. /** * Private resource module utility functions * * @package mod * @subpackage resource * @copyright 2009 Petr Skoda {@link http://skodak.org} * @license http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html GNU GPL v3 or later */ defined('MOODLE_INTERNAL') || die; require_once("$CFG->libdir/filelib.php"); require_once("$CFG->libdir/resourcelib.php"); require_once("$CFG->dirroot/mod/resource/lib.php"); /** * Redirected to migrated resource if needed, * return if incorrect parameters specified * @param int $oldid * @param int $cmid * @return void */ function resource_redirect_if_migrated($oldid, $cmid) { global $DB, $CFG; if ($oldid) { $old = $DB->get_record('resource_old', array('oldid'=>$oldid)); } else { $old = $DB->get_record('resource_old', array('cmid'=>$cmid)); } if (!$old) { return; } redirect("$CFG->wwwroot/mod/$old->newmodule/view.php?id=".$old->cmid); } /** * Display embedded resource file. * @param object $resource * @param object $cm * @param object $course * @param stored_file $file main file * @return does not return */ function resource_display_embed($resource, $cm, $course, $file) { global $CFG, $PAGE, $OUTPUT; $clicktoopen = resource_get_clicktoopen($file, $resource->revision); $context = get_context_instance(CONTEXT_MODULE, $cm->id); $path = '/'.$context->id.'/mod_resource/content/'.$resource->revision.$file->get_filepath().$file->get_filename(); $fullurl = file_encode_url($CFG->wwwroot.'/pluginfile.php', $path, false); $mimetype = $file->get_mimetype(); $title = $resource->name; $extension = resourcelib_get_extension($file->get_filename()); if (in_array($mimetype, array('image/gif','image/jpeg','image/png'))) { // It's an image $code = resourcelib_embed_image($fullurl, $title); } else if ($mimetype === 'application/pdf') { // PDF document $code = resourcelib_embed_pdf($fullurl, $title, $clicktoopen); } else if ($mimetype === 'audio/mp3') { // MP3 audio file $code = resourcelib_embed_mp3($fullurl, $title, $clicktoopen); } else if ($mimetype === 'video/x-flv' or $extension === 'f4v') { // Flash video file $code = resourcelib_embed_flashvideo($fullurl, $title, $clicktoopen); } else if ($mimetype === 'application/x-shockwave-flash') { // Flash file $code = resourcelib_embed_flash($fullurl, $title, $clicktoopen); } else if (substr($mimetype, 0, 10) === 'video/x-ms') { // Windows Media Player file $code = resourcelib_embed_mediaplayer($fullurl, $title, $clicktoopen); } else if ($mimetype === 'video/quicktime') { // Quicktime file $code = resourcelib_embed_quicktime($fullurl, $title, $clicktoopen); } else if ($mimetype === 'video/mpeg') { // Mpeg file $code = resourcelib_embed_mpeg($fullurl, $title, $clicktoopen); } else if ($mimetype === 'audio/x-pn-realaudio') { // RealMedia file $code = resourcelib_embed_real($fullurl, $title, $clicktoopen); } else { // anything else - just try object tag enlarged as much as possible $code = resourcelib_embed_general($fullurl, $title, $clicktoopen, $mimetype); } resource_print_header($resource, $cm, $course); resource_print_heading($resource, $cm, $course); echo $code; resource_print_intro($resource, $cm, $course); echo $OUTPUT->footer(); die; } /** * Display resource frames. * @param object $resource * @param object $cm * @param object $course * @param stored_file $file main file * @return does not return */ function resource_display_frame($resource, $cm, $course, $file) { global $PAGE, $OUTPUT, $CFG; $frame = optional_param('frameset', 'main', PARAM_ALPHA); if ($frame === 'top') { $PAGE->set_pagelayout('frametop'); resource_print_header($resource, $cm, $course); resource_print_heading($resource, $cm, $course); resource_print_intro($resource, $cm, $course); echo $OUTPUT->footer(); die; } else { $config = get_config('resource'); $context = get_context_instance(CONTEXT_MODULE, $cm->id); $path = '/'.$context->id.'/mod_resource/content/'.$resource->revision.$file->get_filepath().$file->get_filename(); $fileurl = file_encode_url($CFG->wwwroot.'/pluginfile.php', $path, false); $navurl = "$CFG->wwwroot/mod/resource/view.php?id=$cm->id&frameset=top"; $title = strip_tags(format_string($course->shortname.': '.$resource->name)); $framesize = $config->framesize; $modulename = s(get_string('modulename','resource')); $dir = get_string('thisdirection', 'langconfig'); $file = << $title EOF; @header('Content-Type: text/html; charset=utf-8'); echo $file; die; } } /** * Internal function - create click to open text with link. */ function resource_get_clicktoopen($file, $revision, $extra='') { global $CFG; $filename = $file->get_filename(); $path = '/'.$file->get_contextid().'/mod_resource/content/'.$revision.$file->get_filepath().$file->get_filename(); $fullurl = file_encode_url($CFG->wwwroot.'/pluginfile.php', $path, false); $string = get_string('clicktoopen2', 'resource', "$filename"); return $string; } /** * Internal function - create click to open text with link. */ function resource_get_clicktodownload($file, $revision) { global $CFG; $filename = $file->get_filename(); $path = '/'.$file->get_contextid().'/mod_resource/content/'.$revision.$file->get_filepath().$file->get_filename(); $fullurl = file_encode_url($CFG->wwwroot.'/pluginfile.php', $path, true); $string = get_string('clicktodownload', 'resource', "$filename"); return $string; } /** * Print resource info and workaround link when JS not available. * @param object $resource * @param object $cm * @param object $course * @param stored_file $file main file * @return does not return */ function resource_print_workaround($resource, $cm, $course, $file) { global $CFG, $OUTPUT; resource_print_header($resource, $cm, $course); resource_print_heading($resource, $cm, $course, true); resource_print_intro($resource, $cm, $course, true); $resource->mainfile = $file->get_filename(); echo '
'; switch (resource_get_final_display_type($resource)) { case RESOURCELIB_DISPLAY_POPUP: $path = '/'.$file->get_contextid().'/mod_resource/content/'.$resource->revision.$file->get_filepath().$file->get_filename(); $fullurl = file_encode_url($CFG->wwwroot.'/pluginfile.php', $path, false); $options = empty($resource->displayoptions) ? array() : unserialize($resource->displayoptions); $width = empty($options['popupwidth']) ? 620 : $options['popupwidth']; $height = empty($options['popupheight']) ? 450 : $options['popupheight']; $wh = "width=$width,height=$height,toolbar=no,location=no,menubar=no,copyhistory=no,status=no,directories=no,scrollbars=yes,resizable=yes"; $extra = "onclick=\"window.open('$fullurl', '', '$wh'); return false;\""; echo resource_get_clicktoopen($file, $resource->revision, $extra); break; case RESOURCELIB_DISPLAY_NEW: $extra = 'onclick="this.target=\'_blank\'"'; echo resource_get_clicktoopen($file, $resource->revision, $extra); break; case RESOURCELIB_DISPLAY_DOWNLOAD: echo resource_get_clicktodownload($file, $resource->revision); break; case RESOURCELIB_DISPLAY_OPEN: default: echo resource_get_clicktoopen($file, $resource->revision); break; } echo '
'; echo $OUTPUT->footer(); die; } /** * Print resource header. * @param object $resource * @param object $cm * @param object $course * @return void */ function resource_print_header($resource, $cm, $course) { global $PAGE, $OUTPUT; $PAGE->set_title($course->shortname.': '.$resource->name); $PAGE->set_heading($course->fullname); $PAGE->set_activity_record($resource); $PAGE->set_button(update_module_button($cm->id, '', get_string('modulename', 'resource'))); echo $OUTPUT->header(); } /** * Print resource heading. * @param object $resource * @param object $cm * @param object $course * @param bool $ignoresettings print even if not specified in modedit * @return void */ function resource_print_heading($resource, $cm, $course, $ignoresettings=false) { global $OUTPUT; $options = empty($resource->displayoptions) ? array() : unserialize($resource->displayoptions); if ($ignoresettings or !empty($options['printheading'])) { echo $OUTPUT->heading(format_string($resource->name), 2, 'main', 'resourceheading'); } } /** * Print resource introduction. * @param object $resource * @param object $cm * @param object $course * @param bool $ignoresettings print even if not specified in modedit * @return void */ function resource_print_intro($resource, $cm, $course, $ignoresettings=false) { global $OUTPUT; $options = empty($resource->displayoptions) ? array() : unserialize($resource->displayoptions); if ($ignoresettings or !empty($options['printintro'])) { if (trim(strip_tags($resource->intro))) { echo $OUTPUT->box_start('mod_introbox', 'resourceintro'); echo format_module_intro('resource', $resource, $cm->id); echo $OUTPUT->box_end(); } } } /** * Print warning that instance not migrated yet. * @param object $resource * @param object $cm * @param object $course * @return void, does not return */ function resource_print_tobemigrated($resource, $cm, $course) { global $DB, $OUTPUT; $resoruce_old = $DB->get_record('resource_old', array('oldid'=>$resource->id)); resource_print_header($resource, $cm, $course); resource_print_heading($resource, $cm, $course); resource_print_intro($resource, $cm, $course); echo $OUTPUT->notification(get_string('notmigrated', 'resource', $resoruce_old->type)); echo $OUTPUT->footer(); die; } /** * Print warning that file can not be found. * @param object $resource * @param object $cm * @param object $course * @return void, does not return */ function resource_print_filenotfound($resource, $cm, $course) { global $DB, $OUTPUT; $resoruce_old = $DB->get_record('resource_old', array('oldid'=>$resource->id)); resource_print_header($resource, $cm, $course); resource_print_heading($resource, $cm, $course); resource_print_intro($resource, $cm, $course); echo $OUTPUT->notification(get_string('notmigrated', 'resource', $resoruce_old->type)); echo $OUTPUT->footer(); die; } /** * Decide the best diaply format. * @param object $resource * @return int display type constant */ function resource_get_final_display_type($resource) { global $CFG; if ($resource->display != RESOURCELIB_DISPLAY_AUTO) { return $resource->display; } static $download = array('application/zip', 'application/x-tar', 'application/g-zip'); // binary formats static $embed = array('image/gif', 'image/jpeg', 'image/png', 'image/svg+xml', // images 'application/x-shockwave-flash', 'video/x-flv', 'video/x-ms-wm', // video formats 'video/quicktime', 'video/mpeg', 'video/mp4', 'audio/mp3', 'audio/x-realaudio-plugin', 'x-realaudio-plugin', // audio formats 'application/pdf', 'text/html', ); if (empty($resource->mainfile)) { return RESOURCELIB_DISPLAY_DOWNLOAD; } else { $mimetype = mimeinfo('type', $resource->mainfile); } if (in_array($mimetype, $download)) { return RESOURCELIB_DISPLAY_DOWNLOAD; } if (in_array($mimetype, $embed)) { return RESOURCELIB_DISPLAY_EMBED; } // let the browser deal with it somehow return RESOURCELIB_DISPLAY_OPEN; } /** * File browsing support class */ class resource_content_file_info extends file_info_stored { public function get_parent() { if ($this->lf->get_filepath() === '/' and $this->lf->get_filename() === '.') { return $this->browser->get_file_info($this->context); } return parent::get_parent(); } public function get_visible_name() { if ($this->lf->get_filepath() === '/' and $this->lf->get_filename() === '.') { return $this->topvisiblename; } return parent::get_visible_name(); } } function resource_set_mainfile($data) { global $DB; $fs = get_file_storage(); $cmid = $data->coursemodule; $draftitemid = $data->files; $context = get_context_instance(CONTEXT_MODULE, $cmid); if ($draftitemid) { file_save_draft_area_files($draftitemid, $context->id, 'mod_resource', 'content', 0, array('subdirs'=>true)); } $files = $fs->get_area_files($context->id, 'mod_resource', 'content', 0, 'sortorder', false); if (count($files) == 1) { // only one file attached, set it as main file automatically $file = reset($files); file_set_sortorder($context->id, 'mod_resource', 'content', 0, $file->get_filepath(), $file->get_filename(), 1); } }