Please don\'t enter your credit card number unless you see a yellow lock at the bottom of the browser. It means, it simply encrypts all data sent between client and server. So the information during the transaction between 2 computers is protected and your credit card number cannot captured over the internet.'; $string['logindesc'] = 'This option must be ON.

You can set up url\">loginhttps option in Variables/Security section.

Turning this on will make Moodle use a secure https connection just for the login and payment pages.'; $string['nameoncard'] = 'Name on Card'; $string['reviewday'] = 'Capture the credit card automatically unless a teacher or administrator review the order within $a days. CRON MUST BE ENABLED.
(0 day = disable autocapture = teacher,admin review it manually. Transaction will be cancelled if you disable autocapture or unless you review it within 30 days.)'; $string['reviewnotify'] = 'Your payment will be reviewed. Expect an email within a few days from your teacher.'; $string['sendpaymentbutton'] = 'Send Payment'; $string['zipcode'] = 'Zip Code'; ?>