. /** * Shows a screen where the user can choose a question type, before being * redirected to question.php * * @package moodlecore * @subpackage questionbank * @copyright 2009 Tim Hunt * @license http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html GNU GPL v3 or later */ require_once(dirname(__FILE__) . '/../config.php'); require_once(dirname(__FILE__) . '/editlib.php'); // Read URL parameters. $categoryid = required_param('category', PARAM_INT); $cmid = optional_param('cmid', 0, PARAM_INT); $courseid = optional_param('courseid', 0, PARAM_INT); $returnurl = optional_param('returnurl', 0, PARAM_LOCALURL); $appendqnumstring = optional_param('appendqnumstring', '', PARAM_ALPHA); $validationerror = optional_param('validationerror', false, PARAM_BOOL); // Place to accumulate hidden params for the form we will print. $hiddenparams = array('category' => $categoryid); // Validate params. if (!$category = $DB->get_record('question_categories', array('id' => $categoryid))) { print_error('categorydoesnotexist', 'question', $returnurl); } if ($cmid) { list($module, $cm) = get_module_from_cmid($cmid); require_login($cm->course, false, $cm); $thiscontext = context_module::instance($cmid); $hiddenparams['cmid'] = $cmid; } else if ($courseid) { require_login($courseid, false); $thiscontext = context_course::instance($courseid); $module = null; $cm = null; $hiddenparams['courseid'] = $courseid; } else { print_error('missingcourseorcmid', 'question'); } // Check permissions. $categorycontext = context::instance_by_id($category->contextid); require_capability('moodle/question:add', $categorycontext); // Ensure other optional params get passed on to question.php. if (!empty($returnurl)) { $hiddenparams['returnurl'] = $returnurl; } if (!empty($appendqnumstring)) { $hiddenparams['appendqnumstring'] = $appendqnumstring; } $PAGE->set_url('/question/addquestion.php', $hiddenparams); $chooseqtype = get_string('chooseqtypetoadd', 'question'); $PAGE->set_heading($COURSE->fullname); if ($cm !== null) { // Nasty hack, but we don't want this link if returnurl returns to view.php if (stripos($returnurl, "/mod/{$cm->modname}/view.php")!== 0) { $PAGE->navbar->add(get_string('editinga', 'moodle', get_string('modulename', $cm->modname)),$returnurl); } $PAGE->navbar->add($chooseqtype); $PAGE->set_title($chooseqtype); echo $OUTPUT->header(); } else { $PAGE->navbar->add(get_string('questionbank', 'question'),$returnurl); $PAGE->navbar->add($chooseqtype); $PAGE->set_title($chooseqtype); echo $OUTPUT->header(); } // Display a form to choose the question type. echo $OUTPUT->notification(get_string('youmustselectaqtype', 'question')); echo $OUTPUT->box_start('generalbox boxwidthnormal boxaligncenter', 'chooseqtypebox'); print_choose_qtype_to_add_form($hiddenparams, null, false); echo $OUTPUT->box_end(); echo $OUTPUT->footer();