three text areas for that letter and click submit.'; $string['grademax'] = 'Maximum grade'; $string['grademin'] = 'Minimum grade'; $string['gradepass'] = 'Grade to pass'; $string['gradessettings'] = 'Grade settings'; $string['groupavg'] = 'Group average'; $string['hidden'] = 'Hidden'; $string['importplugins'] = 'Import plugins'; $string['itemsedit'] = 'Edit grade item'; $string['gradepreferences'] = 'Grade Preferences'; $string['gradepreferenceshelp'] = 'Grade Preferences Help'; $string['grades'] = 'Grades'; $string['gradetype'] = 'Grade type'; $string['gradeview'] = 'View Grade'; $string['gradeweighthelp'] = 'Grade Weight Help'; $string['hideadvanced'] = 'Hide Advanced Features'; $string['hidecalculations'] = 'Hide calculations'; $string['hidecategory'] = 'Hidden'; $string['hideeyecons'] = 'Hide show/hide icons'; $string['hideaverages'] = 'Hide averages'; $string['hidegroups'] = 'Hide groups'; $string['hidelocks'] = 'Hide locks'; $string['hidefeedback'] = 'Hide feedback'; $string['hideranges'] = 'Hide ranges'; $string['highgradeascending'] = 'Sort by high grade ascending'; $string['highgradedescending'] = 'Sort by high grade descending'; $string['highgradeletter'] = 'High'; $string['identifier'] = 'Identify user by'; $string['importcsv'] = 'Import CSV'; $string['importfailed'] = 'Import failed'; $string['importfile'] = 'Import file'; $string['importpreview'] = 'Import preview'; $string['importsuccess'] = 'Grade import success'; $string['importxml'] = 'Import XML'; $string['incorrectcourseid'] = 'Course ID was incorrect'; $string['inherit'] = 'Inherit'; $string['item'] = 'Item'; $string['iteminfo'] = 'Item info'; $string['itemname'] = 'Item name'; $string['items'] = 'Items'; $string['keephigh'] = 'Keep the highest'; $string['left'] = 'Left'; $string['lettergrade'] = 'Letter Grade'; $string['lettergradenonnumber'] = 'Low and/or High grade were non-numeric for'; $string['letter'] = 'Letter'; $string['letters'] = 'Letters'; $string['lock'] = 'Lock'; $string['locked'] = 'Locked'; $string['locktime'] = 'Locked until'; $string['lowest'] = 'Lowest'; $string['lowgradeletter'] = 'Low'; $string['mapfrom'] = 'Map from'; $string['mapto'] = 'Map to'; $string['max'] = 'Highest'; $string['maxgrade'] = 'Max Grade'; $string['mappings'] = 'Grade item mappings'; $string['meanall'] = 'All grades'; $string['meangraded'] = 'Non-empty grades'; $string['meanselection'] = 'Grades selected for averages'; $string['median'] = 'Median'; $string['min'] = 'Lowest'; $string['mode'] = 'Mode'; $string['movingelement'] = 'Moving $a'; $string['multfactor'] = 'Multiplicator'; $string['newcategory'] = 'New category'; $string['no'] = 'No'; $string['nocategories'] = 'Grade categories could not be added or found for this course'; $string['nocategoryname'] = 'No category name was given.'; $string['nocategoryview'] = 'No category to view by'; $string['nogradeletters'] = 'No grade letters set'; $string['nogradesreturned'] = 'No grades returned'; $string['nolettergrade'] = 'No letter grade for'; $string['nomode'] = 'NA'; $string['nonnumericweight'] = 'Received non-numeric value for'; $string['nonweightedpct'] = 'non-weighted %%'; $string['noselectedcategories'] = 'no categories were selected.'; $string['noselecteditems'] = 'no items were selected.'; $string['notteachererror'] = 'You must be a teacher to use this feature.'; $string['numberofgrades'] = 'Number of grades'; $string['onascaleof'] = ' on a scale of $a->grademin to $a->grademax'; $string['operations'] = 'Operations'; $string['outcome'] = 'Outcome'; $string['outcomes'] = 'Outcomes'; $string['outcomename'] = 'Outcome name'; $string['outcomereport'] = 'Outcome report'; $string['outcomes'] = 'Outcomes'; $string['overridden'] = 'Overridden'; $string['overallavg'] = 'Overall average'; $string['pctoftotalgrade'] = '%% of total grade'; $string['percent'] = 'Percent'; $string['percentage'] = 'Percentage'; $string['percentascending'] = 'Sort by percent ascending'; $string['percentdescending'] = 'Sort by percent descending'; $string['percentshort'] = '%%'; $string['plusfactor'] = 'Offset'; $string['points'] = 'points'; $string['pointsascending'] = 'Sort by points ascending'; $string['pointsdescending'] = 'Sort by points descdending'; $string['preferences'] = 'Preferences'; $string['quickfeedback'] = 'Quick Feedback'; $string['quickgrading'] = 'Quick Grading'; $string['range'] = 'Range'; $string['rangesdecimalpoints'] = 'Decimals shown in ranges'; $string['rangesdisplaytype'] = 'Range display type'; $string['rank'] = 'Rank'; $string['real'] = 'Real'; $string['rawpct'] = 'Raw %%'; $string['reportplugins'] = 'Report plugins'; $string['reprintheaders'] = 'Reprint Headers'; $string['right'] = 'Right'; $string['savechanges'] = 'Save Changes'; $string['savepreferences'] = 'Save Preferences'; $string['scaledpct'] = 'Scaled %%'; $string['selectdestination'] = 'Select destination of $a'; $string['septab'] = 'Tab'; $string['sepcomma'] = 'Comma'; $string['separator'] = 'Separator'; $string['setcategories'] = 'Set Categories'; $string['setcategorieserror'] = 'You must first set the categories for your course before you can give weights to them.'; $string['setgradeletters'] = 'Set Grade Letters'; $string['setpreferences'] = 'Set Preferences'; $string['setting'] = 'Setting'; $string['settings'] = 'Settings'; $string['setweights'] = 'Set Weights'; $string['showallstudents'] = 'Show All Students'; $string['showaverages'] = 'Show column averages'; $string['showcalculations'] = 'Show calculations'; $string['showeyecons'] = 'Show show/hide icons'; $string['showfeedback'] = 'Show feedback'; $string['showgroups'] = 'Show groups'; $string['showhiddenitems'] = 'Show Hidden Items'; $string['showlocks'] = 'Show locks'; $string['showranges'] = 'Show ranges'; $string['showuserimage'] = 'Show user profile images'; $string['sitewide'] = 'Site-wide'; $string['sort'] = 'sort'; $string['sortasc'] = 'Sort in ascending order'; $string['sortdesc'] = 'Sort in descending order'; $string['sortbyfirstname'] = 'Sort by Firstname'; $string['sortbylastname'] = 'Sort by Lastname'; $string['standarddeviation'] = 'Standard Deviation'; $string['stats'] = 'Statistics'; $string['statslink'] = 'Stats'; $string['student'] = 'Student'; $string['studentsperpage'] = 'Students per page'; $string['subcategory'] = 'Normal Category'; $string['synclegacygrades'] = 'Synchronise legacy grades'; $string['topcategory'] = 'Super Category'; $string['total'] = 'Total'; $string['totalweight100'] = 'The total weight is equal to 100'; $string['totalweightnot100'] = 'The total weight is not equal to 100'; $string['turnfeedbackoff'] = 'Turn feedback off'; $string['turnfeedbackon'] = 'Turn feedback on'; $string['typenone'] = 'None'; $string['typescale'] = 'Scale'; $string['typetext'] = 'Text'; $string['typevalue'] = 'Value'; $string['uncategorised'] = 'Uncategorised'; $string['unlock'] = 'Unlock'; $string['unused'] = 'Unused'; $string['uploadgrades'] = 'Upload grades'; $string['useadvanced'] = 'Use Advanced Features'; $string['usedcourses'] = 'Used courses'; $string['usedgradeitem'] = 'Used grade item'; $string['usenooutcome'] = 'Use no outcome'; $string['usenoscale'] = 'Use no scale'; $string['usepercent'] = 'Use Percent'; $string['userpreferences'] = 'User preferences'; $string['useweighted'] = 'Use Weighted'; $string['viewbygroup'] = 'Group'; $string['viewgrades'] = 'View Grades'; $string['weight'] = 'weight'; $string['weightedascending'] = 'Sort by weighted percent ascending'; $string['weighteddescending'] = 'Sort by weighted percent descending'; $string['weightedpct'] = 'weighted %%'; $string['weightedpctcontribution'] = 'weighted %% contribution'; $string['writinggradebookinfo'] = 'Writing Gradebook settings'; $string['yes'] = 'Yes'; $string['yourgrade'] = 'Your grade'; ?>