attr) in tag $a->tag.'; $string['autocontinue'] = 'Auto-Continue'; $string['badmanifest'] ='Some manifest errors: see errors log'; $string['browse'] = 'Browse'; $string['browsed'] = 'Browsed'; $string['browsemode'] = 'Browse Mode'; $string['chooseapacket'] = 'Choose or update a SCORM package'; $string['configframesize'] = 'This value is the size (in pixels) of the top frame (which contains the navigation) when you play a scorm package.'; $string['configpopup'] = 'When adding a new scorm package which is able to be shown in a popup window, should this option be enabled by default?'; $string['configpopupheight'] = 'What height should be the default height for new popup windows?'; $string['configpopupresizable'] = 'Should popup windows be resizable by default?'; $string['configpopupscrollbars'] = 'Should popup windows be scrollable by default?'; $string['configpopupstatus'] = 'Should popup windows show the status bar by default?'; $string['configpopupwidth'] = 'What width should be the default width for new popup windows?'; $string['completed'] = 'Completed'; $string['coursestruct'] = 'Course structure'; $string['coursepacket'] = 'Course package'; $string['datadir'] = 'Filesystem Error: Can\'t create course data directory'; $string['entercourse'] = 'Enter SCORM course'; $string['errorlogs'] = 'Errors log'; $string['failed'] = 'Failed'; $string['found'] = 'Manifest found'; $string['gradeaverage'] = 'Average grade'; $string['gradehighest'] = 'Highest grade'; $string['grademethod'] = 'Grading method'; $string['gradescoes'] = 'Scoes situation'; $string['gradesum'] = 'Sum grade'; $string['guestsno'] = 'Guests can not view scorm courses'; $string['incomplete'] = 'Incomplete'; $string['newheight'] = 'Default window height (in pixels)'; $string['newresizable'] = 'Allow the window to be resized'; $string['newscrollbars'] = 'Allow the window to be scrolled'; $string['newstatus'] = 'Show the status bar'; $string['newwidth'] = 'Default window width (in pixels)'; $string['newwindow'] = 'New window'; $string['newwindowopen'] = 'Display this scorm package in a new popup window'; $string['next'] = 'Continue'; $string['no_attributes'] = 'Tag $a->tag must have attributes'; $string['no_children'] = 'Tag $a->tag must have children'; $string['nomanifest'] = 'Manifest not found'; $string['noreports'] = 'No report to display'; $string['normal'] = 'Normal'; $string['notattempted'] = 'Not attempted'; $string['not_corr_type'] = 'Type mismatch for tag $a->tag'; $string['missing_attribute'] = 'Missing attribute $a->attr in tag $a->tag'; $string['missing_tag'] = 'Missing tag $a->tag'; $string['mode'] = 'Mode'; $string['organizations'] = 'Organizations'; $string['packagedir'] = 'Filesystem Error: Can\'t create package directory'; $string['passed'] = 'Passed'; $string['php5'] = 'PHP 5 (DOMXML native library)'; $string['prev'] = 'Previous'; $string['position_error'] = 'The $a->tag tag can\'t be child of $a->parent tag'; $string['regular'] = 'Regular Manifest'; $string['report'] = 'Report'; $string['review'] = 'Review'; $string['scoes'] = 'Scoes'; $string['score'] = 'Score'; $string['syntax'] = 'Syntax error'; $string['tag_error'] = 'Unknown tag ($a->tag) with this content: $a->value'; $string['too_many_attributes'] = 'Tag $a->tag has too many attributes'; $string['too_many_children'] = 'Tag $a->tag has too many children'; $string['trackingloose'] = 'WARNING: The tracking data of this SCORM package will be lost!'; $string['domxml'] = 'DOMXML external library'; $string['validation'] = 'Validation result'; $string['validationtype'] = 'This preference set the DOMXML library used for validating SCORM Manifest. If you don\'t know leave the selected choice.'; $string['validateascorm'] = 'Validate a SCORM package'; $string['versionwarning'] = 'The manifest version is older than 1.3, warning at $a->tag tag'; $string['viewallreports'] = 'View reports for $a attempts'; $string['display'] = 'Display'; $string['expcoll'] = 'Expand/Collide'; $string['exit'] = 'Exit from SCORM course'; ?>