. /** * Library functions for theme_splash * * @package theme_splash * @copyright 2011 Synergy Learning * @license http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html GNU GPL v3 or later */ /** * theme_splash post process function for CSS * @param string $css Incoming CSS to process * @param stdClass $theme The theme object * @return string The processed CSS */ function splash_process_css($css, $theme) { if (!empty($theme->settings->regionwidth)) { $regionwidth = $theme->settings->regionwidth; } else { $regionwidth = null; } $css = splash_set_regionwidth($css, $regionwidth); if (!empty($theme->settings->customcss)) { $customcss = $theme->settings->customcss; } else { $customcss = null; } $css = splash_set_customcss($css, $customcss); return $css; } /** * Sets the region width variable in CSS * * @param string $css * @param mixed $regionwidth * @return string */ function splash_set_regionwidth($css, $regionwidth) { $tag = '[[setting:regionwidth]]'; $doubletag = '[[setting:regionwidthdouble]]'; $leftmargintag = '[[setting:leftregionwidthmargin]]'; $rightmargintag = '[[setting:rightregionwidthmargin]]'; $replacement = $regionwidth; if (is_null($replacement)) { $replacement = 240; } $css = str_replace($tag, $replacement.'px', $css); $css = str_replace($doubletag, ($replacement*2).'px', $css); $css = str_replace($rightmargintag, ($replacement*3-5).'px', $css); $css = str_replace($leftmargintag, ($replacement+5).'px', $css); return $css; } /** * Sets the custom css variable in CSS * * @param string $css * @param mixed $customcss * @return string */ function splash_set_customcss($css, $customcss) { $tag = '[[setting:customcss]]'; $replacement = $customcss; if (is_null($replacement)) { $replacement = ''; } $css = str_replace($tag, $replacement, $css); return $css; } /** * Gets the colour the user has selected, or the default if they have never changed * * @param string $default The default colour to use, normally red * @return string The colour the user has selected */ function splash_get_colour($default='red') { return get_user_preferences('theme_splash_chosen_colour', $default); } /** * Checks if the user is switching colours with a refresh (JS disabled) * * If they are this updates the users preference in the database * * @return bool */ function splash_check_colourswitch() { $changecolour = optional_param('splashcolour', null, PARAM_ALPHA); if (in_array($changecolour, array('red', 'green', 'blue', 'orange'))) { return set_user_preference('theme_splash_chosen_colour', $changecolour); } return false; }