# This file specifies intentionally untracked files that all Moodle git # repositories should ignore. It is recommended not to modify this file in your # local clone. Instead, use .git/info/exclude and add new records there as # needed. # # Example: if you deploy a contributed plugin mod/foobar into your site, put # the following line into .git/info/exclude file in your Moodle clone: # /mod/foobar/ # # See gitignore(5) man page for more details # # Swap files (vim) [._]*.s[a-v][a-z] [._]*.sw[a-p] [._]s[a-rt-v][a-z] [._]ss[a-gi-z] [._]sw[a-p] # Temporary files including undo *~ # /config.php /tags /TAGS /cscope.* /.patches/ /.idea/ .phpstorm.* !.phpstorm.meta.php /nbproject/ CVS .DS_Store /.settings/ /.project /.buildpath /.cache .phpunit.result.cache phpunit.xml # Composer support. Do not ignore composer.json, or composer.lock. These should be shipped by us. composer.phar /vendor/ /behat.yml */yui/build/*/*-coverage.js /lib/yuilib/*/build/*/*-coverage.js # lib/yuilib/version/module/module-coverage.js /lib/yuilib/*/*/*-coverage.js atlassian-ide-plugin.xml /node_modules/ /.vscode/ moodle-plugin-ci.phar .eslintignore .stylelintignore /jsdoc /admin/tool/componentlibrary/docs /admin/tool/componentlibrary/hugo/site/data/my-index.json .hugo_build.lock phpcs.xml jsconfig.json