A very few webhosts use /admin as a special URL for you to access a control panel or something. Unfortunately this conflicts with the standard location for the Moodle admin pages. You can fix this by renaming the admin directory in your installation, and putting that new name here. For example:
. This will fix admin links in Moodle.

"; $string['chooselanguage'] = 'Choose a language'; $string['configfilenotwritten'] = "The installer script was not able to automatically create a config.php file containing your chosen settings. Please copy the following code into a file named config.php within the root directory of Moodle."; $string['configfilewritten'] = "config.php has been successfully created"; $string['configurationcomplete'] = 'Configuration completed'; $string['database'] = 'Database'; $string['databasesettings'] = "

Now you need to configure the database where most Moodle data will be stored. This database must already have been created and a username and password created to access it.

Type: mysql or postgres7
Host Server: eg localhost or db.isp.com
Name: database name, eg moodle
User: your database username
Password: your database password
Tables Prefix: prefix to use for all table names

"; $string['dataroot'] = 'Data'; $string['datarooterror'] = "The 'Data' setting is incorrect"; $string['dbconnectionerror'] = 'Database connection error. Please check your database settings'; $string['dbcreationerror'] = 'Database creation error. Could not create the given database name with the settings provided'; $string['dbhost'] = 'Host Server'; $string['dbpass'] = 'Password'; $string['dbprefix'] = 'Tables prefix'; $string['dbtype'] = 'Type'; $string['directorysettings'] = "

WWW: You need to tell Moodle where it is located. Specify the full web address to where moodle has been installed. If your web site is accessible via multiple URLs then choose the most natural one that your students would use. Do not include a trailing slash

Directory: Specify the full OS directory path to this same location Make sure the upper/lower case is correct

Data: You need a place where Moodle can save uploaded files. This directory should be readable AND WRITEABLE by the web server user (usually 'nobody' or 'apache'), but it should not be accessible directly via the web.

"; $string['dirroot'] = 'Directory'; $string['dirrooterror'] = "The 'Directory' setting was incorrect. Try the following setting"; $string['wwwroot'] = 'WWW'; $string['wwwrooterror'] = "The 'WWW' setting is incorrect"; ?>