search string A simple string to search for * ->confirmed bool A switch to allow/disallow unconfirmed users * ->exceptions array(int) A list of IDs to ignore, eg 2,4,5,8,9,10 * ->firstinitial string ? * ->lastinitial string ? * @return array|false Array of {@link $USER} objects. False is returned if an error is encountered. */ function get_users_2($sort='firstname ASC', $recordsperpage=999999, $page=0, $fields='*', $selectioncriteria=NULL) { global $DB; ///WS: convert array into an object if (!empty($selectioncriteria) && is_array($selectioncriteria)) { $selectioncriteria = (object) $selectioncriteria; } $LIKE = $DB->sql_ilike(); $fullname = $DB->sql_fullname(); $select = " username <> :guest AND deleted = 0"; $params = array('guest'=>'guest'); if (!empty($selectioncriteria->search)){ $selectioncriteria->search = trim($selectioncriteria->search); $select .= " AND ($fullname $LIKE :search1 OR email $LIKE :search2 OR username = :search3)"; $params['search1'] = "%".$selectioncriteria->search."%"; $params['search2'] = "%".$selectioncriteria->search."%"; $params['search3'] = $selectioncriteria->search; } if (!empty($selectioncriteria->confirmed)) { $select .= " AND confirmed = 1"; } if (!empty($selectioncriteria->exceptions)) { list($selectioncriteria->exceptions, $eparams) = $DB->get_in_or_equal($selectioncriteria->exceptions, SQL_PARAMS_NAMED, 'ex0000', false); $params = $params + $eparams; $except = " AND id ".$selectioncriteria->exceptions; } if (!empty($selectioncriteria->firstinitial)) { $select .= " AND firstname $LIKE :fni"; $params['fni'] = $selectioncriteria->firstinitial."%"; } if (!empty($selectioncriteria->lastinitial)) { $select .= " AND lastname $LIKE :lni"; $params['lni'] = $selectioncriteria->lastinitial."%"; } if (!empty($selectioncriteria->extraselect)) { $select .= " AND ".$selectioncriteria->extraselect; if (empty($selectioncriteria->extraparams)){ $params = $params + (array)$selectioncriteria->extraparams; } } return $DB->get_records_select('user', $select, $params, $sort, $fields, $page, $recordsperpage); } /** * Creates an User with given information. Required fields are: * -username * -idnumber * -firstname * -lastname * -email * * And there's some interesting fields: * -password * -auth * -confirmed * -timezone * -country * -emailstop * -theme * -lang * -mailformat * * @param assoc array or object $user * * @return string or thrown exceptions */ function create_user($user) { global $CFG, $DB; /// WS: convert user array into an user object if (is_array($user)) { $user = (object) $user; } /// check auth fields if (!isset($user->auth)) { $user->auth = 'manual'; } else { /// check that the auth value exists $authplugin = get_directory_list($CFG->dirroot."/auth", '', false, true, false); if (array_search($user->auth, $authplugin)===false) { throw new moodle_exception('authnotexisting'); } } $required = array('username','firstname','lastname','email', 'password'); foreach ($required as $req) { if (!isset($user->{$req})) { throw new moodle_exception('missingrequiredfield'); } } $password = hash_internal_user_password($user->password); $record = create_user_record($user->username, $password, $user->auth); if ($record) { $user->id = $record->id; if ($DB->update_record('user',$user)) { return $record->id; } else { //we could not update properly the newly created user, we need to delete it $DB->delete_record('user',array('id' => $record->id)); throw new moodle_exception('usernotcreated'); } } throw new moodle_exception('usernotcreated'); } /** * Update a user record from its id * Warning: no checks are done on the data!!! * @param object $user * @return boolean */ function update_user($user) { global $DB; //check that the user exist $existinguser = $DB->get_record('user', array('id'=>$user->id)); if (empty($existinguser)) { throw new moodle_exception('couldnotupdatenoexistinguser'); } if ($DB->update_record('user', $user)) { $DB->commit_sql(); events_trigger('user_updated', $user); return true; } else { $DB->rollback_sql(); return false; } } ?>