// This file is part of Moodle - http://moodle.org/
// Moodle is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
// the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
// (at your option) any later version.
// Moodle is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
// along with Moodle. If not, see .
* Javascript library for enableing a drag and drop upload to courses
* @package core
* @subpackage course
* @copyright 2012 Davo Smith
* @license http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html GNU GPL v3 or later
M.course_dndupload = {
// YUI object.
Y: null,
// URL for upload requests
url: M.cfg.wwwroot + '/course/dndupload.php',
// maximum size of files allowed in this form
maxbytes: 0,
// ID of the course we are on
courseid: null,
// Data about the different file/data handlers that are available
handlers: null,
// Nasty hack to distinguish between dragenter(first entry),
// dragenter+dragleave(moving between child elements) and dragleave (leaving element)
entercount: 0,
// Used to keep track of the section we are dragging across - to make
// spotting movement between sections more reliable
currentsection: null,
// Used to store the pending uploads whilst the user is being asked for further input
uploadqueue: null,
// True if the there is currently a dialog being shown (asking for a name, or giving a
// choice of file handlers)
uploaddialog: false,
// An array containing the last selected file handler for each file type
lastselected: null,
// The following are used to identify specific parts of the course page
// The type of HTML element that is a course section
sectiontypename: 'li',
// The classes that an element must have to be identified as a course section
sectionclasses: ['section', 'main'],
// The ID of the main content area of the page (for adding the 'status' div)
pagecontentid: 'page',
// The selector identifying the list of modules within a section (note changing this may require
// changes to the get_mods_element function)
modslistselector: 'ul.section',
* Initalise the drag and drop upload interface
* Note: one and only one of options.filemanager and options.formcallback must be defined
* @param Y the YUI object
* @param object options {
* courseid: ID of the course we are on
* maxbytes: maximum size of files allowed in this form
* handlers: Data about the different file/data handlers that are available
* }
init: function(Y, options) {
this.Y = Y;
if (!this.browser_supported()) {
return; // Browser does not support the required functionality
this.maxbytes = options.maxbytes;
this.courseid = options.courseid;
this.handlers = options.handlers;
this.uploadqueue = new Array();
this.lastselected = new Array();
var sectionselector = this.sectiontypename + '.' + this.sectionclasses.join('.');
var sections = this.Y.all(sectionselector);
if (sections.isEmpty()) {
return; // No sections - incompatible course format or front page.
sections.each( function(el) {
}, this);
if (options.showstatus) {
* Add a div element to tell the user that drag and drop upload
* is available (or to explain why it is not available)
add_status_div: function() {
var coursecontents = document.getElementById(this.pagecontentid);
if (!coursecontents) {
var div = document.createElement('div');
div.id = 'dndupload-status';
div.style.opacity = 0.0;
coursecontents.insertBefore(div, coursecontents.firstChild);
var Y = this.Y;
div = Y.one(div);
var handlefile = (this.handlers.filehandlers.length > 0);
var handletext = false;
var handlelink = false;
var i;
for (i=0; i 2) {
this.entercount = 2;
return false;
this.show_preview_element(section, type);
return false;
* Handle a dragleave event: remove the 'add here' message (if present)
* @param e event data
* @return false to prevent the event from continuing to be processed
drag_leave: function(e) {
if (!this.check_drag(e)) {
return false;
if (this.entercount == 1) {
return false;
this.entercount = 0;
this.currentsection = null;
return false;
* Handle a dragover event: just prevent the browser default (necessary
* to allow drag and drop handling to work)
* @param e event data
* @return false to prevent the event from continuing to be processed
drag_over: function(e) {
return false;
* Handle a drop event: hide the 'add here' message, check the attached
* data type and start the upload process
* @param e event data
* @return false to prevent the event from continuing to be processed
drop: function(e) {
if (!(type = this.check_drag(e))) {
return false;
// Work out the number of the section we are on (from its id)
var section = this.get_section(e.currentTarget);
var sectionnumber = this.get_section_number(section);
// Process the file or the included data
if (type.type == 'Files') {
var files = e._event.dataTransfer.files;
for (var i=0, f; f=files[i]; i++) {
this.handle_file(f, section, sectionnumber);
} else {
var contents = e._event.dataTransfer.getData(type.realtype);
if (contents) {
this.handle_item(type, contents, section, sectionnumber);
return false;
* Find or create the 'ul' element that contains all of the module
* instances in this section
* @param section the DOM element representing the section
* @return false to prevent the event from continuing to be processed
get_mods_element: function(section) {
// Find the 'ul' containing the list of mods
var modsel = section.one(this.modslistselector);
if (!modsel) {
// Create the above 'ul' if it doesn't exist
var modsel = document.createElement('ul');
modsel.className = 'section img-text';
var contentel = section.get('children').pop();
var brel = contentel.get('children').pop();
contentel.insertBefore(modsel, brel);
modsel = this.Y.one(modsel);
return modsel;
* Add a new dummy item to the list of mods, to be replaced by a real
* item & link once the AJAX upload call has completed
* @param name the label to show in the element
* @param section the DOM element reperesenting the course section
* @return DOM element containing the new item
add_resource_element: function(name, section) {
var modsel = this.get_mods_element(section);
var resel = {
parent: modsel,
li: document.createElement('li'),
div: document.createElement('div'),
a: document.createElement('a'),
icon: document.createElement('img'),
namespan: document.createElement('span'),
progressouter: document.createElement('span'),
progress: document.createElement('span')
resel.li.className = 'activity resource modtype_resource';
resel.div.className = 'mod-indent';
resel.a.href = '#';
resel.icon.src = M.util.image_url('i/ajaxloader');
resel.icon.className = 'activityicon';
resel.a.appendChild(document.createTextNode(' '));
resel.namespan.className = 'instancename';
resel.namespan.innerHTML = name;
resel.div.appendChild(document.createTextNode(' '));
resel.progressouter.className = 'dndupload-progress-outer';
resel.progress.className = 'dndupload-progress-inner';
resel.progress.innerHTML = ' ';
modsel.insertBefore(resel.li, modsel.get('children').pop()); // Leave the 'preview element' at the bottom
return resel;
* Hide any visible dndupload-preview elements on the page
hide_preview_element: function() {
* Unhide the preview element for the given section and set it to display
* the correct message
* @param section the YUI node representing the selected course section
* @param type the details of the data type detected in the drag (including the message to display)
show_preview_element: function(section, type) {
var preview = section.one('li.dndupload-preview').removeClass('dndupload-hidden');
* Add the preview element to a course section. Note: this needs to be done before 'addEventListener'
* is called, otherwise Firefox will ignore events generated when the mouse is over the preview
* element (instead of passing them up to the parent element)
* @param section the YUI node representing the selected course section
add_preview_element: function(section) {
var modsel = this.get_mods_element(section);
var preview = {
li: document.createElement('li'),
div: document.createElement('div'),
icon: document.createElement('img'),
namespan: document.createElement('span')
preview.li.className = 'dndupload-preview dndupload-hidden';
preview.div.className = 'mod-indent';
preview.icon.src = M.util.image_url('t/addfile');
preview.div.appendChild(document.createTextNode(' '));
preview.namespan.className = 'instancename';
preview.namespan.innerHTML = M.util.get_string('addfilehere', 'moodle');
* Find the registered handler for the given file type. If there is more than one, ask the
* user which one to use. Then upload the file to the server
* @param file the details of the file, taken from the FileList in the drop event
* @param section the DOM element representing the selected course section
* @param sectionnumber the number of the selected course section
handle_file: function(file, section, sectionnumber) {
var handlers = new Array();
var filehandlers = this.handlers.filehandlers;
var extension = '';
var dotpos = file.name.lastIndexOf('.');
if (dotpos != -1) {
extension = file.name.substr(dotpos+1, file.name.length);
for (var i=0; i'+M.util.get_string('actionchoice', 'moodle', file.name)+'
var Y = this.Y;
var self = this;
var panel = new Y.Panel({
bodyContent: content,
width: 350,
zIndex: 5,
centered: true,
modal: true,
visible: true,
render: true,
buttons: [{
value: M.util.get_string('upload', 'moodle'),
action: function(e) {
// Find out which module was selected
var module = false;
var div = Y.one('#dndupload_handlers'+uploadid);
div.all('input').each(function(input) {
if (input.get('checked')) {
module = input.get('value');
if (!module) {
// Remember this selection for next time
self.lastselected[extension] = module;
// Do the upload
self.upload_file(file, section, sectionnumber, module);
section: Y.WidgetStdMod.FOOTER
value: M.util.get_string('cancel', 'moodle'),
action: function(e) {
section: Y.WidgetStdMod.FOOTER
// When the panel is hidden - destroy it and then check for other pending uploads
panel.after("visibleChange", function(e) {
if (!panel.get('visible')) {
* Check to see if there are any other dialog boxes to show, now that the current one has
* been dealt with
check_upload_queue: function() {
this.uploaddialog = false;
if (this.uploadqueue.length == 0) {
var details = this.uploadqueue.shift();
if (details.isfile) {
this.file_handler_dialog(details.handlers, details.extension, details.file, details.section, details.sectionnumber);
} else {
this.handle_item(details.type, details.contents, details.section, details.sectionnumber);
* Do the file upload: show the dummy element, use an AJAX call to send the data
* to the server, update the progress bar for the file, then replace the dummy
* element with the real information once the AJAX call completes
* @param file the details of the file, taken from the FileList in the drop event
* @param section the DOM element representing the selected course section
* @param sectionnumber the number of the selected course section
upload_file: function(file, section, sectionnumber, module) {
// This would be an ideal place to use the Y.io function
// however, this does not support data encoded using the
// FormData object, which is needed to transfer data from
// the DataTransfer object into an XMLHTTPRequest
// This can be converted when the YUI issue has been integrated:
// http://yuilibrary.com/projects/yui3/ticket/2531274
var xhr = new XMLHttpRequest();
var self = this;
if (file.size > this.maxbytes) {
alert("'"+file.name+"' "+M.util.get_string('filetoolarge', 'moodle'));
// Add the file to the display
var resel = this.add_resource_element(file.name, section);
// Update the progress bar as the file is uploaded
xhr.upload.addEventListener('progress', function(e) {
if (e.lengthComputable) {
var percentage = Math.round((e.loaded * 100) / e.total);
resel.progress.style.width = percentage + '%';
}, false);
// Wait for the AJAX call to complete, then update the
// dummy element with the returned details
xhr.onreadystatechange = function() {
if (xhr.readyState == 4) {
if (xhr.status == 200) {
var result = JSON.parse(xhr.responseText);
if (result) {
if (result.error == 0) {
// All OK - update the dummy element
resel.icon.src = result.icon;
resel.a.href = result.link;
resel.namespan.innerHTML = result.name;
resel.li.id = result.elementid;
resel.div.innerHTML += result.commands;
if (result.onclick) {
resel.a.onclick = result.onclick;
if (self.Y.UA.gecko > 0) {
// Fix a Firefox bug which makes sites with a '~' in their wwwroot
// log the user out when clicking on the link (before refreshing the page).
resel.div.innerHTML = unescape(resel.div.innerHTML);
} else {
// Error - remove the dummy element
} else {
alert(M.util.get_string('servererror', 'moodle'));
// Prepare the data to send
var formData = new FormData();
formData.append('repo_upload_file', file);
formData.append('sesskey', M.cfg.sesskey);
formData.append('course', this.courseid);
formData.append('section', sectionnumber);
formData.append('module', module);
formData.append('type', 'Files');
// Send the AJAX call
xhr.open("POST", this.url, true);
* Show a dialog box to gather the name of the resource / activity to be created
* from the uploaded content
* @param type the details of the type of content
* @param contents the contents to be uploaded
* @section the DOM element for the section being uploaded to
* @sectionnumber the number of the section being uploaded to
handle_item: function(type, contents, section, sectionnumber) {
if (type.handlers.length == 0) {
// Nothing to handle this - should not have got here
if (this.uploaddialog) {
var details = new Object();
details.isfile = false;
details.type = type;
details.contents = contents;
details.section = section;
details.setcionnumber = sectionnumber;
this.uploaddialog = true;
var timestamp = new Date().getTime();
var uploadid = Math.round(Math.random()*100000)+'-'+timestamp;
var nameid = 'dndupload_handler_name'+uploadid;
var content = '';
content += '';
content += ' ';
if (type.handlers.length > 1) {
content += '
var sel = type.handlers[0].module;
for (var i=0; i';
content += ' ';
content += '
var Y = this.Y;
var self = this;
var panel = new Y.Panel({
bodyContent: content,
width: 350,
zIndex: 5,
centered: true,
modal: true,
visible: true,
render: true,
buttons: [{
value: M.util.get_string('upload', 'moodle'),
action: function(e) {
var name = Y.one('#dndupload_handler_name'+uploadid).get('value');
name = name.replace(/^\s\s*/, '').replace(/\s\s*$/, ''); // Trim
if (name == '') {
var module = false;
if (type.handlers.length > 1) {
// Find out which module was selected
var div = Y.one('#dndupload_handlers'+uploadid);
div.all('input').each(function(input) {
if (input.get('checked')) {
module = input.get('value');
if (!module) {
} else {
module = type.handlers[0].module;
// Do the upload
self.upload_item(name, type.type, contents, section, sectionnumber, module);
section: Y.WidgetStdMod.FOOTER
value: M.util.get_string('cancel', 'moodle'),
action: function(e) {
section: Y.WidgetStdMod.FOOTER
// When the panel is hidden - destroy it and then check for other pending uploads
panel.after("visibleChange", function(e) {
if (!panel.get('visible')) {
// Focus on the 'name' box
* Upload any data types that are not files: display a dummy resource element, send
* the data to the server, update the progress bar for the file, then replace the
* dummy element with the real information once the AJAX call completes
* @param name the display name for the resource / activity to create
* @param type the details of the data type found in the drop event
* @param contents the actual data that was dropped
* @param section the DOM element representing the selected course section
* @param sectionnumber the number of the selected course section
* @param module the module chosen to handle this upload
upload_item: function(name, type, contents, section, sectionnumber, module) {
// This would be an ideal place to use the Y.io function
// however, this does not support data encoded using the
// FormData object, which is needed to transfer data from
// the DataTransfer object into an XMLHTTPRequest
// This can be converted when the YUI issue has been integrated:
// http://yuilibrary.com/projects/yui3/ticket/2531274
var xhr = new XMLHttpRequest();
var self = this;
// Add the item to the display
var resel = this.add_resource_element(name, section);
// Wait for the AJAX call to complete, then update the
// dummy element with the returned details
xhr.onreadystatechange = function() {
if (xhr.readyState == 4) {
if (xhr.status == 200) {
var result = JSON.parse(xhr.responseText);
if (result) {
if (result.error == 0) {
// All OK - update the dummy element
resel.icon.src = result.icon;
resel.a.href = result.link;
resel.namespan.innerHTML = result.name;
resel.li.id = result.elementid;
resel.div.innerHTML += result.commands;
if (result.onclick) {
resel.a.onclick = result.onclick;
if (self.Y.UA.gecko > 0) {
// Fix a Firefox bug which makes sites with a '~' in their wwwroot
// log the user out when clicking on the link (before refreshing the page).
resel.div.innerHTML = unescape(resel.div.innerHTML);
self.add_editing(result.elementid, sectionnumber);
} else {
// Error - remove the dummy element
} else {
alert(M.util.get_string('servererror', 'moodle'));
// Prepare the data to send
var formData = new FormData();
formData.append('contents', contents);
formData.append('displayname', name);
formData.append('sesskey', M.cfg.sesskey);
formData.append('course', this.courseid);
formData.append('section', sectionnumber);
formData.append('type', type);
formData.append('module', module);
// Send the data
xhr.open("POST", this.url, true);
* Call the AJAX course editing initialisation to add the editing tools
* to the newly-created resource link
* @param elementid the id of the DOM element containing the new resource link
* @param sectionnumber the number of the selected course section
add_editing: function(elementid) {
YUI().use('moodle-course-coursebase', function(Y) {
M.course.coursebase.invoke_function('setup_for_resource', '#' + elementid);