libdir.'/pagelib.php'); define('PAGE_ADMIN', 'admin'); // Bounds for block widths // more flexible for theme designers taken from theme config.php $lmin = (empty($THEME->block_l_min_width)) ? 0 : $THEME->block_l_min_width; $lmax = (empty($THEME->block_l_max_width)) ? 210 : $THEME->block_l_max_width; $rmin = (empty($THEME->block_r_min_width)) ? 0 : $THEME->block_r_min_width; $rmax = (empty($THEME->block_r_max_width)) ? 210 : $THEME->block_r_max_width; define('BLOCK_L_MIN_WIDTH', $lmin); define('BLOCK_L_MAX_WIDTH', $lmax); define('BLOCK_R_MIN_WIDTH', $rmin); define('BLOCK_R_MAX_WIDTH', $rmax); page_map_class(PAGE_ADMIN, 'page_admin'); class page_admin extends page_base { var $section; var $visiblepathtosection; // hack alert! // this function works around the inability to store the section name // in default block, maybe we should "improve" the blocks a bit? function init_extra($section) { global $CFG; if($this->full_init_done) { return; } $adminroot =& admin_get_root(false, false); //settings not required - only pages // fetch the path parameter $this->section = $section; $current =& $adminroot->locate($section, true); $this->visiblepathtosection = array_reverse($current->visiblepath); // all done $this->full_init_done = true; } function blocks_get_default() { return 'admin_tree,admin_bookmarks'; } // seems reasonable that the only people that can edit blocks on the admin pages // are the admins... but maybe we want a role for this? function user_allowed_editing() { return has_capability('moodle/site:manageblocks', get_context_instance(CONTEXT_SYSTEM)); } // has to be fixed. i know there's a "proper" way to do this function user_is_editing() { global $USER; return $USER->adminediting; } function url_get_path() { global $CFG; $adminroot =& admin_get_root(false, false); //settings not required - only pages $root =& $adminroot->locate($this->section); if (is_a($root, 'admin_externalpage')) { return $root->url; } else { return ($CFG->wwwroot . '/' . $CFG->admin . '/settings.php'); } } function url_get_parameters() { // only handles parameters relevant to the admin pagetype return array('section' => (isset($this->section) ? $this->section : '')); } function blocks_get_positions() { return array(BLOCK_POS_LEFT, BLOCK_POS_RIGHT); } function blocks_default_position() { return BLOCK_POS_LEFT; } function blocks_move_position(&$instance, $move) { if($instance->position == BLOCK_POS_LEFT && $move == BLOCK_MOVE_RIGHT) { return BLOCK_POS_RIGHT; } else if ($instance->position == BLOCK_POS_RIGHT && $move == BLOCK_MOVE_LEFT) { return BLOCK_POS_LEFT; } return $instance->position; } // does anything need to be done here? function init_quick($data) { parent::init_quick($data); } function print_header($section = '', $focus='') { global $USER, $CFG, $SITE; $this->init_full($section); // we're trusting that init_full() has already been called by now; it should have. // if not, print_header() has to be called with a $section parameter // The search page currently doesn't handle block editing if ($this->section != 'search' and $this->user_allowed_editing()) { $buttons = '
'; } else { $buttons = ' '; } $navlinks = array(); foreach ($this->visiblepathtosection as $element) { $navlinks[] = array('name' => $element, 'link' => null, 'type' => 'misc'); } $navigation = build_navigation($navlinks); print_header("$SITE->shortname: " . implode(": ",$this->visiblepathtosection), $SITE->fullname, $navigation, $focus, '', true, $buttons, ''); } function get_type() { return PAGE_ADMIN; } } ?>