* Allowed protocols - array of protocols that are safe to use in links and so on
* @global string $ALLOWED_PROTOCOLS
$ALLOWED_PROTOCOLS = array('http', 'https', 'ftp', 'news', 'mailto', 'rtsp', 'teamspeak', 'gopher', 'mms',
'color', 'callto', 'cursor', 'text-align', 'font-size', 'font-weight', 'font-style',
'border', 'margin', 'padding', 'background', 'text-decoration'); // CSS as well to get through kses
/// Functions
* Add quotes to HTML characters
* Returns $var with HTML characters (like "<", ">", etc.) properly quoted.
* This function is very similar to {@link p()}
* @param string $var the string potentially containing HTML characters
* @param boolean $strip to decide if we want to strip slashes or no. Default to false.
* true should be used to print data from forms and false for data from DB.
* @return string
function s($var, $strip=false) {
if ($var == '0') { // for integer 0, boolean false, string '0'
return '0';
if ($strip) {
return preg_replace("/&(#\d+);/i", "&$1;", htmlspecialchars(stripslashes_safe($var)));
} else {
return preg_replace("/&(#\d+);/i", "&$1;", htmlspecialchars($var));
* Add quotes to HTML characters
* Prints $var with HTML characters (like "<", ">", etc.) properly quoted.
* This function is very similar to {@link s()}
* @param string $var the string potentially containing HTML characters
* @param boolean $strip to decide if we want to strip slashes or no. Default to false.
* true should be used to print data from forms and false for data from DB.
* @return string
function p($var, $strip=false) {
echo s($var, $strip);
* Does proper javascript quoting.
* Do not use addslashes anymore, because it does not work when magic_quotes_sybase is enabled.
* @since 1.8 - 22/02/2007
* @param mixed value
* @return mixed quoted result
function addslashes_js($var) {
if (is_string($var)) {
$var = str_replace('\\', '\\\\', $var);
$var = str_replace(array('\'', '"', "\n", "\r", "\0"), array('\\\'', '\\"', '\\n', '\\r', '\\0'), $var);
$var = str_replace('', '<\/', $var); // XHTML compliance
} else if (is_array($var)) {
$var = array_map('addslashes_js', $var);
} else if (is_object($var)) {
$a = get_object_vars($var);
foreach ($a as $key=>$value) {
$a[$key] = addslashes_js($value);
$var = (object)$a;
return $var;
* Remove query string from url
* Takes in a URL and returns it without the querystring portion
* @param string $url the url which may have a query string attached
* @return string
function strip_querystring($url) {
if ($commapos = strpos($url, '?')) {
return substr($url, 0, $commapos);
} else {
return $url;
* Returns the URL of the HTTP_REFERER, less the querystring portion if required
* @param boolean $stripquery if true, also removes the query part of the url.
* @return string
function get_referer($stripquery=true) {
if (isset($_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER'])) {
if ($stripquery) {
return strip_querystring($_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER']);
} else {
} else {
return '';
* Returns the name of the current script, WITH the querystring portion.
* this function is necessary because PHP_SELF and REQUEST_URI and SCRIPT_NAME
* return different things depending on a lot of things like your OS, Web
* server, and the way PHP is compiled (ie. as a CGI, module, ISAPI, etc.)
* NOTE: This function returns false if the global variables needed are not set.
* @return string
function me() {
if (!empty($_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'])) {
} else if (!empty($_SERVER['PHP_SELF'])) {
if (!empty($_SERVER['QUERY_STRING'])) {
return $_SERVER['PHP_SELF'];
} else if (!empty($_SERVER['SCRIPT_NAME'])) {
if (!empty($_SERVER['QUERY_STRING'])) {
} else if (!empty($_SERVER['URL'])) { // May help IIS (not well tested)
if (!empty($_SERVER['QUERY_STRING'])) {
return $_SERVER['URL'] .'?'. $_SERVER['QUERY_STRING'];
return $_SERVER['URL'];
} else {
notify('Warning: Could not find any of these web server variables: $REQUEST_URI, $PHP_SELF, $SCRIPT_NAME or $URL');
return false;
* Like {@link me()} but returns a full URL
* @see me()
* @return string
function qualified_me() {
global $CFG;
if (!empty($CFG->wwwroot)) {
$url = parse_url($CFG->wwwroot);
if (!empty($url['host'])) {
$hostname = $url['host'];
} else if (!empty($_SERVER['SERVER_NAME'])) {
$hostname = $_SERVER['SERVER_NAME'];
} else if (!empty($_ENV['SERVER_NAME'])) {
$hostname = $_ENV['SERVER_NAME'];
} else if (!empty($_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'])) {
$hostname = $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'];
} else if (!empty($_ENV['HTTP_HOST'])) {
$hostname = $_ENV['HTTP_HOST'];
} else {
notify('Warning: could not find the name of this server!');
return false;
if (!empty($url['port'])) {
$hostname .= ':'.$url['port'];
} else if (!empty($_SERVER['SERVER_PORT'])) {
if ($_SERVER['SERVER_PORT'] != 80 && $_SERVER['SERVER_PORT'] != 443) {
$hostname .= ':'.$_SERVER['SERVER_PORT'];
// TODO, this does not work in the situation described in MDL-11061, but
// I don't know how to fix it. Possibly believe $CFG->wwwroot ahead of what
// the server reports.
if (isset($_SERVER['HTTPS'])) {
$protocol = ($_SERVER['HTTPS'] == 'on') ? 'https://' : 'http://';
} else if (isset($_SERVER['SERVER_PORT'])) { # Apache2 does not export $_SERVER['HTTPS']
$protocol = ($_SERVER['SERVER_PORT'] == '443') ? 'https://' : 'http://';
} else {
$protocol = 'http://';
$url_prefix = $protocol.$hostname;
return $url_prefix . me();
* Class for creating and manipulating urls.
* See short write up here http://docs.moodle.org/en/Development:lib/weblib.php_moodle_url
class moodle_url {
var $scheme = '';// e.g. http
var $host = '';
var $port = '';
var $user = '';
var $pass = '';
var $path = '';
var $fragment = '';
var $params = array(); //associative array of query string params
* Pass no arguments to create a url that refers to this page. Use empty string to create empty url.
* @param string $url url default null means use this page url with no query string
* empty string means empty url.
* if you pass any other type of url it will be parsed into it's bits, including query string
* @param array $params these params override anything in the query string where params have the same name.
function moodle_url($url = null, $params = array()){
global $FULLME;
if ($url !== ''){
if ($url === null){
$url = strip_querystring($FULLME);
$parts = parse_url($url);
if ($parts === FALSE){
if (isset($parts['query'])){
parse_str(str_replace('&', '&', $parts['query']), $this->params);
foreach ($parts as $key => $value){
$this->$key = $value;
* Add an array of params to the params for this page. The added params override existing ones if they
* have the same name.
* @param array $params
function params($params){
$this->params = $params + $this->params;
* Remove all params if no arguments passed. Or else remove param $arg1, $arg2, etc.
* @param string $arg1
* @param string $arg2
* @param string $arg3
function remove_params(){
if ($thisargs = func_get_args()){
foreach ($thisargs as $arg){
if (isset($this->params[$arg])){
} else { // no args
$this->params = array();
* Add a param to the params for this page. The added param overrides existing one if they
* have the same name.
* @param string $paramname name
* @param string $param value
function param($paramname, $param){
$this->params = array($paramname => $param) + $this->params;
function get_query_string($overrideparams = array()){
$arr = array();
$params = $overrideparams + $this->params;
foreach ($params as $key => $val){
$arr[] = urlencode($key)."=".urlencode($val);
return implode($arr, "&");
* Outputs params as hidden form elements.
* @param array $exclude params to ignore
* @param integer $indent indentation
* @param array $overrideparams params to add to the output params, these
* override existing ones with the same name.
* @return string html for form elements.
function hidden_params_out($exclude = array(), $indent = 0, $overrideparams=array()){
$tabindent = str_repeat("\t", $indent);
$str = '';
$params = $overrideparams + $this->params;
foreach ($params as $key => $val){
if (FALSE === array_search($key, $exclude)) {
$val = s($val);
$str.= "$tabindent \n";
return $str;
* Output url
* @param boolean $noquerystring whether to output page params as a query string in the url.
* @param array $overrideparams params to add to the output url, these override existing ones with the same name.
* @return string url
function out($noquerystring = false, $overrideparams = array()) {
$uri = $this->scheme ? $this->scheme.':'.((strtolower($this->scheme) == 'mailto') ? '':'//'): '';
$uri .= $this->user ? $this->user.($this->pass? ':'.$this->pass:'').'@':'';
$uri .= $this->host ? $this->host : '';
$uri .= $this->port ? ':'.$this->port : '';
$uri .= $this->path ? $this->path : '';
if (!$noquerystring){
$uri .= (count($this->params)||count($overrideparams)) ? '?'.$this->get_query_string($overrideparams) : '';
$uri .= $this->fragment ? '#'.$this->fragment : '';
return $uri;
* Output action url with sesskey
* @param boolean $noquerystring whether to output page params as a query string in the url.
* @return string url
function out_action($overrideparams = array()) {
$overrideparams = array('sesskey'=> sesskey()) + $overrideparams;
return $this->out(false, $overrideparams);
* Determine if there is data waiting to be processed from a form
* Used on most forms in Moodle to check for data
* Returns the data as an object, if it's found.
* This object can be used in foreach loops without
* casting because it's cast to (array) automatically
* Checks that submitted POST data exists and returns it as object.
* @param bool slashes TEMPORARY - false if strip magic quotes
* @return mixed false or object
function data_submitted($slashes=true) {
if (empty($_POST)) {
return false;
} else {
if ($slashes===false) {
$post = stripslashes_recursive($_POST); // temporary hack before magic quotes removal
return (object)$post;
} else {
return (object)$_POST;
* Moodle replacement for php stripslashes() function,
* works also for objects and arrays.
* The standard php stripslashes() removes ALL backslashes
* even from strings - so C:\temp becomes C:temp - this isn't good.
* This function should work as a fairly safe replacement
* to be called on quoted AND unquoted strings (to be sure)
* @param mixed something to remove unsafe slashes from
* @return mixed
function stripslashes_safe($mixed) {
// there is no need to remove slashes from int, float and bool types
if (empty($mixed)) {
//nothing to do...
} else if (is_string($mixed)) {
if (ini_get_bool('magic_quotes_sybase')) { //only unescape single quotes
$mixed = str_replace("''", "'", $mixed);
} else { //the rest, simple and double quotes and backslashes
$mixed = str_replace("\\'", "'", $mixed);
$mixed = str_replace('\\"', '"', $mixed);
$mixed = str_replace('\\\\', '\\', $mixed);
} else if (is_array($mixed)) {
foreach ($mixed as $key => $value) {
$mixed[$key] = stripslashes_safe($value);
} else if (is_object($mixed)) {
$vars = get_object_vars($mixed);
foreach ($vars as $key => $value) {
$mixed->$key = stripslashes_safe($value);
return $mixed;
* Recursive implementation of stripslashes()
* This function will allow you to strip the slashes from a variable.
* If the variable is an array or object, slashes will be stripped
* from the items (or properties) it contains, even if they are arrays
* or objects themselves.
* @param mixed the variable to remove slashes from
* @return mixed
function stripslashes_recursive($var) {
if (is_object($var)) {
$new_var = new object();
$properties = get_object_vars($var);
foreach($properties as $property => $value) {
$new_var->$property = stripslashes_recursive($value);
} else if(is_array($var)) {
$new_var = array();
foreach($var as $property => $value) {
$new_var[$property] = stripslashes_recursive($value);
} else if(is_string($var)) {
$new_var = stripslashes($var);
} else {
$new_var = $var;
return $new_var;
* Recursive implementation of addslashes()
* This function will allow you to add the slashes from a variable.
* If the variable is an array or object, slashes will be added
* to the items (or properties) it contains, even if they are arrays
* or objects themselves.
* @param mixed the variable to add slashes from
* @return mixed
function addslashes_recursive($var) {
if (is_object($var)) {
$new_var = new object();
$properties = get_object_vars($var);
foreach($properties as $property => $value) {
$new_var->$property = addslashes_recursive($value);
} else if (is_array($var)) {
$new_var = array();
foreach($var as $property => $value) {
$new_var[$property] = addslashes_recursive($value);
} else if (is_string($var)) {
$new_var = addslashes($var);
} else { // nulls, integers, etc.
$new_var = $var;
return $new_var;
* Given some normal text this function will break up any
* long words to a given size by inserting the given character
* It's multibyte savvy and doesn't change anything inside html tags.
* @param string $string the string to be modified
* @param int $maxsize maximum length of the string to be returned
* @param string $cutchar the string used to represent word breaks
* @return string
function break_up_long_words($string, $maxsize=20, $cutchar=' ') {
/// Loading the textlib singleton instance. We are going to need it.
$textlib = textlib_get_instance();
/// First of all, save all the tags inside the text to skip them
$tags = array();
/// Process the string adding the cut when necessary
$output = '';
$length = $textlib->strlen($string);
$wordlength = 0;
for ($i=0; $i<$length; $i++) {
$char = $textlib->substr($string, $i, 1);
if ($char == ' ' or $char == "\t" or $char == "\n" or $char == "\r" or $char == "<" or $char == ">") {
$wordlength = 0;
} else {
if ($wordlength > $maxsize) {
$output .= $cutchar;
$wordlength = 0;
$output .= $char;
/// Finally load the tags back again
if (!empty($tags)) {
$output = str_replace(array_keys($tags), $tags, $output);
return $output;
* This function will print a button/link/etc. form element
* that will work on both Javascript and non-javascript browsers.
* Relies on the Javascript function openpopup in javascript.php
* All parameters default to null, only $type and $url are mandatory.
* $url must be relative to home page eg /mod/survey/stuff.php
* @param string $url Web link relative to home page
* @param string $name Name to be assigned to the popup window (this is used by
* client-side scripts to "talk" to the popup window)
* @param string $linkname Text to be displayed as web link
* @param int $height Height to assign to popup window
* @param int $width Height to assign to popup window
* @param string $title Text to be displayed as popup page title
* @param string $options List of additional options for popup window
* @param string $return If true, return as a string, otherwise print
* @param string $id id added to the element
* @param string $class class added to the element
* @return string
* @uses $CFG
function element_to_popup_window ($type=null, $url=null, $name=null, $linkname=null,
$height=400, $width=500, $title=null,
$options=null, $return=false, $id=null, $class=null) {
if (is_null($url)) {
debugging('You must give the url to display in the popup. URL is missing - can\'t create popup window.', DEBUG_DEVELOPER);
global $CFG;
if ($options == 'none') { // 'none' is legacy, should be removed in v2.0
$options = null;
// add some sane default options for popup windows
if (!$options) {
$options = 'menubar=0,location=0,scrollbars,resizable';
if ($width) {
$options .= ',width='. $width;
if ($height) {
$options .= ',height='. $height;
if ($id) {
$id = ' id="'.$id.'" ';
if ($class) {
$class = ' class="'.$class.'" ';
if ($name) {
$_name = $name;
if (($name = preg_replace("/\s/", '_', $name)) != $_name) {
debugging('The $name of a popup window shouldn\'t contain spaces - string modified. '. $_name .' changed to '. $name, DEBUG_DEVELOPER);
} else {
$name = 'popup';
// get some default string, using the localized version of legacy defaults
if (is_null($linkname) || $linkname === '') {
$linkname = get_string('clickhere');
if (!$title) {
$title = get_string('popupwindowname');
$fullscreen = 0; // must be passed to openpopup
$element = '';
switch ($type) {
case 'button' :
$element = ' \n";
case 'link' :
// some log url entries contain _SERVER[HTTP_REFERRER] in which case wwwroot is already there.
if (!(strpos($url,$CFG->wwwroot) === false)) {
$url = substr($url, strlen($CFG->wwwroot));
$element = '$linkname ";
default :
if ($return) {
return $element;
} else {
echo $element;
* Creates and displays (or returns) a link to a popup window, using element_to_popup_window function.
* @return string html code to display a link to a popup window.
* @see element_to_popup_window()
function link_to_popup_window ($url, $name=null, $linkname=null,
$height=400, $width=500, $title=null,
$options=null, $return=false) {
return element_to_popup_window('link', $url, $name, $linkname, $height, $width, $title, $options, $return, null, null);
* Creates and displays (or returns) a buttons to a popup window, using element_to_popup_window function.
* @return string html code to display a button to a popup window.
* @see element_to_popup_window()
function button_to_popup_window ($url, $name=null, $linkname=null,
$height=400, $width=500, $title=null, $options=null, $return=false,
$id=null, $class=null) {
return element_to_popup_window('button', $url, $name, $linkname, $height, $width, $title, $options, $return, $id, $class);
* Prints a simple button to close a window
* @param string $name name of the window to close
* @param boolean $return whether this function should return a string or output it
* @return string if $return is true, nothing otherwise
function close_window_button($name='closewindow', $return=false) {
global $CFG;
$output = '';
$output .= '' . "\n";
$output .= '
$output .= '
' . "\n";
if ($return) {
return $output;
} else {
echo $output;
* Try and close the current window immediately using Javascript
* @param int $delay the delay in seconds before closing the window
function close_window($delay=0) {
element as an onchange handler.
* @param string $nothingvalue The value corresponding to the $nothing option. Defaults to 0.
* @param boolean $return if false (the default) the the output is printed directly, If true, the
* generated HTML is returned as a string.
* @param boolean $disabled if true, the select is generated in a disabled state. Default, false.
* @param int $tabindex if give, sets the tabindex attribute on the <select> element. Default none.
* @param string $id value to use for the id attribute of the <select> element. If none is given,
* then a suitable one is constructed.
function choose_from_menu ($options, $name, $selected='', $nothing='choose', $script='',
$nothingvalue='0', $return=false, $disabled=false, $tabindex=0, $id='') {
if ($nothing == 'choose') {
$nothing = get_string('choose') .'...';
$attributes = ($script) ? 'onchange="'. $script .'"' : '';
if ($disabled) {
$attributes .= ' disabled="disabled"';
if ($tabindex) {
$attributes .= ' tabindex="'.$tabindex.'"';
if ($id ==='') {
$id = 'menu'.$name;
// name may contaion [], which would make an invalid id. e.g. numeric question type editing form, assignment quickgrading
$id = str_replace('[', '', $id);
$id = str_replace(']', '', $id);
$output = '' . "\n";
if ($nothing) {
$output .= ' ' . "\n";
if (!empty($options)) {
foreach ($options as $value => $label) {
$output .= ' ' . "\n";
} else {
$output .= '>'. $label .' ' . "\n";
$output .= ' ' . "\n";
if ($return) {
return $output;
} else {
echo $output;
* Choose value 0 or 1 from a menu with options 'No' and 'Yes'.
* Other options like choose_from_menu.
* @param string $name
* @param string $selected
* @param string $string (defaults to '')
* @param boolean $return whether this function should return a string or output it (defaults to false)
* @param boolean $disabled (defaults to false)
* @param int $tabindex
function choose_from_menu_yesno($name, $selected, $script = '',
$return = false, $disabled = false, $tabindex = 0) {
return choose_from_menu(array(get_string('no'), get_string('yes')), $name,
$selected, '', $script, '0', $return, $disabled, $tabindex);
* Just like choose_from_menu, but takes a nested array (2 levels) and makes a dropdown menu
* including option headings with the first level.
function choose_from_menu_nested($options,$name,$selected='',$nothing='choose',$script = '',
$nothingvalue=0,$return=false,$disabled=false,$tabindex=0) {
if ($nothing == 'choose') {
$nothing = get_string('choose') .'...';
$attributes = ($script) ? 'onchange="'. $script .'"' : '';
if ($disabled) {
$attributes .= ' disabled="disabled"';
if ($tabindex) {
$attributes .= ' tabindex="'.$tabindex.'"';
$output = '' . "\n";
if ($return) {
return $output;
} else {
echo $output;
* Given an array of values, creates a group of radio buttons to be part of a form
* @param array $options An array of value-label pairs for the radio group (values as keys)
* @param string $name Name of the radiogroup (unique in the form)
* @param string $checked The value that is already checked
function choose_from_radio ($options, $name, $checked='', $return=false) {
static $idcounter = 0;
if (!$name) {
$name = 'unnamed';
$output = '\n";
if (!empty($options)) {
$currentradio = 0;
foreach ($options as $value => $label) {
$htmlid = 'auto-rb'.sprintf('%04d', ++$idcounter);
$output .= ' ";
$output .= ' '. $value .' ' . "\n";
} else {
$output .= ' /> '. $label .' ' . "\n";
$currentradio = ($currentradio + 1) % 2;
$output .= '' . "\n";
if ($return) {
return $output;
} else {
echo $output;
/** Display an standard html checkbox with an optional label
* @param string $name The name of the checkbox
* @param string $value The valus that the checkbox will pass when checked
* @param boolean $checked The flag to tell the checkbox initial state
* @param string $label The label to be showed near the checkbox
* @param string $alt The info to be inserted in the alt tag
function print_checkbox ($name, $value, $checked = true, $label = '', $alt = '', $script='',$return=false) {
static $idcounter = 0;
if (!$name) {
$name = 'unnamed';
if ($alt) {
$alt = strip_tags($alt);
} else {
$alt = 'checkbox';
if ($checked) {
$strchecked = ' checked="checked"';
} else {
$strchecked = '';
$htmlid = 'auto-cb'.sprintf('%04d', ++$idcounter);
$output = '";
$output .= ' ';
if(!empty($label)) {
$output .= ' '.$label.' ';
$output .= ' '."\n";
if (empty($return)) {
echo $output;
} else {
return $output;
/** Display an standard html text field with an optional label
* @param string $name The name of the text field
* @param string $value The value of the text field
* @param string $label The label to be showed near the text field
* @param string $alt The info to be inserted in the alt tag
function print_textfield ($name, $value, $alt = '',$size=50,$maxlength=0, $return=false) {
static $idcounter = 0;
if (empty($name)) {
$name = 'unnamed';
if (empty($alt)) {
$alt = 'textfield';
if (!empty($maxlength)) {
$maxlength = ' maxlength="'.$maxlength.'" ';
$htmlid = 'auto-tf'.sprintf('%04d', ++$idcounter);
$output = '";
$output .= ' ';
$output .= ' '."\n";
if (empty($return)) {
echo $output;
} else {
return $output;
* Implements a complete little popup form
* @uses $CFG
* @param string $common The URL up to the point of the variable that changes
* @param array $options Alist of value-label pairs for the popup list
* @param string $formid Id must be unique on the page (originaly $formname)
* @param string $selected The option that is already selected
* @param string $nothing The label for the "no choice" option
* @param string $help The name of a help page if help is required
* @param string $helptext The name of the label for the help button
* @param boolean $return Indicates whether the function should return the text
* as a string or echo it directly to the page being rendered
* @param string $targetwindow The name of the target page to open the linked page in.
* @param string $selectlabel Text to place in a [label] element - preferred for accessibility.
* @param array $optionsextra TODO, an array?
* @return string If $return is true then the entire form is returned as a string.
* @todo Finish documenting this function
function popup_form($common, $options, $formid, $selected='', $nothing='choose', $help='', $helptext='', $return=false,
$targetwindow='self', $selectlabel='', $optionsextra=NULL) {
global $CFG;
static $go, $choose; /// Locally cached, in case there's lots on a page
if (empty($options)) {
return '';
if (!isset($go)) {
$go = get_string('go');
if ($nothing == 'choose') {
if (!isset($choose)) {
$choose = get_string('choose');
$nothing = $choose.'...';
// changed reference to document.getElementById('id_abc') instead of document.abc
// MDL-7861
$output = '