) { // buggy editor! continue; } if (is_null($format) || in_array($format, $supports)) { // editor supports this format, yay! $editor = $e; break; } } if (!$editor) { $editor = get_texteditor('textarea'); // must exist and can edit anything } return $editor; } /** * Returns users preferred text format. * @return int standard text format */ function editors_get_preferred_format() { global $USER; $editor = editors_get_preferred_editor(); return $editor->get_preferred_format(); } /** * Returns list of enabled text editors * @return array of name=>texteditor */ function editors_get_enabled() { global $CFG; if (empty($CFG->texteditors)) { $CFG->texteditors = 'tinymce,textarea'; } $active = array(); foreach(explode(',', $CFG->texteditors) as $e) { if ($editor = get_texteditor($e)) { $active[$e] = $editor; } } if (empty($active)) { return array('textarea'=>get_texteditor('textarea')); // must exist and can edit anything } return $active; } /** * Returns instance of text editor * * @param string $editorname name of editor (textarea, tinymce, ...) * @return object|bool texeditor instance or false if does not exist */ function get_texteditor($editorname) { global $CFG; $libfile = "$CFG->libdir/editor/$editorname/lib.php"; if (!file_exists($libfile)) { return false; } require_once($libfile); $classname = $editorname.'_texteditor'; if (!class_exists($classname)) { return false; } return new $classname(); } /** * Get the list of available editors * * @return array Array ('editorname'=>'localised editor name') */ function editors_get_available() { $editors = array(); foreach (core_component::get_plugin_list('editor') as $editorname => $dir) { $editors[$editorname] = get_string('pluginname', 'editor_'.$editorname); } return $editors; } /** * Setup all JS and CSS needed for editors. * @return void */ function editors_head_setup() { global $CFG; if (empty($CFG->texteditors)) { $CFG->texteditors = 'tinymce,textarea'; } $active = explode(',', $CFG->texteditors); foreach ($active as $editorname) { if (!$editor = get_texteditor($editorname)) { continue; } if (!$editor->supported_by_browser()) { // bad luck, this editor is not compatible continue; } $editor->head_setup(); } } /** * Base abstract text editor class. * * @copyright 2009 Petr Skoda {@link http://skodak.org} * @license http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html GNU GPL v3 or later * @package moodlecore */ abstract class texteditor { /** * Is editor supported in current browser? * @return bool */ public abstract function supported_by_browser(); /** * Returns list of supported text formats * @return array Array (FORMAT=>FORMAT) */ public abstract function get_supported_formats(); /** * Returns main preferred text format. * @return int text format */ public abstract function get_preferred_format(); /** * Supports file picker and repos? * @return object book object */ public abstract function supports_repositories(); /** * Add required JS needed for editor * @param string $elementid id of text area to be converted to editor * @param array $options * @param obejct $fpoptions file picker options * @return void */ public abstract function use_editor($elementid, array $options=null, $fpoptions = null); /** * Setup all JS and CSS needed for editor. * @return void */ public function head_setup() { } }