. /** * Functions used by gradebook plugins and reports. * * @package moodlecore * @copyright 2009 Petr Skoda and Nicolas Connault * @license http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html GNU GPL v3 or later */ require_once $CFG->libdir.'/gradelib.php'; /** * This class iterates over all users that are graded in a course. * Returns detailed info about users and their grades. * * @author Petr Skoda * @license http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html GNU GPL v3 or later */ class graded_users_iterator { public $course; public $grade_items; public $groupid; public $users_rs; public $grades_rs; public $gradestack; public $sortfield1; public $sortorder1; public $sortfield2; public $sortorder2; /** * Constructor * * @param object $course A course object * @param array $grade_items array of grade items, if not specified only user info returned * @param int $groupid iterate only group users if present * @param string $sortfield1 The first field of the users table by which the array of users will be sorted * @param string $sortorder1 The order in which the first sorting field will be sorted (ASC or DESC) * @param string $sortfield2 The second field of the users table by which the array of users will be sorted * @param string $sortorder2 The order in which the second sorting field will be sorted (ASC or DESC) */ public function graded_users_iterator($course, $grade_items=null, $groupid=0, $sortfield1='lastname', $sortorder1='ASC', $sortfield2='firstname', $sortorder2='ASC') { $this->course = $course; $this->grade_items = $grade_items; $this->groupid = $groupid; $this->sortfield1 = $sortfield1; $this->sortorder1 = $sortorder1; $this->sortfield2 = $sortfield2; $this->sortorder2 = $sortorder2; $this->gradestack = array(); } /** * Initialise the iterator * @return boolean success */ public function init() { global $CFG, $DB; $this->close(); grade_regrade_final_grades($this->course->id); $course_item = grade_item::fetch_course_item($this->course->id); if ($course_item->needsupdate) { // can not calculate all final grades - sorry return false; } list($gradebookroles_sql, $params) = $DB->get_in_or_equal(explode(',', $CFG->gradebookroles), SQL_PARAMS_NAMED, 'grbr0'); $relatedcontexts = get_related_contexts_string(get_context_instance(CONTEXT_COURSE, $this->course->id)); if ($this->groupid) { $groupsql = "INNER JOIN {groups_members} gm ON gm.userid = u.id"; $groupwheresql = "AND gm.groupid = :groupid"; // $params contents: gradebookroles $params['groupid'] = $this->groupid; } else { $groupsql = ""; $groupwheresql = ""; } if (empty($this->sortfield1)) { // we must do some sorting even if not specified $ofields = ", u.id AS usrt"; $order = "usrt ASC"; } else { $ofields = ", u.$this->sortfield1 AS usrt1"; $order = "usrt1 $this->sortorder1"; if (!empty($this->sortfield2)) { $ofields .= ", u.$this->sortfield2 AS usrt2"; $order .= ", usrt2 $this->sortorder2"; } if ($this->sortfield1 != 'id' and $this->sortfield2 != 'id') { // user order MUST be the same in both queries, // must include the only unique user->id if not already present $ofields .= ", u.id AS usrt"; $order .= ", usrt ASC"; } } // $params contents: gradebookroles and groupid (for $groupwheresql) $users_sql = "SELECT u.* $ofields FROM {user} u INNER JOIN {role_assignments} ra ON u.id = ra.userid $groupsql WHERE ra.roleid $gradebookroles_sql AND ra.contextid $relatedcontexts $groupwheresql ORDER BY $order"; $this->users_rs = $DB->get_recordset_sql($users_sql, $params); if (!empty($this->grade_items)) { $itemids = array_keys($this->grade_items); list($itemidsql, $grades_params) = $DB->get_in_or_equal($itemids, SQL_PARAMS_NAMED, 'items0'); $params = array_merge($params, $grades_params); // $params contents: gradebookroles, groupid (for $groupwheresql) and itemids $grades_sql = "SELECT g.* $ofields FROM {grade_grades} g INNER JOIN {user} u ON g.userid = u.id INNER JOIN {role_assignments} ra ON u.id = ra.userid $groupsql WHERE ra.roleid $gradebookroles_sql AND ra.contextid $relatedcontexts $groupwheresql AND g.itemid $itemidsql ORDER BY $order, g.itemid ASC"; $this->grades_rs = $DB->get_recordset_sql($grades_sql, $params); } else { $this->grades_rs = false; } return true; } /** * Returns information about the next user * @return mixed array of user info, all grades and feedback or null when no more users found */ function next_user() { if (!$this->users_rs) { return false; // no users present } if (!$this->users_rs->valid()) { if ($current = $this->_pop()) { // this is not good - user or grades updated between the two reads above :-( } return false; // no more users } else { $user = $this->users_rs->current(); $this->users_rs->next(); } // find grades of this user $grade_records = array(); while (true) { if (!$current = $this->_pop()) { break; // no more grades } if (empty($current->userid)) { break; } if ($current->userid != $user->id) { // grade of the next user, we have all for this user $this->_push($current); break; } $grade_records[$current->itemid] = $current; } $grades = array(); $feedbacks = array(); if (!empty($this->grade_items)) { foreach ($this->grade_items as $grade_item) { if (array_key_exists($grade_item->id, $grade_records)) { $feedbacks[$grade_item->id]->feedback = $grade_records[$grade_item->id]->feedback; $feedbacks[$grade_item->id]->feedbackformat = $grade_records[$grade_item->id]->feedbackformat; unset($grade_records[$grade_item->id]->feedback); unset($grade_records[$grade_item->id]->feedbackformat); $grades[$grade_item->id] = new grade_grade($grade_records[$grade_item->id], false); } else { $feedbacks[$grade_item->id]->feedback = ''; $feedbacks[$grade_item->id]->feedbackformat = FORMAT_MOODLE; $grades[$grade_item->id] = new grade_grade(array('userid'=>$user->id, 'itemid'=>$grade_item->id), false); } } } $result = new object(); $result->user = $user; $result->grades = $grades; $result->feedbacks = $feedbacks; return $result; } /** * Close the iterator, do not forget to call this function. * @return void */ function close() { if ($this->users_rs) { $this->users_rs->close(); $this->users_rs = null; } if ($this->grades_rs) { $this->grades_rs->close(); $this->grades_rs = null; } $this->gradestack = array(); } /** * _push * * @param grade_grade $grade Grade object * * @return void */ function _push($grade) { array_push($this->gradestack, $grade); } /** * _pop * * @return void */ function _pop() { global $DB; if (empty($this->gradestack)) { if (!$this->grades_rs) { return null; // no grades present } if ($this->grades_rs->next()) { return null; // no more grades } return $this->grades_rs->current(); } else { return array_pop($this->gradestack); } } } /** * Print a selection popup form of the graded users in a course. * * @param int $course id of the course * @param string $actionpage The page receiving the data from the popoup form * @param int $userid id of the currently selected user (or 'all' if they are all selected) * @param int $groupid id of requested group, 0 means all * @param int $includeall bool include all option * @param bool $return If true, will return the HTML, otherwise, will print directly * @return null */ function print_graded_users_selector($course, $actionpage, $userid=0, $groupid=0, $includeall=true, $return=false) { global $CFG, $USER, $OUTPUT; if (is_null($userid)) { $userid = $USER->id; } $context = get_context_instance(CONTEXT_COURSE, $course->id); $menu = array(); // Will be a list of userid => user name $gui = new graded_users_iterator($course, null, $groupid); $gui->init(); $label = get_string('selectauser', 'grades'); if ($includeall) { $menu[0] = get_string('allusers', 'grades'); $label = get_string('selectalloroneuser', 'grades'); } while ($userdata = $gui->next_user()) { $user = $userdata->user; $menu[$user->id] = fullname($user); } $gui->close(); if ($includeall) { $menu[0] .= " (" . (count($menu) - 1) . ")"; } $select = html_select::make_popup_form($CFG->wwwroot.'/grade/' . $actionpage, 'userid', $menu, 'choosegradeuser', $userid); $select->set_label($label); return $OUTPUT->select($select); } /** * Print grading plugin selection popup form. * * @param array $plugin_info An array of plugins containing information for the selector * @param boolean $return return as string * * @return nothing or string if $return true */ function print_grade_plugin_selector($plugin_info, $return=false) { global $CFG, $OUTPUT, $PAGE; $menu = array(); $count = 0; $active = ''; foreach ($plugin_info as $plugin_type => $plugins) { if ($plugin_type == 'strings') { continue; } $first_plugin = reset($plugins); $menu[$first_plugin->link.'&'] = '--'.$plugin_info['strings'][$plugin_type]; if (empty($plugins->id)) { foreach ($plugins as $plugin) { $menu[$plugin->link] = $plugin->string; $count++; } } } // finally print/return the popup form if ($count > 1) { $select = html_select::make_popup_form('', '', $menu, 'choosepluginreport', ''); $select->override_option_values($menu); if ($return) { return $OUTPUT->select($select); } else { echo $OUTPUT->select($select); } } else { // only one option - no plugin selector needed return ''; } } /** * Print grading plugin selection tab-based navigation. * * @param string $active_type type of plugin on current page - import, export, report or edit * @param string $active_plugin active plugin type - grader, user, cvs, ... * @param array $plugin_info Array of plugins * @param boolean $return return as string * * @return nothing or string if $return true */ function grade_print_tabs($active_type, $active_plugin, $plugin_info, $return=false) { global $CFG, $COURSE; if (!isset($currenttab)) { $currenttab = ''; } $tabs = array(); $top_row = array(); $bottom_row = array(); $inactive = array($active_plugin); $activated = array(); $count = 0; $active = ''; foreach ($plugin_info as $plugin_type => $plugins) { if ($plugin_type == 'strings') { continue; } // If $plugins is actually the definition of a child-less parent link: if (!empty($plugins->id)) { $string = $plugins->string; if (!empty($plugin_info[$active_type]->parent)) { $string = $plugin_info[$active_type]->parent->string; } $top_row[] = new tabobject($plugin_type, $plugins->link, $string); continue; } $first_plugin = reset($plugins); $url = $first_plugin->link; if ($plugin_type == 'report') { $url = $CFG->wwwroot.'/grade/report/index.php?id='.$COURSE->id; } $top_row[] = new tabobject($plugin_type, $url, $plugin_info['strings'][$plugin_type]); if ($active_type == $plugin_type) { foreach ($plugins as $plugin) { $bottom_row[] = new tabobject($plugin->id, $plugin->link, $plugin->string); if ($plugin->id == $active_plugin) { $inactive = array($plugin->id); } } } } $tabs[] = $top_row; $tabs[] = $bottom_row; if ($return) { return print_tabs($tabs, $active_type, $inactive, $activated, true); } else { print_tabs($tabs, $active_type, $inactive, $activated); } } /** * grade_get_plugin_info * * @param int $courseid The course id * @param string $active_type type of plugin on current page - import, export, report or edit * @param string $active_plugin active plugin type - grader, user, cvs, ... * * @return array */ function grade_get_plugin_info($courseid, $active_type, $active_plugin) { global $CFG; $context = get_context_instance(CONTEXT_COURSE, $courseid); $plugin_info = array(); $count = 0; $active = ''; $url_prefix = $CFG->wwwroot . '/grade/'; // Language strings $plugin_info['strings'] = array( 'report' => get_string('view'), 'edittree' => get_string('edittree', 'grades'), 'scale' => get_string('scales'), 'outcome' => get_string('outcomes', 'grades'), 'letter' => get_string('letters', 'grades'), 'export' => get_string('export', 'grades'), 'import' => get_string('import'), 'preferences' => get_string('mypreferences', 'grades'), 'settings' => get_string('settings')); // Settings tab first if (has_capability('moodle/course:update', $context)) { $url = $url_prefix.'edit/settings/index.php?id='.$courseid; if ($active_type == 'settings' and $active_plugin == 'course') { $active = $url; } $plugin_info['settings'] = array(); $plugin_info['settings']['course'] = new grade_plugin_info('coursesettings', $url, get_string('course')); $count++; } // report plugins with its special structure // Get all installed reports if ($reports = get_plugin_list('gradereport')) { // Remove ones we can't see foreach ($reports as $plugin => $unused) { if (!has_capability('gradereport/'.$plugin.':view', $context)) { unset($reports[$plugin]); } } } $reportnames = array(); if (!empty($reports)) { foreach ($reports as $plugin => $plugindir) { $pluginstr = get_string('modulename', 'gradereport_'.$plugin); $url = $url_prefix.'report/'.$plugin.'/index.php?id='.$courseid; if ($active_type == 'report' and $active_plugin == $plugin ) { $active = $url; } $reportnames[$plugin] = new grade_plugin_info($plugin, $url, $pluginstr); // Add link to preferences tab if such a page exists if (file_exists($plugindir.'/preferences.php')) { $pref_url = $url_prefix.'report/'.$plugin.'/preferences.php?id='.$courseid; $plugin_info['preferences'][$plugin] = new grade_plugin_info($plugin, $pref_url, $pluginstr); } $count++; } asort($reportnames); } if (!empty($reportnames)) { $plugin_info['report']=$reportnames; } // editing scripts - not real plugins if (has_capability('moodle/grade:manage', $context) or has_capability('moodle/grade:manageletters', $context) or has_capability('moodle/course:managescales', $context) or has_capability('moodle/course:update', $context)) { if (has_capability('moodle/grade:manage', $context)) { $url = $url_prefix.'edit/tree/index.php?sesskey='.sesskey(). '&showadvanced=0&id='.$courseid; $url_adv = $url_prefix.'edit/tree/index.php?sesskey='.sesskey(). '&showadvanced=1&id='.$courseid; if ($active_type == 'edittree' and $active_plugin == 'simpleview') { $active = $url; } else if ($active_type == 'edittree' and $active_plugin == 'fullview') { $active = $url_adv; } $plugin_info['edittree'] = array(); $plugin_info['edittree']['simpleview'] = new grade_plugin_info('simpleview', $url, get_string('simpleview', 'grades')); $plugin_info['edittree']['fullview'] = new grade_plugin_info('fullview', $url_adv, get_string('fullview', 'grades')); $count++; } if (has_capability('moodle/course:managescales', $context)) { $url = $url_prefix.'edit/scale/index.php?id='.$courseid; if ($active_type == 'scale' and is_null($active_plugin)) { $active = $url; } $plugin_info['scale'] = array(); if ($active_type == 'scale' and $active_plugin == 'edit') { $edit_url = $url_prefix.'edit/scale/edit.php?courseid='.$courseid. '&id='.optional_param('id', 0, PARAM_INT); $active = $edit_url; $parent = new grade_plugin_info('scale', $url, get_string('scales')); $plugin_info['scale']['view'] = new grade_plugin_info('edit', $edit_url, get_string('edit'), $parent); } else { $plugin_info['scale']['view'] = new grade_plugin_info('scale', $url, get_string('view')); } $count++; } if (!empty($CFG->enableoutcomes) && (has_capability('moodle/grade:manage', $context) or has_capability('moodle/course:update', $context))) { $url_course = $url_prefix.'edit/outcome/course.php?id='.$courseid; $url_edit = $url_prefix.'edit/outcome/index.php?id='.$courseid; $plugin_info['outcome'] = array(); if (has_capability('moodle/course:update', $context)) { // Default to course assignment $plugin_info['outcome']['course'] = new grade_plugin_info('course', $url_course, get_string('outcomescourse', 'grades')); $plugin_info['outcome']['edit'] = new grade_plugin_info('edit', $url_edit, get_string('editoutcomes', 'grades')); } else { $plugin_info['outcome'] = new grade_plugin_info('edit', $url_course, get_string('outcomescourse', 'grades')); } if ($active_type == 'outcome' and is_null($active_plugin)) { $active = $url_edit; } else if ($active_type == 'outcome' and $active_plugin == 'course' ) { $active = $url_course; } else if ($active_type == 'outcome' and $active_plugin == 'edit' ) { $active = $url_edit; } else if ($active_type == 'outcome' and $active_plugin == 'import') { $plugin_info['outcome']['import'] = new grade_plugin_info('import', null, get_string('importoutcomes', 'grades')); } $count++; } if (has_capability('moodle/grade:manage', $context) or has_capability('moodle/grade:manageletters', $context)) { $course_context = get_context_instance(CONTEXT_COURSE, $courseid); $url = $url_prefix.'edit/letter/index.php?id='.$courseid; $url_edit = $url_prefix.'edit/letter/edit.php?id='.$course_context->id; if ($active_type == 'letter' and $active_plugin == 'view' ) { $active = $url; } else if ($active_type == 'letter' and $active_plugin == 'edit' ) { $active = $url_edit; } $plugin_info['letter'] = array(); $plugin_info['letter']['view'] = new grade_plugin_info('view', $url, get_string('view')); $plugin_info['letter']['edit'] = new grade_plugin_info('edit', $url_edit, get_string('edit')); $count++; } } // standard import plugins if ($imports = get_plugin_list('gradeimport')) { // Get all installed import plugins foreach ($imports as $plugin => $plugindir) { // Remove ones we can't see if (!has_capability('gradeimport/'.$plugin.':view', $context)) { unset($imports[$plugin]); } } } $importnames = array(); if (!empty($imports)) { foreach ($imports as $plugin => $plugindir) { $pluginstr = get_string('modulename', 'gradeimport_'.$plugin); $url = $url_prefix.'import/'.$plugin.'/index.php?id='.$courseid; if ($active_type == 'import' and $active_plugin == $plugin ) { $active = $url; } $importnames[$plugin] = new grade_plugin_info($plugin, $url, $pluginstr); $count++; } asort($importnames); } if (!empty($importnames)) { $plugin_info['import']=$importnames; } // standard export plugins if ($exports = get_plugin_list('gradeexport')) { // Get all installed export plugins foreach ($exports as $plugin => $plugindir) { // Remove ones we can't see if (!has_capability('gradeexport/'.$plugin.':view', $context)) { unset($exports[$plugin]); } } } $exportnames = array(); if (!empty($exports)) { foreach ($exports as $plugin => $plugindir) { $pluginstr = get_string('modulename', 'gradeexport_'.$plugin); $url = $url_prefix.'export/'.$plugin.'/index.php?id='.$courseid; if ($active_type == 'export' and $active_plugin == $plugin ) { $active = $url; } $exportnames[$plugin] = new grade_plugin_info($plugin, $url, $pluginstr); $count++; } asort($exportnames); } if (!empty($exportnames)) { $plugin_info['export']=$exportnames; } // Key managers if ($CFG->gradepublishing) { $keymanager_url = $url_prefix.'export/keymanager.php?id='.$courseid; $plugin_info['export']['keymanager'] = new grade_plugin_info('keymanager', $keymanager_url, get_string('keymanager', 'grades')); if ($active_type == 'export' and $active_plugin == 'keymanager' ) { $active = $keymanager_url; } $count++; $keymanager_url = $url_prefix.'import/keymanager.php?id='.$courseid; $plugin_info['import']['keymanager'] = new grade_plugin_info('keymanager', $keymanager_url, get_string('keymanager', 'grades')); if ($active_type == 'import' and $active_plugin == 'keymanager' ) { $active = $keymanager_url; } $count++; } foreach ($plugin_info as $plugin_type => $plugins) { if (!empty($plugins->id) && $active_plugin == $plugins->id) { $plugin_info['strings']['active_plugin_str'] = $plugins->string; break; } foreach ($plugins as $plugin) { if (is_a($plugin, 'grade_plugin_info')) { if ($active_plugin == $plugin->id) { $plugin_info['strings']['active_plugin_str'] = $plugin->string; } } } } // Put settings last if (!empty($plugin_info['settings'])) { $settings = $plugin_info['settings']; unset($plugin_info['settings']); $plugin_info['settings'] = $settings; } // Put preferences last if (!empty($plugin_info['preferences'])) { $prefs = $plugin_info['preferences']; unset($plugin_info['preferences']); $plugin_info['preferences'] = $prefs; } // Check import and export caps if (!has_capability('moodle/grade:export', $context)) { unset($plugin_info['export']); } if (!has_capability('moodle/grade:import', $context)) { unset($plugin_info['import']); } return $plugin_info; } /** * A simple class containing info about grade plugins. * Can be subclassed for special rules * * @package moodlecore * @copyright 2009 Nicolas Connault * @license http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html GNU GPL v3 or later */ class grade_plugin_info { /** * A unique id for this plugin * * @var mixed */ public $id; /** * A URL to access this plugin * * @var mixed */ public $link; /** * The name of this plugin * * @var mixed */ public $string; /** * Another grade_plugin_info object, parent of the current one * * @var mixed */ public $parent; /** * Constructor * * @param int $id A unique id for this plugin * @param string $link A URL to access this plugin * @param string $string The name of this plugin * @param object $parent Another grade_plugin_info object, parent of the current one * * @return void */ public function __construct($id, $link, $string, $parent=null) { $this->id = $id; $this->link = $link; $this->string = $string; $this->parent = $parent; } } /** * Prints the page headers, breadcrumb trail, page heading, (optional) dropdown navigation menu and * (optional) navigation tabs for any gradebook page. All gradebook pages MUST use these functions * in favour of the usual print_header(), print_header_simple(), print_heading() etc. * !IMPORTANT! Use of tabs.php file in gradebook pages is forbidden unless tabs are switched off at * the site level for the gradebook ($CFG->grade_navmethod = GRADE_NAVMETHOD_DROPDOWN). * * @param int $courseid Course id * @param string $active_type The type of the current page (report, settings, * import, export, scales, outcomes, letters) * @param string $active_plugin The plugin of the current page (grader, fullview etc...) * @param string $heading The heading of the page. Tries to guess if none is given * @param boolean $return Whether to return (true) or echo (false) the HTML generated by this function * @param string $bodytags Additional attributes that will be added to the tag * @param string $buttons Additional buttons to display on the page * * @return string HTML code or nothing if $return == false */ function print_grade_page_head($courseid, $active_type, $active_plugin=null, $heading = false, $return=false, $buttons=false) { global $CFG, $COURSE, $OUTPUT, $PAGE; $strgrades = get_string('grades'); $plugin_info = grade_get_plugin_info($courseid, $active_type, $active_plugin); // Determine the string of the active plugin $stractive_plugin = ($active_plugin) ? $plugin_info['strings']['active_plugin_str'] : $heading; $stractive_type = $plugin_info['strings'][$active_type]; $first_link = ''; if ($active_type == 'settings' && $active_plugin != 'coursesettings') { $first_link = $plugin_info['report'][$active_plugin]->link; } else if ($active_type != 'report') { $first_link = $CFG->wwwroot.'/grade/index.php?id='.$COURSE->id; } $PAGE->navbar->add($strgrades, $first_link); $active_type_link = ''; if (!empty($plugin_info[$active_type]->link) && $plugin_info[$active_type]->link != qualified_me()) { $active_type_link = $plugin_info[$active_type]->link; } if (!empty($plugin_info[$active_type]->parent->link)) { $active_type_link = $plugin_info[$active_type]->parent->link; $PAGE->navbar->add($stractive_type, $active_type_link); } if (empty($plugin_info[$active_type]->id)) { $PAGE->navbar->add($stractive_type, $active_type_link); } $PAGE->navbar->add($stractive_plugin); $title = ': ' . $stractive_plugin; if (empty($plugin_info[$active_type]->id) || !empty($plugin_info[$active_type]->parent)) { $title = ': ' . $stractive_type . ': ' . $stractive_plugin; } $PAGE->set_title($strgrades . ': ' . $stractive_type); $PAGE->set_heading($title); $PAGE->set_button($buttons); $returnval = $OUTPUT->header(); if (!$return) { echo $returnval; } // Guess heading if not given explicitly if (!$heading) { $heading = $stractive_plugin; } if ($CFG->grade_navmethod == GRADE_NAVMETHOD_COMBO || $CFG->grade_navmethod == GRADE_NAVMETHOD_DROPDOWN) { $returnval .= print_grade_plugin_selector($plugin_info, $return); } $returnval .= $OUTPUT->heading($heading); if ($CFG->grade_navmethod == GRADE_NAVMETHOD_COMBO || $CFG->grade_navmethod == GRADE_NAVMETHOD_TABS) { $returnval .= grade_print_tabs($active_type, $active_plugin, $plugin_info, $return); } if ($return) { return $returnval; } } /** * Utility class used for return tracking when using edit and other forms in grade plugins * * @package moodlecore * @copyright 2009 Nicolas Connault * @license http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html GNU GPL v3 or later */ class grade_plugin_return { public $type; public $plugin; public $courseid; public $userid; public $page; /** * Constructor * * @param array $params - associative array with return parameters, if null parameter are taken from _GET or _POST */ public function grade_plugin_return($params = null) { if (empty($params)) { $this->type = optional_param('gpr_type', null, PARAM_SAFEDIR); $this->plugin = optional_param('gpr_plugin', null, PARAM_SAFEDIR); $this->courseid = optional_param('gpr_courseid', null, PARAM_INT); $this->userid = optional_param('gpr_userid', null, PARAM_INT); $this->page = optional_param('gpr_page', null, PARAM_INT); } else { foreach ($params as $key=>$value) { if (array_key_exists($key, $this)) { $this->$key = $value; } } } } /** * Returns return parameters as options array suitable for buttons. * @return array options */ public function get_options() { if (empty($this->type)) { return array(); } $params = array(); if (!empty($this->plugin)) { $params['plugin'] = $this->plugin; } if (!empty($this->courseid)) { $params['id'] = $this->courseid; } if (!empty($this->userid)) { $params['userid'] = $this->userid; } if (!empty($this->page)) { $params['page'] = $this->page; } return $params; } /** * Returns return url * * @param string $default default url when params not set * @param array $extras Extra URL parameters * * @return string url */ public function get_return_url($default, $extras=null) { global $CFG; if (empty($this->type) or empty($this->plugin)) { return $default; } $url = $CFG->wwwroot.'/grade/'.$this->type.'/'.$this->plugin.'/index.php'; $glue = '?'; if (!empty($this->courseid)) { $url .= $glue.'id='.$this->courseid; $glue = '&'; } if (!empty($this->userid)) { $url .= $glue.'userid='.$this->userid; $glue = '&'; } if (!empty($this->page)) { $url .= $glue.'page='.$this->page; $glue = '&'; } if (!empty($extras)) { foreach ($extras as $key=>$value) { $url .= $glue.$key.'='.$value; $glue = '&'; } } return $url; } /** * Returns string with hidden return tracking form elements. * @return string */ public function get_form_fields() { if (empty($this->type)) { return ''; } $result = ''; if (!empty($this->plugin)) { $result .= ''; } if (!empty($this->courseid)) { $result .= ''; } if (!empty($this->userid)) { $result .= ''; } if (!empty($this->page)) { $result .= ''; } } /** * Add hidden elements into mform * * @param object &$mform moodle form object * * @return void */ public function add_mform_elements(&$mform) { if (empty($this->type)) { return; } $mform->addElement('hidden', 'gpr_type', $this->type); $mform->setType('gpr_type', PARAM_SAFEDIR); if (!empty($this->plugin)) { $mform->addElement('hidden', 'gpr_plugin', $this->plugin); $mform->setType('gpr_plugin', PARAM_SAFEDIR); } if (!empty($this->courseid)) { $mform->addElement('hidden', 'gpr_courseid', $this->courseid); $mform->setType('gpr_courseid', PARAM_INT); } if (!empty($this->userid)) { $mform->addElement('hidden', 'gpr_userid', $this->userid); $mform->setType('gpr_userid', PARAM_INT); } if (!empty($this->page)) { $mform->addElement('hidden', 'gpr_page', $this->page); $mform->setType('gpr_page', PARAM_INT); } } /** * Add return tracking params into url * * @param moodle_url $url A URL * * @return string $url with erturn tracking params */ public function add_url_params(moodle_url $url) { if (empty($this->type)) { return $url; } $url->param('gpr_type', $this->type); if (!empty($this->plugin)) { $url->param('gpr_plugin', $this->plugin); } if (!empty($this->courseid)) { $url->param('gpr_courseid' ,$this->courseid); } if (!empty($this->userid)) { $url->param('gpr_userid', $this->userid); } if (!empty($this->page)) { $url->param('gpr_page', $this->page); } return $url; } } /** * Function central to gradebook for building and printing the navigation (breadcrumb trail). * * @param string $path The path of the calling script (using __FILE__?) * @param string $pagename The language string to use as the last part of the navigation (non-link) * @param mixed $id Either a plain integer (assuming the key is 'id') or * an array of keys and values (e.g courseid => $courseid, itemid...) * * @return string */ function grade_build_nav($path, $pagename=null, $id=null) { global $CFG, $COURSE, $PAGE; $strgrades = get_string('grades', 'grades'); // Parse the path and build navlinks from its elements $dirroot_length = strlen($CFG->dirroot) + 1; // Add 1 for the first slash $path = substr($path, $dirroot_length); $path = str_replace('\\', '/', $path); $path_elements = explode('/', $path); $path_elements_count = count($path_elements); // First link is always 'grade' $PAGE->navbar->add($strgrades, new moodle_url($CFG->wwwroot.'/grade/index.php', array('id'=>$COURSE->id))); $link = null; $numberofelements = 3; // Prepare URL params string $linkparams = array(); if (!is_null($id)) { if (is_array($id)) { foreach ($id as $idkey => $idvalue) { $linkparams[$idkey] = $idvalue; } } else { $linkparams['id'] = $id; } } $navlink4 = null; // Remove file extensions from filenames foreach ($path_elements as $key => $filename) { $path_elements[$key] = str_replace('.php', '', $filename); } // Second level links switch ($path_elements[1]) { case 'edit': // No link if ($path_elements[3] != 'index.php') { $numberofelements = 4; } break; case 'import': // No link break; case 'export': // No link break; case 'report': // $id is required for this link. Do not print it if $id isn't given if (!is_null($id)) { $link = new moodle_url($CFG->wwwroot.'/grade/report/index.php', $linkparams); } if ($path_elements[2] == 'grader') { $numberofelements = 4; } break; default: // If this element isn't among the ones already listed above, it isn't supported, throw an error. debugging("grade_build_nav() doesn't support ". $path_elements[1] . " as the second path element after 'grade'."); return false; } $PAGE->navbar->add(get_string($path_elements[1], 'grades'), $link); // Third level links if (empty($pagename)) { $pagename = get_string($path_elements[2], 'grades'); } switch ($numberofelements) { case 3: $PAGE->navbar->add($pagename, $link); break; case 4: if ($path_elements[2] == 'grader' AND $path_elements[3] != 'index.php') { $PAGE->navbar->add(get_string('modulename', 'gradereport_grader'), new moodle_url($CFG->wwwroot.'/grade/report/grader/index.php', $linkparams)); } $PAGE->navbar->add($pagename); break; } return ''; } /** * General structure representing grade items in course * * @package moodlecore * @copyright 2009 Nicolas Connault * @license http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html GNU GPL v3 or later */ class grade_structure { public $context; public $courseid; /** * 1D array of grade items only */ public $items; /** * Returns icon of element * * @param array &$element An array representing an element in the grade_tree * @param bool $spacerifnone return spacer if no icon found * * @return string icon or spacer */ public function get_element_icon(&$element, $spacerifnone=false) { global $CFG, $OUTPUT; switch ($element['type']) { case 'item': case 'courseitem': case 'categoryitem': $is_course = $element['object']->is_course_item(); $is_category = $element['object']->is_category_item(); $is_scale = $element['object']->gradetype == GRADE_TYPE_SCALE; $is_value = $element['object']->gradetype == GRADE_TYPE_VALUE; if ($element['object']->is_calculated()) { $strcalc = get_string('calculatedgrade', 'grades'); return ''.s($strcalc).''; } else if (($is_course or $is_category) and ($is_scale or $is_value)) { if ($category = $element['object']->get_item_category()) { switch ($category->aggregation) { case GRADE_AGGREGATE_MEAN: case GRADE_AGGREGATE_MEDIAN: case GRADE_AGGREGATE_WEIGHTED_MEAN: case GRADE_AGGREGATE_WEIGHTED_MEAN2: case GRADE_AGGREGATE_EXTRACREDIT_MEAN: $stragg = get_string('aggregation', 'grades'); return ''.s($stragg).''; case GRADE_AGGREGATE_SUM: $stragg = get_string('aggregation', 'grades'); return ''.s($stragg).''; } } } else if ($element['object']->itemtype == 'mod') { $strmodname = get_string('modulename', $element['object']->itemmodule); return '' .s($strmodname).''; } else if ($element['object']->itemtype == 'manual') { if ($element['object']->is_outcome_item()) { $stroutcome = get_string('outcome', 'grades'); return ''.s($stroutcome).''; } else { $strmanual = get_string('manualitem', 'grades'); return ''.s($strmanual).''; } } break; case 'category': $strcat = get_string('category', 'grades'); return ''.s($strcat).''; } if ($spacerifnone) { return ''; } else { return ''; } } /** * Returns name of element optionally with icon and link * * @param array &$element An array representing an element in the grade_tree * @param bool $withlink Whether or not this header has a link * @param bool $icon Whether or not to display an icon with this header * @param bool $spacerifnone return spacer if no icon found * * @return string header */ public function get_element_header(&$element, $withlink=false, $icon=true, $spacerifnone=false) { global $CFG; $header = ''; if ($icon) { $header .= $this->get_element_icon($element, $spacerifnone); } $header .= $element['object']->get_name(); if ($element['type'] != 'item' and $element['type'] != 'categoryitem' and $element['type'] != 'courseitem') { return $header; } $itemtype = $element['object']->itemtype; $itemmodule = $element['object']->itemmodule; $iteminstance = $element['object']->iteminstance; if ($withlink and $itemtype=='mod' and $iteminstance and $itemmodule) { if ($cm = get_coursemodule_from_instance($itemmodule, $iteminstance, $this->courseid)) { $a->name = get_string('modulename', $element['object']->itemmodule); $title = get_string('linktoactivity', 'grades', $a); $dir = $CFG->dirroot.'/mod/'.$itemmodule; if (file_exists($dir.'/grade.php')) { $url = $CFG->wwwroot.'/mod/'.$itemmodule.'/grade.php?id='.$cm->id; } else { $url = $CFG->wwwroot.'/mod/'.$itemmodule.'/view.php?id='.$cm->id; } $header = ''.$header.''; } } return $header; } /** * Returns the grade eid - the grade may not exist yet. * * @param grade_grade $grade_grade A grade_grade object * * @return string eid */ public function get_grade_eid($grade_grade) { if (empty($grade_grade->id)) { return 'n'.$grade_grade->itemid.'u'.$grade_grade->userid; } else { return 'g'.$grade_grade->id; } } /** * Returns the grade_item eid * @param grade_item $grade_item A grade_item object * @return string eid */ public function get_item_eid($grade_item) { return 'i'.$grade_item->id; } /** * Given a grade_tree element, returns an array of parameters * used to build an icon for that element. * * @param array $element An array representing an element in the grade_tree * * @return array */ public function get_params_for_iconstr($element) { $strparams = new stdClass(); $strparams->category = ''; $strparams->itemname = ''; $strparams->itemmodule = ''; if (!method_exists($element['object'], 'get_name')) { return $strparams; } $strparams->itemname = $element['object']->get_name(); // If element name is categorytotal, get the name of the parent category if ($strparams->itemname == get_string('categorytotal', 'grades')) { $parent = $element['object']->get_parent_category(); $strparams->category = $parent->get_name() . ' '; } else { $strparams->category = ''; } $strparams->itemmodule = null; if (isset($element['object']->itemmodule)) { $strparams->itemmodule = $element['object']->itemmodule; } return $strparams; } /** * Return edit icon for give element * * @param array $element An array representing an element in the grade_tree * @param object $gpr A grade_plugin_return object * * @return string */ public function get_edit_icon($element, $gpr) { global $CFG, $OUTPUT; if (!has_capability('moodle/grade:manage', $this->context)) { if ($element['type'] == 'grade' and has_capability('moodle/grade:edit', $this->context)) { // oki - let them override grade } else { return ''; } } static $strfeedback = null; static $streditgrade = null; if (is_null($streditgrade)) { $streditgrade = get_string('editgrade', 'grades'); $strfeedback = get_string('feedback'); } $strparams = $this->get_params_for_iconstr($element); $object = $element['object']; switch ($element['type']) { case 'item': case 'categoryitem': case 'courseitem': $stredit = get_string('editverbose', 'grades', $strparams); if (empty($object->outcomeid) || empty($CFG->enableoutcomes)) { $url = new moodle_url($CFG->wwwroot.'/grade/edit/tree/item.php', array('courseid' => $this->courseid, 'id' => $object->id)); } else { $url = new moodle_url($CFG->wwwroot.'/grade/edit/tree/outcomeitem.php', array('courseid' => $this->courseid, 'id' => $object->id)); } break; case 'category': $stredit = get_string('editverbose', 'grades', $strparams); $url = new moodle_url($CFG->wwwroot.'/grade/edit/tree/category.php', array('courseid' => $this->courseid, 'id' => $object->id)); break; case 'grade': $stredit = $streditgrade; if (empty($object->id)) { $url = new moodle_url($CFG->wwwroot.'/grade/edit/tree/grade.php', array('courseid' => $this->courseid, 'itemid' => $object->itemid, 'userid' => $object->userid)); } else { $url = new moodle_url($CFG->wwwroot.'/grade/edit/tree/grade.php', array('courseid' => $this->courseid, 'id' => $object->id)); } if (!empty($object->feedback)) { $feedback = addslashes_js(trim(format_string($object->feedback, $object->feedbackformat))); } break; default: $url = null; } if ($url) { return $OUTPUT->action_icon($gpr->add_url_params($url), $stredit, 't/edit', array('class'=>'iconsmall')); } else { return ''; } } /** * Return hiding icon for give element * * @param array $element An array representing an element in the grade_tree * @param object $gpr A grade_plugin_return object * * @return string */ public function get_hiding_icon($element, $gpr) { global $CFG, $OUTPUT; if (!has_capability('moodle/grade:manage', $this->context) and !has_capability('moodle/grade:hide', $this->context)) { return ''; } $strparams = $this->get_params_for_iconstr($element); $strshow = get_string('showverbose', 'grades', $strparams); $strhide = get_string('hideverbose', 'grades', $strparams); $url = new moodle_url($CFG->wwwroot.'/grade/edit/tree/action.php', array('id' => $this->courseid, 'sesskey' => sesskey(), 'eid' => $element['eid'])); $url = $gpr->add_url_params($url); if ($element['object']->is_hidden()) { $type = 'show'; $tooltip = $strshow; // Change the icon and add a tooltip showing the date if ($element['type'] != 'category' and $element['object']->get_hidden() > 1) { $type = 'hiddenuntil'; $tooltip = get_string('hiddenuntildate', 'grades', userdate($element['object']->get_hidden())); } $url->param('action', 'show'); $hideicon = $OUTPUT->action_icon($url, $title, 't/'.$type, array('alt'=>$strshow, 'class'=>'iconsmall')); } else { $url->param('action', 'hide'); $hideicon = $OUTPUT->action_icon($url, $strhide, 't/hide', array('class'=>'iconsmall')); } return $hideicon; } /** * Return locking icon for given element * * @param array $element An array representing an element in the grade_tree * @param object $gpr A grade_plugin_return object * * @return string */ public function get_locking_icon($element, $gpr) { global $CFG, $OUTPUT; $strparams = $this->get_params_for_iconstr($element); $strunlock = get_string('unlockverbose', 'grades', $strparams); $strlock = get_string('lockverbose', 'grades', $strparams); $url = new moodle_url($CFG->wwwroot.'/grade/edit/tree/action.php', array('id' => $this->courseid, 'sesskey' => sesskey(), 'eid' => $element['eid'])); $url = $gpr->add_url_params($url); // Don't allow an unlocking action for a grade whose grade item is locked: just print a state icon if ($element['type'] == 'grade' && $element['object']->grade_item->is_locked()) { $strparamobj = new stdClass(); $strparamobj->itemname = $element['object']->grade_item->itemname; $strnonunlockable = get_string('nonunlockableverbose', 'grades', $strparamobj); $action = $OUTPUT->image('t/unlock_gray', array('alt'=>$strnonunlockable, 'title'=>$strnonunlockable, 'class'=>'iconsmall')); } else if ($element['object']->is_locked()) { $type = 'unlock'; $tooltip = $strunlock; // Change the icon and add a tooltip showing the date if ($element['type'] != 'category' and $element['object']->get_locktime() > 1) { $type = 'locktime'; $tooltip = get_string('locktimedate', 'grades', userdate($element['object']->get_locktime())); } if (!has_capability('moodle/grade:manage', $this->context) and !has_capability('moodle/grade:unlock', $this->context)) { $action = ''; } else { $url->param('action', 'unlock'); $action = $OUTPUT->action_icon($url, $tooltip, 't/'.$type, array('alt'=>$strunlock, 'class'=>'smallicon')); } } else { if (!has_capability('moodle/grade:manage', $this->context) and !has_capability('moodle/grade:lock', $this->context)) { $action = ''; } else { $url->param('action', 'lock'); $action = $OUTPUT->action_icon($url, $strlock, 't/lock', array('class'=>'smallicon')); } } return $action; } /** * Return calculation icon for given element * * @param array $element An array representing an element in the grade_tree * @param object $gpr A grade_plugin_return object * * @return string */ public function get_calculation_icon($element, $gpr) { global $CFG, $OUTPUT; if (!has_capability('moodle/grade:manage', $this->context)) { return ''; } $type = $element['type']; $object = $element['object']; if ($type == 'item' or $type == 'courseitem' or $type == 'categoryitem') { $strparams = $this->get_params_for_iconstr($element); $streditcalculation = get_string('editcalculationverbose', 'grades', $strparams); $is_scale = $object->gradetype == GRADE_TYPE_SCALE; $is_value = $object->gradetype == GRADE_TYPE_VALUE; // show calculation icon only when calculation possible if (!$object->is_external_item() and ($is_scale or $is_value)) { if ($object->is_calculated()) { $icon = 't/calc'; } else { $icon = 't/calc_off'; } $url = new moodle_url($CFG->wwwroot.'/grade/edit/tree/calculation.php', array('courseid' => $this->courseid, 'id' => $object->id)); $url = $gpr->add_url_params($url); return $OUTPUT->action_icon($url, $streditcalculation, $icon, array('class'=>'smallicon')) . "\n"; } } return ''; } } /** * Flat structure similar to grade tree. * * @uses grade_structure * @package moodlecore * @copyright 2009 Nicolas Connault * @license http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html GNU GPL v3 or later */ class grade_seq extends grade_structure { /** * 1D array of elements */ public $elements; /** * Constructor, retrieves and stores array of all grade_category and grade_item * objects for the given courseid. Full objects are instantiated. Ordering sequence is fixed if needed. * * @param int $courseid The course id * @param bool $category_grade_last category grade item is the last child * @param bool $nooutcomes Whether or not outcomes should be included */ public function grade_seq($courseid, $category_grade_last=false, $nooutcomes=false) { global $USER, $CFG; $this->courseid = $courseid; $this->context = get_context_instance(CONTEXT_COURSE, $courseid); // get course grade tree $top_element = grade_category::fetch_course_tree($courseid, true); $this->elements = grade_seq::flatten($top_element, $category_grade_last, $nooutcomes); foreach ($this->elements as $key=>$unused) { $this->items[$this->elements[$key]['object']->id] =& $this->elements[$key]['object']; } } /** * Static recursive helper - makes the grade_item for category the last children * * @param array &$element The seed of the recursion * @param bool $category_grade_last category grade item is the last child * @param bool $nooutcomes Whether or not outcomes should be included * * @return array */ public function flatten(&$element, $category_grade_last, $nooutcomes) { if (empty($element['children'])) { return array(); } $children = array(); foreach ($element['children'] as $sortorder=>$unused) { if ($nooutcomes and $element['type'] != 'category' and $element['children'][$sortorder]['object']->is_outcome_item()) { continue; } $children[] = $element['children'][$sortorder]; } unset($element['children']); if ($category_grade_last and count($children) > 1) { $cat_item = array_shift($children); array_push($children, $cat_item); } $result = array(); foreach ($children as $child) { if ($child['type'] == 'category') { $result = $result + grade_seq::flatten($child, $category_grade_last, $nooutcomes); } else { $child['eid'] = 'i'.$child['object']->id; $result[$child['object']->id] = $child; } } return $result; } /** * Parses the array in search of a given eid and returns a element object with * information about the element it has found. * * @param int $eid Gradetree Element ID * * @return object element */ public function locate_element($eid) { // it is a grade - construct a new object if (strpos($eid, 'n') === 0) { if (!preg_match('/n(\d+)u(\d+)/', $eid, $matches)) { return null; } $itemid = $matches[1]; $userid = $matches[2]; //extra security check - the grade item must be in this tree if (!$item_el = $this->locate_element('i'.$itemid)) { return null; } // $gradea->id may be null - means does not exist yet $grade = new grade_grade(array('itemid'=>$itemid, 'userid'=>$userid)); $grade->grade_item =& $item_el['object']; // this may speedup grade_grade methods! return array('eid'=>'n'.$itemid.'u'.$userid,'object'=>$grade, 'type'=>'grade'); } else if (strpos($eid, 'g') === 0) { $id = (int) substr($eid, 1); if (!$grade = grade_grade::fetch(array('id'=>$id))) { return null; } //extra security check - the grade item must be in this tree if (!$item_el = $this->locate_element('i'.$grade->itemid)) { return null; } $grade->grade_item =& $item_el['object']; // this may speedup grade_grade methods! return array('eid'=>'g'.$id,'object'=>$grade, 'type'=>'grade'); } // it is a category or item foreach ($this->elements as $element) { if ($element['eid'] == $eid) { return $element; } } return null; } } /** * This class represents a complete tree of categories, grade_items and final grades, * organises as an array primarily, but which can also be converted to other formats. * It has simple method calls with complex implementations, allowing for easy insertion, * deletion and moving of items and categories within the tree. * * @uses grade_structure * @package moodlecore * @copyright 2009 Nicolas Connault * @license http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html GNU GPL v3 or later */ class grade_tree extends grade_structure { /** * The basic representation of the tree as a hierarchical, 3-tiered array. * @var object $top_element */ public $top_element; /** * 2D array of grade items and categories * @var array $levels */ public $levels; /** * Grade items * @var array $items */ public $items; /** * Constructor, retrieves and stores a hierarchical array of all grade_category and grade_item * objects for the given courseid. Full objects are instantiated. Ordering sequence is fixed if needed. * * @param int $courseid The Course ID * @param bool $fillers include fillers and colspans, make the levels var "rectangular" * @param bool $category_grade_last category grade item is the last child * @param array $collapsed array of collapsed categories * @param bool $nooutcomes Whether or not outcomes should be included */ public function grade_tree($courseid, $fillers=true, $category_grade_last=false, $collapsed=null, $nooutcomes=false) { global $USER, $CFG; $this->courseid = $courseid; $this->levels = array(); $this->context = get_context_instance(CONTEXT_COURSE, $courseid); // get course grade tree $this->top_element = grade_category::fetch_course_tree($courseid, true); // collapse the categories if requested if (!empty($collapsed)) { grade_tree::category_collapse($this->top_element, $collapsed); } // no otucomes if requested if (!empty($nooutcomes)) { grade_tree::no_outcomes($this->top_element); } // move category item to last position in category if ($category_grade_last) { grade_tree::category_grade_last($this->top_element); } if ($fillers) { // inject fake categories == fillers grade_tree::inject_fillers($this->top_element, 0); // add colspans to categories and fillers grade_tree::inject_colspans($this->top_element); } grade_tree::fill_levels($this->levels, $this->top_element, 0); } /** * Static recursive helper - removes items from collapsed categories * * @param array &$element The seed of the recursion * @param array $collapsed array of collapsed categories * * @return void */ public function category_collapse(&$element, $collapsed) { if ($element['type'] != 'category') { return; } if (empty($element['children']) or count($element['children']) < 2) { return; } if (in_array($element['object']->id, $collapsed['aggregatesonly'])) { $category_item = reset($element['children']); //keep only category item $element['children'] = array(key($element['children'])=>$category_item); } else { if (in_array($element['object']->id, $collapsed['gradesonly'])) { // Remove category item reset($element['children']); $first_key = key($element['children']); unset($element['children'][$first_key]); } foreach ($element['children'] as $sortorder=>$child) { // Recurse through the element's children grade_tree::category_collapse($element['children'][$sortorder], $collapsed); } } } /** * Static recursive helper - removes all outcomes * * @param array &$element The seed of the recursion * * @return void */ public function no_outcomes(&$element) { if ($element['type'] != 'category') { return; } foreach ($element['children'] as $sortorder=>$child) { if ($element['children'][$sortorder]['type'] == 'item' and $element['children'][$sortorder]['object']->is_outcome_item()) { unset($element['children'][$sortorder]); } else if ($element['children'][$sortorder]['type'] == 'category') { grade_tree::no_outcomes($element['children'][$sortorder]); } } } /** * Static recursive helper - makes the grade_item for category the last children * * @param array &$element The seed of the recursion * * @return void */ public function category_grade_last(&$element) { if (empty($element['children'])) { return; } if (count($element['children']) < 2) { return; } $first_item = reset($element['children']); if ($first_item['type'] == 'categoryitem' or $first_item['type'] == 'courseitem') { // the category item might have been already removed $order = key($element['children']); unset($element['children'][$order]); $element['children'][$order] =& $first_item; } foreach ($element['children'] as $sortorder => $child) { grade_tree::category_grade_last($element['children'][$sortorder]); } } /** * Static recursive helper - fills the levels array, useful when accessing tree elements of one level * * @param array &$levels The levels of the grade tree through which to recurse * @param array &$element The seed of the recursion * @param int $depth How deep are we? * @return void */ public function fill_levels(&$levels, &$element, $depth) { if (!array_key_exists($depth, $levels)) { $levels[$depth] = array(); } // prepare unique identifier if ($element['type'] == 'category') { $element['eid'] = 'c'.$element['object']->id; } else if (in_array($element['type'], array('item', 'courseitem', 'categoryitem'))) { $element['eid'] = 'i'.$element['object']->id; $this->items[$element['object']->id] =& $element['object']; } $levels[$depth][] =& $element; $depth++; if (empty($element['children'])) { return; } $prev = 0; foreach ($element['children'] as $sortorder=>$child) { grade_tree::fill_levels($levels, $element['children'][$sortorder], $depth); $element['children'][$sortorder]['prev'] = $prev; $element['children'][$sortorder]['next'] = 0; if ($prev) { $element['children'][$prev]['next'] = $sortorder; } $prev = $sortorder; } } /** * Static recursive helper - makes full tree (all leafes are at the same level) * * @param array &$element The seed of the recursion * @param int $depth How deep are we? * * @return int */ public function inject_fillers(&$element, $depth) { $depth++; if (empty($element['children'])) { return $depth; } $chdepths = array(); $chids = array_keys($element['children']); $last_child = end($chids); $first_child = reset($chids); foreach ($chids as $chid) { $chdepths[$chid] = grade_tree::inject_fillers($element['children'][$chid], $depth); } arsort($chdepths); $maxdepth = reset($chdepths); foreach ($chdepths as $chid=>$chd) { if ($chd == $maxdepth) { continue; } for ($i=0; $i < $maxdepth-$chd; $i++) { if ($chid == $first_child) { $type = 'fillerfirst'; } else if ($chid == $last_child) { $type = 'fillerlast'; } else { $type = 'filler'; } $oldchild =& $element['children'][$chid]; $element['children'][$chid] = array('object'=>'filler', 'type'=>$type, 'eid'=>'', 'depth'=>$element['object']->depth, 'children'=>array($oldchild)); } } return $maxdepth; } /** * Static recursive helper - add colspan information into categories * * @param array &$element The seed of the recursion * * @return int */ public function inject_colspans(&$element) { if (empty($element['children'])) { return 1; } $count = 0; foreach ($element['children'] as $key=>$child) { $count += grade_tree::inject_colspans($element['children'][$key]); } $element['colspan'] = $count; return $count; } /** * Parses the array in search of a given eid and returns a element object with * information about the element it has found. * @param int $eid Gradetree Element ID * @return object element */ public function locate_element($eid) { // it is a grade - construct a new object if (strpos($eid, 'n') === 0) { if (!preg_match('/n(\d+)u(\d+)/', $eid, $matches)) { return null; } $itemid = $matches[1]; $userid = $matches[2]; //extra security check - the grade item must be in this tree if (!$item_el = $this->locate_element('i'.$itemid)) { return null; } // $gradea->id may be null - means does not exist yet $grade = new grade_grade(array('itemid'=>$itemid, 'userid'=>$userid)); $grade->grade_item =& $item_el['object']; // this may speedup grade_grade methods! return array('eid'=>'n'.$itemid.'u'.$userid,'object'=>$grade, 'type'=>'grade'); } else if (strpos($eid, 'g') === 0) { $id = (int) substr($eid, 1); if (!$grade = grade_grade::fetch(array('id'=>$id))) { return null; } //extra security check - the grade item must be in this tree if (!$item_el = $this->locate_element('i'.$grade->itemid)) { return null; } $grade->grade_item =& $item_el['object']; // this may speedup grade_grade methods! return array('eid'=>'g'.$id,'object'=>$grade, 'type'=>'grade'); } // it is a category or item foreach ($this->levels as $row) { foreach ($row as $element) { if ($element['type'] == 'filler') { continue; } if ($element['eid'] == $eid) { return $element; } } } return null; } /** * Returns a well-formed XML representation of the grade-tree using recursion. * * @param array $root The current element in the recursion. If null, starts at the top of the tree. * @param string $tabs The control character to use for tabs * * @return string $xml */ public function exporttoxml($root=null, $tabs="\t") { $xml = null; $first = false; if (is_null($root)) { $root = $this->top_element; $xml = '' . "\n"; $xml .= "\n"; $first = true; } $type = 'undefined'; if (strpos($root['object']->table, 'grade_categories') !== false) { $type = 'category'; } else if (strpos($root['object']->table, 'grade_items') !== false) { $type = 'item'; } else if (strpos($root['object']->table, 'grade_outcomes') !== false) { $type = 'outcome'; } $xml .= "$tabs\n"; foreach ($root['object'] as $var => $value) { if (!is_object($value) && !is_array($value) && !empty($value)) { $xml .= "$tabs\t<$var>$value\n"; } } if (!empty($root['children'])) { $xml .= "$tabs\t\n"; foreach ($root['children'] as $sortorder => $child) { $xml .= $this->exportToXML($child, $tabs."\t\t"); } $xml .= "$tabs\t\n"; } $xml .= "$tabs\n"; if ($first) { $xml .= ""; } return $xml; } /** * Returns a JSON representation of the grade-tree using recursion. * * @param array $root The current element in the recursion. If null, starts at the top of the tree. * @param string $tabs Tab characters used to indent the string nicely for humans to enjoy * * @return string */ public function exporttojson($root=null, $tabs="\t") { $json = null; $first = false; if (is_null($root)) { $root = $this->top_element; $first = true; } $name = ''; if (strpos($root['object']->table, 'grade_categories') !== false) { $name = $root['object']->fullname; if ($name == '?') { $name = $root['object']->get_name(); } } else if (strpos($root['object']->table, 'grade_items') !== false) { $name = $root['object']->itemname; } else if (strpos($root['object']->table, 'grade_outcomes') !== false) { $name = $root['object']->itemname; } $json .= "$tabs {\n"; $json .= "$tabs\t \"type\": \"{$root['type']}\",\n"; $json .= "$tabs\t \"name\": \"$name\",\n"; foreach ($root['object'] as $var => $value) { if (!is_object($value) && !is_array($value) && !empty($value)) { $json .= "$tabs\t \"$var\": \"$value\",\n"; } } $json = substr($json, 0, strrpos($json, ',')); if (!empty($root['children'])) { $json .= ",\n$tabs\t\"children\": [\n"; foreach ($root['children'] as $sortorder => $child) { $json .= $this->exportToJSON($child, $tabs."\t\t"); } $json = substr($json, 0, strrpos($json, ',')); $json .= "\n$tabs\t]\n"; } if ($first) { $json .= "\n}"; } else { $json .= "\n$tabs},\n"; } return $json; } /** * Returns the array of levels * * @return array */ public function get_levels() { return $this->levels; } /** * Returns the array of grade items * * @return array */ public function get_items() { return $this->items; } /** * Returns a specific Grade Item * * @param int $itemid The ID of the grade_item object * * @return grade_item */ public function get_item($itemid) { if (array_key_exists($itemid, $this->items)) { return $this->items[$itemid]; } else { return false; } } } /** * Local shortcut function for creating an edit/delete button for a grade_* object. * @param strong $type 'edit' or 'delete' * @param int $courseid The Course ID * @param grade_* $object The grade_* object * @return string html */ function grade_button($type, $courseid, $object) { global $CFG, $OUTPUT; if (preg_match('/grade_(.*)/', get_class($object), $matches)) { $objectidstring = $matches[1] . 'id'; } else { throw new coding_exception('grade_button() only accepts grade_* objects as third parameter!'); } $strdelete = get_string('delete'); $stredit = get_string('edit'); if ($type == 'delete') { $url = new moodle_url('index.php', array('id' => $courseid, $objectidstring => $object->id, 'action' => 'delete', 'sesskey' => sesskey())); } else if ($type == 'edit') { $url = new moodle_url('edit.php', array('courseid' => $courseid, 'id' => $object->id)); } return $OUTPUT->action_icon($url, ${'str'.$type}, 't/'.$type, array('class'=>'iconsmall')); }