. /** * Library of functions and constants for module chat * * @package mod-chat * @copyright 1999 onwards Martin Dougiamas {@link http://moodle.com} * @license http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html GNU GPL v3 or later */ require_once($CFG->dirroot.'/calendar/lib.php'); // The HTML head for the message window to start with ( is used to get some browsers starting with output global $CHAT_HTMLHEAD; $CHAT_HTMLHEAD = "\n\n\n".padding(200); // The HTML head for the message window to start with (with js scrolling) global $CHAT_HTMLHEAD_JS; $CHAT_HTMLHEAD_JS = << EOD; global $CHAT_HTMLHEAD_JS; $CHAT_HTMLHEAD_JS .= padding(200); // The HTML code for standard empty pages (e.g. if a user was kicked out) global $CHAT_HTMLHEAD_OUT; $CHAT_HTMLHEAD_OUT = "You are out!"; // The HTML head for the message input page global $CHAT_HTMLHEAD_MSGINPUT; $CHAT_HTMLHEAD_MSGINPUT = "Message Input"; // The HTML code for the message input page, with JavaScript global $CHAT_HTMLHEAD_MSGINPUT_JS; $CHAT_HTMLHEAD_MSGINPUT_JS = << Message Input ; EOD; // Dummy data that gets output to the browser as needed, in order to make it show output global $CHAT_DUMMY_DATA; $CHAT_DUMMY_DATA = padding(200); /** * @param int $n * @return string */ function padding($n){ $str = ''; for($i=0; $i<$n; $i++){ $str.="\n"; } return $str; } /** * Given an object containing all the necessary data, * (defined by the form in mod_form.php) this function * will create a new instance and return the id number * of the new instance. * * @global object * @param object $chat * @return int */ function chat_add_instance($chat) { global $DB; $chat->timemodified = time(); $returnid = $DB->insert_record("chat", $chat); $event = new stdClass(); $event->name = $chat->name; $event->description = format_module_intro('chat', $chat, $chat->coursemodule); $event->courseid = $chat->course; $event->groupid = 0; $event->userid = 0; $event->modulename = 'chat'; $event->instance = $returnid; $event->eventtype = 'chattime'; $event->timestart = $chat->chattime; $event->timeduration = 0; calendar_event::create($event); return $returnid; } /** * Given an object containing all the necessary data, * (defined by the form in mod_form.php) this function * will update an existing instance with new data. * * @global object * @param object $chat * @return bool */ function chat_update_instance($chat) { global $DB; $chat->timemodified = time(); $chat->id = $chat->instance; $DB->update_record("chat", $chat); $event = new stdClass(); if ($event->id = $DB->get_field('event', 'id', array('modulename'=>'chat', 'instance'=>$chat->id))) { $event->name = $chat->name; $event->description = format_module_intro('chat', $chat, $chat->coursemodule); $event->timestart = $chat->chattime; $calendarevent = calendar_event::load($event->id); $calendarevent->update($event); } return true; } /** * Given an ID of an instance of this module, * this function will permanently delete the instance * and any data that depends on it. * * @global object * @param int $id * @return bool */ function chat_delete_instance($id) { global $DB; if (! $chat = $DB->get_record('chat', array('id'=>$id))) { return false; } $result = true; // Delete any dependent records here if (! $DB->delete_records('chat', array('id'=>$chat->id))) { $result = false; } if (! $DB->delete_records('chat_messages', array('chatid'=>$chat->id))) { $result = false; } if (! $DB->delete_records('chat_messages_current', array('chatid'=>$chat->id))) { $result = false; } if (! $DB->delete_records('chat_users', array('chatid'=>$chat->id))) { $result = false; } if (! $DB->delete_records('event', array('modulename'=>'chat', 'instance'=>$chat->id))) { $result = false; } return $result; } /** * Return a small object with summary information about what a * user has done with a given particular instance of this module * Used for user activity reports. * * $return->time = the time they did it * $return->info = a short text description * * * @param object $course * @param object $user * @param object $mod * @param object $chat * @return void */ function chat_user_outline($course, $user, $mod, $chat) { return NULL; } /** * Print a detailed representation of what a user has done with * a given particular instance of this module, for user activity reports. * * @param object $course * @param object $user * @param object $mod * @param object $chat * @return bool */ function chat_user_complete($course, $user, $mod, $chat) { return true; } /** * Given a course and a date, prints a summary of all chat rooms past and present * This function is called from block_recent_activity * * @global object * @global object * @global object * @param object $course * @param bool $viewfullnames * @param int|string $timestart Timestamp * @return bool */ function chat_print_recent_activity($course, $viewfullnames, $timestart) { global $CFG, $USER, $DB, $OUTPUT; // this is approximate only, but it is really fast ;-) $timeout = $CFG->chat_old_ping * 10; if (!$mcms = $DB->get_records_sql("SELECT cm.id, MAX(chm.timestamp) AS lasttime FROM {course_modules} cm JOIN {modules} md ON md.id = cm.module JOIN {chat} ch ON ch.id = cm.instance JOIN {chat_messages} chm ON chm.chatid = ch.id WHERE chm.timestamp > ? AND ch.course = ? AND md.name = 'chat' GROUP BY cm.id ORDER BY lasttime ASC", array($timestart, $course->id))) { return false; } $past = array(); $current = array(); $modinfo = get_fast_modinfo($course); // reference needed because we might load the groups foreach ($mcms as $cmid=>$mcm) { if (!array_key_exists($cmid, $modinfo->cms)) { continue; } $cm = $modinfo->cms[$cmid]; if (!$modinfo->cms[$cm->id]->uservisible) { continue; } if (groups_get_activity_groupmode($cm) != SEPARATEGROUPS or has_capability('moodle/site:accessallgroups', context_module::instance($cm->id))) { if ($timeout > time() - $mcm->lasttime) { $current[] = $cm; } else { $past[] = $cm; } continue; } if (is_null($modinfo->groups)) { $modinfo->groups = groups_get_user_groups($course->id); // load all my groups and cache it in modinfo } // verify groups in separate mode if (!$mygroupids = $modinfo->groups[$cm->groupingid]) { continue; } // ok, last post was not for my group - we have to query db to get last message from one of my groups // only minor problem is that the order will not be correct $mygroupids = implode(',', $mygroupids); $cm->mygroupids = $mygroupids; if (!$mcm = $DB->get_record_sql("SELECT cm.id, MAX(chm.timestamp) AS lasttime FROM {course_modules} cm JOIN {chat} ch ON ch.id = cm.instance JOIN {chat_messages_current} chm ON chm.chatid = ch.id WHERE chm.timestamp > ? AND cm.id = ? AND (chm.groupid IN ($mygroupids) OR chm.groupid = 0) GROUP BY cm.id", array($timestart, $cm->id))) { continue; } $mcms[$cmid]->lasttime = $mcm->lasttime; if ($timeout > time() - $mcm->lasttime) { $current[] = $cm; } else { $past[] = $cm; } } if (!$past and !$current) { return false; } $strftimerecent = get_string('strftimerecent'); if ($past) { echo $OUTPUT->heading(get_string("pastchats", 'chat').':'); foreach ($past as $cm) { $link = $CFG->wwwroot.'/mod/chat/view.php?id='.$cm->id; $date = userdate($mcms[$cm->id]->lasttime, $strftimerecent); echo '
'; echo ''; } } if ($current) { echo $OUTPUT->heading(get_string("currentchats", 'chat').':'); $oldest = floor((time()-$CFG->chat_old_ping)/10)*10; // better db caching $timeold = time() - $CFG->chat_old_ping; $timeold = floor($timeold/10)*10; // better db caching $timeoldext = time() - ($CFG->chat_old_ping*10); // JSless gui_basic needs much longer timeouts $timeoldext = floor($timeoldext/10)*10; // better db caching $params = array('timeold'=>$timeold, 'timeoldext'=>$timeoldext, 'cmid'=>$cm->id); $timeout = "AND (chu.version<>'basic' AND chu.lastping>:timeold) OR (chu.version='basic' AND chu.lastping>:timeoldext)"; foreach ($current as $cm) { //count users first if (isset($cm->mygroupids)) { $groupselect = "AND (chu.groupid IN ({$cm->mygroupids}) OR chu.groupid = 0)"; } else { $groupselect = ""; } $userfields = user_picture::fields('u'); if (!$users = $DB->get_records_sql("SELECT $userfields FROM {course_modules} cm JOIN {chat} ch ON ch.id = cm.instance JOIN {chat_users} chu ON chu.chatid = ch.id JOIN {user} u ON u.id = chu.userid WHERE cm.id = :cmid $timeout $groupselect GROUP BY u.id, u.firstname, u.lastname, u.email, u.picture", $params)) { } $link = $CFG->wwwroot.'/mod/chat/view.php?id='.$cm->id; $date = userdate($mcms[$cm->id]->lasttime, $strftimerecent); echo '
'; echo ''; echo '
'; if ($users) { echo '
    '; foreach ($users as $user) { echo '
  • '.fullname($user, $viewfullnames).'
  • '; } echo '
'; } echo '
'; } } return true; } /** * Function to be run periodically according to the moodle cron * This function searches for things that need to be done, such * as sending out mail, toggling flags etc ... * * @global object * @return bool */ function chat_cron () { global $DB; chat_update_chat_times(); chat_delete_old_users(); /// Delete old messages with a /// single SQL query. $subselect = "SELECT c.keepdays FROM {chat} c WHERE c.id = {chat_messages}.chatid"; $sql = "DELETE FROM {chat_messages} WHERE ($subselect) > 0 AND timestamp < ( ".time()." -($subselect) * 24 * 3600)"; $DB->execute($sql); $sql = "DELETE FROM {chat_messages_current} WHERE timestamp < ( ".time()." - 8 * 3600)"; $DB->execute($sql); return true; } /** * This standard function will check all instances of this module * and make sure there are up-to-date events created for each of them. * If courseid = 0, then every chat event in the site is checked, else * only chat events belonging to the course specified are checked. * This function is used, in its new format, by restore_refresh_events() * * @global object * @param int $courseid * @return bool */ function chat_refresh_events($courseid = 0) { global $DB; if ($courseid) { if (! $chats = $DB->get_records("chat", array("course"=>$courseid))) { return true; } } else { if (! $chats = $DB->get_records("chat")) { return true; } } $moduleid = $DB->get_field('modules', 'id', array('name'=>'chat')); foreach ($chats as $chat) { $cm = get_coursemodule_from_id('chat', $chat->id); $event = new stdClass(); $event->name = $chat->name; $event->description = format_module_intro('chat', $chat, $cm->id); $event->timestart = $chat->chattime; if ($event->id = $DB->get_field('event', 'id', array('modulename'=>'chat', 'instance'=>$chat->id))) { $calendarevent = calendar_event::load($event->id); $calendarevent->update($event); } else { $event->courseid = $chat->course; $event->groupid = 0; $event->userid = 0; $event->modulename = 'chat'; $event->instance = $chat->id; $event->eventtype = 'chattime'; $event->timeduration = 0; $event->visible = $DB->get_field('course_modules', 'visible', array('module'=>$moduleid, 'instance'=>$chat->id)); calendar_event::create($event); } } return true; } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// Functions that require some SQL /** * @global object * @param int $chatid * @param int $groupid * @param int $groupingid * @return array */ function chat_get_users($chatid, $groupid=0, $groupingid=0) { global $DB; $params = array('chatid'=>$chatid, 'groupid'=>$groupid, 'groupingid'=>$groupingid); if ($groupid) { $groupselect = " AND (c.groupid=:groupid OR c.groupid='0')"; } else { $groupselect = ""; } if (!empty($groupingid)) { $groupingjoin = "JOIN {groups_members} gm ON u.id = gm.userid JOIN {groupings_groups} gg ON gm.groupid = gg.groupid AND gg.groupingid = :groupingid "; } else { $groupingjoin = ''; } $ufields = user_picture::fields('u'); return $DB->get_records_sql("SELECT DISTINCT $ufields, c.lastmessageping, c.firstping FROM {chat_users} c JOIN {user} u ON u.id = c.userid $groupingjoin WHERE c.chatid = :chatid $groupselect ORDER BY c.firstping ASC", $params); } /** * @global object * @param int $chatid * @param int $groupid * @return array */ function chat_get_latest_message($chatid, $groupid=0) { global $DB; $params = array('chatid'=>$chatid, 'groupid'=>$groupid); if ($groupid) { $groupselect = "AND (groupid=:groupid OR groupid=0)"; } else { $groupselect = ""; } $sql = "SELECT * FROM {chat_messages_current} WHERE chatid = :chatid $groupselect ORDER BY timestamp DESC"; // return the lastest one message return $DB->get_record_sql($sql, $params, true); } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // login if not already logged in /** * login if not already logged in * * @global object * @global object * @param int $chatid * @param string $version * @param int $groupid * @param object $course * @return bool|int Returns the chat users sid or false */ function chat_login_user($chatid, $version, $groupid, $course) { global $USER, $DB; if (($version != 'sockets') and $chatuser = $DB->get_record('chat_users', array('chatid'=>$chatid, 'userid'=>$USER->id, 'groupid'=>$groupid))) { // this will update logged user information $chatuser->version = $version; $chatuser->ip = $USER->lastip; $chatuser->lastping = time(); $chatuser->lang = current_language(); // Sometimes $USER->lastip is not setup properly // during login. Update with current value if possible // or provide a dummy value for the db if (empty($chatuser->ip)) { $chatuser->ip = getremoteaddr(); } if (($chatuser->course != $course->id) or ($chatuser->userid != $USER->id)) { return false; } $DB->update_record('chat_users', $chatuser); } else { $chatuser = new stdClass(); $chatuser->chatid = $chatid; $chatuser->userid = $USER->id; $chatuser->groupid = $groupid; $chatuser->version = $version; $chatuser->ip = $USER->lastip; $chatuser->lastping = $chatuser->firstping = $chatuser->lastmessageping = time(); $chatuser->sid = random_string(32); $chatuser->course = $course->id; //caching - needed for current_language too $chatuser->lang = current_language(); //caching - to resource intensive to find out later // Sometimes $USER->lastip is not setup properly // during login. Update with current value if possible // or provide a dummy value for the db if (empty($chatuser->ip)) { $chatuser->ip = getremoteaddr(); } $DB->insert_record('chat_users', $chatuser); if ($version == 'sockets') { // do not send 'enter' message, chatd will do it } else { chat_send_chatmessage($chatuser, 'enter', true); } } return $chatuser->sid; } /** * Delete the old and in the way * * @global object * @global object */ function chat_delete_old_users() { // Delete the old and in the way global $CFG, $DB; $timeold = time() - $CFG->chat_old_ping; $timeoldext = time() - ($CFG->chat_old_ping*10); // JSless gui_basic needs much longer timeouts $query = "(version<>'basic' AND lastpingget_records_select('chat_users', $query, $params) ) { $DB->delete_records_select('chat_users', $query, $params); foreach ($oldusers as $olduser) { chat_send_chatmessage($olduser, 'exit', true); } } } /** * Updates chat records so that the next chat time is correct * * @global object * @param int $chatid * @return void */ function chat_update_chat_times($chatid=0) { /// Updates chat records so that the next chat time is correct global $DB; $timenow = time(); $params = array('timenow'=>$timenow, 'chatid'=>$chatid); if ($chatid) { if (!$chats[] = $DB->get_record_select("chat", "id = :chatid AND chattime <= :timenow AND schedule > 0", $params)) { return; } } else { if (!$chats = $DB->get_records_select("chat", "chattime <= :timenow AND schedule > 0", $params)) { return; } } foreach ($chats as $chat) { switch ($chat->schedule) { case 1: // Single event - turn off schedule and disable $chat->chattime = 0; $chat->schedule = 0; break; case 2: // Repeat daily while ($chat->chattime <= $timenow) { $chat->chattime += 24 * 3600; } break; case 3: // Repeat weekly while ($chat->chattime <= $timenow) { $chat->chattime += 7 * 24 * 3600; } break; } $DB->update_record("chat", $chat); $event = new stdClass(); // Update calendar too $cond = "modulename='chat' AND instance = :chatid AND timestart <> :chattime"; $params = array('chattime'=>$chat->chattime, 'chatid'=>$chatid); if ($event->id = $DB->get_field_select('event', 'id', $cond, $params)) { $event->timestart = $chat->chattime; $calendarevent = calendar_event::load($event->id); $calendarevent->update($event, false); } } } /** * Send a message on the chat. * * @param object $chatuser The chat user record. * @param string $messagetext The message to be sent. * @param bool $system False for non-system messages, true for system messages. * @param object $cm The course module object, pass it to save a database query when we trigger the event. * @return int The message ID. * @since 2.6 */ function chat_send_chatmessage($chatuser, $messagetext, $system = false, $cm = null) { global $DB; $message = new stdClass(); $message->chatid = $chatuser->chatid; $message->userid = $chatuser->userid; $message->groupid = $chatuser->groupid; $message->message = $messagetext; $message->system = $system ? 1 : 0; $message->timestamp = time(); $messageid = $DB->insert_record('chat_messages', $message); $DB->insert_record('chat_messages_current', $message); $message->id = $messageid; if (!$system) { if (empty($cm)) { $cm = get_coursemodule_from_instance('chat', $chatuser->chatid, $chatuser->course); } $params = array( 'context' => context_module::instance($cm->id), 'objectid' => $message->id, // We set relateduserid, because when triggered from the chat daemon, the event userid is null. 'relateduserid' => $chatuser->userid ); $event = \mod_chat\event\message_sent::create($params); $event->add_record_snapshot('chat_messages', $message); $event->trigger(); } return $message->id; } /** * @global object * @global object * @param object $message * @param int $courseid * @param object $sender * @param object $currentuser * @param string $chat_lastrow * @return bool|string Returns HTML or false */ function chat_format_message_manually($message, $courseid, $sender, $currentuser, $chat_lastrow=NULL) { global $CFG, $USER, $OUTPUT; $output = new stdClass(); $output->beep = false; // by default $output->refreshusers = false; // by default // Use get_user_timezone() to find the correct timezone for displaying this message: // It's either the current user's timezone or else decided by some Moodle config setting // First, "reset" $USER->timezone (which could have been set by a previous call to here) // because otherwise the value for the previous $currentuser will take precedence over $CFG->timezone $USER->timezone = 99; $tz = get_user_timezone($currentuser->timezone); // Before formatting the message time string, set $USER->timezone to the above. // This will allow dst_offset_on (called by userdate) to work correctly, otherwise the // message times appear off because DST is not taken into account when it should be. $USER->timezone = $tz; $message->strtime = userdate($message->timestamp, get_string('strftimemessage', 'chat'), $tz); $message->picture = $OUTPUT->user_picture($sender, array('size'=>false, 'courseid'=>$courseid, 'link'=>false)); if ($courseid) { $message->picture = "wwwroot/user/view.php?id=$sender->id&course=$courseid')\" href=\"$CFG->wwwroot/user/view.php?id=$sender->id&course=$courseid\">$message->picture"; } //Calculate the row class if ($chat_lastrow !== NULL) { $rowclass = ' class="r'.$chat_lastrow.'" '; } else { $rowclass = ''; } // Start processing the message if(!empty($message->system)) { // System event $output->text = $message->strtime.': '.get_string('message'.$message->message, 'chat', fullname($sender)); $output->html = '
'.$message->picture.''; $output->html .= ''.$output->text.'
'; $output->basic = ' ' . get_string('message'.$message->message, 'chat', fullname($sender)) . ' ' . $message->strtime . ' '; if($message->message == 'exit' or $message->message == 'enter') { $output->refreshusers = true; //force user panel refresh ASAP } return $output; } // It's not a system event $text = trim($message->message); /// Parse the text to clean and filter it $options = new stdClass(); $options->para = false; $text = format_text($text, FORMAT_MOODLE, $options, $courseid); // And now check for special cases $patternTo = '#^\s*To\s([^:]+):(.*)#'; $special = false; if (substr($text, 0, 5) == 'beep ') { /// It's a beep! $special = true; $beepwho = trim(substr($text, 5)); if ($beepwho == 'all') { // everyone $outinfobasic = get_string('messagebeepseveryone', 'chat', fullname($sender)); $outinfo = $message->strtime . ': ' . $outinfobasic; $outmain = ''; $output->beep = true; // (eventually this should be set to // to a filename uploaded by the user) } else if ($beepwho == $currentuser->id) { // current user $outinfobasic = get_string('messagebeepsyou', 'chat', fullname($sender)); $outinfo = $message->strtime . ': ' . $outinfobasic; $outmain = ''; $output->beep = true; } else { //something is not caught? return false; } } else if (substr($text, 0, 1) == '/') { /// It's a user command $special = true; $pattern = '#(^\/)(\w+).*#'; preg_match($pattern, $text, $matches); $command = isset($matches[2]) ? $matches[2] : false; // Support some IRC commands. switch ($command){ case 'me': $outinfo = $message->strtime; $outmain = '*** '.$sender->firstname.' '.substr($text, 4).''; break; default: // Error, we set special back to false to use the classic message output. $special = false; break; } } else if (preg_match($patternTo, $text)) { $special = true; $matches = array(); preg_match($patternTo, $text, $matches); if (isset($matches[1]) && isset($matches[2])) { $outinfo = $message->strtime; $outmain = $sender->firstname.' '.get_string('saidto', 'chat').' '.$matches[1].': '.$matches[2]; } else { // Error, we set special back to false to use the classic message output. $special = false; } } if(!$special) { $outinfo = $message->strtime.' '.$sender->firstname; $outmain = $text; } /// Format the message as a small table $output->text = strip_tags($outinfo.': '.$outmain); $output->html = "'; } else { $output->basic = ''; } $output->html .= "
$message->picture"; $output->html .= "$outinfo"; if ($outmain) { $output->html .= ": $outmain"; $output->basic = '
' . $sender->firstname . ' ' . $outmain . ' ' . $message->strtime . '
' . $outinfobasic . ' ' . $message->strtime . '
"; return $output; } /** * @global object * @param object $message * @param int $courseid * @param object $currentuser * @param string $chat_lastrow * @return bool|string Returns HTML or false */ function chat_format_message($message, $courseid, $currentuser, $chat_lastrow=NULL) { /// Given a message object full of information, this function /// formats it appropriately into text and html, then /// returns the formatted data. global $DB; static $users; // Cache user lookups if (isset($users[$message->userid])) { $user = $users[$message->userid]; } else if ($user = $DB->get_record('user', array('id'=>$message->userid), user_picture::fields())) { $users[$message->userid] = $user; } else { return NULL; } return chat_format_message_manually($message, $courseid, $user, $currentuser, $chat_lastrow); } /** * @global object * @param object $message message to be displayed. * @param mixed $chatuser user chat data * @param object $currentuser current user for whom the message should be displayed. * @param int $groupingid course module grouping id * @param string $theme name of the chat theme. * @return bool|string Returns HTML or false */ function chat_format_message_theme ($message, $chatuser, $currentuser, $groupingid, $theme = 'bubble') { global $CFG, $USER, $OUTPUT, $COURSE, $DB, $PAGE; require_once($CFG->dirroot.'/mod/chat/locallib.php'); static $users; // Cache user lookups $result = new stdClass(); if (file_exists($CFG->dirroot . '/mod/chat/gui_ajax/theme/'.$theme.'/config.php')) { include($CFG->dirroot . '/mod/chat/gui_ajax/theme/'.$theme.'/config.php'); } if (isset($users[$message->userid])) { $sender = $users[$message->userid]; } else if ($sender = $DB->get_record('user', array('id'=>$message->userid), user_picture::fields())) { $users[$message->userid] = $sender; } else { return NULL; } $USER->timezone = 99; $tz = get_user_timezone($currentuser->timezone); $USER->timezone = $tz; if (empty($chatuser->course)) { $courseid = $COURSE->id; } else { $courseid = $chatuser->course; } $message->strtime = userdate($message->timestamp, get_string('strftimemessage', 'chat'), $tz); $message->picture = $OUTPUT->user_picture($sender, array('courseid'=>$courseid)); $message->picture = "wwwroot/user/view.php?id=$sender->id&course=$courseid\">$message->picture"; // Start processing the message if(!empty($message->system)) { $result->type = 'system'; $senderprofile = $CFG->wwwroot.'/user/view.php?id='.$sender->id.'&course='.$courseid; $event = get_string('message'.$message->message, 'chat', fullname($sender)); $eventmessage = new event_message($senderprofile, fullname($sender), $message->strtime, $event, $theme); $output = $PAGE->get_renderer('mod_chat'); $result->html = $output->render($eventmessage); return $result; } // It's not a system event $text = trim($message->message); /// Parse the text to clean and filter it $options = new stdClass(); $options->para = false; $text = format_text($text, FORMAT_MOODLE, $options, $courseid); // And now check for special cases $special = false; $outtime = $message->strtime; // Initialise variables. $outmain = ''; $patternTo = '#^\s*To\s([^:]+):(.*)#'; if (substr($text, 0, 5) == 'beep ') { $special = true; /// It's a beep! $result->type = 'beep'; $beepwho = trim(substr($text, 5)); if ($beepwho == 'all') { // everyone $outmain = get_string('messagebeepseveryone', 'chat', fullname($sender)); } else if ($beepwho == $currentuser->id) { // current user $outmain = get_string('messagebeepsyou', 'chat', fullname($sender)); } else if ($sender->id == $currentuser->id) { //something is not caught? //allow beep for a active chat user only, else user can beep anyone and get fullname if (!empty($chatuser) && is_numeric($beepwho)) { $chatusers = chat_get_users($chatuser->chatid, $chatuser->groupid, $groupingid); if (array_key_exists($beepwho, $chatusers)) { $outmain = get_string('messageyoubeep', 'chat', fullname($chatusers[$beepwho])); } else { $outmain = get_string('messageyoubeep', 'chat', $beepwho); } } else { $outmain = get_string('messageyoubeep', 'chat', $beepwho); } } } else if (substr($text, 0, 1) == '/') { /// It's a user command $special = true; $result->type = 'command'; $pattern = '#(^\/)(\w+).*#'; preg_match($pattern, $text, $matches); $command = isset($matches[2]) ? $matches[2] : false; // Support some IRC commands. switch ($command){ case 'me': $outmain = '*** '.$sender->firstname.' '.substr($text, 4).''; break; default: // Error, we set special back to false to use the classic message output. $special = false; break; } } else if (preg_match($patternTo, $text)) { $special = true; $result->type = 'dialogue'; $matches = array(); preg_match($patternTo, $text, $matches); if (isset($matches[1]) && isset($matches[2])) { $outmain = $sender->firstname.' '.get_string('saidto', 'chat').' '.$matches[1].': '.$matches[2]; } else { // Error, we set special back to false to use the classic message output. $special = false; } } if (!$special) { $outmain = $text; } $result->text = strip_tags($outtime.': '.$outmain); $mymessageclass = ''; if ($sender->id == $USER->id) { $mymessageclass = 'chat-message-mymessage'; } $senderprofile = $CFG->wwwroot.'/user/view.php?id='.$sender->id.'&course='.$courseid; $usermessage = new user_message($senderprofile, fullname($sender), $message->picture, $mymessageclass, $outtime, $outmain, $theme); $output = $PAGE->get_renderer('mod_chat'); $result->html = $output->render($usermessage); //When user beeps other user, then don't show any timestamp to other users in chat. if (('' === $outmain) && $special) { return false; } else { return $result; } } /** * @global object $DB * @global object $CFG * @global object $COURSE * @global object $OUTPUT * @param object $users * @param object $course * @return array return formatted user list */ function chat_format_userlist($users, $course) { global $CFG, $DB, $COURSE, $OUTPUT; $result = array(); foreach($users as $user){ $item = array(); $item['name'] = fullname($user); $item['url'] = $CFG->wwwroot.'/user/view.php?id='.$user->id.'&course='.$course->id; $item['picture'] = $OUTPUT->user_picture($user); $item['id'] = $user->id; $result[] = $item; } return $result; } /** * Print json format error * @param string $level * @param string $msg */ function chat_print_error($level, $msg) { header('Content-Length: ' . ob_get_length() ); $error = new stdClass(); $error->level = $level; $error->msg = $msg; $response['error'] = $error; echo json_encode($response); ob_end_flush(); exit; } /** * @return array */ function chat_get_view_actions() { return array('view','view all','report'); } /** * @return array */ function chat_get_post_actions() { return array('talk'); } /** * @global object * @global object * @param array $courses * @param array $htmlarray Passed by reference */ function chat_print_overview($courses, &$htmlarray) { global $USER, $CFG; if (empty($courses) || !is_array($courses) || count($courses) == 0) { return array(); } if (!$chats = get_all_instances_in_courses('chat',$courses)) { return; } $strchat = get_string('modulename', 'chat'); $strnextsession = get_string('nextsession', 'chat'); foreach ($chats as $chat) { if ($chat->chattime and $chat->schedule) { // A chat is scheduled $str = ''; if (empty($htmlarray[$chat->course]['chat'])) { $htmlarray[$chat->course]['chat'] = $str; } else { $htmlarray[$chat->course]['chat'] .= $str; } } } } /** * Implementation of the function for printing the form elements that control * whether the course reset functionality affects the chat. * * @param object $mform form passed by reference */ function chat_reset_course_form_definition(&$mform) { $mform->addElement('header', 'chatheader', get_string('modulenameplural', 'chat')); $mform->addElement('advcheckbox', 'reset_chat', get_string('removemessages','chat')); } /** * Course reset form defaults. * * @param object $course * @return array */ function chat_reset_course_form_defaults($course) { return array('reset_chat'=>1); } /** * Actual implementation of the reset course functionality, delete all the * chat messages for course $data->courseid. * * @global object * @global object * @param object $data the data submitted from the reset course. * @return array status array */ function chat_reset_userdata($data) { global $CFG, $DB; $componentstr = get_string('modulenameplural', 'chat'); $status = array(); if (!empty($data->reset_chat)) { $chatessql = "SELECT ch.id FROM {chat} ch WHERE ch.course=?"; $params = array($data->courseid); $DB->delete_records_select('chat_messages', "chatid IN ($chatessql)", $params); $DB->delete_records_select('chat_messages_current', "chatid IN ($chatessql)", $params); $DB->delete_records_select('chat_users', "chatid IN ($chatessql)", $params); $status[] = array('component'=>$componentstr, 'item'=>get_string('removemessages', 'chat'), 'error'=>false); } /// updating dates - shift may be negative too if ($data->timeshift) { shift_course_mod_dates('chat', array('chattime'), $data->timeshift, $data->courseid); $status[] = array('component'=>$componentstr, 'item'=>get_string('datechanged'), 'error'=>false); } return $status; } /** * Returns all other caps used in module * * @return array */ function chat_get_extra_capabilities() { return array('moodle/site:accessallgroups', 'moodle/site:viewfullnames'); } /** * @param string $feature FEATURE_xx constant for requested feature * @return mixed True if module supports feature, null if doesn't know */ function chat_supports($feature) { switch($feature) { case FEATURE_GROUPS: return true; case FEATURE_GROUPINGS: return true; case FEATURE_GROUPMEMBERSONLY: return true; case FEATURE_MOD_INTRO: return true; case FEATURE_BACKUP_MOODLE2: return true; case FEATURE_COMPLETION_TRACKS_VIEWS: return true; case FEATURE_GRADE_HAS_GRADE: return false; case FEATURE_GRADE_OUTCOMES: return true; case FEATURE_SHOW_DESCRIPTION: return true; default: return null; } } function chat_extend_navigation($navigation, $course, $module, $cm) { global $CFG; $currentgroup = groups_get_activity_group($cm, true); if (has_capability('mod/chat:chat', context_module::instance($cm->id))) { $strenterchat = get_string('enterchat', 'chat'); $target = $CFG->wwwroot.'/mod/chat/'; $params = array('id'=>$cm->instance); if ($currentgroup) { $params['groupid'] = $currentgroup; } $links = array(); $url = new moodle_url($target.'gui_'.$CFG->chat_method.'/index.php', $params); $action = new popup_action('click', $url, 'chat'.$course->id.$cm->instance.$currentgroup, array('height' => 500, 'width' => 700)); $links[] = new action_link($url, $strenterchat, $action); $url = new moodle_url($target.'gui_basic/index.php', $params); $action = new popup_action('click', $url, 'chat'.$course->id.$cm->instance.$currentgroup, array('height' => 500, 'width' => 700)); $links[] = new action_link($url, get_string('noframesjs', 'message'), $action); foreach ($links as $link) { $navigation->add($link->text, $link, navigation_node::TYPE_SETTING, null ,null, new pix_icon('i/group' , '')); } } $chatusers = chat_get_users($cm->instance, $currentgroup, $cm->groupingid); if (is_array($chatusers) && count($chatusers)>0) { $users = $navigation->add(get_string('currentusers', 'chat')); foreach ($chatusers as $chatuser) { $userlink = new moodle_url('/user/view.php', array('id'=>$chatuser->id,'course'=>$course->id)); $users->add(fullname($chatuser).' '.format_time(time() - $chatuser->lastmessageping), $userlink, navigation_node::TYPE_USER, null, null, new pix_icon('i/user', '')); } } } /** * Adds module specific settings to the settings block * * @param settings_navigation $settings The settings navigation object * @param navigation_node $chatnode The node to add module settings to */ function chat_extend_settings_navigation(settings_navigation $settings, navigation_node $chatnode) { global $DB, $PAGE, $USER; $chat = $DB->get_record("chat", array("id" => $PAGE->cm->instance)); if ($chat->chattime && $chat->schedule) { $nextsessionnode = $chatnode->add(get_string('nextsession', 'chat').': '.userdate($chat->chattime).' ('.usertimezone($USER->timezone)); $nextsessionnode->add_class('note'); } $currentgroup = groups_get_activity_group($PAGE->cm, true); if ($currentgroup) { $groupselect = " AND groupid = '$currentgroup'"; } else { $groupselect = ''; } if ($chat->studentlogs || has_capability('mod/chat:readlog',$PAGE->cm->context)) { if ($DB->get_records_select('chat_messages', "chatid = ? $groupselect", array($chat->id))) { $chatnode->add(get_string('viewreport', 'chat'), new moodle_url('/mod/chat/report.php', array('id'=>$PAGE->cm->id))); } } } /** * user logout event handler * * @param \core\event\user_loggedout $event The event. * @return void */ function chat_user_logout(\core\event\user_loggedout $event) { global $DB; $DB->delete_records('chat_users', array('userid' => $event->objectid)); } /** * Return a list of page types * @param string $pagetype current page type * @param stdClass $parentcontext Block's parent context * @param stdClass $currentcontext Current context of block */ function chat_page_type_list($pagetype, $parentcontext, $currentcontext) { $module_pagetype = array('mod-chat-*'=>get_string('page-mod-chat-x', 'chat')); return $module_pagetype; }