libdir.'/uploadlib.php'); $createpassword = optional_param('createpassword', 0, PARAM_BOOL); $updateaccounts = optional_param('updateaccounts', 0, PARAM_BOOL); $allowrenames = optional_param('allowrenames', 0, PARAM_BOOL); require_login(); require_capability('moodle/user:create', get_context_instance(CONTEXT_SYSTEM, SITEID)); if (! $site = get_site()) { error("Could not find site-level course"); } if (!$adminuser = get_admin()) { error("Could not find site admin"); } $streditmyprofile = get_string("editmyprofile"); $stradministration = get_string("administration"); $strfile = get_string("file"); $struser = get_string("user"); $strusers = get_string("users"); $strusersnew = get_string("usersnew"); $strusersupdated = get_string("usersupdated"); $struploadusers = get_string("uploadusers"); $straddnewuser = get_string("importuser"); $csv_encode = '/\&\#44/'; if (isset($CFG->CSV_DELIMITER)) { $csv_delimiter = '\\' . $CFG->CSV_DELIMITER; $csv_delimiter2 = $CFG->CSV_DELIMITER; if (isset($CFG->CSV_ENCODE)) { $csv_encode = '/\&\#' . $CFG->CSV_ENCODE . '/'; } } else { $csv_delimiter = "\,"; $csv_delimiter2 = ","; } /// Print the header print_header("$site->shortname: $struploadusers", $site->fullname, "$stradministration -> $strusers -> $struploadusers"); /// If a file has been uploaded, then process it $um = new upload_manager('userfile',false,false,null,false,0); if ($um->preprocess_files() && confirm_sesskey()) { $filename = $um->files['userfile']['tmp_name']; // Large files are likely to take their time and memory. Let PHP know // that we'll take longer, and that the process should be recycled soon // to free up memory. @set_time_limit(0); @raise_memory_limit("128M"); if (function_exists('apache_child_terminate')) { @apache_child_terminate(); } //Fix mac/dos newlines $text = my_file_get_contents($filename); $text = preg_replace('!\r\n?!',"\n",$text); $fp = fopen($filename, "w"); fwrite($fp,$text); fclose($fp); $fp = fopen($filename, "r"); // make arrays of valid fields for error checking $required = array("username" => 1, "password" => !$createpassword, "firstname" => 1, "lastname" => 1, "email" => 1); $optionalDefaults = array("institution" => 1, "department" => 1, "city" => 1, "country" => 1, "lang" => 1, "auth" => 1, "timezone" => 1); $optional = array("idnumber" => 1, "icq" => 1, "phone1" => 1, "phone2" => 1, "address" => 1, "url" => 1, "description" => 1, "mailformat" => 1, "maildisplay" => 1, "htmleditor" => 1, "autosubscribe" => 1, "idnumber" => 1, "icq" => 1, "course1" => 1, "course2" => 1, "course3" => 1, "course4" => 1, "course5" => 1, "group1" => 1, "group2" => 1, "group3" => 1, "group4" => 1, "group5" => 1, "type1" => 1, "type2" => 1, "type3" => 1, "type4" => 1, "type5" => 1, "password" => $createpassword, "oldusername" => $allowrenames); // --- get header (field names) --- $header = split($csv_delimiter, fgets($fp,1024)); // check for valid field names foreach ($header as $i => $h) { $h = trim($h); $header[$i] = $h; // remove whitespace if (!($required[$h] or $optionalDefaults[$h] or $optional[$h])) { error(get_string('invalidfieldname', 'error', $h), 'uploaduser.php?sesskey='.$USER->sesskey); } if ($required[$h]) { $required[$h] = 0; } } // check for required fields foreach ($required as $key => $value) { if ($value) { //required field missing error(get_string('fieldrequired', 'error', $key), 'uploaduser.php?sesskey='.$USER->sesskey); } } $linenum = 2; // since header is line 1 $usersnew = 0; $usersupdated = 0; $userserrors = 0; $renames = 0; $renameerrors = 0; // Will use this course array a lot // so fetch it early and keep it in memory $courses = get_courses('all','c.sortorder',',c.shortname,c.fullname,c.sortorder,c.teacher'); while (!feof ($fp)) { foreach ($optionalDefaults as $key => $value) { $user->$key = addslashes($adminuser->$key); } //Note: commas within a field should be encoded as , (for comma separated csv files) //Note: semicolon within a field should be encoded as ; (for semicolon separated csv files) $line = split($csv_delimiter, fgets($fp,1024)); foreach ($line as $key => $value) { //decode encoded commas $record[$header[$key]] = preg_replace($csv_encode,$csv_delimiter2,trim($value)); } if ($record[$header[0]]) { // add a new user to the database // add fields to object $user foreach ($record as $name => $value) { // check for required values if ($required[$name] and !$value) { error(get_string('missingfield', 'error', $name). " ". get_string('erroronline', 'error', $linenum) .". ". get_string('processingstops', 'error'), 'uploaduser.php?sesskey='.$USER->sesskey); } // password needs to be encrypted else if ($name == "password" && !empty($value)) { $user->password = hash_internal_user_password($value); } else if ($name == "username") { $user->username = addslashes(moodle_strtolower($value)); } // normal entry else { $user->{$name} = addslashes($value); } } $user->confirmed = 1; $user->timemodified = time(); $linenum++; $username = $user->username; $addcourse[0] = $user->course1; $addcourse[1] = $user->course2; $addcourse[2] = $user->course3; $addcourse[3] = $user->course4; $addcourse[4] = $user->course5; $addgroup[0] = $user->group1; $addgroup[1] = $user->group2; $addgroup[2] = $user->group3; $addgroup[3] = $user->group4; $addgroup[4] = $user->group5; $addtype[0] = $user->type1; $addtype[1] = $user->type2; $addtype[2] = $user->type3; $addtype[3] = $user->type4; $addtype[4] = $user->type5; for ($i=0; $i<5; $i++) { $course[$i]=NULL; } foreach ($courses as $eachcourse) { for ($i=0; $i<5; $i++) { if ($eachcourse->shortname == $addcourse[$i]) { $course[$i] = $eachcourse; } } } if ($user->username === 'changeme') { notify(get_string('invaliduserchangeme', 'admin')); $userserrors++; continue; } // before insert/update, check whether we should be updating // an old record instead if ($allowrenames && !empty($user->oldusername) ) { $user->oldusername = moodle_strtolower($user->oldusername); if ($olduser = get_record('user','username',$user->oldusername)) { if (set_field('user', 'username', $user->username, 'username', $user->oldusername)) { notify(get_string('userrenamed', 'admin') . " : $user->oldusername $user->username"); $renames++; } else { notify(get_string('usernotrenamedexists', 'error') . " : $user->oldusername $user->username"); $renameerrors++; continue; } } else { notify(get_string('usernotrenamedmissing', 'error') . " : $user->oldusername $user->username"); $renameerrors++; continue; } } if ($olduser = get_record("user","username",$username)) { if ($updateaccounts) { // Record is being updated $user->id = $olduser->id; if (update_record('user', $user)) { notify("$user->id , $user->username ".get_string('useraccountupdated', 'admin')); $usersupdated++; } else { notify(get_string('usernotupdatederror', 'error', $username)); $userserrors++; continue; } } else { //Record not added - user is already registered //In this case, output userid from previous registration //This can be used to obtain a list of userids for existing users notify("$user->id ".get_string('usernotaddedregistered', 'error', $username)); $userserrors++; continue; } } else { // new user if ($user->id = insert_record("user", $user)) { notify("$struser: $user->id = $user->username"); $usersnew++; if (empty($user->password) && $createpassword) { // passwords will be created and sent out on cron insert_record('user_preferences', array( userid => $user->id, name => 'create_password', value => 1)); insert_record('user_preferences', array( userid => $user->id, name => 'auth_forcepasswordchange', value => 1)); } } else { // Record not added -- possibly some other error notify(get_string('usernotaddederror', 'error', $username)); $userserrors++; continue; } } for ($i=0; $i<5; $i++) { if ($addcourse[$i] && !$course[$i]) { notify(get_string('unknowncourse', 'error', $addcourse[$i])); } } for ($i=0; $i<5; $i++) { $groupid[$i] = 0; if ($addgroup[$i]) { if (!$course[$i]) { notify(get_string('coursegroupunknown','error',$addgroup[$i])); } else { if ($group = get_record("groups","courseid",$course[$i]->id,"name",$addgroup[$i])) { $groupid[$i] = $group->id; } else { notify(get_string('groupunknown','error',$addgroup[$i])); } } } } for ($i=0; $i<5; $i++) { /// Enrol into courses if necessary if ($course[$i]) { if (isset($addtype[$i])) { switch ($addtype[$i]) { case 2: // teacher $ret = add_teacher($user->id, $course[$i]->id, 1); break; case 3: // non-editing teacher $ret = add_teacher($user->id, $course[$i]->id, 0); break; default: // student $ret = enrol_student($user->id, $course[$i]->id); break; } } else { $ret = enrol_student($user->id, $course[$i]->id); } if ($ret) { // OK notify('-->'. get_string('enrolledincourse', '', $addcourse[$i])); } else { notify('-->'.get_string('enrolledincoursenot', '', $addcourse[$i])); } } } for ($i=0; $i<5; $i++) { // Add user to groups if necessary if ($course[$i] && $groupid[$i]) { if (record_exists('user_students','userid',$user->id,'course',$course[$i]->id) || record_exists('user_teachers','userid',$user->id,'course',$course[$i]->id)) { if (add_user_to_group($groupid[$i], $user->id)) { notify('-->' . get_string('addedtogroup','',$addgroup[$i])); } else { notify('-->' . get_string('addedtogroupnot','',$addgroup[$i])); } } else { notify('-->' . get_string('addedtogroupnotenrolled','',$addgroup[$i])); } } } unset ($user); } } fclose($fp); notify("$strusersnew: $usersnew"); notify(get_string('usersupdated', 'admin') . ": $usersupdated"); notify(get_string('errors', 'admin') . ": $userserrors"); if ($allowrenames) { notify(get_string('usersrenamed', 'admin') . ": $renames"); notify(get_string('renameerrors', 'admin') . ": $renameerrors"); } echo '
'; } /// Print the form print_heading_with_help($struploadusers, 'uploadusers'); $noyesoptions = array( get_string('no'), get_string('yes') ); $maxuploadsize = get_max_upload_file_size(); echo '
'; echo '
'. $strfile.' '. ''. ''; print_heading(get_string('settings')); echo ''; echo ''; echo ''; echo ''; echo '
' . get_string('passwordhandling', 'auth') . ''; $passwordopts = array( 0 => get_string('infilefield', 'auth'), 1 => get_string('createpasswordifneeded', 'auth'), ); choose_from_menu($passwordopts, 'createpassword', $createpassword); echo '
' . get_string('updateaccounts', 'admin') . ''; choose_from_menu($noyesoptions, 'updateaccounts', $updateaccounts); echo '
' . get_string('allowrenames', 'admin') . ''; choose_from_menu($noyesoptions, 'allowrenames', $allowrenames); echo '

'; echo ''; echo '

'; echo '
'; print_footer($course); function my_file_get_contents($filename, $use_include_path = 0) { /// Returns the file as one big long string $data = ""; $file = @fopen($filename, "rb", $use_include_path); if ($file) { while (!feof($file)) { $data .= fread($file, 1024); } fclose($file); } return $data; } ?>