. /** * Prepares content for buttons/links to course content export/download. * * @package core_course * @copyright 2020 Michael Hawkins * @license http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html GNU GPL v3 or later */ namespace core_course\output; /** * Prepares content for buttons/links to course content export/download. * * @package core_course * @copyright 2020 Michael Hawkins * @license http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html GNU GPL v3 or later */ class content_export_link { /** * Prepare and return the various attributes required for a link/button to populate/trigger the download course content modal. * * @param \context $context The context of the content being exported. * @return \stdClass */ public static function get_attributes(\context $context): \stdClass { global $CFG; $downloadattr = new \stdClass(); $downloadattr->url = new \moodle_url('/course/downloadcontent.php', ['contextid' => $context->id]); $downloadattr->displaystring = get_string('downloadcoursecontent', 'course'); $maxfilesize = display_size($CFG->maxsizeperdownloadcoursefile); $downloadlink = new \moodle_url('/course/downloadcontent.php', ['contextid' => $context->id, 'download' => 1]); $downloadattr->elementattributes = [ 'data-downloadcourse' => 1, 'data-download-body' => get_string('downloadcourseconfirmation', 'course', $maxfilesize), 'data-download-button-text' => get_string('download'), 'data-download-link' => $downloadlink->out(false), 'data-download-title' => get_string('downloadcoursecontent', 'course'), 'data-overrides-tree-activation-key-handler' => 1, ]; return $downloadattr; } }