. /** * Strings for component 'antivirus', language 'en' * * @package core_antivirus * @copyright 2015 Ruslan Kabalin, Lancaster University. * @license http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html GNU GPL v3 or later */ $string['actantivirushdr'] = 'Available antivirus plugins'; $string['antiviruses'] = 'Antivirus plugins'; $string['antiviruscommonsettings'] = 'Common antivirus settings'; $string['antivirussettings'] = 'Manage antivirus plugins'; $string['configantivirusplugins'] = 'Please choose the antivirus plugins you wish to use and arrange them in order of being applied.'; $string['datastream'] = 'Data'; $string['datainfecteddesc'] = 'Infected data was detected.'; $string['datainfectedname'] = 'Data infected'; $string['emailadditionalinfo'] = 'Additional details returned from the virus engine: '; $string['emailauthor'] = 'Uploaded by: '; $string['emailcontenthash'] = 'Content hash: '; $string['emailcontenttype'] = 'Content type: '; $string['emaildate'] = 'Date uploaded: '; $string['emailfilename'] = 'Filename: '; $string['emailfilesize'] = 'File size: '; $string['emailgeoinfo'] = 'Geolocation: '; $string['emailinfectedfiledetected'] = 'Infected file detected'; $string['emailipaddress'] = 'IP address:'; $string['emailreferer'] = 'Referer: '; $string['emailreport'] = 'Report: '; $string['emailscanner'] = 'Scanner: '; $string['emailscannererrordetected'] = 'A scanner error occured'; $string['emailsubject'] = '{$a} :: Antivirus notification'; $string['enablequarantine'] = 'Enable quarantine'; $string['enablequarantine_help'] = 'If enabled, any files which are detected as viruses will be placed in a quarantine folder ([dataroot]/{$a}) for later inspection. The upload into Moodle will fail. If you have any file system level virus scanning in place, the quarantine folder should be excluded from the antivirus check to avoid detecting the quarantined files.'; $string['fileinfecteddesc'] = 'An infected file was detected.'; $string['fileinfectedname'] = 'File infected'; $string['notifyemail'] = 'Antivirus alert notification email'; $string['notifyemail_help'] = 'The email address for notifications of when a virus is detected. If left blank, then all site administrators will be sent notifications.'; $string['privacy:metadata'] = 'The Antivirus system does not store any personal data.'; $string['quarantinedisabled'] = 'Quarantine is disabled. The file is not stored.'; $string['quarantinedfiles'] = 'Antivirus quarantined files'; $string['quarantinetime'] = 'Maximum quarantine time'; $string['quarantinetime_desc'] = 'Quarantined files older than the specified period will be removed.'; $string['taskcleanup'] = 'Clean up quarantined files.'; $string['unknown'] = 'Unknown'; $string['virusfound'] = '{$a->item} has been scanned by a virus checker and found to be infected!';