. /** * Implementation of zip file archive. * * @package moodlecore * @subpackage file-packer * @copyright 2008 Petr Skoda (http://skodak.org) * @license http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html GNU GPL v3 or later */ require_once("$CFG->libdir/packer/file_archive.php"); class zip_archive extends file_archive { /** Pathname of archive */ protected $archivepathname = null; /** Used memory tracking */ protected $usedmem = 0; /** Iteration position */ protected $pos = 0; /** TipArchive instance */ protected $za; /** * Open or create archive (depending on $mode) * @param string $archivepathname * @param int $mode OPEN, CREATE or OVERWRITE constant * @param string $encoding archive local paths encoding * @return bool success */ public function open($archivepathname, $mode=file_archive::CREATE, $encoding='utf-8') { $this->close(); $this->usedmem = 0; $this->pos = 0; $this->za = new ZipArchive(); switch($mode) { case file_archive::OPEN: $flags = 0; break; case file_archive::OVERWRITE: $flags = ZIPARCHIVE::OVERWRITE; break; case file_archive::CREATE: default : $flags = ZIPARCHIVE::CREATE; break; } $result = $this->za->open($archivepathname, $flags); if ($result === true) { $this->encoding = $encoding; if (file_exists($archivepathname)) { $this->archivepathname = realpath($archivepathname); } else { $this->archivepathname = $archivepathname; } return true; } else { $this->za = null; $this->archivepathname = null; $this->encooding = 'utf-8'; // TODO: maybe we should return some error info return false; } } /** * Close archive * @return bool success */ public function close() { if (!isset($this->za)) { return false; } $res = $this->za->close(); $this->za = null; return $res; } /** * Returns file stream for reading of content * @param int $index of file * @return stream or false if error */ public function get_stream($index) { if (!isset($this->za)) { return false; } $name = $this->za->getNameIndex($index); if ($name === false) { return false; } return $this->za->getStream($name); } /** * Returns file information * @param int $index of file * @return info object or false if error */ public function get_info($index) { if (!isset($this->za)) { return false; } if ($index < 0 or $index >=$this->count()) { return false; } $result = $this->za->statIndex($index); if ($result === false) { return false; } $info = new object(); $info->index = $index; $info->original_pathname = $result['name']; $info->pathname = $this->unmangle_pathname($result['name']); $info->mtime = (int)$result['mtime']; if ($info->pathname[strlen($info->pathname)-1] === '/') { $info->is_directory = true; $info->size = 0; } else { $info->is_directory = false; $info->size = (int)$result['size']; } return $info; } /** * Returns array of info about all files in archive * @return array of file infos */ public function list_files() { if (!isset($this->za)) { return false; } $infos = array(); for ($i=0; $i<$this->count(); $i++) { $info = $this->get_info($i); if ($info === false) { continue; } $infos[$i] = $info; } return $infos; } /** * Returns number of files in archive * @return int number of files */ public function count() { if (!isset($this->za)) { return false; } return $this->za->numFiles; } /** * Add file into archive * @param string $localname name of file in archive * @param string $pathname localtion of file * @return bool success */ public function add_file_from_pathname($localname, $pathname) { if (!isset($this->za)) { return false; } if ($this->archivepathname === realpath($pathname)) { // do not add self into archive return false; } if (is_null($localname)) { $localname = clean_param($pathname, PARAM_PATH); } $localname = trim($localname, '/'); // no leading slashes in archives $localname = $this->mangle_pathname($localname); if ($localname === '') { //sorry - conversion failed badly return false; } if (!check_php_version('5.2.8')) { // workaround for open file handles problem, ZipArchive uses file locking in order to prevent file modifications before the close() (strange, eh?) if ($this->count() > 0 and $this->count() % 500 === 0) { $this->close(); $res = $this->open($this->archivepathname, file_archive::OPEN, $this->encoding); if ($res !== true) { print_error('cannotopenzip'); //TODO ?? } } } return $this->za->addFile($pathname, $localname); } /** * Add content of string into archive * @param string $localname name of file in archive * @param string $contents * @return bool success */ public function add_file_from_string($localname, $contents) { if (!isset($this->za)) { return false; } $localname = trim($localname, '/'); // no leading slashes in archives $localname = $this->mangle_pathname($localname); if ($localname === '') { //sorry - conversion failed badly return false; } if ($this->usedmem > 2097151) { /// this prevents running out of memory when adding many large files using strings $this->close(); $res = $this->open($this->archivepathname, file_archive::OPEN, $this->encoding); if ($res !== true) { print_error('cannotopenzip'); //TODO ?? } } $this->usedmem += strlen($contents); return $this->za->addFromString($localname, $contents); } /** * Add empty directory into archive * @param string $local * @return bool success */ public function add_directory($localname) { if (!isset($this->za)) { return false; } $localname = ltrim($localname, '/'). '/'; $localname = $this->mangle_pathname($localname); if ($localname === '/') { //sorry - conversion failed badly return false; } return $this->za->addEmptyDir($localname); } /** * Returns current file info * @return object */ public function current() { if (!isset($this->za)) { return false; } return $this->get_info($this->pos); } /** * Returns the index of current file * @return int current file index */ public function key() { return $this->pos; } /** * Moves forward to next file * @return void */ public function next() { $this->pos++; } /** * Revinds back to the first file * @return void */ public function rewind() { $this->pos = 0; } /** * Did we reach the end? * @return boolean */ public function valid() { if (!isset($this->za)) { return false; } return ($this->pos < $this->count()); } }