. /** * Library of functions needed by Moodle core and other subsystems * * All the functions neeeded by Moodle core, gradebook, file subsystem etc * are placed here. * * @package mod-workshop * @copyright 2009 David Mudrak * @license http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html GNU GPL v3 or later */ defined('MOODLE_INTERNAL') || die(); //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Moodle core API // //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /** * Returns the information if the module supports a feature * * @see plugin_supports() in lib/moodlelib.php * @param string $feature FEATURE_xx constant for requested feature * @return mixed true if the feature is supported, null if unknown */ function workshop_supports($feature) { switch($feature) { case FEATURE_GRADE_HAS_GRADE: return true; case FEATURE_GROUPS: return true; case FEATURE_GROUPINGS: return true; case FEATURE_GROUPMEMBERSONLY: return true; case FEATURE_MOD_INTRO: return true; default: return null; } } /** * Saves a new instance of the workshop into the database * * Given an object containing all the necessary data, * (defined by the form in mod_form.php) this function * will save a new instance and return the id number * of the new instance. * * @param stdclass $workshop An object from the form in mod_form.php * @return int The id of the newly inserted workshop record */ function workshop_add_instance(stdclass $workshop) { global $CFG, $DB; require_once(dirname(__FILE__) . '/locallib.php'); $workshop->phase = workshop::PHASE_SETUP; $workshop->timecreated = time(); $workshop->timemodified = $workshop->timecreated; $workshop->useexamples = (int)!empty($workshop->useexamples); // unticked checkbox hack $workshop->usepeerassessment = (int)!empty($workshop->usepeerassessment); // unticked checkbox hack $workshop->useselfassessment = (int)!empty($workshop->useselfassessment); // unticked checkbox hack $workshop->latesubmissions = (int)!empty($workshop->latesubmissions); // unticked checkbox hack // insert the new record so we get the id $workshop->id = $DB->insert_record('workshop', $workshop); // we need to use context now, so we need to make sure all needed info is already in db $cmid = $workshop->coursemodule; $DB->set_field('course_modules', 'instance', $workshop->id, array('id' => $cmid)); $context = get_context_instance(CONTEXT_MODULE, $cmid); // process the custom wysiwyg editors if ($draftitemid = $workshop->instructauthorseditor['itemid']) { $workshop->instructauthors = file_save_draft_area_files($draftitemid, $context->id, 'workshop_instructauthors', 0, workshop::instruction_editors_options($context), $workshop->instructauthorseditor['text']); $workshop->instructauthorsformat = $workshop->instructauthorseditor['format']; } if ($draftitemid = $workshop->instructreviewerseditor['itemid']) { $workshop->instructreviewers = file_save_draft_area_files($draftitemid, $context->id, 'workshop_instructreviewers', 0, workshop::instruction_editors_options($context), $workshop->instructreviewerseditor['text']); $workshop->instructreviewersformat = $workshop->instructreviewerseditor['format']; } // re-save the record with the replaced URLs in editor fields $DB->update_record('workshop', $workshop); // update gradebook item workshop_grade_item_update($workshop); return $workshop->id; } /** * Given an object containing all the necessary data, * (defined by the form in mod_form.php) this function * will update an existing instance with new data. * * @param stdclass $workshop An object from the form in mod_form.php * @return bool success */ function workshop_update_instance(stdclass $workshop) { global $CFG, $DB; require_once(dirname(__FILE__) . '/locallib.php'); $workshop->timemodified = time(); $workshop->id = $workshop->instance; $workshop->useexamples = (int)!empty($workshop->useexamples); // unticked checkbox hack $workshop->usepeerassessment = (int)!empty($workshop->usepeerassessment); // unticked checkbox hack $workshop->useselfassessment = (int)!empty($workshop->useselfassessment); // unticked checkbox hack $workshop->latesubmissions = (int)!empty($workshop->latesubmissions); // unticked checkbox hack // todo - if the grading strategy is being changed, we must replace all aggregated peer grades with nulls // todo - if maximum grades are being changed, we should probably recalculate or invalidate them $DB->update_record('workshop', $workshop); $context = get_context_instance(CONTEXT_MODULE, $workshop->coursemodule); // process the custom wysiwyg editors if ($draftitemid = $workshop->instructauthorseditor['itemid']) { $workshop->instructauthors = file_save_draft_area_files($draftitemid, $context->id, 'workshop_instructauthors', 0, workshop::instruction_editors_options($context), $workshop->instructauthorseditor['text']); $workshop->instructauthorsformat = $workshop->instructauthorseditor['format']; } if ($draftitemid = $workshop->instructreviewerseditor['itemid']) { $workshop->instructreviewers = file_save_draft_area_files($draftitemid, $context->id, 'workshop_instructreviewers', 0, workshop::instruction_editors_options($context), $workshop->instructreviewerseditor['text']); $workshop->instructreviewersformat = $workshop->instructreviewerseditor['format']; } // re-save the record with the replaced URLs in editor fields $DB->update_record('workshop', $workshop); // update gradebook item workshop_grade_item_update($workshop); return true; } /** * Given an ID of an instance of this module, * this function will permanently delete the instance * and any data that depends on it. * * @param int $id Id of the module instance * @return boolean Success/Failure */ function workshop_delete_instance($id) { global $CFG, $DB; require_once($CFG->libdir.'/gradelib.php'); if (! $workshop = $DB->get_record('workshop', array('id' => $id))) { return false; } // delete all associated aggregations $DB->delete_records('workshop_aggregations', array('workshopid' => $workshop->id)); // get the list of ids of all submissions $submissions = $DB->get_records('workshop_submissions', array('workshopid' => $workshop->id), '', 'id'); // get the list of all allocated assessments $assessments = $DB->get_records_list('workshop_assessments', 'submissionid', array_keys($submissions), '', 'id'); // delete the associated records from the workshop core tables $DB->delete_records_list('workshop_grades', 'assessmentid', array_keys($assessments)); $DB->delete_records_list('workshop_assessments', 'id', array_keys($assessments)); $DB->delete_records_list('workshop_submissions', 'id', array_keys($submissions)); // todo call the static clean-up methods of all available subplugins // ... // finally remove the workshop record itself $DB->delete_records('workshop', array('id' => $workshop->id)); // gradebook cleanup grade_update('mod/workshop', $workshop->course, 'mod', 'workshop', $workshop->id, 0, null, array('deleted' => true)); grade_update('mod/workshop', $workshop->course, 'mod', 'workshop', $workshop->id, 1, null, array('deleted' => true)); return true; } /** * Return a small object with summary information about what a * user has done with a given particular instance of this module * Used for user activity reports. * $return->time = the time they did it * $return->info = a short text description * * @return null * @todo Finish documenting this function */ function workshop_user_outline($course, $user, $mod, $workshop) { $return = new stdclass(); $return->time = 0; $return->info = ''; return $return; } /** * Print a detailed representation of what a user has done with * a given particular instance of this module, for user activity reports. * * @return boolean * @todo Finish documenting this function */ function workshop_user_complete($course, $user, $mod, $workshop) { return true; } /** * Given a course and a time, this module should find recent activity * that has occurred in workshop activities and print it out. * Return true if there was output, or false is there was none. * * @return boolean * @todo Finish documenting this function */ function workshop_print_recent_activity($course, $isteacher, $timestart) { return false; // True if anything was printed, otherwise false } /** * Function to be run periodically according to the moodle cron * This function searches for things that need to be done, such * as sending out mail, toggling flags etc ... * * @return boolean * @todo Finish documenting this function **/ function workshop_cron () { return true; } /** * Must return an array of user records (all data) who are participants * for a given instance of workshop. Must include every user involved * in the instance, independient of his role (student, teacher, admin...) * See other modules as example. * * @param int $workshopid ID of an instance of this module * @return mixed boolean/array of students */ function workshop_get_participants($workshopid) { return false; } /** * This function returns if a scale is being used by one workshop * if it has support for grading and scales. Commented code should be * modified if necessary. See forum, glossary or journal modules * as reference. * * @param int $workshopid ID of an instance of this module * @return mixed * @todo Finish documenting this function */ function workshop_scale_used($workshopid, $scaleid) { $return = false; //$rec = get_record("workshop","id","$workshopid","scale","-$scaleid"); // //if (!empty($rec) && !empty($scaleid)) { // $return = true; //} return $return; } /** * Checks if scale is being used by any instance of workshop. * This function was added in 1.9 * * This is used to find out if scale used anywhere * @param $scaleid int * @return boolean True if the scale is used by any workshop */ function workshop_scale_used_anywhere($scaleid) { if ($scaleid and record_exists('workshop', 'grade', -$scaleid)) { return true; } else { return false; } } /** * Returns all other caps used in the module * * @return array */ function workshop_get_extra_capabilities() { return array('moodle/site:accessallgroups'); } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Gradebook API // //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /** * Creates or updates grade items for the give workshop instance * * Needed by grade_update_mod_grades() in lib/gradelib.php. Also used by * {@link workshop_update_grades()}. * * @param stdclass $workshop instance object with extra cmidnumber and modname property * @param stdclass $submissiongrades data for the first grade item * @param stdclass $assessmentgrades data for the second grade item * @return void */ function workshop_grade_item_update(stdclass $workshop, $submissiongrades=null, $assessmentgrades=null) { global $CFG; require_once($CFG->libdir.'/gradelib.php'); $a = new stdclass(); $a->workshopname = clean_param($workshop->name, PARAM_NOTAGS); $item = array(); $item['itemname'] = get_string('gradeitemsubmission', 'workshop', $a); $item['idnumber'] = $workshop->cmidnumber; $item['gradetype'] = GRADE_TYPE_VALUE; $item['grademax'] = $workshop->grade; $item['grademin'] = 0; grade_update('mod/workshop', $workshop->course, 'mod', 'workshop', $workshop->id, 0, $submissiongrades , $item); $item = array(); $item['itemname'] = get_string('gradeitemassessment', 'workshop', $a); $item['idnumber'] = $workshop->cmidnumber; $item['gradetype'] = GRADE_TYPE_VALUE; $item['grademax'] = $workshop->gradinggrade; $item['grademin'] = 0; grade_update('mod/workshop', $workshop->course, 'mod', 'workshop', $workshop->id, 1, $assessmentgrades, $item); } /** * Update workshop grades in the gradebook * * Needed by grade_update_mod_grades() in lib/gradelib.php * * @param stdclass $workshop instance object with extra cmidnumber and modname property * @param int $userid update grade of specific user only, 0 means all participants * @return void */ function workshop_update_grades(stdclass $workshop, $userid=0) { global $CFG, $DB; require_once($CFG->libdir.'/gradelib.php'); $whereuser = $userid ? ' AND authorid = :userid' : ''; $params = array('workshopid' => $workshop->id, 'userid' => $userid); $sql = 'SELECT authorid, grade, gradeover, gradeoverby, feedbackauthor, feedbackauthorformat, timemodified, timegraded FROM {workshop_submissions} WHERE workshopid = :workshopid AND example=0' . $whereuser; $records = $DB->get_records_sql($sql, $params); $submissiongrades = array(); foreach ($records as $record) { $grade = new stdclass(); $grade->userid = $record->authorid; if (!is_null($record->gradeover)) { $grade->rawgrade = grade_floatval($workshop->grade * $record->gradeover / 100); $grade->usermodified = $record->gradeoverby; } else { $grade->rawgrade = grade_floatval($workshop->grade * $record->grade / 100); } $grade->feedback = $record->feedbackauthor; $grade->feedbackformat = $record->feedbackauthorformat; $grade->datesubmitted = $record->timemodified; $grade->dategraded = $record->timegraded; $submissiongrades[$record->authorid] = $grade; } $whereuser = $userid ? ' AND userid = :userid' : ''; $params = array('workshopid' => $workshop->id, 'userid' => $userid); $sql = 'SELECT userid, gradinggrade, timegraded FROM {workshop_aggregations} WHERE workshopid = :workshopid' . $whereuser; $records = $DB->get_records_sql($sql, $params); $assessmentgrades = array(); foreach ($records as $record) { $grade = new stdclass(); $grade->userid = $record->userid; $grade->rawgrade = grade_floatval($workshop->gradinggrade * $record->gradinggrade / 100); $grade->dategraded = $record->timegraded; $assessmentgrades[$record->userid] = $grade; } workshop_grade_item_update($workshop, $submissiongrades, $assessmentgrades); } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // File API // //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /** * Returns the lists of all browsable file areas within the given module context * * The file area workshop_intro for the activity introduction field is added automatically * by {@link file_browser::get_file_info_module()} * * @param stdclass $course * @param stdclass $cm * @param stdclass $context * @return array of [(string)filearea] => (string)description */ function workshop_get_file_areas($course, $cm, $context) { $areas = array(); if (has_capability('moodle/course:managefiles', $context)) { $areas['workshop_instructauthors'] = get_string('areainstructauthors', 'workshop'); $areas['workshop_instructreviewers'] = get_string('areainstructreviewers', 'workshop'); $areas['workshop_submission_content'] = get_string('areasubmissioncontent', 'workshop'); $areas['workshop_submission_attachment'] = get_string('areasubmissionattachment', 'workshop'); } return $areas; } /** * Serves the files from the workshop file areas * * Apart from module intro (handled by pluginfile.php automatically), workshop files may be * media inserted into submission content (like images) and submission attachments. For these two, * the fileareas workshop_submission_content and workshop_submission_attachment are used. * The access rights to the files are checked here. The user must be either a peer-reviewer * of the submission or have capability ... (todo) to access the submission files. * Besides that, areas workshop_instructauthors and workshop_instructreviewers contain the media * embedded using the mod_form.php. * * @param stdclass $course * @param stdclass $cminfo * @param stdclass $context * @param string $filearea * @param array $args * @param bool $forcedownload * @return void this should never return to the caller */ function workshop_pluginfile($course, $cminfo, $context, $filearea, array $args, $forcedownload) { global $DB; if (!$cminfo->uservisible) { send_file_not_found(); } if (!$cm = get_coursemodule_from_instance('workshop', $cminfo->instance, $course->id)) { send_file_not_found(); } require_login($course, true, $cm); if ($filearea === 'workshop_instructauthors') { // submission instructions may contain sensitive data if (!has_any_capability(array('moodle/course:manageactivities', 'mod/workshop:submit'), $context)) { send_file_not_found(); } array_shift($args); // we do not use itemids here $relativepath = '/' . implode('/', $args); $fullpath = $context->id . $filearea . '0' . $relativepath; // beware, slashes are not used here! $fs = get_file_storage(); if (!$file = $fs->get_file_by_hash(sha1($fullpath)) or $file->is_directory()) { send_file_not_found(); } $lifetime = isset($CFG->filelifetime) ? $CFG->filelifetime : 86400; // finally send the file send_stored_file($file, $lifetime, 0); } if ($filearea === 'workshop_instructreviewers') { // submission instructions may contain sensitive data if (!has_any_capability(array('moodle/course:manageactivities', 'mod/workshop:peerassess'), $context)) { send_file_not_found(); } array_shift($args); // we do not use itemids here $relativepath = '/' . implode('/', $args); $fullpath = $context->id . $filearea . '0' . $relativepath; // beware, slashes are not used here! $fs = get_file_storage(); if (!$file = $fs->get_file_by_hash(sha1($fullpath)) or $file->is_directory()) { send_file_not_found(); } $lifetime = isset($CFG->filelifetime) ? $CFG->filelifetime : 86400; // finally send the file send_stored_file($file, $lifetime, 0); } // the following file areas are for the files embedded into the assessment forms // TODO this should be rewritten to using callbacks into subplugins if (in_array($filearea, array( 'workshopform_comments_description', 'workshopform_accumulative_description', 'workshopform_numerrors_description', 'workshopform_rubric_description', ))) { $itemid = (int)array_shift($args); // the id of the assessment form dimension if (!$workshop = $DB->get_record('workshop', array('id' => $cminfo->instance))) { send_file_not_found(); } switch ($filearea) { case 'workshopform_comments_description': $dimension = $DB->get_record('workshopform_comments', array('id' => $itemid)); break; case 'workshopform_accumulative_description': $dimension = $DB->get_record('workshopform_accumulative', array('id' => $itemid)); break; case 'workshopform_numerrors_description': $dimension = $DB->get_record('workshopform_numerrors', array('id' => $itemid)); break; case 'workshopform_rubric_description': $dimension = $DB->get_record('workshopform_rubric', array('id' => $itemid)); break; default: $dimension = false; } if (empty($dimension)) { send_file_not_found(); } if ($workshop->id != $dimension->workshopid) { // this should never happen but just in case send_file_not_found(); } // TODO now make sure the user is allowed to see the file // (media embedded into the dimension description) $fs = get_file_storage(); $relativepath = '/' . implode('/', $args); $fullpath = $context->id . $filearea . $itemid . $relativepath; if (!$file = $fs->get_file_by_hash(sha1($fullpath)) or $file->is_directory()) { return false; } // finally send the file send_stored_file($file); } if ($filearea == 'workshop_submission_content' or $filearea == 'workshop_submission_attachment') { $itemid = (int)array_shift($args); if (!$submission = $DB->get_record('workshop_submissions', array('id' => $itemid))) { return false; } if (!$workshop = $DB->get_record('workshop', array('id' => $cminfo->instance))) { return false; } // TODO now make sure the user is allowed to see the file $fs = get_file_storage(); $relativepath = '/' . implode('/', $args); $fullpath = $context->id . $filearea . $itemid . $relativepath; if (!$file = $fs->get_file_by_hash(sha1($fullpath)) or $file->is_directory()) { return false; } // finally send the file // these files are uploaded by students - forcing download for security reasons send_stored_file($file, 0, 0, true); } return false; } /** * File browsing support for workshop file areas * * @param stdclass $browser * @param stdclass $areas * @param stdclass $course * @param stdclass $cm * @param stdclass $context * @param string $filearea * @param int $itemid * @param string $filepath * @param string $filename * @return stdclass file_info instance or null if not found */ function workshop_get_file_info($browser, $areas, $course, $cm, $context, $filearea, $itemid, $filepath, $filename) { global $CFG, $DB; if (!has_capability('moodle/course:managefiles', $context)) { return null; } $fs = get_file_storage(); if ($filearea === 'workshop_submission_content' or $filearea === 'workshop_submission_attachment') { if (is_null($itemid)) { require_once($CFG->dirroot . '/mod/workshop/fileinfolib.php'); return new workshop_file_info_submissions_container($browser, $course, $cm, $context, $areas, $filearea); } // we are inside the submission container $filepath = is_null($filepath) ? '/' : $filepath; $filename = is_null($filename) ? '.' : $filename; if (!$storedfile = $fs->get_file($context->id, $filearea, $itemid, $filepath, $filename)) { if ($filepath === '/' and $filename === '.') { $storedfile = new virtual_root_file($context->id, $filearea, $itemid); } else { // not found return null; } } // let us display the author's name instead of itemid (submission id) // todo some sort of caching should happen here $sql = 'SELECT s.id, u.lastname, u.firstname FROM {workshop_submissions} s INNER JOIN {user} u ON (s.authorid = u.id) WHERE s.workshopid = ?'; $params = array($cm->instance); $authors = $DB->get_records_sql($sql, $params); $urlbase = $CFG->wwwroot . '/pluginfile.php'; $topvisiblename = fullname($authors[$itemid]); // do not allow manual modification of any files! return new file_info_stored($browser, $context, $storedfile, $urlbase, $topvisiblename, true, true, false, false); } if ($filearea == 'workshop_instructauthors' or $filearea == 'workshop_instructreviewers') { // always only itemid 0 $filepath = is_null($filepath) ? '/' : $filepath; $filename = is_null($filename) ? '.' : $filename; $urlbase = $CFG->wwwroot.'/pluginfile.php'; if (!$storedfile = $fs->get_file($context->id, $filearea, 0, $filepath, $filename)) { if ($filepath === '/' and $filename === '.') { $storedfile = new virtual_root_file($context->id, $filearea, 0); } else { // not found return null; } } return new file_info_stored($browser, $context, $storedfile, $urlbase, $areas[$filearea], false, true, true, false); } } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Navigation API // //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /** * Extends the global navigation tree by adding workshop nodes if there is a relevant content * * This can be called by an AJAX request so do not rely on $PAGE as it might not be set up properly. * * @param navigation_node $navref An object representing the navigation tree node of the workshop module instance * @param stdclass $course * @param stdclass $module * @param stdclass $cm */ function workshop_extend_navigation(navigation_node $navref, stdclass $course, stdclass $module, stdclass $cm) { global $CFG; if (has_capability('mod/workshop:submit', get_context_instance(CONTEXT_MODULE, $cm->id))) { $url = new moodle_url('/mod/workshop/submission.php', array('cmid' => $cm->id)); $mysubmission = $navref->add(get_string('mysubmission', 'workshop'), $url); $mysubmission->mainnavonly = true; } } /** * Extends the settings navigation with the Workshop settings * This function is called when the context for the page is a workshop module. This is not called by AJAX * so it is safe to rely on the $PAGE. * * @param settings_navigation $settingsnav {@link settings_navigation} * @param navigation_node $workshopnode {@link navigation_node} */ function workshop_extend_settings_navigation(settings_navigation $settingsnav, navigation_node $workshopnode=null) { global $PAGE; //$workshopobject = $DB->get_record("workshop", array("id" => $PAGE->cm->instance)); if (has_capability('mod/workshop:editdimensions', $PAGE->cm->context)) { $url = new moodle_url('/mod/workshop/editform.php', array('cmid' => $PAGE->cm->id)); $workshopnode->add(get_string('editassessmentform', 'workshop'), $url, settings_navigation::TYPE_SETTING); } if (has_capability('mod/workshop:allocate', $PAGE->cm->context)) { $url = new moodle_url('/mod/workshop/allocation.php', array('cmid' => $PAGE->cm->id)); $workshopnode->add(get_string('allocate', 'workshop'), $url, settings_navigation::TYPE_SETTING); } }