questions)){ debugging('You shouldn\'t call setCategory after setQuestions'); } $this->category = $category; } /** * Set the specific questions to export. Should not include questions with * parents (sub questions of cloze question type). * Only used for question export. * @param array of question objects */ function setQuestions( $questions ) { if ($this->category !== null){ debugging('You shouldn\'t call setQuestions after setCategory'); } $this->questions = $questions; } /** * set the course class variable * @param course object Moodle course variable */ function setCourse( $course ) { $this->course = $course; } /** * set an array of contexts. * @param array $contexts Moodle course variable */ function setContexts($contexts) { $this->contexts = $contexts; $this->translator = new context_to_string_translator($this->contexts); } /** * set the filename * @param string filename name of file to import/export */ function setFilename( $filename ) { $this->filename = $filename; } /** * set the "real" filename * (this is what the user typed, regardless of wha happened next) * @param string realfilename name of file as typed by user */ function setRealfilename( $realfilename ) { $this->realfilename = $realfilename; } /** * set matchgrades * @param string matchgrades error or nearest for grades */ function setMatchgrades( $matchgrades ) { $this->matchgrades = $matchgrades; } /** * set catfromfile * @param bool catfromfile allow categories embedded in import file */ function setCatfromfile( $catfromfile ) { $this->catfromfile = $catfromfile; } /** * set contextfromfile * @param bool $contextfromfile allow contexts embedded in import file */ function setContextfromfile($contextfromfile) { $this->contextfromfile = $contextfromfile; } /** * set cattofile * @param bool cattofile exports categories within export file */ function setCattofile( $cattofile ) { $this->cattofile = $cattofile; } /** * set contexttofile * @param bool cattofile exports categories within export file */ function setContexttofile($contexttofile) { $this->contexttofile = $contexttofile; } /** * set stoponerror * @param bool stoponerror stops database write if any errors reported */ function setStoponerror( $stoponerror ) { $this->stoponerror = $stoponerror; } /** * @param boolean $canaccess Whether the current use can access the backup data folder. Determines * where export files are saved. */ function set_can_access_backupdata($canaccess) { $this->canaccessbackupdata = $canaccess; } /*********************** * IMPORTING FUNCTIONS ***********************/ /** * Handle parsing error */ function error( $message, $text='', $questionname='' ) { $importerrorquestion = get_string('importerrorquestion','quiz'); echo "
\n"; echo "$importerrorquestion $questionname"; if (!empty($text)) { $text = s($text); echo "
\n"; } echo "$message\n"; echo "
"; $this->importerrors++; } /** * Import for questiontype plugins * Do not override. * @param data mixed The segment of data containing the question * @param question object processed (so far) by standard import code if appropriate * @param extra mixed any additional format specific data that may be passed by the format * @return object question object suitable for save_options() or false if cannot handle */ function try_importing_using_qtypes( $data, $question=null, $extra=null ) { global $QTYPES; // work out what format we are using $formatname = substr( get_class( $this ), strlen('qformat_')); $methodname = "import_from_$formatname"; // loop through installed questiontypes checking for // function to handle this question foreach ($QTYPES as $qtype) { if (method_exists( $qtype, $methodname)) { if ($question = $qtype->$methodname( $data, $question, $this, $extra )) { return $question; } } } return false; } /** * Perform any required pre-processing * @return boolean success */ function importpreprocess() { return true; } /** * Process the file * This method should not normally be overidden * @return boolean success */ function importprocess() { global $USER, $DB; // reset the timer in case file upload was slow @set_time_limit(); // STAGE 1: Parse the file notify( get_string('parsingquestions','quiz') ); if (! $lines = $this->readdata($this->filename)) { notify( get_string('cannotread','quiz') ); return false; } if (! $questions = $this->readquestions($lines)) { // Extract all the questions notify( get_string('noquestionsinfile','quiz') ); return false; } // STAGE 2: Write data to database notify( get_string('importingquestions','quiz',$this->count_questions($questions)) ); // check for errors before we continue if ($this->stoponerror and ($this->importerrors>0)) { return false; } // get list of valid answer grades $grades = get_grade_options(); $gradeoptionsfull = $grades->gradeoptionsfull; // check answer grades are valid // (now need to do this here because of 'stop on error': MDL-10689) $gradeerrors = 0; $goodquestions = array(); foreach ($questions as $question) { if (!empty($question->fraction) and (is_array($question->fraction))) { $fractions = $question->fraction; $answersvalid = true; // in case they are! foreach ($fractions as $key => $fraction) { $newfraction = match_grade_options($gradeoptionsfull, $fraction, $this->matchgrades); if ($newfraction===false) { $answersvalid = false; } else { $fractions[$key] = $newfraction; } } if (!$answersvalid) { notify(get_string('matcherror', 'quiz')); ++$gradeerrors; continue; } else { $question->fraction = $fractions; } } $goodquestions[] = $question; } $questions = $goodquestions; // check for errors before we continue if ($this->stoponerror and ($gradeerrors>0)) { return false; } // count number of questions processed $count = 0; foreach ($questions as $question) { // Process and store each question // reset the php timeout @set_time_limit(); // check for category modifiers if ($question->qtype=='category') { if ($this->catfromfile) { // find/create category object $catpath = $question->category; $newcategory = $this->create_category_path( $catpath, '/'); if (!empty($newcategory)) { $this->category = $newcategory; } } continue; } $count++; echo "

$count. ".$this->format_question_text($question)."

"; $question->category = $this->category->id; $question->stamp = make_unique_id_code(); // Set the unique code (not to be changed) $question->createdby = $USER->id; $question->timecreated = time(); if (!$question->id = $DB->insert_record("question", $question)) { print_error('cannotinsert','quiz'); } $this->questionids[] = $question->id; // Now to save all the answers and type-specific options global $QTYPES; $result = $QTYPES[$question->qtype] ->save_question_options($question); if (!empty($result->error)) { notify($result->error); return false; } if (!empty($result->notice)) { notify($result->notice); return true; } // Give the question a unique version stamp determined by question_hash() $DB->set_field('question', 'version', question_hash($question), array('id'=>$question->id)); } return true; } /** * Count all non-category questions in the questions array. * * @param array questions An array of question objects. * @return int The count. * */ function count_questions($questions) { $count = 0; if (!is_array($questions)) { return $count; } foreach ($questions as $question) { if (!is_object($question) || !isset($question->qtype) || ($question->qtype == 'category')) { continue; } $count++; } return $count; } /** * find and/or create the category described by a delimited list * e.g. $course$/tom/dick/harry or tom/dick/harry * * removes any context string no matter whether $getcontext is set * but if $getcontext is set then ignore the context and use selected category context. * * @param string catpath delimited category path * @param string delimiter path delimiting character * @param int courseid course to search for categories * @return mixed category object or null if fails */ function create_category_path($catpath, $delimiter='/') { global $DB; $catpath = clean_param($catpath, PARAM_PATH); $catnames = explode($delimiter, $catpath); $parent = 0; $category = null; // check for context id in path, it might not be there in pre 1.9 exports $matchcount = preg_match('/^\$([a-z]+)\$$/', $catnames[0], $matches); if ($matchcount==1) { $contextid = $this->translator->string_to_context($matches[1]); array_shift($catnames); } else { $contextid = FALSE; } if ($this->contextfromfile && ($contextid !== FALSE)){ $context = get_context_instance_by_id($contextid); require_capability('moodle/question:add', $context); } else { $context = get_context_instance_by_id($this->category->contextid); } foreach ($catnames as $catname) { if ($category = $DB->get_record( 'question_categories', array('name' => $catname, 'contextid' => $context->id, 'parent' => $parent))) { $parent = $category->id; } else { require_capability('moodle/question:managecategory', $context); // create the new category $category = new object; $category->contextid = $context->id; $category->name = $catname; $category->info = ''; $category->parent = $parent; $category->sortorder = 999; $category->stamp = make_unique_id_code(); if (!($id = $DB->insert_record('question_categories', $category))) { print_error("cannotcreatecategory"); } $category->id = $id; $parent = $id; } } return $category; } /** * Return complete file within an array, one item per line * @param string filename name of file * @return mixed contents array or false on failure */ function readdata($filename) { if (is_readable($filename)) { $filearray = file($filename); /// Check for Macintosh OS line returns (ie file on one line), and fix if (ereg("\r", $filearray[0]) AND !ereg("\n", $filearray[0])) { return explode("\r", $filearray[0]); } else { return $filearray; } } return false; } /** * Parses an array of lines into an array of questions, * where each item is a question object as defined by * readquestion(). Questions are defined as anything * between blank lines. * * If your format does not use blank lines as a delimiter * then you will need to override this method. Even then * try to use readquestion for each question * @param array lines array of lines from readdata * @return array array of question objects */ function readquestions($lines) { $questions = array(); $currentquestion = array(); foreach ($lines as $line) { $line = trim($line); if (empty($line)) { if (!empty($currentquestion)) { if ($question = $this->readquestion($currentquestion)) { $questions[] = $question; } $currentquestion = array(); } } else { $currentquestion[] = $line; } } if (!empty($currentquestion)) { // There may be a final question if ($question = $this->readquestion($currentquestion)) { $questions[] = $question; } } return $questions; } /** * return an "empty" question * Somewhere to specify question parameters that are not handled * by import but are required db fields. * This should not be overridden. * @return object default question */ function defaultquestion() { global $CFG; static $defaultshuffleanswers = null; if (is_null($defaultshuffleanswers)) { $defaultshuffleanswers = get_config('quiz', 'shuffleanswers'); } $question = new stdClass(); $question->shuffleanswers = $defaultshuffleanswers; $question->defaultgrade = 1; $question->image = ""; $question->usecase = 0; $question->multiplier = array(); $question->generalfeedback = ''; $question->correctfeedback = ''; $question->partiallycorrectfeedback = ''; $question->incorrectfeedback = ''; $question->answernumbering = 'abc'; $question->penalty = 0.1; $question->length = 1; // this option in case the questiontypes class wants // to know where the data came from $question->export_process = true; $question->import_process = true; return $question; } /** * Given the data known to define a question in * this format, this function converts it into a question * object suitable for processing and insertion into Moodle. * * If your format does not use blank lines to delimit questions * (e.g. an XML format) you must override 'readquestions' too * @param $lines mixed data that represents question * @return object question object */ function readquestion($lines) { $formatnotimplemented = get_string( 'formatnotimplemented','quiz' ); echo "


"; return NULL; } /** * Override if any post-processing is required * @return boolean success */ function importpostprocess() { return true; } /** * Import an image file encoded in base64 format * @param string path path (in course data) to store picture * @param string base64 encoded picture * @return string filename (nb. collisions are handled) */ function importimagefile( $path, $base64 ) { global $CFG; // all this to get the destination directory // and filename! $fullpath = "{$CFG->dataroot}/{$this->course->id}/$path"; $path_parts = pathinfo( $fullpath ); $destination = $path_parts['dirname']; $file = clean_filename( $path_parts['basename'] ); // check if path exists check_dir_exists($destination, true, true ); // detect and fix any filename collision - get unique filename $newfiles = resolve_filename_collisions( $destination, array($file) ); $newfile = $newfiles[0]; // convert and save file contents if (!$content = base64_decode( $base64 )) { return ''; } $newfullpath = "$destination/$newfile"; if (!$fh = fopen( $newfullpath, 'w' )) { return ''; } if (!fwrite( $fh, $content )) { return ''; } fclose( $fh ); // return the (possibly) new filename $newfile = ereg_replace("{$CFG->dataroot}/{$this->course->id}/", '',$newfullpath); return $newfile; } /******************* * EXPORT FUNCTIONS *******************/ /** * Provide export functionality for plugin questiontypes * Do not override * @param name questiontype name * @param question object data to export * @param extra mixed any addition format specific data needed * @return string the data to append to export or false if error (or unhandled) */ function try_exporting_using_qtypes( $name, $question, $extra=null ) { global $QTYPES; // work out the name of format in use $formatname = substr( get_class( $this ), strlen( 'qformat_' )); $methodname = "export_to_$formatname"; if (array_key_exists( $name, $QTYPES )) { $qtype = $QTYPES[ $name ]; if (method_exists( $qtype, $methodname )) { if ($data = $qtype->$methodname( $question, $this, $extra )) { return $data; } } } return false; } /** * Return the files extension appropriate for this type * override if you don't want .txt * @return string file extension */ function export_file_extension() { return ".txt"; } /** * Do any pre-processing that may be required * @param boolean success */ function exportpreprocess() { return true; } /** * Enable any processing to be done on the content * just prior to the file being saved * default is to do nothing * @param string output text * @param string processed output text */ function presave_process( $content ) { return $content; } /** * Do the export * For most types this should not need to be overrided * @return boolean success */ function exportprocess() { global $CFG; // create a directory for the exports (if not already existing) if (! $export_dir = make_upload_directory($this->question_get_export_dir())) { print_error('cannotcreatepath', 'quiz', $export_dir); } $path = $CFG->dataroot.'/'.$this->question_get_export_dir(); // get the questions (from database) in this category // only get q's with no parents (no cloze subquestions specifically) if ($this->category){ $questions = get_questions_category( $this->category, true ); } else { $questions = $this->questions; } notify( get_string('exportingquestions','quiz') ); $count = 0; // results are first written into string (and then to a file) // so create/initialize the string here $expout = ""; // track which category questions are in // if it changes we will record the category change in the output // file if selected. 0 means that it will get printed before the 1st question $trackcategory = 0; // iterate through questions foreach($questions as $question) { // do not export hidden questions if (!empty($question->hidden)) { continue; } // do not export random questions if ($question->qtype==RANDOM) { continue; } // check if we need to record category change if ($this->cattofile) { if ($question->category != $trackcategory) { $trackcategory = $question->category; $categoryname = $this->get_category_path($trackcategory, '/', $this->contexttofile); // create 'dummy' question for category export $dummyquestion = new object; $dummyquestion->qtype = 'category'; $dummyquestion->category = $categoryname; $dummyquestion->name = "switch category to $categoryname"; $dummyquestion->id = 0; $dummyquestion->questiontextformat = ''; $expout .= $this->writequestion( $dummyquestion ) . "\n"; } } // export the question displaying message $count++; echo "

$count. ".$this->format_question_text($question)."

"; if (question_has_capability_on($question, 'view', $question->category)){ $expout .= $this->writequestion( $question ) . "\n"; } } // continue path for following error checks $course = $this->course; $continuepath = "$CFG->wwwroot/question/export.php?courseid=$course->id"; // did we actually process anything if ($count==0) { print_error( 'noquestions','quiz',$continuepath ); } // final pre-process on exported data $expout = $this->presave_process( $expout ); // write file $filepath = $path."/".$this->filename . $this->export_file_extension(); if (!$fh=fopen($filepath,"w")) { print_error( 'cannotopen','quiz',$continuepath,$filepath ); } if (!fwrite($fh, $expout, strlen($expout) )) { print_error( 'cannotwrite','quiz',$continuepath,$filepath ); } fclose($fh); return true; } /** * get the category as a path (e.g., tom/dick/harry) * @param int id the id of the most nested catgory * @param string delimiter the delimiter you want * @return string the path */ function get_category_path($id, $delimiter='/', $includecontext = true) { global $DB; $path = ''; if (!$firstcategory = $DB->get_record('question_categories',array('id' =>$id))) { print_error('cannotfindcategory', 'error', '', $id); } $category = $firstcategory; $contextstring = $this->translator->context_to_string($category->contextid); do { $name = $category->name; $id = $category->parent; if (!empty($path)) { $path = "{$name}{$delimiter}{$path}"; } else { $path = $name; } } while ($category = $DB->get_record( 'question_categories',array('id' =>$id ))); if ($includecontext){ $path = '$'.$contextstring.'$'."{$delimiter}{$path}"; } return $path; } /** * Do an post-processing that may be required * @return boolean success */ function exportpostprocess() { return true; } /** * convert a single question object into text output in the given * format. * This must be overriden * @param object question question object * @return mixed question export text or null if not implemented */ function writequestion($question) { // if not overidden, then this is an error. $formatnotimplemented = get_string( 'formatnotimplemented','quiz' ); echo "


"; return NULL; } /** * get directory into which export is going * @return string file path */ function question_get_export_dir() { global $USER; if ($this->canaccessbackupdata) { $dirname = get_string("exportfilename","quiz"); $path = $this->course->id.'/backupdata/'.$dirname; // backupdata is protected directory } else { $path = 'temp/questionexport/' . $USER->id; } return $path; } /** * where question specifies a moodle (text) format this * performs the conversion. */ function format_question_text($question) { $formatoptions = new stdClass; $formatoptions->noclean = true; $formatoptions->para = false; if (empty($question->questiontextformat)) { $format = FORMAT_MOODLE; } else { $format = $question->questiontextformat; } return format_text($question->questiontext, $format, $formatoptions); } } ?>