. /** * @package moodlecore * @copyright 1999 onwards Martin Dougiamas {@link http://moodle.com} * @license http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html GNU GPL v3 or later */ /** TABLE_VAR_SORT = 1 */ define('TABLE_VAR_SORT', 1); /** TABLE_VAR_HIDE = 2 */ define('TABLE_VAR_HIDE', 2); /** TABLE_VAR_SHOW = 3 */ define('TABLE_VAR_SHOW', 3); /** TABLE_VAR_IFIRST = 4 */ define('TABLE_VAR_IFIRST', 4); /** TABLE_VAR_ILAST = 5 */ define('TABLE_VAR_ILAST', 5); /** TABLE_VAR_PAGE = 6 */ define('TABLE_VAR_PAGE', 6); /** TABLE_P_TOP = 1 */ define('TABLE_P_TOP', 1); /** TABLE_P_BOTTOM = 2 */ define('TABLE_P_BOTTOM', 2); /** * @package moodlecore * @copyright 1999 onwards Martin Dougiamas {@link http://moodle.com} * @license http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html GNU GPL v3 or later */ class flexible_table { var $uniqueid = NULL; var $attributes = array(); var $headers = array(); var $columns = array(); var $column_style = array(); var $column_class = array(); var $column_suppress = array(); var $column_nosort = array('userpic'); var $setup = false; var $sess = NULL; var $baseurl = NULL; var $request = array(); var $is_collapsible = false; var $is_sortable = false; var $use_pages = false; var $use_initials = false; var $maxsortkeys = 2; var $pagesize = 30; var $currpage = 0; var $totalrows = 0; var $sort_default_column = NULL; var $sort_default_order = SORT_ASC; /** * Array of positions in which to display download controls. */ var $showdownloadbuttonsat= array(TABLE_P_TOP); /** * @var string Key of field returned by db query that is the id field of the * user table or equivalent. */ public $useridfield = 'id'; /** * @var string which download plugin to use. Default '' means none - print * html table with paging. Property set by is_downloading which typically * passes in cleaned data from $ */ var $download = ''; /** * @var boolean whether data is downloadable from table. Determines whether * to display download buttons. Set by method downloadable(). */ var $downloadable = false; /** * @var string which download plugin to use. Default '' means none - print * html table with paging. */ var $defaultdownloadformat = 'csv'; /** * @var boolean Has start output been called yet? */ var $started_output = false; var $exportclass = null; /** * Constructor * @param int $uniqueid * @todo Document properly */ function flexible_table($uniqueid) { $this->uniqueid = $uniqueid; $this->request = array( TABLE_VAR_SORT => 'tsort', TABLE_VAR_HIDE => 'thide', TABLE_VAR_SHOW => 'tshow', TABLE_VAR_IFIRST => 'tifirst', TABLE_VAR_ILAST => 'tilast', TABLE_VAR_PAGE => 'page' ); } /** * Call this to pass the download type. Use : * $download = optional_param('download', '', PARAM_ALPHA); * To get the download type. We assume that if you call this function with * params that this table's data is downloadable, so we call is_downloadable * for you (even if the param is '', which means no download this time. * Also you can call this method with no params to get the current set * download type. * @param string $download download type. One of csv, tsv, xhtml, ods, etc * @param string $filename filename for downloads without file extension. * @param string $sheettitle title for downloaded data. * @return string download type. One of csv, tsv, xhtml, ods, etc */ function is_downloading($download = null, $filename='', $sheettitle=''){ if ($download!==null){ $this->sheettitle = $sheettitle; $this->is_downloadable(true); $this->download = $download; $this->filename = clean_filename($filename); $this->export_class_instance(); } return $this->download; } function export_class_instance(&$exportclass=null){ if (!is_null($exportclass)){ $this->started_output = true; $this->exportclass =& $exportclass; $this->exportclass->table =& $this; } elseif (is_null($this->exportclass) && !empty($this->download)){ $classname = 'table_'.$this->download.'_export_format'; $this->exportclass = new $classname($this); if (!$this->exportclass->document_started()){ $this->exportclass->start_document($this->filename); } } return $this->exportclass; } /** * Probably don't need to call this directly. Calling is_downloading with a * param automatically sets table as downloadable. * * @param boolean $downloadable optional param to set whether data from * table is downloadable. If ommitted this function can be used to get * current state of table. * @return boolean whether table data is set to be downloadable. */ function is_downloadable($downloadable = null){ if ($downloadable !== null){ $this->downloadable = $downloadable; } return $this->downloadable; } /** * Where to show download buttons. * @param array $showat array of postions in which to show download buttons. * Containing TABLE_P_TOP and/or TABLE_P_BOTTOM */ function show_download_buttons_at($showat){ $this->showdownloadbuttonsat = $showat; } /** * Sets the is_sortable variable to the given boolean, sort_default_column to * the given string, and the sort_default_order to the given integer. * @param bool $bool * @param string $defaultcolumn * @param int $defaultorder * @return void */ function sortable($bool, $defaultcolumn = NULL, $defaultorder = SORT_ASC) { $this->is_sortable = $bool; $this->sort_default_column = $defaultcolumn; $this->sort_default_order = $defaultorder; } /** * Do not sort using this column * @param string column name */ function no_sorting($column) { $this->column_nosort[] = $column; } /** * Is the column sortable? * @param string column name, null means table * @return bool */ function is_sortable($column=null) { if (empty($column)) { return $this->is_sortable; } if (!$this->is_sortable) { return false; } return !in_array($column, $this->column_nosort); } /** * Sets the is_collapsible variable to the given boolean. * @param bool $bool * @return void */ function collapsible($bool) { $this->is_collapsible = $bool; } /** * Sets the use_pages variable to the given boolean. * @param bool $bool * @return void */ function pageable($bool) { $this->use_pages = $bool; } /** * Sets the use_initials variable to the given boolean. * @param bool $bool * @return void */ function initialbars($bool) { $this->use_initials = $bool; } /** * Sets the pagesize variable to the given integer, the totalrows variable * to the given integer, and the use_pages variable to true. * @param int $perpage * @param int $total * @return void */ function pagesize($perpage, $total) { $this->pagesize = $perpage; $this->totalrows = $total; $this->use_pages = true; } /** * Assigns each given variable in the array to the corresponding index * in the request class variable. * @param array $variables * @return void */ function set_control_variables($variables) { foreach($variables as $what => $variable) { if(isset($this->request[$what])) { $this->request[$what] = $variable; } } } /** * Gives the given $value to the $attribute index of $this->attributes. * @param string $attribute * @param mixed $value * @return void */ function set_attribute($attribute, $value) { $this->attributes[$attribute] = $value; } /** * What this method does is set the column so that if the same data appears in * consecutive rows, then it is not repeated. * * For example, in the quiz overview report, the fullname column is set to be suppressed, so * that when one student has made multiple attempts, their name is only printed in the row * for their first attempt. * @param integer $column the index of a column. */ function column_suppress($column) { if(isset($this->column_suppress[$column])) { $this->column_suppress[$column] = true; } } /** * Sets the given $column index to the given $classname in $this->column_class. * @param integer $column * @param string $classname * @return void */ function column_class($column, $classname) { if(isset($this->column_class[$column])) { $this->column_class[$column] = ' '.$classname; // This space needed so that classnames don't run together in the HTML } } /** * Sets the given $column index and $property index to the given $value in $this->column_style. * @param integer $column * @param string $property * @param mixed $value * @return void */ function column_style($column, $property, $value) { if(isset($this->column_style[$column])) { $this->column_style[$column][$property] = $value; } } /** * Sets all columns' $propertys to the given $value in $this->column_style. * @param integer $property * @param string $value * @return void */ function column_style_all($property, $value) { foreach(array_keys($this->columns) as $column) { $this->column_style[$column][$property] = $value; } } /** * Sets $this->reseturl to the given $url, and $this->baseurl to the given $url plus ? or & * @param string $url the url with params needed to call up this page */ function define_baseurl($url) { $this->reseturl = $url; if(!strpos($url, '?')) { $this->baseurl = $url.'?'; } else { $this->baseurl = $url.'&'; } } /** * @param array $columns an array of identifying names for columns. If * columns are sorted then column names must correspond to a field in sql. */ function define_columns($columns) { $this->columns = array(); $this->column_style = array(); $this->column_class = array(); $colnum = 0; foreach($columns as $column) { $this->columns[$column] = $colnum++; $this->column_style[$column] = array(); $this->column_class[$column] = ''; $this->column_suppress[$column] = false; } } /** * @param array $headers numerical keyed array of displayed string titles * for each column. */ function define_headers($headers) { $this->headers = $headers; } /** * Must be called after table is defined. Use methods above first. Cannot * use functions below till after calling this method. * @return type? */ function setup() { global $SESSION, $CFG; if(empty($this->columns) || empty($this->uniqueid)) { return false; } if (!isset($SESSION->flextable)) { $SESSION->flextable = array(); } if(!isset($SESSION->flextable[$this->uniqueid])) { $SESSION->flextable[$this->uniqueid] = new stdClass; $SESSION->flextable[$this->uniqueid]->uniqueid = $this->uniqueid; $SESSION->flextable[$this->uniqueid]->collapse = array(); $SESSION->flextable[$this->uniqueid]->sortby = array(); $SESSION->flextable[$this->uniqueid]->i_first = ''; $SESSION->flextable[$this->uniqueid]->i_last = ''; } $this->sess = &$SESSION->flextable[$this->uniqueid]; if(!empty($_GET[$this->request[TABLE_VAR_SHOW]]) && isset($this->columns[$_GET[$this->request[TABLE_VAR_SHOW]]])) { // Show this column $this->sess->collapse[$_GET[$this->request[TABLE_VAR_SHOW]]] = false; } else if(!empty($_GET[$this->request[TABLE_VAR_HIDE]]) && isset($this->columns[$_GET[$this->request[TABLE_VAR_HIDE]]])) { // Hide this column $this->sess->collapse[$_GET[$this->request[TABLE_VAR_HIDE]]] = true; if(array_key_exists($_GET[$this->request[TABLE_VAR_HIDE]], $this->sess->sortby)) { unset($this->sess->sortby[$_GET[$this->request[TABLE_VAR_HIDE]]]); } } // Now, update the column attributes for collapsed columns foreach(array_keys($this->columns) as $column) { if(!empty($this->sess->collapse[$column])) { $this->column_style[$column]['width'] = '10px'; } } if( !empty($_GET[$this->request[TABLE_VAR_SORT]]) && $this->is_sortable($_GET[$this->request[TABLE_VAR_SORT]]) && (isset($this->columns[$_GET[$this->request[TABLE_VAR_SORT]]]) || (($_GET[$this->request[TABLE_VAR_SORT]] == 'firstname' || $_GET[$this->request[TABLE_VAR_SORT]] == 'lastname') && isset($this->columns['fullname'])) )) { if(empty($this->sess->collapse[$_GET[$this->request[TABLE_VAR_SORT]]])) { if(array_key_exists($_GET[$this->request[TABLE_VAR_SORT]], $this->sess->sortby)) { // This key already exists somewhere. Change its sortorder and bring it to the top. $sortorder = $this->sess->sortby[$_GET[$this->request[TABLE_VAR_SORT]]] == SORT_ASC ? SORT_DESC : SORT_ASC; unset($this->sess->sortby[$_GET[$this->request[TABLE_VAR_SORT]]]); $this->sess->sortby = array_merge(array($_GET[$this->request[TABLE_VAR_SORT]] => $sortorder), $this->sess->sortby); } else { // Key doesn't exist, so just add it to the beginning of the array, ascending order $this->sess->sortby = array_merge(array($_GET[$this->request[TABLE_VAR_SORT]] => SORT_ASC), $this->sess->sortby); } // Finally, make sure that no more than $this->maxsortkeys are present into the array if(!empty($this->maxsortkeys) && ($sortkeys = count($this->sess->sortby)) > $this->maxsortkeys) { while($sortkeys-- > $this->maxsortkeys) { array_pop($this->sess->sortby); } } } } // If we didn't sort just now, then use the default sort order if one is defined and the column exists if(empty($this->sess->sortby) && !empty($this->sort_default_column)) { $this->sess->sortby = array ($this->sort_default_column => ($this->sort_default_order == SORT_DESC ? SORT_DESC : SORT_ASC)); } if(isset($_GET[$this->request[TABLE_VAR_ILAST]])) { if(empty($_GET[$this->request[TABLE_VAR_ILAST]]) || is_numeric(strpos(get_string('alphabet'), $_GET[$this->request[TABLE_VAR_ILAST]]))) { $this->sess->i_last = $_GET[$this->request[TABLE_VAR_ILAST]]; } } if(isset($_GET[$this->request[TABLE_VAR_IFIRST]])) { if(empty($_GET[$this->request[TABLE_VAR_IFIRST]]) || is_numeric(strpos(get_string('alphabet'), $_GET[$this->request[TABLE_VAR_IFIRST]]))) { $this->sess->i_first = $_GET[$this->request[TABLE_VAR_IFIRST]]; } } if(empty($this->baseurl)) { $getcopy = $_GET; unset($getcopy[$this->request[TABLE_VAR_SHOW]]); unset($getcopy[$this->request[TABLE_VAR_HIDE]]); unset($getcopy[$this->request[TABLE_VAR_SORT]]); unset($getcopy[$this->request[TABLE_VAR_IFIRST]]); unset($getcopy[$this->request[TABLE_VAR_ILAST]]); unset($getcopy[$this->request[TABLE_VAR_PAGE]]); $strippedurl = strip_querystring(qualified_me()); if(!empty($getcopy)) { $first = false; $querystring = ''; foreach($getcopy as $var => $val) { if(!$first) { $first = true; $querystring .= '?'.$var.'='.$val; } else { $querystring .= '&'.$var.'='.$val; } } $this->reseturl = $strippedurl.$querystring; $querystring .= '&'; } else { $this->reseturl = $strippedurl; $querystring = '?'; } $this->baseurl = strip_querystring(qualified_me()) . $querystring; } // If it's "the first time" we 've been here, forget the previous initials filters if(qualified_me() == $this->reseturl) { $this->sess->i_first = ''; $this->sess->i_last = ''; } $this->currpage = optional_param($this->request[TABLE_VAR_PAGE], 0, PARAM_INT); $this->setup = true; /// Always introduce the "flexible" class for the table if not specified /// No attributes, add flexible class if (empty($this->attributes)) { $this->attributes['class'] = 'flexible'; /// No classes, add flexible class } else if (!isset($this->attributes['class'])) { $this->attributes['class'] = 'flexible'; /// No flexible class in passed classes, add flexible class } else if (!in_array('flexible', explode(' ', $this->attributes['class']))) { $this->attributes['class'] = trim('flexible ' . $this->attributes['class']); } } /** * Get the order by clause from the session, for the table with id $uniqueid. * @param string $uniqueid the identifier for a table. * @return SQL fragment that can be used in an ORDER BY clause. */ public static function get_sort_for_table($uniqueid) { global $SESSION; if(empty($SESSION->flextable[$uniqueid])) { return ''; } $sess = &$SESSION->flextable[$uniqueid]; if (empty($sess->sortby)) { return ''; } return self::construct_order_by($sess->sortby); } /** * Prepare an an order by clause from the list of columns to be sorted. * @param array $cols column name => SORT_ASC or SORT_DESC * @return SQL fragment that can be used in an ORDER BY clause. */ public static function construct_order_by($cols) { $bits = array(); foreach($cols as $column => $order) { if ($order == SORT_ASC) { $bits[] = $column . ' ASC'; } else { $bits[] = $column . ' DESC'; } } return implode(', ', $bits); } /** * @return SQL fragment that can be used in an ORDER BY clause. */ public function get_sql_sort() { return self::construct_order_by($this->get_sort_columns()); } /** * Get the columns to sort by, in the form required by {@link construct_order_by()}. * @return array column name => SORT_... constant. */ public function get_sort_columns() { if (!$this->setup) { throw new coding_exception('Cannot call get_sort_columns until you have called setup.'); } if (empty($this->sess->sortby)) { return array(); } return $this->sess->sortby; } /** * @return integer the offset for LIMIT clause of SQL */ function get_page_start() { if(!$this->use_pages) { return ''; } return $this->currpage * $this->pagesize; } /** * @return integer the pagesize for LIMIT clause of SQL */ function get_page_size() { if(!$this->use_pages) { return ''; } return $this->pagesize; } /** * @return string sql to add to where statement. */ function get_sql_where() { global $DB; if(!isset($this->columns['fullname'])) { return ''; } $LIKE = $DB->sql_ilike(); if(!empty($this->sess->i_first) && !empty($this->sess->i_last)) { return 'firstname '.$LIKE.' \''.$this->sess->i_first.'%\' AND lastname '.$LIKE.' \''.$this->sess->i_last.'%\''; } else if(!empty($this->sess->i_first)) { return 'firstname '.$LIKE.' \''.$this->sess->i_first.'%\''; } else if(!empty($this->sess->i_last)) { return 'lastname '.$LIKE.' \''.$this->sess->i_last.'%\''; } return ''; } /** * Add a row of data to the table. This function takes an array with * column names as keys. * It ignores any elements with keys that are not defined as columns. It * puts in empty strings into the row when there is no element in the passed * array corresponding to a column in the table. It puts the row elements in * the proper order. * @param $rowwithkeys array * @param string $classname CSS class name to add to this row's tr tag. */ function add_data_keyed($rowwithkeys, $classname = ''){ $this->add_data($this->get_row_from_keyed($rowwithkeys), $classname); } /** * Add a seperator line to table. */ function add_separator() { if(!$this->setup) { return false; } $this->add_data(NULL); } /** * This method actually directly echoes the row passed to it now or adds it * to the download. If this is the first row and start_output has not * already been called this method also calls start_output to open the table * or send headers for the downloaded. * Can be used as before. print_html now calls finish_html to close table. * * @param array $row a numerically keyed row of data to add to the table. * @param string $classname CSS class name to add to this row's tr tag. * @return boolean success. */ function add_data($row, $classname = '') { if(!$this->setup) { return false; } if (!$this->started_output){ $this->start_output(); } if ($this->exportclass!==null){ if ($row === null){ $this->exportclass->add_seperator(); } else { $this->exportclass->add_data($row); } } else { $this->print_row($row, $classname); } return true; } /** * You should call this to finish outputting the table data after adding * data to the table with add_data or add_data_keyed. * */ function finish_output($closeexportclassdoc = true){ if ($this->exportclass!==null){ $this->exportclass->finish_table(); if ($closeexportclassdoc){ $this->exportclass->finish_document(); } }else{ $this->finish_html(); } } /** * Hook that can be overridden in child classes to wrap a table in a form * for example. Called only when there is data to display and not * downloading. */ function wrap_html_start(){ } /** * Hook that can be overridden in child classes to wrap a table in a form * for example. Called only when there is data to display and not * downloading. */ function wrap_html_finish(){ } /** * * @param array $row row of data from db used to make one row of the table. * @return array one row for the table, added using add_data_keyed method. */ function format_row($row){ $formattedrow = array(); foreach (array_keys($this->columns) as $column){ $colmethodname = 'col_'.$column; if (method_exists($this, $colmethodname)){ $formattedcolumn = $this->$colmethodname($row); } else { $formattedcolumn = $this->other_cols($column, $row); if ($formattedcolumn===NULL){ $formattedcolumn = $row->$column; } } $formattedrow[$column] = $formattedcolumn; } return $formattedrow; } /** * Fullname is treated as a special columname in tablelib and should always * be treated the same as the fullname of a user. * @uses $this->useridfield if the userid field is not expected to be id * then you need to override $this->useridfield to point at the correct * field for the user id. * */ function col_fullname($row){ global $COURSE, $CFG; if (!$this->download){ return ''.fullname($row).''; } else { return fullname($row); } } /** * You can override this method in a child class. See the description of * build_table which calls this method. */ function other_cols($column, $row){ return NULL; } /** * Used from col_* functions when text is to be displayed. Does the * right thing - either converts text to html or strips any html tags * depending on if we are downloading and what is the download type. Params * are the same as format_text function in weblib.php but some default * options are changed. */ function format_text($text, $format=FORMAT_MOODLE, $options=NULL, $courseid=NULL){ if (!$this->is_downloading()){ if (is_null($options)){ $options = new stdClass; } //some sensible defaults if (!isset($options->para)){ $options->para = false; } if (!isset($options->newlines)){ $options->newlines = false; } if (!isset($options->smiley)) { $options->smiley = false; } if (!isset($options->filter)) { $options->filter = false; } return format_text($text, $format, $options); } else { $eci =& $this->export_class_instance(); return $eci->format_text($text, $format, $options, $courseid); } } /** * This method is deprecated although the old api is still supported. * @deprecated 1.9.2 - Jun 2, 2008 */ function print_html() { if(!$this->setup) { return false; } $this->finish_html(); } /** * This function is not part of the public api. * @return string initial of first name we are currently filtering by */ function get_initial_first() { if(!$this->use_initials) { return NULL; } return $this->sess->i_first; } /** * This function is not part of the public api. * @return string initial of last name we are currently filtering by */ function get_initial_last() { if(!$this->use_initials) { return NULL; } return $this->sess->i_last; } /** * This function is not part of the public api. */ function print_initials_bar(){ if ((!empty($this->sess->i_last) || !empty($this->sess->i_first) || $this->use_initials) && isset($this->columns['fullname'])) { $strall = get_string('all'); $alpha = explode(',', get_string('alphabet')); // Bar of first initials echo '
'.get_string('firstname').' : '; if(!empty($this->sess->i_first)) { echo ''.$strall.''; } else { echo ''.$strall.''; } foreach ($alpha as $letter) { if (isset($this->sess->i_first) && $letter == $this->sess->i_first) { echo ' '.$letter.''; } else { echo ' '.$letter.''; } } echo '
'; // Bar of last initials echo '
'.get_string('lastname').' : '; if(!empty($this->sess->i_last)) { echo ''.$strall.''; } else { echo ''.$strall.''; } foreach ($alpha as $letter) { if (isset($this->sess->i_last) && $letter == $this->sess->i_last) { echo ' '.$letter.''; } else { echo ' '.$letter.''; } } echo '
'; } } /** * This function is not part of the public api. */ function print_nothing_to_display(){ global $OUTPUT; $this->print_initials_bar(); echo $OUTPUT->heading(get_string('nothingtodisplay')); } /** * This function is not part of the public api. */ function get_row_from_keyed($rowwithkeys){ if (is_object($rowwithkeys)){ $rowwithkeys = (array)$rowwithkeys; } $row = array(); foreach (array_keys($this->columns) as $column){ if (isset($rowwithkeys[$column])){ $row [] = $rowwithkeys[$column]; } else { $row[] =''; } } return $row; } /** * This function is not part of the public api. */ function get_download_menu(){ $allclasses= get_declared_classes(); $exportclasses = array(); foreach ($allclasses as $class){ $matches = array(); if (preg_match('/^table\_([a-z]+)\_export\_format$/', $class, $matches)){ $type = $matches[1]; $exportclasses[$type]= get_string("download$type", 'table'); } } return $exportclasses; } /** * This function is not part of the public api. */ function download_buttons(){ global $OUTPUT; if ($this->is_downloadable() && !$this->is_downloading()){ $downloadoptions = $this->get_download_menu(); $html = '
'; $html .= '
'; $html .= ''; $html .= html_writer::select($downloadoptions, 'download', $this->defaultdownloadformat, false); $html .= $OUTPUT->help_icon('tableexportformats', get_string('tableexportformats', 'table')); $html .= '
'; return $html; } else { return ''; } } /** * This function is not part of the public api. * You don't normally need to call this. It is called automatically when * needed when you start adding data to the table. * */ function start_output(){ $this->started_output = true; if ($this->exportclass!==null){ $this->exportclass->start_table($this->sheettitle); $this->exportclass->output_headers($this->headers); } else { $this->start_html(); $this->print_headers(); } } /** * This function is not part of the public api. */ function print_row($row, $classname = '') { static $suppress_lastrow = NULL; static $oddeven = 1; $rowclasses = array('r' . $oddeven); $oddeven = $oddeven ? 0 : 1; if ($classname) { $rowclasses[] = $classname; } echo ''; // If we have a separator, print it if ($row === NULL) { $colcount = count($this->columns); echo '
'; } else { $colbyindex = array_flip($this->columns); foreach ($row as $index => $data) { $column = $colbyindex[$index]; echo 'make_styles_string($this->column_style[$column]).'>'; if (empty($this->sess->collapse[$column])) { if ($this->column_suppress[$column] && $suppress_lastrow !== NULL && $suppress_lastrow[$index] === $data) { echo ' '; } else { echo $data; } } else { echo ' '; } echo ''; } } echo ''; $suppress_enabled = array_sum($this->column_suppress); if ($suppress_enabled) { $suppress_lastrow = $row; } } /** * This function is not part of the public api. */ function finish_html(){ global $OUTPUT; if (!$this->started_output) { //no data has been added to the table. $this->print_nothing_to_display(); } else { echo ''; $this->wrap_html_finish(); // Paging bar if(in_array(TABLE_P_BOTTOM, $this->showdownloadbuttonsat)) { echo $this->download_buttons(); } if($this->use_pages) { $pagingbar = new paging_bar($this->totalrows, $this->currpage, $this->pagesize, $this->baseurl); $pagingbar->pagevar = $this->request[TABLE_VAR_PAGE]; echo $OUTPUT->render($pagingbar); } } } /** * This function is not part of the public api. */ function print_headers(){ global $CFG, $OUTPUT; echo ''; foreach($this->columns as $column => $index) { $icon_hide = ''; $icon_sort = ''; if($this->is_collapsible) { if(!empty($this->sess->collapse[$column])) { // some headers contain < br/> tags, do not include in title $icon_hide = ' '.get_string('show').''; } else if($this->headers[$index] !== NULL) { // some headers contain < br/> tags, do not include in title $icon_hide = ' '.get_string('hide').''; } } $primary_sort_column = ''; $primary_sort_order = ''; if(reset($this->sess->sortby)) { $primary_sort_column = key($this->sess->sortby); $primary_sort_order = current($this->sess->sortby); } switch($column) { case 'fullname': if($this->is_sortable($column)) { $icon_sort_first = $icon_sort_last = ''; if($primary_sort_column == 'firstname') { $lsortorder = get_string('asc'); if($primary_sort_order == SORT_ASC) { $icon_sort_first = ' '.get_string('asc').''; $fsortorder = get_string('asc'); } else { $icon_sort_first = ' '.get_string('desc').''; $fsortorder = get_string('desc'); } } else if($primary_sort_column == 'lastname') { $fsortorder = get_string('asc'); if($primary_sort_order == SORT_ASC) { $icon_sort_last = ' '.get_string('asc').''; $lsortorder = get_string('asc'); } else { $icon_sort_last = ' '.get_string('desc').''; $lsortorder = get_string('desc'); } } else { $fsortorder = get_string('asc'); $lsortorder = get_string('asc'); } $override = new object(); $override->firstname = 'firstname'; $override->lastname = 'lastname'; $fullnamelanguage = get_string('fullnamedisplay', '', $override); if (($CFG->fullnamedisplay == 'firstname lastname') or ($CFG->fullnamedisplay == 'firstname') or ($CFG->fullnamedisplay == 'language' and $fullnamelanguage == 'firstname lastname' )) { $this->headers[$index] = ''.get_string('firstname').get_accesshide(get_string('sortby').' '.get_string('firstname').' '.$fsortorder).' '.$icon_sort_first.' / '. ''.get_string('lastname').get_accesshide(get_string('sortby').' '.get_string('lastname').' '.$lsortorder).' '.$icon_sort_last; } else { $this->headers[$index] = ''.get_string('lastname').get_accesshide(get_string('sortby').' '.get_string('lastname').' '.$lsortorder).' '.$icon_sort_last.' / '. ''.get_string('firstname').get_accesshide(get_string('sortby').' '.get_string('firstname').' '.$fsortorder).' '.$icon_sort_first; } } break; case 'userpic': // do nothing, do not display sortable links break; default: if($this->is_sortable($column)) { if($primary_sort_column == $column) { if($primary_sort_order == SORT_ASC) { $icon_sort = ' '.get_string('asc').''; $localsortorder = get_string('asc'); } else { $icon_sort = ' '.get_string('desc').''; $localsortorder = get_string('desc'); } } else { $localsortorder = get_string('asc'); } $this->headers[$index] = ''.$this->headers[$index].get_accesshide(get_string('sortby').' '.$this->headers[$index].' '.$localsortorder).''; } } if($this->headers[$index] === NULL) { echo ' '; } else if(!empty($this->sess->collapse[$column])) { echo ''.$icon_hide.''; } else { // took out nowrap for accessibility, might need replacement if (!is_array($this->column_style[$column])) { // $usestyles = array('white-space:nowrap'); $usestyles = ''; } else { // $usestyles = $this->column_style[$column]+array('white-space'=>'nowrap'); $usestyles = $this->column_style[$column]; } echo 'make_styles_string($usestyles).' scope="col">'.$this->headers[$index].$icon_sort.'
'; } } echo ''; } /** * This function is not part of the public api. */ function start_html(){ global $OUTPUT; // Do we need to print initial bars? $this->print_initials_bar(); // Paging bar if($this->use_pages) { $pagingbar = new paging_bar($this->totalrows, $this->currpage, $this->pagesize, $this->baseurl); $pagingbar->pagevar = $this->request[TABLE_VAR_PAGE]; echo $OUTPUT->render($pagingbar); } if(in_array(TABLE_P_TOP, $this->showdownloadbuttonsat)) { echo $this->download_buttons(); } $this->wrap_html_start(); // Start of main data table echo 'make_attributes_string($this->attributes).'>'; } /** * This function is not part of the public api. * @todo Document * @return type? */ function make_styles_string(&$styles) { if(empty($styles)) { return ''; } $string = ' style="'; foreach($styles as $property => $value) { $string .= $property.':'.$value.';'; } $string .= '"'; return $string; } /** * This function is not part of the public api. * @todo Document * @return type? */ function make_attributes_string(&$attributes) { if(empty($attributes)) { return ''; } $string = ' '; foreach($attributes as $attr => $value) { $string .= ($attr.'="'.$value.'" '); } return $string; } } /** * @package moodlecore * @copyright 1999 onwards Martin Dougiamas {@link http://moodle.com} * @license http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html GNU GPL v3 or later */ class table_sql extends flexible_table{ public $countsql = NULL; public $countparams = NULL; /** * @var object sql for querying db. Has fields 'fields', 'from', 'where', 'params'. */ public $sql = NULL; /** * @var array Data fetched from the db. */ public $rawdata = NULL; /** * @var boolean Overriding default for this. */ public $is_sortable = true; /** * @var boolean Overriding default for this. */ public $is_collapsible = true; /** * @param string $uniqueid a string identifying this table.Used as a key in * session vars. */ function table_sql($uniqueid){ parent::flexible_table($uniqueid); // some sensible defaults $this->set_attribute('cellspacing', '0'); $this->set_attribute('class', 'generaltable generalbox'); } /** * Take the data returned from the db_query and go through all the rows * processing each col using either col_{columnname} method or other_cols * method or if other_cols returns NULL then put the data straight into the * table. */ function build_table(){ if ($this->rawdata){ foreach($this->rawdata as $row){ $formattedrow = $this->format_row($row); $this->add_data_keyed($formattedrow); } } } /** * This is only needed if you want to use different sql to count rows. * Used for example when perhaps all db JOINS are not needed when counting * records. You don't need to call this function the count_sql * will be generated automatically. * * We need to count rows returned by the db seperately to the query itself * as we need to know how many pages of data we have to display. */ function set_count_sql($sql, $params=array()){ $this->countsql = $sql; $this->countparams = $params; } /** * Set the sql to query the db. Query will be : * SELECT $fields FROM $from WHERE $where * Of course you can use sub-queries, JOINS etc. by putting them in the * appropriate clause of the query. */ function set_sql($fields, $from, $where, $params=array()){ $this->sql = new object(); $this->sql->fields = $fields; $this->sql->from = $from; $this->sql->where = $where; $this->sql->params = $params; } /** * Query the db. Store results in the table object for use by build_table. * * @param integer $pagesize size of page for paginated displayed table. * @param boolean $useinitialsbar do you want to use the initials bar. Bar * will only be used if there is a fullname column defined for the table. */ function query_db($pagesize, $useinitialsbar=true){ global $DB; if (!$this->is_downloading()) { if ($this->countsql === NULL){ $this->countsql = 'SELECT COUNT(1) FROM '.$this->sql->from.' WHERE '.$this->sql->where; } if ($useinitialsbar && !$this->is_downloading()) { $totalinitials = $DB->count_records_sql($this->countsql, $this->countparams); $this->initialbars($totalinitials>$pagesize); } if ($this->get_sql_where()) { $this->countsql .= ' AND '.$this->get_sql_where(); $this->sql->where .= ' AND '.$this->get_sql_where(); $total = $DB->count_records_sql($this->countsql, $this->countparams); } else { $total = $totalinitials; } $this->pagesize($pagesize, $total); } // Fetch the attempts $sort = $this->get_sql_sort(); $sort = $sort?" ORDER BY {$sort}":''; $sql = "SELECT {$this->sql->fields} FROM {$this->sql->from} WHERE {$this->sql->where}{$sort}"; if (!$this->is_downloading()) { $this->rawdata = $DB->get_records_sql($sql, $this->sql->params, $this->get_page_start(), $this->get_page_size()); } else { $this->rawdata = $DB->get_records_sql($sql, $this->sql->params); } } /** * Convenience method to call a number of methods for you to display the * table. */ function out($pagesize, $useinitialsbar, $downloadhelpbutton=''){ global $DB; if (!$this->columns){ $onerow = $DB->get_record_sql("SELECT {$this->sql->fields} FROM {$this->sql->from} WHERE {$this->sql->where}", $this->sql->params); //if columns is not set then define columns as the keys of the rows returned //from the db. $this->define_columns(array_keys((array)$onerow)); $this->define_headers(array_keys((array)$onerow)); } $this->setup(); $this->query_db($pagesize, $useinitialsbar); $this->build_table(); $this->finish_output(); } } /** * @package moodlecore * @copyright 1999 onwards Martin Dougiamas {@link http://moodle.com} * @license http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html GNU GPL v3 or later */ class table_default_export_format_parent{ /** * @var flexible_table or child class reference pointing to table class * object from which to export data. */ var $table; /** * @var boolean output started. Keeps track of whether any output has been * started yet. */ var $documentstarted = false; function table_default_export_format_parent(&$table){ $this->table =& $table; } function set_table(&$table){ $this->table =& $table; } function add_data($row) { return false; } function add_seperator() { return false; } function document_started(){ return $this->documentstarted; } /** * Given text in a variety of format codings, this function returns * the text as safe HTML or as plain text dependent on what is appropriate * for the download format. The default removes all tags. */ function format_text($text, $format=FORMAT_MOODLE, $options=NULL, $courseid=NULL){ //use some whitespace to indicate where there was some line spacing. $text = str_replace(array('

', "\n", "\r"), ' ', $text); return strip_tags($text); } } /** * @package moodlecore * @copyright 1999 onwards Martin Dougiamas {@link http://moodle.com} * @license http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html GNU GPL v3 or later */ class table_spreadsheet_export_format_parent extends table_default_export_format_parent{ var $rownum; var $workbook; var $worksheet; /** * @var object format object - format for normal table cells */ var $formatnormal; /** * @var object format object - format for header table cells */ var $formatheaders; /** * should be overriden in child class. */ var $fileextension; /** * This method will be overridden in the child class. */ function define_workbook(){ } function start_document($filename){ $filename = $filename.'.'.$this->fileextension; $this->define_workbook(); // format types $this->formatnormal =& $this->workbook->add_format(); $this->formatnormal->set_bold(0); $this->formatheaders =& $this->workbook->add_format(); $this->formatheaders->set_bold(1); $this->formatheaders->set_align('center'); // Sending HTTP headers $this->workbook->send($filename); $this->documentstarted = true; } function start_table($sheettitle){ $this->worksheet =& $this->workbook->add_worksheet($sheettitle); $this->rownum=0; } function output_headers($headers){ $colnum = 0; foreach ($headers as $item) { $this->worksheet->write($this->rownum,$colnum,$item,$this->formatheaders); $colnum++; } $this->rownum++; } function add_data($row){ $colnum = 0; foreach($row as $item){ $this->worksheet->write($this->rownum,$colnum,$item,$this->formatnormal); $colnum++; } $this->rownum++; return true; } function add_seperator() { $this->rownum++; return true; } function finish_table(){ } function finish_document(){ $this->workbook->close(); exit; } } /** * @package moodlecore * @copyright 1999 onwards Martin Dougiamas {@link http://moodle.com} * @license http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html GNU GPL v3 or later */ class table_excel_export_format extends table_spreadsheet_export_format_parent{ var $fileextension = 'xls'; function define_workbook(){ global $CFG; require_once("$CFG->libdir/excellib.class.php"); // Creating a workbook $this->workbook = new MoodleExcelWorkbook("-"); } } /** * @package moodlecore * @copyright 1999 onwards Martin Dougiamas {@link http://moodle.com} * @license http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html GNU GPL v3 or later */ class table_ods_export_format extends table_spreadsheet_export_format_parent{ var $fileextension = 'ods'; function define_workbook(){ global $CFG; require_once("$CFG->libdir/odslib.class.php"); // Creating a workbook $this->workbook = new MoodleODSWorkbook("-"); } } /** * @package moodlecore * @copyright 1999 onwards Martin Dougiamas {@link http://moodle.com} * @license http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html GNU GPL v3 or later */ class table_text_export_format_parent extends table_default_export_format_parent{ var $seperator = "\t"; function start_document($filename){ $this->filename = $filename.".txt"; header("Content-Type: application/download\n"); header("Content-Disposition: attachment; filename=\"{$filename}.txt\""); header("Expires: 0"); header("Cache-Control: must-revalidate,post-check=0,pre-check=0"); header("Pragma: public"); $this->documentstarted = true; } function start_table($sheettitle){ //nothing to do here } function output_headers($headers){ echo implode($this->seperator, $headers)."\n"; } function add_data($row){ echo implode($this->seperator, $row)."\n"; return true; } function finish_table(){ echo "\n\n"; } function finish_document(){ exit; } } /** * @package moodlecore * @copyright 1999 onwards Martin Dougiamas {@link http://moodle.com} * @license http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html GNU GPL v3 or later */ class table_tsv_export_format extends table_text_export_format_parent{ var $seperator = "\t"; } /** * @package moodlecore * @copyright 1999 onwards Martin Dougiamas {@link http://moodle.com} * @license http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html GNU GPL v3 or later */ class table_csv_export_format extends table_text_export_format_parent{ var $seperator = ","; } /** * @package moodlecore * @copyright 1999 onwards Martin Dougiamas {@link http://moodle.com} * @license http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html GNU GPL v3 or later */ class table_xhtml_export_format extends table_default_export_format_parent{ function start_document($filename){ header("Content-Type: application/download\n"); header("Content-Disposition: attachment; filename=\"$filename.html\""); header("Expires: 0"); header("Cache-Control: must-revalidate,post-check=0,pre-check=0"); header("Pragma: public"); //html headers echo << $filename EOF; $this->documentstarted = true; } function start_table($sheettitle){ $this->table->sortable(false); $this->table->collapsible(false); echo "


"; $this->table->start_html(); } function output_headers($headers){ $this->table->print_headers(); } function add_data($row){ $this->table->print_row($row); return true; } function add_seperator() { $this->table->print_row(NULL); return true; } function finish_table(){ $this->table->finish_html(); } function finish_document(){ echo "\n"; exit; } function format_text($text, $format=FORMAT_MOODLE, $options=NULL, $courseid=NULL){ if (is_null($options)){ $options = new stdClass; } //some sensible defaults if (!isset($options->para)){ $options->para = false; } if (!isset($options->newlines)){ $options->newlines = false; } if (!isset($options->smiley)) { $options->smiley = false; } if (!isset($options->filter)) { $options->filter = false; } return format_text($text, $format, $options); } }