: |
: |
if (! $form->type) {
$form->type = 'general';
if ($form->type == 'news') {
print_string('namenews', 'forum');
echo '';
} else if ($form->type == 'social') {
print_string('namesocial', 'forum');
echo '';
} else {
choose_from_menu($FORUM_TYPES, 'type', $form->type, '');
helpbutton('forumtype', get_string('forumtype', 'forum'), 'forum');
helpbutton('questions', get_string('helpquestions'), 'moodle', true, true);
echo ' ';
if ($usehtmleditor) {
helpbutton('richtext', get_string('helprichtext'), 'moodle', true, true);
} else {
emoticonhelpbutton('form', 'intro');
echo ' ';
intro); ?>
student")) ?>: |
open, '');
helpbutton('allowdiscussions', get_string('allowdiscussions',
'forum', moodle_strtolower("$course->student")), 'forum');
: |
forcesubscribe, '');
helpbutton('subscription2', get_string('forcesubscribeq', 'forum'), 'forum');
forum_trackreadposts) { ?>
: |
trackingtype, '');
helpbutton('trackingtype', get_string('trackingtype', 'forum'), 'forum');
: |
maxbytes, $course->maxbytes);
$choices[1] = get_string("uploadnotallowed");
$choices[0] = get_string("courseuploadlimit") . " (".display_size($course->maxbytes).")";
choose_from_menu ($choices, "maxbytes", $form->maxbytes, "");
helpbutton("maxattachmentsize", get_string("maxattachmentsize", "forum"), "forum");
enablerssfeeds && $CFG->forum_enablerssfeeds) {
echo '';
echo ''.get_string('rsstype').': | ';
echo '';
$choices[0] = get_string('none');
$choices[1] = get_string('discussions', 'forum');
$choices[2] = get_string('posts', 'forum');
choose_from_menu ($choices, 'rsstype', $form->rsstype, '');
helpbutton('rsstype', get_string('rsstype'), 'forum');
echo ' | ';
echo '
echo '';
echo ''.get_string('rssarticles').': | ';
echo '';
$choices[0] = '0';
$choices[1] = '1';
$choices[2] = '2';
$choices[3] = '3';
$choices[4] = '4';
$choices[5] = '5';
$choices[10] = '10';
$choices[15] = '15';
$choices[20] = '20';
$choices[25] = '25';
$choices[30] = '30';
$choices[40] = '40';
$choices[50] = '50';
choose_from_menu ($choices, 'rssarticles', $form->rssarticles, '');
helpbutton('rssarticles', get_string('rssarticles'), 'forum');
echo ' | ';
echo '
: |
echo " var subitemstime = ['startday','startmonth','startyear','starthour', 'startminute',".
echo " var subitemsall = ['assessed', 'assesspublic', 'ratingtime', 'scale', ".
"'startday','startmonth','startyear','starthour', 'startminute',".
echo '';
echo 'assessed) {
echo ' checked="checked" ';
echo ' />';
echo ' '.get_string('ratingsuse', 'forum').':';
echo ' | ';
echo '';
// The odd order below was to maintain backward compatibility
$options[2] = get_string('ratingonlyteachers', 'forum', moodle_strtolower($course->teachers));
$options[1] = get_string('ratingeveryone', 'forum');
echo get_string('users').': ';
echo ' | ';
choose_from_menu($options, 'assessed', $form->assessed, '');
echo ' | ';
echo '';
$options[0] = get_string('ratingpublicnot', 'forum', $course->students);
$options[1] = get_string('ratingpublic', 'forum', $course->students);
echo get_string('view').': ';
echo ' | ';
choose_from_menu($options, 'assesspublic', $form->assesspublic, '');
echo ' | ';
echo '';
echo get_string('grade').': ';
echo ' | ';
print_grade_menu($course->id, 'scale', $form->scale, false);
echo ' | ';
echo '';
echo 'assesstimestart and $form->assesstimefinish and $form->assessed) {
$form->ratingtime = 1;
echo ' checked="checked" ';
echo ' /> ';
print_string('ratingtime', 'forum');
echo ' | ';
echo '  | ';
echo '';
echo get_string('from').': ';
print_date_selector('startday', 'startmonth', 'startyear', $form->assesstimestart);
print_time_selector('starthour', 'startminute', $form->assesstimestart);
echo ' ';
echo get_string('to').': ';
print_date_selector('finishday', 'finishmonth', 'finishyear', $form->assesstimefinish);
print_time_selector('finishhour', 'finishminute', $form->assesstimefinish);
echo ' ';
echo ' | ';
echo ' | ';
echo '';
echo '';
echo '';
echo '';
echo '';
echo '';
echo '';
echo '';
echo '';
echo '';
echo '';
echo '';
echo '';
echo '';
echo '';
if (empty($form->ratingtime)) {
echo '';