dirroot."/lib/graphlib.php"; include $CFG->dirroot."/mod/quiz/report/reportlib.php"; function graph_get_new_colour(){ static $colourindex = 0; $colours = array('red', 'green', 'yellow', 'orange', 'purple', 'black', 'maroon', 'blue', 'ltgreen', 'navy', 'ltred', 'ltltgreen', 'ltltorange', 'olive', 'gray', 'ltltred', 'ltorange', 'lime', 'ltblue', 'ltltblue'); $colour = $colours[$colourindex]; $colourindex++; if ($colourindex > (count($colours)-1)){ $colourindex =0; } return $colour; } define('QUIZ_REPORT_MAX_PARTICIPANTS_TO_SHOW_ALL_GROUPS', 500); $quizid = required_param('id', PARAM_INT); $quiz = $DB->get_record('quiz', array('id' => $quizid)); $course = $DB->get_record('course', array('id' => $quiz->course)); require_login($course); $cm = get_coursemodule_from_instance('quiz', $quizid); if ($groupmode = groups_get_activity_groupmode($cm)) { // Groups are being used $groups = groups_get_activity_allowed_groups($cm); } else { $groups = false; } $modcontext = get_context_instance(CONTEXT_MODULE, $cm->id); require_capability('mod/quiz:viewreports', $modcontext); $line = new graph(800,600); $line->parameter['title'] = ''; $line->parameter['y_label_left'] = $course->students; $line->parameter['x_label'] = get_string('grade'); $line->parameter['y_label_angle'] = 90; $line->parameter['x_label_angle'] = 0; $line->parameter['x_axis_angle'] = 60; //following two lines seem to silence notice warnings from graphlib.php $line->y_tick_labels = null; $line->offset_relation = null; $line->parameter['bar_size'] = 1; // will make size > 1 to get overlap effect when showing groups $line->parameter['bar_spacing'] = 10; // don't forget to increase spacing so that graph doesn't become one big block of colour //pick a sensible number of bands depending on quiz maximum grade. $bands = $quiz->grade; while ($bands >= 20 || $bands < 10){ if ($bands >= 50){ $bands = $bands /5; } else if ($bands >= 20) { $bands = $bands /2; } if ($bands < 4){ $bands = $bands * 5; } else if ($bands < 10){ $bands = $bands * 2; } } $bandwidth = $quiz->grade / $bands; $bands = ceil($bands); $bandlabels = array(); for ($i=0;$i < $quiz->grade;$i += $bandwidth){ $label = quiz_format_grade($quiz, $i).' - '; if ($quiz->grade > $i+$bandwidth){ $label .= quiz_format_grade($quiz, $i+$bandwidth); } else { $label .= quiz_format_grade($quiz, $quiz->grade); } $bandlabels[] = $label; } $line->x_data = $bandlabels; $line->y_format['allusers'] = array('colour' => graph_get_new_colour(), 'bar' => 'fill', 'shadow_offset' => 1, 'legend' => get_string('allparticipants')); $line->y_data['allusers'] = quiz_report_grade_bands($bandwidth, $bands, $quizid); if (array_sum($line->y_data['allusers'])>QUIZ_REPORT_MAX_PARTICIPANTS_TO_SHOW_ALL_GROUPS || count($groups)>4){ if ($groups){ if ($currentgroup = groups_get_activity_group($cm)){ $groups = array($currentgroup=>''); } else { $groups = false;//all participants mode } } } $line->y_order = array('allusers'); if ($groups){ foreach (array_keys($groups) as $group){ $useridingroup = get_users_by_capability($modcontext, 'mod/quiz:attempt','','','','',$group,'',false); if ($useridingroup){ $groupdata = quiz_report_grade_bands($bandwidth, $bands, $quizid, array_keys($useridingroup)); if ($groupdata){ $line->parameter['bar_size'] = 1.2; $line->y_data['groupusers'.$group] = $groupdata; //only turn on legends if there is more than one set of bars $line->parameter['legend'] = 'outside-top'; $line->parameter['legend_border'] = 'black'; $line->parameter['legend_offset'] = 4; $line->y_format['groupusers'.$group] = array('colour' => graph_get_new_colour(), 'bar' => 'fill', 'shadow_offset' => 1, 'legend' => groups_get_group_name($group)); $line->y_order[] ='groupusers'.$group; } } } } $line->parameter['y_min_left'] = 0; // start at 0 $line->parameter['y_max_left'] = max($line->y_data['allusers']); $line->parameter['y_decimal_left'] = 0; // 2 decimal places for y axis. //pick a sensible number of gridlines depending on max value on graph. $gridlines = max($line->y_data['allusers']); while ($gridlines >= 10){ if ($gridlines >= 50){ $gridlines = $gridlines /5; } else { $gridlines = $gridlines /2; } } $line->parameter['y_axis_gridlines'] = $gridlines+1; $line->draw(); ?>