. /** * Manual enrolment plugin main library file. * * @package enrol_manual * @copyright 2010 Petr Skoda {@link http://skodak.org} * @license http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html GNU GPL v3 or later */ defined('MOODLE_INTERNAL') || die; class enrol_manual_plugin extends enrol_plugin { public function roles_protected() { // users may tweak the roles later return false; } public function allow_enrol(stdClass $instance) { // users with enrol cap may unenrol other users manually manually return true; } public function allow_unenrol(stdClass $instance) { // users with unenrol cap may unenrol other users manually manually return true; } public function allow_manage(stdClass $instance) { // users with manage cap may tweak period and status return true; } /** * Returns link to manual enrol UI if exists. * Does the access control tests automatically. * * @param object $instance * @return moodle_url */ public function get_manual_enrol_link($instance) { $name = $this->get_name(); if ($instance->enrol !== $name) { throw new coding_exception('invalid enrol instance!'); } if ($instance->courseid == SITEID) { return NULL; } if (!enrol_is_enabled($name)) { return NULL; } $context = get_context_instance(CONTEXT_COURSE, $instance->courseid, MUST_EXIST); if (!has_capability('enrol/manual:manage', $context) or !has_capability('enrol/manual:enrol', $context) or !has_capability('enrol/manual:unenrol', $context)) { return NULL; } return new moodle_url('/enrol/manual/manage.php', array('enrolid'=>$instance->id, 'id'=>$instance->courseid)); } /** * Returns link to page which may be used to add new instance of enrolment plugin in course. * @param int $courseid * @return moodle_url page url */ public function get_candidate_link($courseid) { global $DB; if (!has_capability('moodle/course:enrolconfig', get_context_instance(CONTEXT_COURSE, $courseid, MUST_EXIST))) { return NULL; } if ($DB->record_exists('enrol', array('courseid'=>$courseid, 'enrol'=>'manual'))) { return NULL; } return new moodle_url('/enrol/manual/addinstance.php', array('sesskey'=>sesskey(), 'id'=>$courseid)); } /** * Adds enrol instance UI to course edit form * * @param object $instance enrol instance or null if does not exist yet * @param MoodleQuickForm $mform * @param object $data * @param object $context context of existing course or parent category if course does not exist * @return void */ public function course_edit_form($instance, MoodleQuickForm $mform, $data, $context) { $i = isset($instance->id) ? $instance->id : 0; $plugin = enrol_get_plugin('manual'); $header = $plugin->get_instance_name($instance); $config = has_capability('enrol/manual:config', $context); $mform->addElement('header', 'enrol_manual_header_'.$i, $header); $options = array(ENROL_INSTANCE_ENABLED => get_string('yes'), ENROL_INSTANCE_DISABLED => get_string('no')); $mform->addElement('select', 'enrol_manual_status_'.$i, get_string('status', 'enrol_manual'), $options); $mform->addHelpButton('enrol_manual_status_'.$i, 'status', 'enrol_manual'); $mform->setDefault('enrol_manual_status_'.$i, $this->get_config('status')); $mform->setAdvanced('enrol_manual_status_'.$i, $this->get_config('status_adv')); if (!$config) { $mform->hardFreeze('enrol_manual_status_'.$i); } $mform->addElement('duration', 'enrol_manual_enrolperiod_'.$i, get_string('defaultperiod', 'enrol_manual'), array('optional' => true, 'defaultunit' => 86400)); $mform->setDefault('enrol_manual_enrolperiod_'.$i, $this->get_config('enrolperiod')); $mform->setAdvanced('enrol_manual_enrolperiod_'.$i, $this->get_config('enrolperiod_adv')); if (!$config) { $mform->hardFreeze('enrol_manual_enrolperiod_'.$i); } else { $mform->disabledIf('enrol_manual_enrolperiod_'.$i, 'enrol_manual_status_'.$i, 'noteq', ENROL_INSTANCE_ENABLED); } if ($instance) { $roles = get_default_enrol_roles($context, $instance->roleid); } else { $roles = get_default_enrol_roles($context, $this->get_config('roleid')); } $mform->addElement('select', 'enrol_manual_roleid_'.$i, get_string('defaultrole', 'role'), $roles); $mform->setDefault('enrol_manual_roleid_'.$i, $this->get_config('roleid')); $mform->setAdvanced('enrol_manual_roleid_'.$i, $this->get_config('roleid_adv')); if (!$config) { $mform->hardFreeze('enrol_manual_roleid_'.$i); } else { $mform->disabledIf('enrol_manual_roleid_'.$i, 'enrol_manual_status_'.$i, 'noteq', ENROL_INSTANCE_ENABLED); } // now add all values from enrol table if ($instance) { foreach($instance as $key=>$val) { $data->{'enrol_manual_'.$key.'_'.$i} = $val; } } } /** * Called after updating/inserting course. * * @param bool $inserted true if course just inserted * @param object $course * @param object $data form data * @return void */ public function course_updated($inserted, $course, $data) { global $DB; $context = get_context_instance(CONTEXT_COURSE, $course->id); if (has_capability('enrol/manual:config', $context)) { if ($inserted) { if (isset($data->enrol_manual_status_0)) { $fields = array('status'=>$data->enrol_manual_status_0); if ($fields['status'] == ENROL_INSTANCE_ENABLED) { $fields['enrolperiod'] = $data->enrol_manual_enrolperiod_0; $fields['roleid'] = $data->enrol_manual_roleid_0; } else { $fields['enrolperiod'] = $this->get_config('enrolperiod'); $fields['roleid'] = $this->get_config('roleid'); } $this->add_instance($course, $fields); } } else { $instances = $DB->get_records('enrol', array('courseid'=>$course->id, 'enrol'=>'manual')); foreach ($instances as $instance) { $i = $instance->id; if (isset($data->{'enrol_manual_status_'.$i})) { $instance->status = $data->{'enrol_manual_status_'.$i}; $instance->timemodified = time(); if ($instance->status == ENROL_INSTANCE_ENABLED) { $instance->enrolperiod = $data->{'enrol_manual_enrolperiod_'.$i}; $instance->roleid = $data->{'enrol_manual_roleid_'.$i}; } $DB->update_record('enrol', $instance); } } } } else { if ($inserted) { if ($this->get_config('defaultenrol')) { $this->add_default_instance($course); } } else { // bad luck, user can not change anything } } } /** * Add new instance of enrol plugin with default settings. * @param object $course * @return int id of new instance */ public function add_default_instance($course) { $fields = array('status'=>$this->get_config('status'), 'enrolperiod'=>$this->get_config('enrolperiod', 0), 'roleid'=>$this->get_config('roleid', 0)); return $this->add_instance($course, $fields); } public function cron() { // TODO: deal with $CFG->longtimenosee } }