. /** * CLI tool for system checks * * @package core * @category check * @copyright 2020 Brendan Heywood (brendan@catalyst-au.net) * @license http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html GNU GPL v3 or later */ define('CLI_SCRIPT', true); require(__DIR__ . '/../../config.php'); require_once($CFG->libdir.'/clilib.php'); use core\check\result; list($options, $unrecognized) = cli_get_params([ 'help' => false, 'filter' => '', 'type' => 'status', 'verbose' => false, ], [ 'h' => 'help', 'f' => 'filter', 'v' => 'verbose', 't' => 'type', ]); if ($unrecognized) { $unrecognized = implode("\n ", $unrecognized); cli_error(get_string('cliunknowoption', 'admin', $unrecognized)); } $checks = \core\check\manager::get_checks($options['type']); $types = join(', ', \core\check\manager::TYPES); $help = "Run Moodle system checks Options: -h, --help Print out this help -f, --filter Filter to a subset of checks -t, --type Which set of checks? Defaults to 'status' One of $types -v, --verbose Show details of all checks, not just failed checks Example: sudo -u www-data php admin/cli/checks.php sudo -u www-data php admin/cli/checks.php -v sudo -u www-data php admin/cli/checks.php -v --filter=environment "; if ($options['help']) { echo $help; die(); } $filter = $options['filter']; if ($filter) { $checks = array_filter($checks, function($check, $key) use ($filter) { $ref = $check->get_ref(); return (strpos($ref, $filter) !== false); }, 1); } // These shell exit codes and labels align with the NRPE standard. $exitcodes = [ result::NA => 0, result::OK => 0, result::INFO => 0, result::UNKNOWN => 3, result::WARNING => 1, result::ERROR => 2, result::CRITICAL => 2, ]; $exitlabel = [ result::NA => 'OK', result::OK => 'OK', result::INFO => 'OK', result::UNKNOWN => 'UNKNOWN', result::WARNING => 'WARNING', result::ERROR => 'CRITICAL', result::CRITICAL => 'CRITICAL', ]; $format = "% 10s| % -60s\n"; $spacer = "----------+--------------------------------------------------------------------\n"; $prefix = ' |'; $output = ''; $header = $exitlabel[result::OK] . ': ' . get_string('checksok', '', $options['type']) . "\n"; $exitcode = $exitcodes[result::OK]; foreach ($checks as $check) { $ref = $check->get_ref(); $result = $check->get_result(); $status = $result->get_status(); $checkexitcode = $exitcodes[$status]; // Summary is treated as html. $summary = $result->get_summary(); $summary = html_to_text($summary, 60, false); if ($checkexitcode > $exitcode) { $exitcode = $checkexitcode; $header = $exitlabel[$status] . ': ' . $check->get_name() . " (" . $check->get_ref() . ")\n"; } if (empty($messages[$status])) { $messages[$status] = $result; } $len = strlen(get_string('status' . $status)); if ($options['verbose'] || $status == result::WARNING || $status == result::CRITICAL || $status == result::ERROR) { $output .= sprintf( $format, $OUTPUT->check_result($result), sprintf('%s (%s)', $check->get_name(), $ref) ); $summary = str_replace("\n", "\n" . $prefix . ' ', $summary); $output .= sprintf( $format, '', ' ' . $summary); if ($options['verbose']) { $actionlink = $check->get_action_link(); if ($actionlink) { $output .= sprintf( $format, '', ' ' . $actionlink->url); } $output .= sprintf( $format, '', ''); } } } // Print NRPE header. print $header; // Only show the table header if there is anything to show. if ($output) { print sprintf($format, get_string('status'). ' ', get_string('check') ) . $spacer; print $output; } // NRPE shell exit code. exit($exitcode);