. /** * Implementation of .tar.gz extractor. Handles extraction of .tar.gz files. * Do not call directly; use methods in tgz_packer. * * @see tgz_packer * @package core_files * @copyright 2013 The Open University * @license http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html GNU GPL v3 or later */ defined('MOODLE_INTERNAL') || die(); /** * Extracts .tar.gz files (POSIX format). */ class tgz_extractor { /** * @var int When writing data, the system writes blocks of this size. */ const WRITE_BLOCK_SIZE = 65536; /** * @var int When reading data, the system reads blocks of this size. */ const READ_BLOCK_SIZE = 65536; /** * @var stored_file File object for archive. */ protected $storedfile; /** * @var string OS path for archive. */ protected $ospath; /** * @var int Number of files (-1 if not known). */ protected $numfiles; /** * @var int Number of files processed so far. */ protected $donefiles; /** * @var string Current file path within archive. */ protected $currentarchivepath; /** * @var string Full path to current file. */ protected $currentfile; /** * @var int Size of current file in bytes. */ protected $currentfilesize; /** * @var int Number of bytes of current file already written into buffer. */ protected $currentfileprocessed; /** * @var resource File handle to current file. */ protected $currentfp; /** * @var int Modified time of current file. */ protected $currentmtime; /** * @var string Buffer containing file data awaiting write. */ protected $filebuffer; /** * @var int Current length of buffer in bytes. */ protected $filebufferlength; /** * @var array Results array of all files processed. */ protected $results; /** * @var array In list mode, content of the list; outside list mode, null. */ protected $listresults = null; /** * @var int Whether listing or extracting. */ protected $mode = self::MODE_EXTRACT; /** * @var int If extracting (default). */ const MODE_EXTRACT = 0; /** * @var int Listing contents. */ const MODE_LIST = 1; /** * @var int Listing contents; list now complete. */ const MODE_LIST_COMPLETE = 2; /** * Constructor. * * @param stored_file|string $archivefile Moodle file or OS path to archive */ public function __construct($archivefile) { if (is_a($archivefile, 'stored_file')) { $this->storedfile = $archivefile; } else { $this->ospath = $archivefile; } } /** * Extracts the archive. * * @param tgz_extractor_handler $handler Will be called for extracted files * @param file_progress $progress Optional progress reporting * @return array Array from archive path => true of processed files * @throws moodle_exception If there is any error processing the archive */ public function extract(tgz_extractor_handler $handler, file_progress $progress = null) { $this->mode = self::MODE_EXTRACT; $this->extract_or_list($handler, $progress); $results = $this->results; unset($this->results); return $results; } /** * Extracts or lists the archive depending on $this->listmode. * * @param tgz_extractor_handler $handler Optional handler * @param file_progress $progress Optional progress reporting * @throws moodle_exception If there is any error processing the archive */ protected function extract_or_list(tgz_extractor_handler $handler = null, file_progress $progress = null) { // Open archive. if ($this->storedfile) { $gz = $this->storedfile->get_content_file_handle(stored_file::FILE_HANDLE_GZOPEN); // Estimate number of read-buffers (64KB) in file. Guess that the // uncompressed size is 2x compressed size. Add one just to ensure // it's non-zero. $estimatedbuffers = ($this->storedfile->get_filesize() * 2 / self::READ_BLOCK_SIZE) + 1; } else { $gz = gzopen($this->ospath, 'rb'); $estimatedbuffers = (filesize($this->ospath) * 2 / self::READ_BLOCK_SIZE) + 1; } if (!$gz) { throw new moodle_exception('errorprocessingarchive', '', '', null, 'Failed to open gzip file'); } // Calculate how much progress to report per buffer read. $progressperbuffer = (int)(tgz_packer::PROGRESS_MAX / $estimatedbuffers); // Process archive in 512-byte blocks (but reading 64KB at a time). $buffer = ''; $bufferpos = 0; $bufferlength = 0; $this->numfiles = -1; $read = 0; $done = 0; $beforeprogress = -1; while (true) { if ($bufferpos == $bufferlength) { $buffer = gzread($gz, self::READ_BLOCK_SIZE); $bufferpos = 0; $bufferlength = strlen($buffer); if ($bufferlength == 0) { // EOF. break; } // Report progress if enabled. if ($progress) { if ($this->numfiles === -1) { // If we don't know the number of files, do an estimate based // on number of buffers read. $done += $progressperbuffer; if ($done >= tgz_packer::PROGRESS_MAX) { $done = tgz_packer::PROGRESS_MAX - 1; } $progress->progress($done, tgz_packer::PROGRESS_MAX); } else { // Once we know the number of files, use this. if ($beforeprogress === -1) { $beforeprogress = $done; } // Calculate progress as whatever progress we reported // before we knew how many files there were (might be 0) // plus a proportion of the number of files out of the // remaining progress value. $done = $beforeprogress + (int)(($this->donefiles / $this->numfiles) * (tgz_packer::PROGRESS_MAX - $beforeprogress)); } $progress->progress($done, tgz_packer::PROGRESS_MAX); } } $block = substr($buffer, $bufferpos, tgz_packer::TAR_BLOCK_SIZE); if ($this->currentfile) { $this->process_file_block($block, $handler); } else { $this->process_header($block, $handler); } // When listing, if we read an index file, we abort archive processing. if ($this->mode === self::MODE_LIST_COMPLETE) { break; } $bufferpos += tgz_packer::TAR_BLOCK_SIZE; $read++; } // Close archive and finish. gzclose($gz); } /** * Lists files in the archive, either using the index file (if present), * or by basically extracting the whole thing if there isn't an index file. * * @return array Array of file listing results: */ public function list_files() { $this->listresults = array(); $this->mode = self::MODE_LIST; $this->extract_or_list(); $listresults = $this->listresults; $this->listresults = null; return $listresults; } /** * Process 512-byte header block. * * @param string $block Tar block * @param tgz_extractor_handler $handler Will be called for extracted files */ protected function process_header($block, $handler) { // If the block consists entirely of nulls, ignore it. (This happens // twice at end of archive.) if ($block === str_pad('', tgz_packer::TAR_BLOCK_SIZE, "\0")) { return; } // struct header_posix_ustar { // char name[100]; $name = rtrim(substr($block, 0, 100), "\0"); // char mode[8]; // char uid[8]; // char gid[8]; // char size[12]; $filesize = octdec(substr($block, 124, 11)); // char mtime[12]; $mtime = octdec(substr($block, 136, 11)); // char checksum[8]; // char typeflag[1]; $typeflag = substr($block, 156, 1); // char linkname[100]; // char magic[6]; $magic = substr($block, 257, 6); if ($magic !== "ustar\0" && $magic !== "ustar ") { // There are two checks above; the first is the correct POSIX format // and the second is for GNU tar default format. throw new moodle_exception('errorprocessingarchive', '', '', null, 'Header does not have POSIX ustar magic string'); } // char version[2]; // char uname[32]; // char gname[32]; // char devmajor[8]; // char devminor[8]; // char prefix[155]; $prefix = rtrim(substr($block, 345, 155), "\0"); // char pad[12]; // }; $archivepath = ltrim($prefix . '/' . $name, '/'); // For security, ensure there is no .. folder in the archivepath. $archivepath = clean_param($archivepath, PARAM_PATH); // Handle file depending on the type. switch ($typeflag) { case '1' : case '2' : case '3' : case '4' : case '6' : case '7' : // Ignore these special cases. break; case '5' : // Directory. if ($this->mode === self::MODE_LIST) { $this->listresults[] = (object)array( 'original_pathname' => $archivepath, 'pathname' => $archivepath, 'mtime' => $mtime, 'is_directory' => true, 'size' => 0); } else if ($handler->tgz_directory($archivepath, $mtime)) { $this->results[$archivepath] = true; } break; default: // All other values treated as normal file. $this->start_current_file($archivepath, $filesize, $mtime, $handler); break; } } /** * Processes one 512-byte block of an existing file. * * @param string $block Data block * @param tgz_extractor_handler $handler Will be called for extracted files */ protected function process_file_block($block, tgz_extractor_handler $handler = null) { // Write block into buffer. $blocksize = tgz_packer::TAR_BLOCK_SIZE; if ($this->currentfileprocessed + tgz_packer::TAR_BLOCK_SIZE > $this->currentfilesize) { // Partial block at end of file. $blocksize = $this->currentfilesize - $this->currentfileprocessed; $this->filebuffer .= substr($block, 0, $blocksize); } else { // Full-length block. $this->filebuffer .= $block; } $this->filebufferlength += $blocksize; $this->currentfileprocessed += $blocksize; // Write block to file if necessary. $eof = $this->currentfileprocessed == $this->currentfilesize; if ($this->filebufferlength >= self::WRITE_BLOCK_SIZE || $eof) { // Except when skipping the file, write it out. if ($this->currentfile !== true) { if (!fwrite($this->currentfp, $this->filebuffer)) { throw new moodle_exception('errorprocessingarchive', '', '', null, 'Failed to write buffer to output file: ' . $this->currentfile); } } $this->filebuffer = ''; $this->filebufferlength = 0; } // If file is finished, close it. if ($eof) { $this->close_current_file($handler); } } /** * Starts processing a file from archive. * * @param string $archivepath Path inside archive * @param int $filesize Size in bytes * @param int $mtime File-modified time * @param tgz_extractor_handler $handler Will be called for extracted files * @throws moodle_exception */ protected function start_current_file($archivepath, $filesize, $mtime, tgz_extractor_handler $handler = null) { global $CFG; $this->currentarchivepath = $archivepath; $this->currentmtime = $mtime; $this->currentfilesize = $filesize; $this->currentfileprocessed = 0; if ($archivepath === tgz_packer::ARCHIVE_INDEX_FILE) { // For index file, store in temp directory. $tempfolder = $CFG->tempdir . '/core_files'; check_dir_exists($tempfolder); $this->currentfile = tempnam($tempfolder, '.index'); } else { if ($this->mode === self::MODE_LIST) { // If listing, add to list. $this->listresults[] = (object)array( 'original_pathname' => $archivepath, 'pathname' => $archivepath, 'mtime' => $mtime, 'is_directory' => false, 'size' => $filesize); // Discard file. $this->currentfile = true; } else { // For other files, ask handler for location. $this->currentfile = $handler->tgz_start_file($archivepath); if ($this->currentfile === null) { // This indicates that we are discarding the current file. $this->currentfile = true; } } } $this->filebuffer = ''; $this->filebufferlength = 0; // Open file. if ($this->currentfile !== true) { $this->currentfp = fopen($this->currentfile, 'wb'); if (!$this->currentfp) { throw new moodle_exception('errorprocessingarchive', '', '', null, 'Failed to open output file: ' . $this->currentfile); } } else { $this->currentfp = null; } // If it has no size, close it right away. if ($filesize == 0) { $this->close_current_file($handler); } } /** * Closes the current file, calls handler, and sets up data. * * @param tgz_extractor_handler $handler Will be called for extracted files * @throws moodle_exception If there is an error closing it */ protected function close_current_file($handler) { if ($this->currentfp !== null) { if (!fclose($this->currentfp)) { throw new moodle_exception('errorprocessingarchive', '', '', null, 'Failed to close output file: ' . $this->currentfile); } // Update modified time. touch($this->currentfile, $this->currentmtime); } if ($this->currentarchivepath === tgz_packer::ARCHIVE_INDEX_FILE) { if ($this->mode === self::MODE_LIST) { // When listing array, use the archive index to produce the list. $index = file($this->currentfile); $ok = true; foreach ($index as $num => $value) { // For first line (header), check it's valid then skip it. if ($num == 0) { if (preg_match('~^' . preg_quote(tgz_packer::ARCHIVE_INDEX_COUNT_PREFIX) . '~', $value)) { continue; } else { // Not valid, better ignore the file. $ok = false; break; } } // Split on tabs and store in results array. $values = explode("\t", trim($value)); $this->listresults[] = (object)array( 'original_pathname' => $values[0], 'pathname' => $values[0], 'mtime' => ($values[3] === '?' ? tgz_packer::DEFAULT_TIMESTAMP : (int)$values[3]), 'is_directory' => $values[1] === 'd', 'size' => (int)$values[2]); } if ($ok) { $this->mode = self::MODE_LIST_COMPLETE; } unlink($this->currentfile); } else { // For index file, get number of files and delete temp file. $contents = file_get_contents($this->currentfile, null, null, null, 128); $matches = array(); if (preg_match('~^' . preg_quote(tgz_packer::ARCHIVE_INDEX_COUNT_PREFIX) . '([0-9]+)~', $contents, $matches)) { $this->numfiles = (int)$matches[1]; } unlink($this->currentfile); } } else { // Report to handler and put in results. if ($this->currentfp !== null) { $handler->tgz_end_file($this->currentarchivepath, $this->currentfile); $this->results[$this->currentarchivepath] = true; } $this->donefiles++; } // No longer have a current file. $this->currentfp = null; $this->currentfile = null; $this->currentarchivepath = null; } } /** * Interface for callback from tgz_extractor::extract. * * The file functions will be called (in pairs tgz_start_file, tgz_end_file) for * each file in the archive. (There is only one exception, the special * .ARCHIVE_INDEX file which is not reported to the handler.) * * The directory function is called whenever the archive contains a directory * entry. */ interface tgz_extractor_handler { /** * Called when the system begins to extract a file. At this point, the * handler must decide where on disk the extracted file should be located. * This can be a temporary location or final target, as preferred. * * The handler can request for files to be skipped, in which case no data * will be written and tgz_end_file will not be called. * * @param string $archivepath Path and name of file within archive * @return string Location for output file in filesystem, or null to skip file */ public function tgz_start_file($archivepath); /** * Called when the system has finished extracting a file. The handler can * now process the extracted file if required. * * @param string $archivepath Path and name of file within archive * @param string $realpath Path in filesystem (from tgz_start_file return) * @return bool True to continue processing, false to abort archive extract */ public function tgz_end_file($archivepath, $realpath); /** * Called when a directory entry is found in the archive. * * The handler can create a corresponding directory if required. * * @param string $archivepath Path and name of directory within archive * @param int $mtime Modified time of directory * @return bool True if directory was created, false if skipped */ public function tgz_directory($archivepath, $mtime); }