. /** * @package moodlecore * @subpackage backup-imscc * @copyright 2011 Darko Miletic (dmiletic@moodlerooms.com) * @license http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html GNU GPL v3 or later */ defined('MOODLE_INTERNAL') or die('Direct access to this script is forbidden.'); class cc11_forum extends entities11 { public function full_path ($path, $dir_sep = DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR) { $token = '$IMS-CC-FILEBASE$'; $path = str_replace($token, '', $path); if (is_string($path) && ($path != '')) { $dir_sep; $dot_dir = '.'; $up_dir = '..'; $length = strlen($path); $rtemp = trim($path); $start = strrpos($path, $dir_sep); $can_continue = ($start !== false); $result = $can_continue ? '' : $path; $rcount = 0; while ($can_continue) { $dir_part = ($start !== false) ? substr($rtemp, $start + 1, $length - $start) : $rtemp; $can_continue = ($dir_part !== false); if ($can_continue) { if ($dir_part != $dot_dir) { if ($dir_part == $up_dir) { $rcount++; } else { if ($rcount > 0) { $rcount --; } else { $result = ($result == '') ? $dir_part : $dir_part . $dir_sep . $result; } } } $rtemp = substr($path, 0, $start); $start = strrpos($rtemp, $dir_sep); $can_continue = (($start !== false) || (strlen($rtemp) > 0)); } } } return $result; } public function generate_node () { cc2moodle::log_action('Creating Forum mods'); $response = ''; if (!empty(cc2moodle::$instances['instances'][MOODLE_TYPE_FORUM])) { foreach (cc2moodle::$instances['instances'][MOODLE_TYPE_FORUM] as $instance) { $response .= $this->create_node_course_modules_mod_forum($instance); } } return $response; } private function create_node_course_modules_mod_forum ($instance) { $sheet_mod_forum = cc112moodle::loadsheet(SHEET_COURSE_SECTIONS_SECTION_MODS_MOD_FORUM); $topic_data = $this->get_topic_data($instance); $result = ''; if (!empty($topic_data)) { $find_tags = array('[#mod_instance#]', '[#mod_forum_title#]', '[#mod_forum_intro#]', '[#date_now#]'); $replace_values = array($instance['instance'], //To be more true to the actual forum name we use only forum title htmlentities($topic_data['title']), htmlentities($topic_data['description']), time()); $result = str_replace($find_tags, $replace_values, $sheet_mod_forum); } return $result; } public function get_topic_data ($instance) { $topic_data = ''; $topic_file = $this->get_external_xml($instance['resource_indentifier']); if (!empty($topic_file)) { $topic_file_path = cc2moodle::$path_to_manifest_folder . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $topic_file; $topic_file_dir = dirname($topic_file_path); $topic = $this->load_xml_resource($topic_file_path); if (!empty($topic)) { $xpath = cc2moodle::newx_path($topic, cc112moodle::$forumns); $topic_title = $xpath->query('/dt:topic/dt:title'); if ($topic_title->length > 0 && !empty($topic_title->item(0)->nodeValue)) { $topic_title = $topic_title->item(0)->nodeValue; } else { $topic_title = 'Untitled Topic'; } $topic_text = $xpath->query('/dt:topic/dt:text'); $topic_text = !empty($topic_text->item(0)->nodeValue) ? $this->update_sources($topic_text->item(0)->nodeValue, dirname($topic_file)) : ''; $topic_text = !empty($topic_text) ? str_replace("%24", "\$", $this->include_titles($topic_text)) : ''; if (!empty($topic_title)) { $topic_data['title'] = $topic_title; $topic_data['description'] = $topic_text; } } $topic_attachments = $xpath->query('/dt:topic/dt:attachments/dt:attachment/@href'); if ($topic_attachments->length > 0) { $attachment_html = ''; foreach ($topic_attachments as $file) { $attachment_html .= $this->generate_attachment_html($this->full_path($file->nodeValue,'/')); } $topic_data['description'] = !empty($attachment_html) ? $topic_text . '
' . $attachment_html : $topic_text; } } return $topic_data; } private function generate_attachment_html ($filename) { $images_extensions = array('gif' , 'jpeg' , 'jpg' , 'jif' , 'jfif' , 'png' , 'bmp'); $fileinfo = pathinfo($filename); if (in_array($fileinfo['extension'], $images_extensions)) { return '