, Closing or tags without their corresponding opening tags, Tags within tags, which will be rendered, even though they should not be. Conversion requires a lot of preg_replace statements, so it can be quite slow with large HTML files. ****** To use ****** This library requires PHP 4+ To use this library, put the following line in your script before the part that needs it: require('PATH_TO_THIS_FILE/html2text.php'); To convert HTML/PHP to text: $textVersion = html2text( $HTMLversion ); ************ Further info ************ For the technically minded, this is the process I use for converting HTML to approx text: REMOVE php start and end tags REMOVE ensure HTML uses entities in the right places (like inside tags) so strip_tags works properly carefully remove everything between them strip_tags except the important ones replace all \s that are after the start or a and before
 or end with a single space

\n          --------------------


  • \n·
    \n\t \t [LINK:hrefWithout#] [IMG:alt]
    [FORM:action] [INPUT] strip tags again, leaving nothing this time un-htmlspecialchars word wrap (this will also affect pre, but as this is intended for email use, I don't care) */ function html2text( $badStr ) { //remove PHP if it exists if( $andPHP ) { while( substr_count( $badStr, '<'.'?' ) && substr_count( $badStr, '?'.'>' ) && strpos( $badStr, '?'.'>' ) > strpos( $badStr, '<'.'?' ) ) { $badStr = substr( $badStr, 0, strpos( $badStr, '<'.'?' ) ) . substr( $badStr, strpos( $badStr, '?'.'>' ) + 2 ); } } //remove comments while( substr_count( $badStr, '' ) && strpos( $badStr, '-->' ) > strpos( $badStr, '' ) + 3 ); } //now make sure all HTML tags are correctly written (> not in between quotes) for( $x = 0, $goodStr = '', $is_open_tb = false, $is_open_sq = false, $is_open_sq = false; strlen( $chr = $badStr{$x} ); $x++ ) { //take each letter in turn and check if that character is permitted there switch( $chr ) { case '<': if( !$is_open_tb && strtolower( substr( $badStr, $x + 1, 5 ) ) == 'style' ) { $badStr = substr( $badStr, 0, $x ) . substr( $badStr, strpos( strtolower( $badStr ), '' ) + 7 ); $chr = ''; } elseif( !$is_open_tb && strtolower( substr( $badStr, $x + 1, 6 ) ) == 'script' ) { $badStr = substr( $badStr, 0, $x ) . substr( $badStr, strpos( strtolower( $badStr ), '' ) + 8 ); $chr = ''; } elseif( !$is_open_tb ) { $is_open_tb = true; } else { $chr = '<'; } break; case '>': if( !$is_open_tb || $is_open_dq || $is_open_sq ) { $chr = '>'; } else { $is_open_tb = false; } break; case '"': if( $is_open_tb && !$is_open_dq && !$is_open_sq ) { $is_open_dq = true; } elseif( $is_open_tb && $is_open_dq && !$is_open_sq ) { $is_open_dq = false; } else { $chr = '"'; } break; case "'": if( $is_open_tb && !$is_open_dq && !$is_open_sq ) { $is_open_sq = true; } elseif( $is_open_tb && !$is_open_dq && $is_open_sq ) { $is_open_sq = false; } } $goodStr .= $chr; } //now that the page is valid (I hope) for strip_tags, strip all unwanted tags $goodStr = strip_tags( $goodStr, '<hr><h1><h2><h3><h4><h5><h6><div><p><pre><sup><ul><ol><br><dl><dt><table><caption><tr><li><dd><th><td><a><area><img><form><input><textarea><button><select><option>' ); //strip extra whitespace except between <pre> and <textarea> tags $badStr = preg_split( "/<\/?pre[^>]*>/i", $goodStr ); for( $x = 0; is_string( $badStr[$x] ); $x++ ) { if( $x % 2 ) { $badStr[$x] = '<pre>'.$badStr[$x].'</pre>'; } else { $goodStr = preg_split( "/<\/?textarea[^>]*>/i", $badStr[$x] ); for( $z = 0; is_string( $goodStr[$z] ); $z++ ) { if( $z % 2 ) { $goodStr[$z] = '<textarea>'.$goodStr[$z].'</textarea>'; } else { $goodStr[$z] = preg_replace( "/\s+/", ' ', $goodStr[$z] ); } } $badStr[$x] = implode('',$goodStr); } } $goodStr = implode('',$badStr); //remove all options from select inputs $goodStr = preg_replace( "/<option[^>]*>[^<]*/i", '', $goodStr ); //replace all tags with their text equivalents $goodStr = preg_replace( "/<(\/title|hr)[^>]*>/i", "\n --------------------\n", $goodStr ); $goodStr = preg_replace( "/<(h|div|p)[^>]*>/i", "\n\n", $goodStr ); $goodStr = preg_replace( "/<sup[^>]*>/i", '^', $goodStr ); $goodStr = preg_replace( "/<(ul|ol|br|dl|dt|table|caption|\/textarea|tr[^>]*>\s*<(td|th))[^>]*>/i", "\n", $goodStr ); $goodStr = preg_replace( "/<li[^>]*>/i", "\n· ", $goodStr ); $goodStr = preg_replace( "/<dd[^>]*>/i", "\n\t", $goodStr ); $goodStr = preg_replace( "/<(th|td)[^>]*>/i", "\t", $goodStr ); ///$goodStr = preg_replace( "/<a[^>]* href=(\"((?!\"|#|javascript:)[^\"#]*)(\"|#)|'((?!'|#|javascript:)[^'#]*)('|#)|((?!'|\"|>|#|javascript:)[^#\"'> ]*))[^>]*>/i", "[LINK: $2$4$6] ", $goodStr ); /// Moodle $goodStr = preg_replace( "/<a[^>]* href=(\"((?!\"|#|javascript:)[^\"#]*)(\"|#)|'((?!'|#|javascript:)[^'#]*)('|#)|((?!'|\"|>|#|javascript:)[^#\"'> ]*))[^>]*>/i", "[$2$4$6] ", $goodStr ); /// $goodStr = preg_replace( "/<img[^>]* alt=(\"([^\"]+)\"|'([^']+)'|([^\"'> ]+))[^>]*>/i", "[IMAGE: $2$3$4] ", $goodStr );/// Moodle $goodStr = preg_replace( "/<img[^>]* alt=(\"([^\"]+)\"|'([^']+)'|([^\"'> ]+))[^>]*>/i", "{$2$3$4} ", $goodStr ); $goodStr = preg_replace( "/<form[^>]* action=(\"([^\"]+)\"|'([^']+)'|([^\"'> ]+))[^>]*>/i", "\n[FORM: $2$3$4] ", $goodStr ); $goodStr = preg_replace( "/<(input|textarea|button|select)[^>]*>/i", "[INPUT] ", $goodStr ); //strip all remaining tags (mostly closing tags) $goodStr = strip_tags( $goodStr ); //convert HTML entities $goodStr = strtr( $goodStr, array_flip( get_html_translation_table( HTML_ENTITIES ) ) ); preg_replace( "/&#(\d+);/me", "chr('$1')", $goodStr ); //wordwrap ///$goodStr = wordwrap($goodStr); /// Moodle $goodStr = wordwrap($goodStr, 70); //make sure there are no more than 3 linebreaks in a row and trim whitespace return preg_replace( "/^\n*|\n*$/", '', preg_replace( "/[ \t]+(\n|$)/", "$1", preg_replace( "/\n(\s*\n){2}/", "\n\n\n", preg_replace( "/\r\n?|\f/", "\n", str_replace( chr(160), ' ', $goodStr ) ) ) ) ); } ?>