. /** * external API for mobile web services * * @package core * @subpackage webservice * @copyright 2011 Moodle Pty Ltd (http://moodle.com) * @license http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html GNU GPL v3 or later */ class moodle_webservice_external extends external_api { public static function get_siteinfo_parameters() { return new external_function_parameters( array('serviceshortnames' => new external_multiple_structure ( new external_value( PARAM_ALPHANUMEXT, 'service shortname'), 'service shortnames - by default, if the list is empty and mobile web services are enabled, we return the mobile service functions', VALUE_DEFAULT, array() ), ) ); } /** * Return user information including profile picture + basic site information * Note: * - no capability checking because we return just known information by logged user * @param array $serviceshortnames of service shortnames - the functions of these services will be returned * @return array */ function get_siteinfo($serviceshortnames = array()) { global $USER, $SITE, $CFG; $params = self::validate_parameters(self::get_siteinfo_parameters(), array('serviceshortnames'=>$serviceshortnames)); $profileimageurl = moodle_url::make_pluginfile_url( get_context_instance(CONTEXT_USER, $USER->id)->id, 'user', 'icon', NULL, '/', 'f1'); require_once($CFG->dirroot . "/webservice/lib.php"); $webservice = new webservice(); //If no service listed always return the mobile one by default if (empty($params['serviceshortnames']) and $CFG->enablewebservices) { $mobileservice = $webservice->get_external_service_by_shortname(MOODLE_OFFICIAL_MOBILE_SERVICE); if ($mobileservice->enabled) { $params['serviceshortnames'] = array(MOODLE_OFFICIAL_MOBILE_SERVICE); //return mobile service by default } } //retrieve the functions related to the services $functions = $webservice->get_external_functions_by_enabled_services($params['serviceshortnames']); //built up the returned values of the list of functions $componentversions = array(); $avalaiblefunctions = array(); foreach ($functions as $function) { $functioninfo = array(); $functioninfo['name'] = $function->name; if ($function->component == 'moodle') { $version = $CFG->version; //moodle version } else { $versionpath = get_component_directory($function->component).'/version.php'; if (is_readable($versionpath)) { //we store the component version once retrieved (so we don't load twice the version.php) if (!isset($componentversions[$function->component])) { include($versionpath); $componentversions[$function->component] = $plugin->version; $version = $plugin->version; } else { $version = $componentversions[$function->component]; } } else { //function component should always have a version.php, //otherwise the function should have been described with component => 'moodle' throw new moodle_exception('missingversionfile', 'webservice', '', $function->component); } } $functioninfo['version'] = $version; $avalaiblefunctions[] = $functioninfo; } return array( 'sitename' => $SITE->fullname, 'siteurl' => $CFG->wwwroot, 'username' => $USER->username, 'firstname' => $USER->firstname, 'lastname' => $USER->lastname, 'fullname' => fullname($USER), 'userid' => $USER->id, 'userpictureurl' => $profileimageurl->out(false), 'functions' => $avalaiblefunctions ); } public static function get_siteinfo_returns() { return new external_single_structure( array( 'sitename' => new external_value(PARAM_RAW, 'site name'), 'username' => new external_value(PARAM_RAW, 'username'), 'firstname' => new external_value(PARAM_TEXT, 'first name'), 'lastname' => new external_value(PARAM_TEXT, 'last name'), 'fullname' => new external_value(PARAM_TEXT, 'user full name'), 'userid' => new external_value(PARAM_INT, 'user id'), 'siteurl' => new external_value(PARAM_RAW, 'site url'), 'userpictureurl' => new external_value(PARAM_URL, 'the user profile picture'), 'functions' => new external_multiple_structure( new external_single_structure( array( 'name' => new external_value(PARAM_RAW, 'function name'), 'version' => new external_value(PARAM_FLOAT, 'The version number of moodle site/local plugin linked to the function') ), 'functions that are available') ), ) ); } }