dirroot . '/backup/backuplib.php'); Mock::generate('ADODB_mysql'); Mock::generate('ADORecordSet_mysql'); class backuplib_test extends UnitTestCase { var $real_db; var $real_dataroot; var $rs; var $firstcolumn; var $db; var $testfiles = array(); var $userbasedir; function setUp() { global $db, $CFG; $this->real_db = fullclone($db); $db = new MockADODB_mysql(); $this->rs = new MockADORecordSet_mysql(); $this->rs->EOF = false; $this->firstcolumn = new stdClass(); $this->firstcolumn->name = 'id'; // Override dataroot: we don't want to test with live data $this->real_dataroot = fullclone($CFG->dataroot); $CFG->dataroot .= '/unittests'; $this->userbasedir = $CFG->dataroot.'/user'; // Create some sample files in this temporary directory mkdir($CFG->dataroot); mkdir($this->userbasedir); $this->testfiles = array('0/1','0/3','1000/1043','457498000/457498167'); foreach ($this->testfiles as $file) { $parts = explode('/', $file); if (!file_exists("$this->userbasedir/{$parts[0]}")) { mkdir("$this->userbasedir/{$parts[0]}"); } mkdir("$this->userbasedir/$file"); $handle = fopen("$this->userbasedir/$file/f1.gif", 'w+b'); fclose($handle); } } function tearDown() { global $CFG, $db; if (!is_null($this->real_dataroot) && $this->real_dataroot != $CFG->dataroot) { remove_dir($CFG->dataroot); } $db = $this->real_db; $CFG->dataroot = $this->real_dataroot; } function test_backup_copy_user_files() { global $CFG, $db; $preferences = new stdClass(); $preferences->backup_unique_code = time(); $db->setReturnValue('Execute', $this->rs); $this->rs->setReturnValue('RecordCount', 1); $this->rs->fields = array(1); // Perform the backup backup_copy_user_files($preferences); // Check for the existence of the backup file $backupfile = "$CFG->dataroot/temp/backup/$preferences->backup_unique_code/user_files"; $this->assertTrue(file_exists($backupfile)); // Check for the existence of the user files in the backup file foreach ($this->testfiles as $file) { $parts = explode('/', $file); $section = $parts[0]; $userid = $parts[1]; $userimage = "$CFG->dataroot/temp/backup/$preferences->backup_unique_code/user_files/$section/$userid/f1.gif"; $this->assertTrue(file_exists($userimage)); } } /** * This is a moodlelib method but it is used in backuplib, so it is tested here in that context, with typical backup data. */ function test_get_user_directories() { global $CFG; $dirlist = get_user_directories(); $this->assertEqual(4, count($dirlist)); foreach ($this->testfiles as $file) { $parts = explode('/', $file); $section = $parts[0]; $userid = $parts[1]; $this->assertEqual($file, $dirlist[$userid]['userfolder']); $this->assertEqual($this->userbasedir, $dirlist[$userid]['basedir']); } } } ?>