"; } if ($backmod) { $backmod = "wwwroot/mod/$backmod->mod/view.php\" target=\"$CFG->framename\">". "cm\" />". ""; } if ($nextmod) { $nextmod = "wwwroot/mod/$nextmod->mod/view.php\" target=\"$CFG->framename\">". "cm\" />". ""; } return '
framename\" href=". "\"$CFG->wwwroot/course/log.php?chooselog=1&user=0&date=0&id=$course->id&modid=$selectmod->cm\">". "pixpath/i/log.gif\" alt=\"\" />
'.$logslink .'
'. $backmod .'' . popup_form($CFG->wwwroot .'/mod/', $menu, 'navmenu', $selected, $strjumpto, '', '', true, $targetwindow). ''. $nextmod .'
'; } /** * Given a course * This function returns a small popup menu with all the * course activity modules in it, as a navigation menu * outputs a simple list structure in XHTML * The data is taken from the serialised array stored in * the course record * * @param course $course A {@link $COURSE} object. * @return string * @todo Finish documenting this function */ function navmenulist($course, $sections, $modinfo, $isteacher, $strsection, $strjumpto, $width=50, $cmid=0) { global $CFG; $section = -1; $selected = ''; $url = ''; $previousmod = NULL; $backmod = NULL; $nextmod = NULL; $selectmod = NULL; $logslink = NULL; $flag = false; $menu = array(); $menu[] = ''; return implode("\n", $menu); } /** * Prints form items with the names $day, $month and $year * * @param int $day ? * @param int $month ? * @param int $year ? * @param int $currenttime A default timestamp in GMT * @todo Finish documenting this function */ function print_date_selector($day, $month, $year, $currenttime=0) { if (!$currenttime) { $currenttime = time(); } $currentdate = usergetdate($currenttime); for ($i=1; $i<=31; $i++) { $days[$i] = $i; } for ($i=1; $i<=12; $i++) { $months[$i] = userdate(gmmktime(12,0,0,$i,1,2000), "%B"); } for ($i=2000; $i<=2010; $i++) { $years[$i] = $i; } choose_from_menu($days, $day, $currentdate['mday'], ''); choose_from_menu($months, $month, $currentdate['mon'], ''); choose_from_menu($years, $year, $currentdate['year'], ''); } /** *Prints form items with the names $hour and $minute * * @param ? $hour ? * @param ? $minute ? * @param $currenttime A default timestamp in GMT * @param int $step ? * @todo Finish documenting this function */ function print_time_selector($hour, $minute, $currenttime=0, $step=5 ,$return=false) { if (!$currenttime) { $currenttime = time(); } $currentdate = usergetdate($currenttime); if ($step != 1) { $currentdate['minutes'] = ceil($currentdate['minutes']/$step)*$step; } for ($i=0; $i<=23; $i++) { $hours[$i] = sprintf("%02d",$i); } for ($i=0; $i<=59; $i+=$step) { $minutes[$i] = sprintf("%02d",$i); } return choose_from_menu($hours, $hour, $currentdate['hours'], '','','',$return) .choose_from_menu($minutes, $minute, $currentdate['minutes'], '','','',$return); } /** * Prints time limit value selector * * @uses $CFG * @param int $timelimit ? * @param string $unit ? * @todo Finish documenting this function */ function print_timer_selector($timelimit = 0, $unit = '', $name = 'timelimit') { global $CFG; if ($unit) { $unit = ' '.$unit; } // Max timelimit is sessiontimeout - 10 minutes. $maxvalue = ($CFG->sessiontimeout / 60) - 10; for ($i=1; $i<=$maxvalue; $i++) { $minutes[$i] = $i.$unit; } choose_from_menu($minutes, $name, $timelimit, get_string('none')); } /** * Prints a grade menu (as part of an existing form) with help * Showing all possible numerical grades and scales * * @uses $CFG * @param int $courseid ? * @param string $name ? * @param string $current ? * @param boolean $includenograde ? * @todo Finish documenting this function */ function print_grade_menu($courseid, $name, $current, $includenograde=true) { global $CFG; $strscale = get_string('scale'); $strscales = get_string('scales'); $scales = get_scales_menu($courseid); foreach ($scales as $i => $scalename) { $grades[-$i] = $strscale .': '. $scalename; } if ($includenograde) { $grades[0] = get_string('nograde'); } for ($i=100; $i>=1; $i--) { $grades[$i] = $i; } choose_from_menu($grades, $name, $current, ''); $linkobject = ''.$strscales.''; link_to_popup_window ('/course/scales.php?id='. $courseid .'&list=true', 'ratingscales', $linkobject, 400, 500, $strscales); } /** * Prints a scale menu (as part of an existing form) including help button * Just like {@link print_grade_menu()} but without the numeric grades * * @param int $courseid ? * @param string $name ? * @param string $current ? * @todo Finish documenting this function */ function print_scale_menu($courseid, $name, $current) { global $CFG; $strscales = get_string('scales'); choose_from_menu(get_scales_menu($courseid), $name, $current, ''); $linkobject = ''.$strscales.''; link_to_popup_window ('/course/scales.php?id='. $courseid .'&list=true', 'ratingscales', $linkobject, 400, 500, $strscales); } /** * Prints a help button about a scale * * @uses $CFG * @param id $courseid ? * @param object $scale ? * @todo Finish documenting this function */ function print_scale_menu_helpbutton($courseid, $scale) { global $CFG; $strscales = get_string('scales'); $linkobject = ''.$scale->name.''; link_to_popup_window ('/course/scales.php?id='. $courseid .'&list=true&scale='. $scale->id, 'ratingscale', $linkobject, 400, 500, $scale->name); } /** * Print an error page displaying an error message. * Old method, don't call directly in new code - use print_error instead. * * * @uses $SESSION * @uses $CFG * @param string $message The message to display to the user about the error. * @param string $link The url where the user will be prompted to continue. If no url is provided the user will be directed to the site index page. */ function error ($message, $link='') { global $CFG, $SESSION; @header('HTTP/1.0 404 Not Found'); print_header(get_string('error')); echo '
'; $message = clean_text($message); // In case nasties are in here print_simple_box($message, '', '', '', '', 'errorbox'); if (!$link) { if ( !empty($SESSION->fromurl) ) { $link = $SESSION->fromurl; unset($SESSION->fromurl); } else { $link = $CFG->wwwroot .'/'; } } print_continue($link); print_footer(); for ($i=0;$i<512;$i++) { // Padding to help IE work with 404 echo ' '; } die; } /** * Print an error page displaying an error message. New method - use this for new code. * * @uses $SESSION * @uses $CFG * @param string $string The name of the string from error.php to print * @param string $link The url where the user will be prompted to continue. If no url is provided the user will be directed to the site index page. */ function print_error ($string, $link='') { $string = get_string($string, 'error'); error($string, $link); } /** * Print a help button. * * @uses $CFG * @param string $page The keyword that defines a help page * @param string $title The title of links, rollover tips, alt tags etc * @param string $module Which module is the page defined in * @param mixed $image Use a help image for the link? (true/false/"both") * @param string $text If defined then this text is used in the page, and * the $page variable is ignored. * @param boolean $return If true then the output is returned as a string, if false it is printed to the current page. * @param string $imagetext The full text for the helpbutton icon. If empty use default help.gif * @return string * @todo Finish documenting this function */ function helpbutton ($page, $title='', $module='moodle', $image=true, $linktext=false, $text='', $return=false, $imagetext='') { global $CFG; if ($module == '') { $module = 'moodle'; } $linkobject = ''; if ($image) { if ($imagetext == '') { $imagetext = ''.$title.''; } if ($linktext) { $linkobject .= $title.' '; } $linkobject .= $imagetext; } else { $linkobject .= $title; } $linkobject .= ''; if ($text) { $url = '/help.php?module='. $module .'&text='. htmlentities(urlencode($text)); } else { $url = '/help.php?module='. $module .'&file='. $page .'.html'; } $link = link_to_popup_window ($url, 'popup', $linkobject, 400, 500, $title, 'none', true); if ($return) { return $link; } else { echo $link; } } /** * Print a help button. * * Prints a special help button that is a link to the "live" emoticon popup * @uses $CFG * @uses $SESSION * @param string $form ? * @param string $field ? * @todo Finish documenting this function */ function emoticonhelpbutton($form, $field) { global $CFG, $SESSION; $SESSION->inserttextform = $form; $SESSION->inserttextfield = $field; $imagetext = ''; helpbutton('emoticons', get_string('helpemoticons'), 'moodle', true, true, '', false, $imagetext); } /** * Print a message and exit. * * @uses $CFG * @param string $message ? * @param string $link ? * @todo Finish documenting this function */ function notice ($message, $link='') { global $CFG; $message = clean_text($message); $link = clean_text($link); if (!$link) { if (!empty($_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER'])) { $link = $_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER']; } else { $link = $CFG->wwwroot .'/'; } } echo '
'; print_simple_box($message, 'center', '50%', '', '20', 'noticebox'); print_continue($link); print_footer(get_site()); die; } /** * Print a message along with "Yes" and "No" links for the user to continue. * * @param string $message The text to display * @param string $linkyes The link to take the user to if they choose "Yes" * @param string $linkno The link to take the user to if they choose "No" */ function notice_yesno ($message, $linkyes, $linkno) { global $CFG; $message = clean_text($message); $linkyes = clean_text($linkyes); $linkno = clean_text($linkno); print_simple_box_start('center', '60%', '', 5, 'noticebox', 'notice'); echo '

'. $message .'

'; echo '
'; print_single_button($linkyes, NULL, get_string('yes'), 'post', $CFG->framename); echo ''; print_single_button($linkno, NULL, get_string('no'), 'post', $CFG->framename); echo '
'; print_simple_box_end(); } /** * Redirects the user to another page, after printing a notice * * @param string $url The url to take the user to * @param string $message The text message to display to the user about the redirect, if any * @param string $delay How long before refreshing to the new page at $url? * @todo '&' needs to be encoded into '&' for XHTML compliance, * however, this is not true for javascript. Therefore we * first decode all entities in $url (since we cannot rely on) * the correct input) and then encode for where it's needed * echo ""; */ function redirect($url, $message='', $delay='0') { $url = clean_text($url); $message = clean_text($message); $url = html_entity_decode($url); // for php < 4.3.0 this is defined in moodlelib.php $url = str_replace(array("\n", "\r"), '', $url); // some more cleaning $encodedurl = htmlentities($url); if (empty($message)) { echo ''; echo ''; // To cope with Mozilla bug } else { if (empty($delay)) { $delay = 3; // There's no point having a message with no delay } print_header('', '', '', '', ''); echo '
'; echo '

'. $message .'

'; echo '

( '. get_string('continue') .' )

'; echo '
'; ?> '. $message .''."
\n"; } /** * Given an email address, this function will return an obfuscated version of it * * @param string $email The email address to obfuscate * @return string */ function obfuscate_email($email) { $i = 0; $length = strlen($email); $obfuscated = ''; while ($i < $length) { if (rand(0,2)) { $obfuscated.='%'.dechex(ord($email{$i})); } else { $obfuscated.=$email{$i}; } $i++; } return $obfuscated; } /** * This function takes some text and replaces about half of the characters * with HTML entity equivalents. Return string is obviously longer. * * @param string $plaintext The text to be obfuscated * @return string */ function obfuscate_text($plaintext) { $i=0; $length = strlen($plaintext); $obfuscated=''; $prev_obfuscated = false; while ($i < $length) { $c = ord($plaintext{$i}); $numerical = ($c >= ord('0')) && ($c <= ord('9')); if ($prev_obfuscated and $numerical ) { $obfuscated.='&#'.ord($plaintext{$i}).';'; } else if (rand(0,2)) { $obfuscated.='&#'.ord($plaintext{$i}).';'; $prev_obfuscated = true; } else { $obfuscated.=$plaintext{$i}; $prev_obfuscated = false; } $i++; } return $obfuscated; } /** * This function uses the {@link obfuscate_email()} and {@link obfuscate_text()} * to generate a fully obfuscated email link, ready to use. * * @param string $email The email address to display * @param string $label The text to dispalyed as hyperlink to $email * @param boolean $dimmed If true then use css class 'dimmed' for hyperlink * @return string */ function obfuscate_mailto($email, $label='', $dimmed=false) { if (empty($label)) { $label = $email; } if ($dimmed) { $title = get_string('emaildisable'); $dimmed = ' class="dimmed"'; } else { $title = ''; $dimmed = ''; } return sprintf("%s", obfuscate_text('mailto'), obfuscate_email($email), obfuscate_text($label)); } /** * Prints a single paging bar to provide access to other pages (usually in a search) * * @param int $totalcount Thetotal number of entries available to be paged through * @param int $page The page you are currently viewing * @param int $perpage The number of entries that should be shown per page * @param string $baseurl The url which will be used to create page numbered links. Each page will consist of the base url appended by the page var an equal sign, then the page number. * @param string $pagevar This is the variable name that you use for the page number in your code (ie. 'tablepage', 'blogpage', etc) */ function print_paging_bar($totalcount, $page, $perpage, $baseurl, $pagevar='page',$nocurr=false) { $maxdisplay = 18; if ($totalcount > $perpage) { echo '
'; echo get_string('page') .':'; if ($page > 0) { $pagenum = $page - 1; echo ' ('. get_string('previous') .') '; } $lastpage = ceil($totalcount / $perpage); if ($page > 15) { $startpage = $page - 10; echo ' 1 ...'; } else { $startpage = 0; } $currpage = $startpage; $displaycount = 0; while ($displaycount < $maxdisplay and $currpage < $lastpage) { $displaypage = $currpage+1; if ($page == $currpage && empty($nocurr)) { echo '  '. $displaypage; } else { echo '  '. $displaypage .''; } $displaycount++; $currpage++; } if ($currpage < $lastpage) { $lastpageactual = $lastpage - 1; echo ' ...'. $lastpage .' '; } $pagenum = $page + 1; if ($pagenum != $displaypage) { echo '  ('. get_string('next') .')'; } echo '
'; } } /** * This function is used to rebuild the tag because some formats (PLAIN and WIKI) * will transform it to html entities * * @param string $text Text to search for nolink tag in * @return string */ function rebuildnolinktag($text) { $text = preg_replace('/<(\/*nolink)>/i','<$1>',$text); return $text; } /** * Prints a nice side block with an optional header. The content can either * be a block of HTML or a list of text with optional icons. * * @param string $heading ? * @param string $content ? * @param array $list ? * @param array $icons ? * @param string $footer ? * @param array $attributes ? * @todo Finish documenting this function. Show example of various attributes, etc. */ function print_side_block($heading='', $content='', $list=NULL, $icons=NULL, $footer='', $attributes = array()) { print_side_block_start($heading, $attributes); if ($content) { echo $content; if ($footer) { echo ''; } } else { if ($list) { $row = 0; echo ''; foreach ($list as $key => $string) { echo ''; if ($icons) { echo ''; } echo ''; echo ''; $row = $row ? 0:1; } echo '
'. $icons[$key] .''. $string .'
'; } if ($footer) { echo ''; } } print_side_block_end($attributes); } /** * Starts a nice side block with an optional header. * * @param string $heading ? * @param array $attributes ? * @todo Finish documenting this function */ function print_side_block_start($heading='', $attributes = array()) { global $CFG; // If there are no special attributes, give a default CSS class if (empty($attributes) || !is_array($attributes)) { $attributes = array('class' => 'sideblock'); } else if(!isset($attributes['class'])) { $attributes['class'] = 'sideblock'; } else if(!strpos($attributes['class'], 'sideblock')) { $attributes['class'] .= ' sideblock'; } // OK, the class is surely there and in addition to anything // else, it's tagged as a sideblock /* // IE misery: if I do it this way, blocks which start hidden cannot be "unhidden" // If there is a cookie to hide this thing, start it hidden if (!empty($attributes['id']) && isset($_COOKIE['hide:'.$attributes['id']])) { $attributes['class'] = 'hidden '.$attributes['class']; } */ $attrtext = ''; foreach ($attributes as $attr => $val) { $attrtext .= ' '.$attr.'="'.$val.'"'; } echo '
'; if ($heading) { echo '
'; } echo '
'; } /** * Print table ending tags for a side block box. */ function print_side_block_end($attributes) { global $CFG; echo '
'; // IE workaround: if I do it THIS way, it works! WTF? if (!empty($CFG->allowuserblockhiding) && isset($attributes['id'])) { echo ''; } } /** * Prints out the HTML editor config. * * @uses $CFG */ function print_editor_config($editorhidebuttons='') { global $CFG; // print new config echo 'var config = new HTMLArea.Config();'."\n"; echo "config.pageStyle = \"body {"; if(!(empty($CFG->editorbackgroundcolor))) { echo " background-color: $CFG->editorbackgroundcolor;"; } if(!(empty($CFG->editorfontfamily))) { echo " font-family: $CFG->editorfontfamily;"; } if(!(empty($CFG->editorfontsize))) { echo " font-size: $CFG->editorfontsize;"; } echo " }\";\n"; echo "config.killWordOnPaste = "; echo(empty($CFG->editorkillword)) ? "false":"true"; echo ';'."\n"; echo 'config.fontname = {'."\n"; $fontlist = isset($CFG->editorfontlist) ? explode(';', $CFG->editorfontlist) : array(); $i = 1; // Counter is used to get rid of the last comma. foreach($fontlist as $fontline) { if(!empty($fontline)) { if ($i > 1) { echo ','."\n"; } list($fontkey, $fontvalue) = split(':', $fontline); echo '"'. $fontkey ."\":\t'". $fontvalue ."'"; $i++; } } echo '};'; if (!empty($editorhidebuttons)) { echo "\nconfig.hideSomeButtons(\" ". $editorhidebuttons ." \");\n"; } else if (!empty($CFG->editorhidebuttons)) { echo "\nconfig.hideSomeButtons(\" ". $CFG->editorhidebuttons ." \");\n"; } if(!empty($CFG->editorspelling) && !empty($CFG->aspellpath)) { print_speller_code($usehtmleditor=true); } } /** * Prints out code needed for spellchecking. * Original idea by Ludo (Marc Alier). * * @uses $CFG * @param boolean $usehtmleditor ? * @todo Finish documenting this function */ function print_speller_code ($usehtmleditor=false) { global $CFG; if(!$usehtmleditor) { echo "\n".''."\n"; } else { echo "\nfunction spellClickHandler(editor, buttonId) {\n"; echo "\teditor._textArea.value = editor.getHTML();\n"; echo "\tvar speller = new spellChecker( editor._textArea );\n"; echo "\tspeller.popUpUrl = \"" . $CFG->wwwroot ."/lib/speller/spellchecker.html\";\n"; echo "\tspeller.spellCheckScript = \"". $CFG->wwwroot ."/lib/speller/server-scripts/spellchecker.php\";\n"; echo "\tspeller._moogle_edit=1;\n"; echo "\tspeller._editor=editor;\n"; echo "\tspeller.openChecker();\n"; echo '}'."\n"; } } /** * Print button for spellchecking when editor is disabled */ function print_speller_button () { echo ''."\n"; } function page_id_and_class(&$getid, &$getclass) { // Create class and id for this page global $CFG, $ME; static $class = NULL; static $id = NULL; if(empty($class) || empty($id)) { $path = str_replace($CFG->httpswwwroot.'/', '', $ME); //Because the page could be HTTPSPAGEREQUIRED $path = str_replace('.php', '', $path); if (substr($path, -1) == '/') { $path .= 'index'; } if (empty($path) || $path == 'index') { $id = 'site-index'; $class = 'course'; } else { $id = str_replace('/', '-', $path); $class = explode('-', $id); array_pop($class); $class = implode('-', $class); } } $getid = $id; $getclass = $class; } /** * Prints a maintenance message from /maintenance.html */ function print_maintenance_message () { global $CFG, $SITE; print_header(strip_tags($SITE->fullname), $SITE->fullname, 'home'); print_simple_box_start('center'); print_heading(get_string('sitemaintenance', 'admin')); @include($CFG->dataroot.'/1/maintenance.html'); print_simple_box_end(); print_footer(); } /** * Adjust the list of allowed tags based on $CFG->allowobjectembed and user roles (admin) */ function adjust_allowed_tags() { global $CFG, $ALLOWED_TAGS; if (!empty($CFG->allowobjectembed)) { $ALLOWED_TAGS .= ''; } } /// Some code to print tabs /// A class for tabs class tabobject { var $id; var $link; var $text; /// A constructor just because I like constructors function tabobject ($id, $link='', $text='') { $this->id = $id; $this->link = $link; $this->text = $text; } /// a method to look after the messy business of setting up a tab cell /// with all the appropriate classes and things function createtab ($selected=false, $inactive=false, $activetwo=false, $last=false) { $str = ''; $astr = ''; $cstr = ''; /// The text and anchor for this tab if ($inactive || $activetwo || $selected) { $astr .= $this->text; } else { $astr .= ''.$this->text.''; } /// There's an IE bug with background images in tags /// so we put a div around so that we can add a background image $astr = ''; /// Set the class for inactive cells if ($inactive) { $cstr .= ' inactive'; /// Set the class for active cells in the second row if ($activetwo) { $cstr .= ' activetwo'; } /// Set the class for the selected cell } else if ($selected) { $cstr .= ' selected'; /// Set the standard class for a cell } else { $cstr .= ' active'; } /// Are we on the last tab in this row? if ($last) { $astr = '
'; } /// Lets set up the tab cell $str .= 'tabselectedtofront) and ($selected !== NULL) ) { $found = false; $frontrows = array(); $rearrows = array(); foreach ($tabrows as $row) { if ($found) { $rearrows[] = $row; } else { foreach ($row as $tab) { if ($found) { continue; } $found = ($selected == $tab->id); } $frontrows[] = $row; } } $tabrows = array_merge($rearrows,$frontrows); } /// $inactive must be an array if (!is_array($inactive)) { $inactive = array(); } /// $activetwo must be an array if (!is_array($activetwo)) { $activetwo = array(); } /// A table to encapsulate the tabs $str = ''; $str .= ''; $str .= '
'; $rowcount = count($tabrows); /// Cycle through the tab rows foreach ($tabrows as $row) { $rowcount--; $str .= ''; $str .= ''; $numberoftabs = count($row); $currenttab = 0; $cstr = ''; $astr = ''; /// Cycle through the tabs foreach ($row as $tab) { $currenttab++; $str .= $tab->createtab( ($selected == $tab->id), (in_array($tab->id, $inactive)), (in_array($tab->id, $activetwo)), ($currenttab == $numberoftabs) ); } $str .= ''; $str .= '
'; } $str .= '
'; if ($return) { return $str; } echo $str; } // vim:autoindent:expandtab:shiftwidth=4:tabstop=4:tw=140: ?>