. /** * @package moodlecore * @subpackage backup-factories * @copyright 2010 onwards Eloy Lafuente (stronk7) {@link http://stronk7.com} * @license http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html GNU GPL v3 or later */ /** * Non instantiable helper class providing different restore checks * * This class contains various static methods available in order to easily * perform a bunch of restore architecture tests * * TODO: Finish phpdocs */ abstract class restore_check { public static function check_courseid($courseid) { global $DB; // id must exist in course table if (! $DB->record_exists('course', array('id' => $courseid))) { throw new restore_controller_exception('restore_check_course_not_exists', $courseid); } return true; } public static function check_user($userid) { global $DB; // userid must exist in user table if (! $DB->record_exists('user', array('id' => $userid))) { throw new restore_controller_exception('restore_check_user_not_exists', $userid); } return true; } public static function check_security($restore_controller, $apply) { global $DB; if (! $restore_controller instanceof restore_controller) { throw new restore_controller_exception('restore_check_security_requires_restore_controller'); } $restore_controller->log('checking plan security', backup::LOG_INFO); // Some handy vars $type = $restore_controller->get_type(); $mode = $restore_controller->get_mode(); $courseid = $restore_controller->get_courseid(); $coursectx= context_course::instance($courseid); $userid = $restore_controller->get_userid(); // Note: all the checks along the function MUST be performed for $userid, that // is the user who "requested" the course restore, not current $USER at all!! // First of all, decide which caps/contexts are we going to check // for common backups (general, automated...) based exclusively // in the type (course, section, activity). And store them into // one capability => context array structure $typecapstocheck = array(); switch ($type) { case backup::TYPE_1COURSE : $typecapstocheck['moodle/restore:restorecourse'] = $coursectx; break; case backup::TYPE_1SECTION : $typecapstocheck['moodle/restore:restoresection'] = $coursectx; break; case backup::TYPE_1ACTIVITY : $typecapstocheck['moodle/restore:restoreactivity'] = $coursectx; break; default : throw new restore_controller_exception('restore_unknown_restore_type', $type); } // Now, if restore mode is hub or import, check userid has permissions for those modes // other modes will perform common checks only (restorexxxx capabilities in $typecapstocheck) switch ($mode) { case backup::MODE_HUB: if (!has_capability('moodle/restore:restoretargethub', $coursectx, $userid)) { $a = new stdclass(); $a->userid = $userid; $a->courseid = $courseid; $a->capability = 'moodle/restore:restoretargethub'; throw new restore_controller_exception('restore_user_missing_capability', $a); } break; case backup::MODE_IMPORT: if (!has_capability('moodle/restore:restoretargetimport', $coursectx, $userid)) { $a = new stdclass(); $a->userid = $userid; $a->courseid = $courseid; $a->capability = 'moodle/restore:restoretargetimport'; throw new restore_controller_exception('restore_user_missing_capability', $a); } break; // Common backup (general, automated...), let's check all the $typecapstocheck // capability => context pairs default: foreach ($typecapstocheck as $capability => $context) { if (!has_capability($capability, $context, $userid)) { $a = new stdclass(); $a->userid = $userid; $a->courseid = $courseid; $a->capability = $capability; throw new restore_controller_exception('restore_user_missing_capability', $a); } } } // Now, enforce 'moodle/restore:userinfo' to 'users' setting, applying changes if allowed, // else throwing exception $userssetting = $restore_controller->get_plan()->get_setting('users'); $prevvalue = $userssetting->get_value(); $prevstatus = $userssetting->get_status(); $hasusercap = has_capability('moodle/restore:userinfo', $coursectx, $userid); // If setting is enabled but user lacks permission if (!$hasusercap && $prevvalue) { // If user has not the capability and setting is enabled // Now analyse if we are allowed to apply changes or must stop with exception if (!$apply) { // Cannot apply changes, throw exception $a = new stdclass(); $a->setting = 'users'; $a->value = $prevvalue; $a->capability = 'moodle/restore:userinfo'; throw new restore_controller_exception('restore_setting_value_wrong_for_capability', $a); } else { // Can apply changes $userssetting->set_value(false); // Set the value to false $userssetting->set_status(base_setting::LOCKED_BY_PERMISSION);// Set the status to locked by perm } } // Now, if mode is HUB or IMPORT, and still we are including users in restore, turn them off // Defaults processing should have handled this, but we need to be 100% sure if ($mode == backup::MODE_IMPORT || $mode == backup::MODE_HUB) { $userssetting = $restore_controller->get_plan()->get_setting('users'); if ($userssetting->get_value()) { $userssetting->set_value(false); // Set the value to false $userssetting->set_status(base_setting::LOCKED_BY_PERMISSION);// Set the status to locked by perm } } // Check the user has the ability to configure the restore. If not then we need // to lock all settings by permission so that no changes can be made. This does // not apply to the import facility, where all the activities (picked on backup) // are restored automatically without restore UI if ($mode != backup::MODE_IMPORT) { $hasconfigcap = has_capability('moodle/restore:configure', $coursectx, $userid); if (!$hasconfigcap) { $settings = $restore_controller->get_plan()->get_settings(); foreach ($settings as $setting) { $setting->set_status(base_setting::LOCKED_BY_PERMISSION); } } } if ($type == backup::TYPE_1COURSE) { // Ensure the user has the rolldates capability. If not we want to lock this // settings so that they cannot change it. $hasrolldatescap = has_capability('moodle/restore:rolldates', $coursectx, $userid); if (!$hasrolldatescap) { $startdatesetting = $restore_controller->get_plan()->get_setting('course_startdate'); if ($startdatesetting) { $startdatesetting->set_status(base_setting::LOCKED_BY_PERMISSION); } } // Ensure the user has the changefullname capability. If not we want to lock // the setting so that they cannot change it. $haschangefullnamecap = has_capability('moodle/course:changefullname', $coursectx, $userid); if (!$haschangefullnamecap) { $fullnamesetting = $restore_controller->get_plan()->get_setting('course_fullname'); $fullnamesetting->set_status(base_setting::LOCKED_BY_PERMISSION); } // Ensure the user has the changeshortname capability. If not we want to lock // the setting so that they cannot change it. $haschangeshortnamecap = has_capability('moodle/course:changeshortname', $coursectx, $userid); if (!$haschangeshortnamecap) { $shortnamesetting = $restore_controller->get_plan()->get_setting('course_shortname'); $shortnamesetting->set_status(base_setting::LOCKED_BY_PERMISSION); } // Ensure the user has the update capability. If not we want to lock // the overwrite setting so that they cannot change it. $hasupdatecap = has_capability('moodle/course:update', $coursectx, $userid); if (!$hasupdatecap) { $overwritesetting = $restore_controller->get_plan()->get_setting('overwrite_conf'); $overwritesetting->set_status(base_setting::LOCKED_BY_PERMISSION); } } return true; } }