Concept and definition are mandatory fields.';
$string['explainall'] = '在一页中显示所有登记';
$string['explainalphabet'] = '通过此索引浏览词汇';
$string['explainexport'] = 'A file has been generated.
Download it and keep it safe. You can import it anytime you wish in this or other course.';
$string['explainimport'] = 'You must specify the file to import and define the criteria of the process.
Submit your request and review the results.';
$string['explainspecial'] = 'Shows entries that do not begin with a letter';
$string['exportedentry'] = '导出的登记';
$string['exportedfile'] = '导出的文件';
$string['exportentries'] = '导出登记';
$string['exportglossary'] = '导出词汇';
$string['exporttomainglossary'] = '导出到主词汇表';
$string['filetoimport'] = 'File to import';
$string['fillfields'] = 'Concept and definition are mandatory fields.';
$string['filtername'] = 'Glossary Auto-linking';
$string['fullmatch'] = '仅匹配全部词';
$string['glossarytype'] = '词汇类别';
$string['glosssaryexported'] = 'Glossary exported.';
$string['importcategories'] = '导入类别';
$string['importedcategories'] = '导入的类别';
$string['importedentries'] = '导入的登记';
$string['importentries'] = '导入登记';
$string['isglobal'] = '设定为全局词汇?';
$string['linkcategory'] = '自动链接该类别';
$string['mainglossary'] = '主词汇';
$string['maxtimehaspassed'] = '抱歉, 已超过了修改该评论 ($a) 的最大时限!';
$string['modulename'] = '词汇';
$string['modulenameplural'] = '词汇';
$string['newentries'] = '新词汇登记';
$string['newglossary'] = '新词汇';
$string['newglossarycreated'] = '新词汇被创建.';
$string['newglossaryentries'] = '新词汇登记:';
$string['nocomment'] = '没有评论';
$string['nocomments'] = '(No comments found on this entry)';
$string['noconceptfound'] = 'No concept or definition found.';
$string['noentries'] = 'No entries found in this section';
$string['noentry'] = 'No entry found.';
$string['notcategorised'] = 'Not categorised';
$string['numberofentries'] = '登记数';
$string['onebyline'] = '(one per line)';
$string['printerfriendly'] = '可打印版';
$string['question'] = '问题';
$string['rate'] = 'Rate';
$string['rating'] = '评定';
$string['ratingeveryone'] = '所有人可评定该登记';
$string['ratingno'] = '无评定';
$string['ratingonlyteachers'] = '仅 $a 可评定该登记';
$string['ratings'] = '评定';
$string['ratingssaved'] = 'Ratings saved';
$string['ratingsuse'] = '允许评定';
$string['ratingtime'] = '将对登记的评定日期限定在以下范围:';
$string['rejectedentries'] = 'Rejected entries';
$string['rejectionrpt'] = 'Rejection Report';
$string['searchindefinition'] = 'Search full text';
$string['secondaryglossary'] = '二级词汇';
$string['sendinratings'] = 'Send in my latest ratings';
$string['showall'] = '显示 \'全部\'链接';
$string['showalphabet'] = '显示字母表';
$string['showspecial'] = '显示\'特殊\'链接';
$string['sortby'] = '排序方式:';
$string['sortbycreation'] = '按创建日期';
$string['sortbylastupdate'] = '按更新日期';
$string['sortchronogically'] = 'Sort chronologically';
$string['special'] = '特殊';
$string['standardview'] = '按字母顺序浏览';
$string['studentcanpost'] = '允许学生登记';
$string['totalentries'] = '登记总数';
$string['usedynalink'] = '自动链接词汇登记';
$string['waitingapproval'] = '待审';
$string['warningstudentcapost'] = '(仅适用于非主词汇)';
$string['writtenby'] = 'by';
$string['youarenottheauthor'] = '您不是该评论的作者, 故您无权编辑它.';