This makes the grading easier and more consistent. As teacher you must add these Elements before making
the assignment available to students. This is done by clicking on the peer graded assignment and choosing the
first option in the "Managing a Peer Graded Assignment" menu.";
$string['notgraded'] = "No grading, only feedback by other Students";
$string['notyetassessedby'] = "Not yet assessed by \$a";
$string['notyetgraded'] = "Not yet graded";
$string['notyetsubmitted'] = "Not yet submitted";
$string['numbermarked'] = "Number of assignments graded by the Teacher: \$a";
$string['numberofallocations'] = "Number of assignments to be assessed by each student: \$a";
$string['numberofallocationsreduced'] = "Number of assignments to be assessed by each student reduced to: \$a";
$string['numberofassessmentelements'] = "評価要素数";
$string['numberofassessors'] = "各課題に対する評価者(学生)の人数";
$string['numberofstudents'] = "Number of students enrolled on this course: \$a";
$string['numberofsubmissions'] = "Number of assignments submitted: \$a";
$string['peerassessmentsalreadydisabled'] = "Peer assessments already disabled";
$string['peerassessmentsdisabled'] = "Peer assessments disabled";
$string['peergrade'] = "相互評価";
$string['peergrades'] = "相互評価";
$string['phase'] = "Phase";
$string['present'] = "Present";
$string['previous'] = "前の";
$string['regradethissubmission'] = "Reassess this submission";
$string['reply'] = "返答";
$string['returntosubmissionpage'] = "Return to submission page";
$string['savemyassessment'] = "Save my assessment";
$string['savemyreply'] = "Save my reply";
$string['scale10'] = "Score out of 10";
$string['scale100'] = "Score out of 100";
$string['scale20'] = "Score out of 20";
$string['scalecorrect'] = "2 point Correct/Incorrect scale";
$string['scaleexcellent4'] = "4 point Excellent/Very Poor scale";
$string['scaleexcellent5'] = "5 point Excellent/Very Poor scale";
$string['scaleexcellent7'] = "7 point Excellent/Very Poor scale";
$string['scalegood3'] = "3 point Good/Poor scale";
$string['scalepresent'] = "2 point Present/Absent scale";
$string['scaleyes'] = "2 point Yes/No scale";
$string['showfeedback'] = "フィードバックを表示";
$string['showgrades'] = "Always show grades with comments";
$string['showgrading'] = "Show grading";
$string['showstatus'] = "Show status of the peer grading";
$string['specimengradingform'] = "Specimen Grading Form";
$string['submissiondate'] = "提出期限";
$string['submissionsalreadyallowed'] = "Submissions already allowed";
$string['submissionsawaitinggrading'] = "Submissions awaiting grading (\$a)";
$string['submissionsawaitingregrading'] = "Submissions awaiting re-grading (\$a)";
$string['submittedby'] = "Submitted by \$a";
$string['teacherscomments'] = "教師のコメント";
$string['teachersgrade'] = "教師の評価";
$string['teachersgradeis'] = "教師の評価は \$a です";
$string['teachersgrades'] = "教師の評価";
$string['thecurrentgradeis'] = "現在の評価は";
$string['thegradegiventothissubmissionis'] = "この提出物に対する評価は";
$string['thegradeis'] = "評価は";
$string['therearegradedpeersubmissions'] = "学生に割り当てられた評価済み課題は \$a あります";
$string['therearepeersubmissions'] = "学生に割り当てられた課題は \$a あります";
$string['typeofscale'] = "評価基準";
$string['warningonamendingelements'] = "WARNING: There are submitted assessments.
Do NOT change the number
of elements, the scale types or the element weights.";
$string['weightingofpeer'] = "相互評価の比重";
$string['weightingofteacher'] = "教師による評価の比重";
$string['workofotherstudentsbeinggraded'] = "他の \$a 人の課題があなたによって評価されました";
$string['youhavenotbeenallocatedanyworktograde'] = "あなたは評価すべき課題を提出していません";
$string['yourworkbeinggraded'] = "あなたの課題は他の \$a 人によって評価されました";