. /** * Book view page * * @package mod_book * @copyright 2004-2011 Petr Skoda {@link http://skodak.org} * @license http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html GNU GPL v3 or later */ require(dirname(__FILE__).'/../../config.php'); require_once(dirname(__FILE__).'/locallib.php'); require_once($CFG->libdir.'/completionlib.php'); $id = optional_param('id', 0, PARAM_INT); // Course Module ID $bid = optional_param('b', 0, PARAM_INT); // Book id $chapterid = optional_param('chapterid', 0, PARAM_INT); // Chapter ID $edit = optional_param('edit', -1, PARAM_BOOL); // Edit mode // ========================================================================= // security checks START - teachers edit; students view // ========================================================================= if ($id) { $cm = get_coursemodule_from_id('book', $id, 0, false, MUST_EXIST); $course = $DB->get_record('course', array('id'=>$cm->course), '*', MUST_EXIST); $book = $DB->get_record('book', array('id'=>$cm->instance), '*', MUST_EXIST); } else { $book = $DB->get_record('book', array('id'=>$bid), '*', MUST_EXIST); $cm = get_coursemodule_from_instance('book', $book->id, 0, false, MUST_EXIST); $course = $DB->get_record('course', array('id'=>$cm->course), '*', MUST_EXIST); $id = $cm->id; } require_course_login($course, true, $cm); $context = context_module::instance($cm->id); require_capability('mod/book:read', $context); $allowedit = has_capability('mod/book:edit', $context); $viewhidden = has_capability('mod/book:viewhiddenchapters', $context); if ($allowedit) { if ($edit != -1 and confirm_sesskey()) { $USER->editing = $edit; } else { if (isset($USER->editing)) { $edit = $USER->editing; } else { $edit = 0; } } } else { $edit = 0; } // read chapters $chapters = book_preload_chapters($book); if ($allowedit and !$chapters) { redirect('edit.php?cmid='.$cm->id); // No chapters - add new one. } // Check chapterid and read chapter data if ($chapterid == '0') { // Go to first chapter if no given. add_to_log($course->id, 'book', 'view', 'view.php?id='.$cm->id, $book->id, $cm->id); foreach ($chapters as $ch) { if ($edit) { $chapterid = $ch->id; break; } if (!$ch->hidden) { $chapterid = $ch->id; break; } } } $courseurl = new moodle_url('/course/view.php', array('id' => $course->id)); // No content in the book. if (!$chapterid) { $PAGE->set_url('/mod/book/view.php', array('id' => $id)); notice(get_string('nocontent', 'mod_book'), $courseurl->out(false)); } // Chapter doesnt exist or it is hidden for students if ((!$chapter = $DB->get_record('book_chapters', array('id' => $chapterid, 'bookid' => $book->id))) or ($chapter->hidden and !$viewhidden)) { print_error('errorchapter', 'mod_book', $courseurl); } $PAGE->set_url('/mod/book/view.php', array('id'=>$id, 'chapterid'=>$chapterid)); // Unset all page parameters. unset($id); unset($bid); unset($chapterid); // Security checks END. add_to_log($course->id, 'book', 'view chapter', 'view.php?id='.$cm->id.'&chapterid='.$chapter->id, $chapter->id, $cm->id); // Read standard strings. $strbooks = get_string('modulenameplural', 'mod_book'); $strbook = get_string('modulename', 'mod_book'); $strtoc = get_string('toc', 'mod_book'); // prepare header $pagetitle = $book->name . ": " . $chapter->title; $PAGE->set_title($pagetitle); $PAGE->set_heading($course->fullname); book_add_fake_block($chapters, $chapter, $book, $cm, $edit); // prepare chapter navigation icons $previd = null; $nextid = null; $last = null; foreach ($chapters as $ch) { if (!$edit and $ch->hidden) { continue; } if ($last == $chapter->id) { $nextid = $ch->id; break; } if ($ch->id != $chapter->id) { $previd = $ch->id; } $last = $ch->id; } $navprevicon = right_to_left() ? 'nav_next' : 'nav_prev'; $navnexticon = right_to_left() ? 'nav_prev' : 'nav_next'; $navprevdisicon = right_to_left() ? 'nav_next_dis' : 'nav_prev_dis'; $chnavigation = ''; if ($previd) { $chnavigation .= ''.get_string('navprev', 'book').''; } else { $chnavigation .= ''; } if ($nextid) { $chnavigation .= ''.get_string('navnext', 'book').''; } else { $sec = $DB->get_field('course_sections', 'section', array('id' => $cm->section)); $returnurl = course_get_url($course, $sec); $chnavigation .= ''.get_string('navexit', 'book').''; // we are cheating a bit here, viewing the last page means user has viewed the whole book $completion = new completion_info($course); $completion->set_module_viewed($cm); } // ===================================================== // Book display HTML code // ===================================================== echo $OUTPUT->header(); // upper nav echo ''; // chapter itself echo $OUTPUT->box_start('generalbox book_content'); if (!$book->customtitles) { $hidden = $chapter->hidden ? 'dimmed_text' : ''; if (!$chapter->subchapter) { $currtitle = book_get_chapter_title($chapter->id, $chapters, $book, $context); echo $OUTPUT->heading($currtitle, 2, array('class' => 'book_chapter_title '.$hidden)); } else { $currtitle = book_get_chapter_title($chapters[$chapter->id]->parent, $chapters, $book, $context); $currsubtitle = book_get_chapter_title($chapter->id, $chapters, $book, $context); echo $OUTPUT->heading($currtitle, 2, array('class' => 'book_chapter_title '.$hidden)); echo $OUTPUT->heading($currsubtitle, 3, array('class' => 'book_chapter_title '.$hidden)); } } $chaptertext = file_rewrite_pluginfile_urls($chapter->content, 'pluginfile.php', $context->id, 'mod_book', 'chapter', $chapter->id); echo format_text($chaptertext, $chapter->contentformat, array('noclean'=>true, 'context'=>$context)); echo $OUTPUT->box_end(); // lower navigation echo ''; echo $OUTPUT->footer();