. /** * Unit tests for localization support in lib/moodlelib.php * * @package core * @category phpunit * @copyright 2013 David Mudrak * @license http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html GNU GPL v3 or later */ defined('MOODLE_INTERNAL') || die(); global $CFG; require_once($CFG->libdir.'/moodlelib.php'); /** * Tests for the API of the string_manager. * * @copyright 2013 David Mudrak * @license http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html GNU GPL v3 or later */ class core_string_manager_standard_testcase extends advanced_testcase { public function test_string_manager_instance() { $this->resetAfterTest(); $otherroot = __DIR__.'/fixtures/langtest'; $stringman = testable_core_string_manager::instance($otherroot); $this->assertInstanceOf('core_string_manager', $stringman); } public function test_get_language_dependencies() { $this->resetAfterTest(); $otherroot = __DIR__.'/fixtures/langtest'; $stringman = testable_core_string_manager::instance($otherroot); // There is no parent language for 'en'. $this->assertSame(array(), $stringman->get_language_dependencies('en')); // Language with no parent language declared. $this->assertSame(array('aa'), $stringman->get_language_dependencies('aa')); // Language with parent language explicitly set to English (en < de). $this->assertSame(array('de'), $stringman->get_language_dependencies('de')); // Language dependency hierarchy (de < de_du < de_kids). $this->assertSame(array('de', 'de_du', 'de_kids'), $stringman->get_language_dependencies('de_kids')); // Language with the parent language misconfigured to itself (sd < sd). $this->assertSame(array('sd'), $stringman->get_language_dependencies('sd')); // Language with circular dependency (cda < cdb < cdc < cda). $this->assertSame(array('cda', 'cdb', 'cdc'), $stringman->get_language_dependencies('cdc')); // Orphaned language (N/A < bb). $this->assertSame(array('bb'), $stringman->get_language_dependencies('bb')); // Descendant of an orphaned language (N/A < bb < bc). $this->assertSame(array('bb', 'bc'), $stringman->get_language_dependencies('bc')); } public function test_deprecated_strings() { $stringman = get_string_manager(); // Check non-deprecated string. $this->assertFalse($stringman->string_deprecated('hidden', 'grades')); // Check deprecated string. $this->assertTrue($stringman->string_deprecated('groupextendenrol', 'core')); $this->assertTrue($stringman->string_exists('groupextendenrol', 'core')); $this->assertDebuggingNotCalled(); $this->assertEquals('Extend enrolment (common)', get_string('groupextendenrol', 'core')); $this->assertDebuggingCalled('String [groupextendenrol,core] is deprecated. '. 'Either you should no longer be using that string, or the string has been incorrectly deprecated, in which case you should report this as a bug. '. 'Please refer to https://docs.moodle.org/dev/String_deprecation'); } /** * Return all deprecated strings. * * @return array */ public function get_deprecated_strings_provider() { global $CFG; $teststringman = testable_core_string_manager::instance($CFG->langotherroot, $CFG->langlocalroot, array()); $allstrings = $teststringman->get_all_deprecated_strings(); return array_map(function($string) { return [$string]; }, $allstrings); } /** * This test is a built-in validation of deprecated.txt files in lang locations. * * It will fail if the string in the wrong format or non-existing (mistyped) string was deprecated. * * @dataProvider get_deprecated_strings_provider * @param string $string The string to be tested */ public function test_validate_deprecated_strings_files($string) { $stringman = get_string_manager(); $result = preg_match('/^(.*),(.*)$/', $string, $matches); $this->assertEquals(1, $result); $this->assertCount(3, $matches); $this->assertEquals($matches[2], clean_param($matches[2], PARAM_COMPONENT), "Component name {$string} appearing in one of the lang/en/deprecated.txt files does not have correct syntax"); list($pluginttype, $pluginname) = core_component::normalize_component($matches[2]); $normcomponent = $pluginname ? ($pluginttype . '_' . $pluginname) : $pluginttype; $this->assertEquals($normcomponent, $matches[2], 'String "'.$string.'" appearing in one of the lang/en/deprecated.txt files does not have normalised component name'); $this->assertTrue($stringman->string_exists($matches[1], $matches[2]), "String {$string} appearing in one of the lang/en/deprecated.txt files does not exist"); } } /** * Helper class providing testable string_manager * * @copyright 2013 David Mudrak * @license http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html GNU GPL v3 or later */ class testable_core_string_manager extends core_string_manager_standard { /** * Factory method * * @param string $otherroot full path to the location of installed upstream language packs * @param string $localroot full path to the location of locally customized language packs, defaults to $otherroot * @param bool $usecache use application permanent cache * @param array $translist explicit list of visible translations * @param string $menucache the location of a file that caches the list of available translations * @return testable_core_string_manager */ public static function instance($otherroot, $localroot = null, $usecache = false, array $translist = array(), $menucache = null) { global $CFG; if (is_null($localroot)) { $localroot = $otherroot; } if (is_null($menucache)) { $menucache = $CFG->cachedir.'/languages'; } return new testable_core_string_manager($otherroot, $localroot, $usecache, $translist, $menucache); } public function get_all_deprecated_strings() { return array_flip($this->load_deprecated_strings()); } }