title = get_string('formaltitle', 'block_quiz_results'); $this->content_type = BLOCK_TYPE_TEXT; $this->version = 2005012600; } function applicable_formats() { return array('all' => true); } function get_content() { global $USER, $CFG; if ($this->content !== NULL) { return $this->content; } if (empty($this->instance)) { $this->content = ''; return $this->content; } $this->content = new stdClass; $this->content->text = ''; $this->content->footer = ''; if($this->instance->pagetype == PAGE_COURSE_VIEW) { // We need to see if we are monitoring a quiz $quizid = empty($this->config->quizid) ? 0 : $this->config->quizid; $courseid = $this->instance->pageid; } else { // Assuming we are displayed in the quiz view page $quizid = $this->instance->pageid; // A trick to take advantage of instance config and save queries if(empty($this->config->courseid)) { $modrecord = get_record('modules', 'name', 'quiz'); $cmrecord = get_record('course_modules', 'module', $modrecord->id, 'instance', $quizid); $this->config->courseid = intval($cmrecord->course); $this->instance_config_commit(); } $courseid = $this->config->courseid; } if(empty($quizid)) { $this->content->text = get_string('error_emptyquizid', 'block_quiz_results'); return $this->content; } // Get the quiz record $quiz = get_record('quiz', 'id', $quizid); if(empty($quiz)) { $this->content->text = get_string('error_emptyquizrecord', 'block_quiz_results'); return $this->content; } // Get the grades for this quiz $grades = get_records('quiz_grades', 'quiz', $quizid, 'grade, timemodified DESC'); if(empty($grades)) { // No grades, sorry // The block will hide itself in this case return $this->content; } if(empty($this->config->showbest) && empty($this->config->showworst)) { $this->content->text = get_string('configuredtoshownothing', 'block_quiz_results'); return $this->content; } $groupmode = NOGROUPS; $best = array(); $worst = array(); if(!empty($this->config->usegroups)) { // The block was configured to operate in group mode $course = get_record_select('course', 'id = '.$courseid, 'groupmode, groupmodeforce'); if($course->groupmodeforce) { $groupmode = $course->groupmode; } else { $module = get_record_sql('SELECT cm.groupmode FROM '.$CFG->prefix.'modules m LEFT JOIN '.$CFG->prefix.'course_modules cm ON m.id = cm.module WHERE m.name = \'quiz\' AND cm.instance = '.$quizid); $groupmode = $module->groupmode; } // The actual groupmode for the quiz is now known to be $groupmode } if(isteacheredit($courseid) && $groupmode == SEPARATEGROUPS) { // We 'll make an exception in this case $groupmode = VISIBLEGROUPS; } switch($groupmode) { case VISIBLEGROUPS: // Display group-mode results $groups = get_groups($courseid); if(empty($groups)) { // No groups exist, sorry $this->content->text = get_string('error_nogroupsexist', 'block_quiz_results'); return $this->content; } // Find out all the userids which have a submitted grade $userids = array(); foreach($grades as $grade) { $userids[] = $grade->userid; } // Now find which groups these users belong in $groupofuser = get_records_sql( 'SELECT m.userid, m.groupid, g.name FROM '.$CFG->prefix.'groups g LEFT JOIN '.$CFG->prefix.'groups_members m ON g.id = m.groupid '. 'WHERE g.courseid = '.$courseid.' AND m.userid IN ('.implode(',', $userids).')' ); $groupgrades = array(); // OK... now, iterate the grades again and sum them up for each group foreach($grades as $grade) { if(isset($groupofuser[$grade->userid])) { // Count this result only if the user is in a group $groupid = $groupofuser[$grade->userid]->groupid; if(!isset($groupgrades[$groupid])) { $groupgrades[$groupid] = array('sum' => floatval($grade->grade), 'number' => 1, 'group' => $groupofuser[$grade->userid]->name); } else { $groupgrades[$groupid]['sum'] += $grade->grade; ++$groupgrades[$groupid]['number']; } } } foreach($groupgrades as $groupid => $groupgrade) { $groupgrades[$groupid]['average'] = $groupgrades[$groupid]['sum'] / $groupgrades[$groupid]['number']; } // Sort groupgrades according to average grade, ascending uasort($groupgrades, create_function('$a, $b', 'if($a["average"] == $b["average"]) return 0; return ($a["average"] > $b["average"] ? 1 : -1);')); // How many groups do we have with graded member submissions to show? $numbest = empty($this->config->showbest) ? 0 : min($this->config->showbest, count($groupgrades)); $numworst = empty($this->config->showworst) ? 0 : min($this->config->showworst, count($groupgrades) - $numbest); // Collect all the group results we are going to use in $best and $worst $remaining = $numbest; $groupgrade = end($groupgrades); while($remaining--) { $best[key($groupgrades)] = $groupgrade['average']; $groupgrade = prev($groupgrades); } $remaining = $numworst; $groupgrade = reset($groupgrades); while($remaining--) { $worst[key($groupgrades)] = $groupgrade['average']; $groupgrade = next($groupgrades); } // Ready for output! $gradeformat = intval(empty($this->config->gradeformat) ? GRADE_FORMAT_PCT : $this->config->gradeformat); if($this->instance->pagetype != PAGE_QUIZ_VIEW) { // Don't show header and link to the quiz if we ARE at the quiz... $this->content->text .= '


'; } $rank = 0; if(!empty($best)) { $this->content->text .= ''; foreach($best as $groupid => $averagegrade) { $this->content->text .= ''; } $this->content->text .= '
'; $this->content->text .= ($numbest == 1?get_string('bestgroupgrade', 'block_quiz_results'):get_string('bestgroupgrades', 'block_quiz_results', $numbest)); $this->content->text .= '
'.(++$rank).'.'.$groupgrades[$groupid]['group'].''; switch($gradeformat) { case GRADE_FORMAT_FRA: $this->content->text .= ($averagegrade.'/'.$quiz->grade); break; case GRADE_FORMAT_ABS: $this->content->text .= $averagegrade; break; default: case GRADE_FORMAT_PCT: $this->content->text .= round(floatval($averagegrade) / floatval($quiz->grade) * 100).'%'; break; } $this->content->text .= '
'; } $rank = 0; if(!empty($worst)) { $worst = array_reverse($worst, true); $this->content->text .= ''; foreach($worst as $groupid => $averagegrade) { $this->content->text .= ''; } $this->content->text .= '
'; $this->content->text .= ($numworst == 1?get_string('worstgroupgrade', 'block_quiz_results'):get_string('worstgroupgrades', 'block_quiz_results', $numworst)); $this->content->text .= '
'.(++$rank).'.'.$groupgrades[$groupid]['group'].''; switch($gradeformat) { case GRADE_FORMAT_FRA: $this->content->text .= ($averagegrade.'/'.$quiz->grade); break; case GRADE_FORMAT_ABS: $this->content->text .= $averagegrade; break; default: case GRADE_FORMAT_PCT: $this->content->text .= round(floatval($averagegrade) / floatval($quiz->grade) * 100).'%'; break; } $this->content->text .= '
'; } break; case SEPARATEGROUPS: // This is going to be just like no-groups mode, only we 'll filter // out the grades from people not in our group. if(empty($USER) || empty($USER->id)) { // Not logged in, so show nothing return $this->content; } $mygroups = get_groups($courseid, $USER->id); if(empty($mygroups)) { // Not member of a group, show nothing return $this->content; } $mygroupsusers = get_records_list('groups_members', 'groupid', implode(',', array_keys($mygroups)), '', 'userid, id'); // There should be at least one user there, ourselves. So no more tests. // Just filter out the grades belonging to other users, and proceed as if there were no groups $strallowedusers = implode(',', array_keys($mygroupsusers)); $grades = array_filter($grades, create_function('$el', '$allowed = explode(",", "'.$strallowedusers.'"); return in_array($el->userid, $allowed);')); // NO break; HERE, JUST GO AHEAD default: case NOGROUPS: // Single user mode $numbest = empty($this->config->showbest) ? 0 : min($this->config->showbest, count($grades)); $numworst = empty($this->config->showworst) ? 0 : min($this->config->showworst, count($grades) - $numbest); // Collect all the usernames we are going to need $remaining = $numbest; $grade = end($grades); while($remaining--) { $best[$grade->userid] = $grade->id; $grade = prev($grades); } $remaining = $numworst; $grade = reset($grades); while($remaining--) { $worst[$grade->userid] = $grade->id; $grade = next($grades); } if(empty($best) && empty($worst)) { // Nothing to show, for some reason... return $this->content; } // Now grab all the users from the database $userids = array_merge(array_keys($best), array_keys($worst)); $users = get_records_list('user', 'id', implode(',',$userids), '', 'id, firstname, lastname'); // Ready for output! $gradeformat = intval(empty($this->config->gradeformat) ? GRADE_FORMAT_PCT : $this->config->gradeformat); if($this->instance->pagetype != PAGE_QUIZ_VIEW) { // Don't show header and link to the quiz if we ARE at the quiz... $this->content->text .= '


'; } $rank = 0; if(!empty($best)) { $this->content->text .= ''; foreach($best as $userid => $gradeid) { $this->content->text .= ''; } $this->content->text .= '
'; $this->content->text .= ($numbest == 1?get_string('bestgrade', 'block_quiz_results'):get_string('bestgrades', 'block_quiz_results', $numbest)); $this->content->text .= '
'.(++$rank).'.'.fullname($users[$userid]).''; switch($gradeformat) { case GRADE_FORMAT_FRA: $this->content->text .= ($grades[$gradeid]->grade.'/'.$quiz->grade); break; case GRADE_FORMAT_ABS: $this->content->text .= $grades[$gradeid]->grade; break; default: case GRADE_FORMAT_PCT: $this->content->text .= round(floatval($grades[$gradeid]->grade) / floatval($quiz->grade) * 100).'%'; break; } $this->content->text .= '
'; } $rank = 0; if(!empty($worst)) { $worst = array_reverse($worst, true); $this->content->text .= ''; foreach($worst as $userid => $gradeid) { $this->content->text .= ''; } $this->content->text .= '
'; $this->content->text .= ($numworst == 1?get_string('worstgrade', 'block_quiz_results'):get_string('worstgrades', 'block_quiz_results', $numworst)); $this->content->text .= '
'.(++$rank).'.'.fullname($users[$userid]).''; switch($gradeformat) { case GRADE_FORMAT_FRA: $this->content->text .= ($grades[$gradeid]->grade.'/'.$quiz->grade); break; case GRADE_FORMAT_ABS: $this->content->text .= $grades[$gradeid]->grade; break; default: case GRADE_FORMAT_PCT: $this->content->text .= round(floatval($grades[$gradeid]->grade) / floatval($quiz->grade) * 100).'%'; break; } $this->content->text .= '
'; } break; } return $this->content; } function instance_allow_multiple() { return true; } } ?>