# Original Markdown
# Copyright (c) 2004-2006 John Gruber
' => md5('
'), '
' => md5(''), '' => md5(''), ''), ''=> md5('
'; $text = preg_replace('{\n{2,}}', "\n\n", $text);
return $text;
function mdwp_strip_p($t) { return preg_replace('{?p>}i', '', $t); }
function mdwp_hide_tags($text) {
global $markdown_hidden_tags;
return str_replace(array_keys($markdown_hidden_tags),
array_values($markdown_hidden_tags), $text);
function mdwp_show_tags($text) {
global $markdown_hidden_tags;
return str_replace(array_values($markdown_hidden_tags),
array_keys($markdown_hidden_tags), $text);
### bBlog Plugin Info ###
function identify_modifier_markdown() {
return array(
'name' => 'markdown',
'type' => 'modifier',
'nicename' => 'PHP Markdown Extra',
'description' => 'A text-to-HTML conversion tool for web writers',
'authors' => 'Michel Fortin and John Gruber',
'licence' => 'GPL',
'help' => 'Markdown syntax allows you to write using an easy-to-read, easy-to-write plain text format. Based on the original Perl version by John Gruber. More...',
### Smarty Modifier Interface ###
function smarty_modifier_markdown($text) {
return Markdown($text);
### Textile Compatibility Mode ###
# Rename this file to "classTextile.php" and it can replace Textile everywhere.
if (strcasecmp(substr(__FILE__, -16), "classTextile.php") == 0) {
# Try to include PHP SmartyPants. Should be in the same directory.
@include_once 'smartypants.php';
# Fake Textile class. It calls Markdown instead.
class Textile {
function TextileThis($text, $lite='', $encode='') {
if ($lite == '' && $encode == '') $text = Markdown($text);
if (function_exists('SmartyPants')) $text = SmartyPants($text);
return $text;
# Fake restricted version: restrictions are not supported for now.
function TextileRestricted($text, $lite='', $noimage='') {
return $this->TextileThis($text, $lite);
# Workaround to ensure compatibility with TextPattern 4.0.3.
function blockLite($text) { return $text; }
# Markdown Parser Class
class Markdown_Parser {
# Regex to match balanced [brackets].
# Needed to insert a maximum bracked depth while converting to PHP.
var $nested_brackets_depth = 6;
var $nested_brackets;
# Table of hash values for escaped characters:
var $escape_chars = '\`*_{}[]()>#+-.!';
var $escape_table = array();
var $backslash_escape_table = array();
# Change to ">" for HTML output.
var $empty_element_suffix = MARKDOWN_EMPTY_ELEMENT_SUFFIX;
var $tab_width = MARKDOWN_TAB_WIDTH;
function Markdown_Parser() {
# Constructor function. Initialize appropriate member variables.
$this->nested_brackets =
str_repeat('(?>[^\[\]]+|\[', $this->nested_brackets_depth).
str_repeat('\])*', $this->nested_brackets_depth);
# Create an identical table but for escaped characters.
foreach (preg_split('/(?!^|$)/', $this->escape_chars) as $char) {
$hash = md5($char);
$this->escape_table[$char] = $hash;
$this->backslash_escape_table["\\$char"] = $hash;
# Sort document, block, and span gamut in ascendent priority order.
# Internal hashes used during transformation.
var $urls = array();
var $titles = array();
var $html_blocks = array();
var $html_hashes = array(); # Contains both blocks and span hashes.
function transform($text) {
# Main function. The order in which other subs are called here is
# essential. Link and image substitutions need to happen before
# _EscapeSpecialCharsWithinTagAttributes(), so that any *'s or _'s in the
# and s around
# "paragraphs" that are wrapped in non-block-level tags, such as anchors,
# phrase emphasis, and spans. The list of tags we're looking for is
# hard-coded:
$block_tags_a = 'p|div|h[1-6]|blockquote|pre|table|dl|ol|ul|address|'.
$block_tags_b = 'p|div|h[1-6]|blockquote|pre|table|dl|ol|ul|address|'.
# Regular expression for the content of a block tag.
$nested_tags_level = 4;
$attr = '
(?> # optional tag attributes
\s # starts with whitespace
[^>"/]+ # text outside quotes
/+(?!>) # slash not followed by ">"
"[^"]*" # text inside double quotes (tolerate ">")
\'[^\']*\' # text inside single quotes (tolerate ">")
$content =
[^<]+ # content without tag
<\2 # nested opening tag
'.$attr.' # attributes
>', $nested_tags_level). # end of opening tag
'.*?'. # last level nested tag content
\2\s*> # closing nested tag
<(?!/\2\s*> # other tags with a different name
# First, look for nested blocks, e.g.:
# Just type tags
# Strip leading and trailing lines:
$text = preg_replace(array('/\A\n+/', '/\n+\z/'), '', $text);
$grafs = preg_split('/\n{2,}/', $text, -1, PREG_SPLIT_NO_EMPTY);
# Wrap tags.
foreach ($grafs as $key => $value) {
if (!isset( $this->html_blocks[$value] )) {
$value = $this->runSpanGamut($value);
$value = preg_replace('/^([ \t]*)/', " ", $value);
$value .= " s around
# "paragraphs" that are wrapped in non-block-level tags, such as anchors,
# phrase emphasis, and spans. The list of tags we're looking for is
# hard-coded.
# This works by calling _HashHTMLBlocks_InMarkdown, which then calls
# _HashHTMLBlocks_InHTML when it encounter block tags. When the markdown="1"
# attribute is found whitin a tag, _HashHTMLBlocks_InHTML calls back
# _HashHTMLBlocks_InMarkdown to handle the Markdown syntax within the tag.
# These two functions are calling each other. It's recursive!
# Call the HTML-in-Markdown hasher.
list($text, ) = $this->_hashHTMLBlocks_inMarkdown($text);
return $text;
function _hashHTMLBlocks_inMarkdown($text, $indent = 0,
$enclosing_tag = '', $span = false)
# Parse markdown text, calling _HashHTMLBlocks_InHTML for block tags.
# * $indent is the number of space to be ignored when checking for code
# blocks. This is important because if we don't take the indent into
# account, something like this (which looks right) won't work as expected:
# tags and unhashify HTML blocks
foreach ($grafs as $key => $value) {
$value = trim($this->runSpanGamut($value));
# Check if this should be enclosed in a paragraph.
# Clean tag hashes & block tag hashes are left alone.
$clean_key = $value;
$block_key = substr($value, 0, 32);
$is_p = (!isset($this->html_blocks[$block_key]) &&
if ($is_p) {
$value = " $value $backlink tags get encoded.
# Clear the global hashes. If we don't clear these, you get conflicts
# from other articles when generating a page which contains more than
# one article (e.g. an index page that shows the N most recent
# articles):
$this->urls = array();
$this->titles = array();
$this->html_blocks = array();
$this->html_hashes = array();
# Standardize line endings:
# DOS to Unix and Mac to Unix
$text = str_replace(array("\r\n", "\r"), "\n", $text);
# Make sure $text ends with a couple of newlines:
$text .= "\n\n";
# Convert all tabs to spaces.
$text = $this->detab($text);
# Turn block-level HTML blocks into hash entries
$text = $this->hashHTMLBlocks($text);
# Strip any lines consisting only of spaces and tabs.
# This makes subsequent regexen easier to write, because we can
# match consecutive blank lines with /\n+/ instead of something
# contorted like /[ \t]*\n+/ .
$text = preg_replace('/^[ \t]+$/m', '', $text);
# Run document gamut methods.
foreach ($this->document_gamut as $method => $priority) {
$text = $this->$method($text);
return $text . "\n";
var $document_gamut = array(
# Strip link definitions, store in hashes.
"stripLinkDefinitions" => 20,
"runBasicBlockGamut" => 30,
"unescapeSpecialChars" => 90,
function stripLinkDefinitions($text) {
# Strips link definitions from text, stores the URLs and titles in
# hash references.
$less_than_tab = $this->tab_width - 1;
# Link defs are in the form: ^[id]: url "optional title"
$text = preg_replace_callback('{
^[ ]{0,'.$less_than_tab.'}\[(.+)\][ ]?: # id = $1
[ \t]*
\n? # maybe *one* newline
[ \t]*
(\S+?)>? # url = $2
[ \t]*
\n? # maybe one newline
[ \t]*
(?<=\s) # lookbehind for whitespace
(.*?) # title = $3
[ \t]*
)? # title is optional
array(&$this, '_stripLinkDefinitions_callback'),
return $text;
function _stripLinkDefinitions_callback($matches) {
$link_id = strtolower($matches[1]);
$this->urls[$link_id] = $this->encodeAmpsAndAngles($matches[2]);
if (isset($matches[3]))
$this->titles[$link_id] = str_replace('"', '"', $matches[3]);
return ''; # String that will replace the block
function hashHTMLBlocks($text) {
$less_than_tab = $this->tab_width - 1;
# Hashify HTML blocks:
# We only want to do this for block-level HTML tags, such as headers,
# lists, and tables. That's because we still want to wrap
. It was easier to make a special case than
# to make the other regex more complicated.
$text = preg_replace_callback('{
(?<=\n\n) # Starting after a blank line
| # or
\A\n? # the beginning of the doc
( # save in $1
[ ]{0,'.$less_than_tab.'}
<(hr) # start tag = $2
\b # word break
([^<>])*? #
/?> # the matching end tag
[ \t]*
(?=\n{2,}|\Z) # followed by a blank line or end of document
array(&$this, '_hashHTMLBlocks_callback'),
# Special case for standalone HTML comments:
$text = preg_replace_callback('{
(?<=\n\n) # Starting after a blank line
| # or
\A\n? # the beginning of the doc
( # save in $1
[ ]{0,'.$less_than_tab.'}
[ \t]*
(?=\n{2,}|\Z) # followed by a blank line or end of document
array(&$this, '_hashHTMLBlocks_callback'),
# PHP and ASP-style processor instructions ( and <%)
$text = preg_replace_callback('{
(?<=\n\n) # Starting after a blank line
| # or
\A\n? # the beginning of the doc
( # save in $1
[ ]{0,'.$less_than_tab.'}
<([?%]) # $2
[ \t]*
(?=\n{2,}|\Z) # followed by a blank line or end of document
array(&$this, '_hashHTMLBlocks_callback'),
return $text;
function _hashHTMLBlocks_callback($matches) {
$text = $matches[1];
$key = $this->hashBlock($text);
return "\n\n$key\n\n";
function hashBlock($text) {
# Called whenever a tag must be hashed when a function insert a block-level
# tag in $text, it pass through this function and is automaticaly escaped,
# which remove the need to call _HashHTMLBlocks at every step.
# Swap back any tag hash found in $text so we do not have to `unhash`
# multiple times at the end.
$text = $this->unhash($text);
# Then hash the block.
$key = md5($text);
$this->html_hashes[$key] = $text;
$this->html_blocks[$key] = $text;
return $key; # String that will replace the tag.
function hashSpan($text) {
# Called whenever a tag must be hashed when a function insert a span-level
# element in $text, it pass through this function and is automaticaly
# escaped, blocking invalid nested overlap.
# Swap back any tag hash found in $text so we do not have to `unhash`
# multiple times at the end.
$text = $this->unhash($text);
# Then hash the span.
$key = md5($text);
$this->html_hashes[$key] = $text;
return $key; # String that will replace the span tag.
var $block_gamut = array(
# These are all the transformations that form block-level
# tags like paragraphs, headers, and list items.
"doHeaders" => 10,
"doHorizontalRules" => 20,
"doLists" => 40,
"doCodeBlocks" => 50,
"doBlockQuotes" => 60,
function runBlockGamut($text) {
# Run block gamut tranformations.
# We need to escape raw HTML in Markdown source before doing anything
# else. This need to be done for each block, and not only at the
# begining in the Markdown function since hashed blocks can be part of
# list items and could have been indented. Indented blocks would have
# been seen as a code block in a previous pass of hashHTMLBlocks.
$text = $this->hashHTMLBlocks($text);
return $this->runBasicBlockGamut($text);
function runBasicBlockGamut($text) {
# Run block gamut tranformations, without hashing HTML blocks. This is
# useful when HTML blocks are known to be already hashed, like in the first
# whole-document pass.
foreach ($this->block_gamut as $method => $priority) {
$text = $this->$method($text);
# Finally form paragraph and restore hashed blocks.
$text = $this->formParagraphs($text);
return $text;
function doHorizontalRules($text) {
# Do Horizontal Rules:
return preg_replace(
array('{^[ ]{0,2}([ ]?\*[ ]?){3,}[ \t]*$}mx',
'{^[ ]{0,2}([ ]? -[ ]?){3,}[ \t]*$}mx',
'{^[ ]{0,2}([ ]? _[ ]?){3,}[ \t]*$}mx'),
var $span_gamut = array(
# These are all the transformations that occur *within* block-level
# tags like paragraphs, headers, and list items.
"escapeSpecialCharsWithinTagAttributes" => -20,
"doCodeSpans" => -10,
"encodeBackslashEscapes" => -5,
# Process anchor and image tags. Images must come first,
# because ![foo][f] looks like an anchor.
"doImages" => 10,
"doAnchors" => 20,
# Make links out of things like `
return preg_replace('/ {2,}\n/', $br_tag, $text);
function escapeSpecialCharsWithinTagAttributes($text) {
# Within tags -- meaning between < and > -- encode [\ ` * _] so they
# don't conflict with their use in Markdown for code, italics and strong.
# We're replacing each such character with its corresponding MD5 checksum
# value; this is likely overkill, but it should prevent us from colliding
# with the escape values by accident.
$tokens = $this->tokenizeHTML($text);
$text = ''; # rebuild $text from the tokens
foreach ($tokens as $cur_token) {
if ($cur_token[0] == 'tag') {
$cur_token[1] = str_replace('\\', $this->escape_table['\\'], $cur_token[1]);
$cur_token[1] = str_replace(array('`'), $this->escape_table['`'], $cur_token[1]);
$cur_token[1] = str_replace('*', $this->escape_table['*'], $cur_token[1]);
$cur_token[1] = str_replace('_', $this->escape_table['_'], $cur_token[1]);
$text .= $cur_token[1];
return $text;
function doAnchors($text) {
# Turn Markdown link shortcuts into XHTML tags.
# First, handle reference-style links: [link text] [id]
$text = preg_replace_callback('{
( # wrap whole match in $1
('.$this->nested_brackets.') # link text = $2
[ ]? # one optional space
(?:\n[ ]*)? # one optional newline followed by spaces
(.*?) # id = $3
array(&$this, '_doAnchors_reference_callback'), $text);
# Next, inline-style links: [link text](url "optional title")
$text = preg_replace_callback('{
( # wrap whole match in $1
('.$this->nested_brackets.') # link text = $2
\( # literal paren
[ \t]*
(.*?)>? # href = $3
[ \t]*
( # $4
([\'"]) # quote char = $5
(.*?) # Title = $6
\5 # matching quote
[ \t]* # ignore any spaces/tabs between closing quote and )
)? # title is optional
array(&$this, '_DoAnchors_inline_callback'), $text);
# Last, handle reference-style shortcuts: [link text]
# These must come last in case you've also got [link test][1]
# or [link test](/foo)
// $text = preg_replace_callback('{
// ( # wrap whole match in $1
// \[
// ([^\[\]]+) # link text = $2; can\'t contain [ or ]
// \]
// )
// }xs',
// array(&$this, '_doAnchors_reference_callback'), $text);
return $text;
function _doAnchors_reference_callback($matches) {
$whole_match = $matches[1];
$link_text = $matches[2];
$link_id =& $matches[3];
if ($link_id == "") {
# for shortcut links like [this][] or [this].
$link_id = $link_text;
# lower-case and turn embedded newlines into spaces
$link_id = strtolower($link_id);
$link_id = preg_replace('{[ ]?\n}', ' ', $link_id);
if (isset($this->urls[$link_id])) {
$url = $this->urls[$link_id];
$url = $this->encodeAmpsAndAngles($url);
$result = "titles[$link_id] ) ) {
$title = $this->titles[$link_id];
$title = $this->encodeAmpsAndAngles($title);
$result .= " title=\"$title\"";
$link_text = $this->runSpanGamut($link_text);
$result .= ">$link_text";
$result = $this->hashSpan($result);
else {
$result = $whole_match;
return $result;
function _doAnchors_inline_callback($matches) {
$whole_match = $matches[1];
$link_text = $this->runSpanGamut($matches[2]);
$url = $matches[3];
$title =& $matches[6];
$url = $this->encodeAmpsAndAngles($url);
$result = "encodeAmpsAndAngles($title);
$result .= " title=\"$title\"";
$link_text = $this->runSpanGamut($link_text);
$result .= ">$link_text";
return $this->hashSpan($result);
function doImages($text) {
# Turn Markdown image shortcuts into tags.
# First, handle reference-style labeled images: ![alt text][id]
$text = preg_replace_callback('{
( # wrap whole match in $1
('.$this->nested_brackets.') # alt text = $2
[ ]? # one optional space
(?:\n[ ]*)? # one optional newline followed by spaces
(.*?) # id = $3
array(&$this, '_doImages_reference_callback'), $text);
# Next, handle inline images: 
# Don't forget: encode * and _
$text = preg_replace_callback('{
( # wrap whole match in $1
('.$this->nested_brackets.') # alt text = $2
\s? # One optional whitespace character
\( # literal paren
[ \t]*
(\S+?)>? # src url = $3
[ \t]*
( # $4
([\'"]) # quote char = $5
(.*?) # title = $6
\5 # matching quote
[ \t]*
)? # title is optional
array(&$this, '_doImages_inline_callback'), $text);
return $text;
function _doImages_reference_callback($matches) {
$whole_match = $matches[1];
$alt_text = $matches[2];
$link_id = strtolower($matches[3]);
if ($link_id == "") {
$link_id = strtolower($alt_text); # for shortcut links like ![this][].
$alt_text = str_replace('"', '"', $alt_text);
if (isset($this->urls[$link_id])) {
$url = $this->urls[$link_id];
$result = "
titles[$link_id])) {
$title = $this->titles[$link_id];
$result .= " title=\"$title\"";
$result .= $this->empty_element_suffix;
$result = $this->hashSpan($result);
else {
# If there's no such link ID, leave intact:
$result = $whole_match;
return $result;
function _doImages_inline_callback($matches) {
$whole_match = $matches[1];
$alt_text = $matches[2];
$url = $matches[3];
$title =& $matches[6];
$alt_text = str_replace('"', '"', $alt_text);
$result = "
return $this->hashSpan($result);
function doHeaders($text) {
# Setext-style headers:
# Header 1
# ========
# Header 2
# --------
$text = preg_replace_callback('{ ^(.+)[ \t]*\n=+[ \t]*\n+ }mx',
array(&$this, '_doHeaders_callback_setext_h1'), $text);
$text = preg_replace_callback('{ ^(.+)[ \t]*\n-+[ \t]*\n+ }mx',
array(&$this, '_doHeaders_callback_setext_h2'), $text);
# atx-style headers:
# # Header 1
# ## Header 2
# ## Header 2 with closing hashes ##
# ...
# ###### Header 6
$text = preg_replace_callback('{
^(\#{1,6}) # $1 = string of #\'s
[ \t]*
(.+?) # $2 = Header text
[ \t]*
\#* # optional closing #\'s (not counted)
array(&$this, '_doHeaders_callback_atx'), $text);
return $text;
function _doHeaders_callback_setext_h1($matches) {
$block = "
return "\n" . $this->hashBlock($block) . "\n\n";
function _doHeaders_callback_setext_h2($matches) {
$block = "".$this->runSpanGamut($matches[1])."
return "\n" . $this->hashBlock($block) . "\n\n";
function _doHeaders_callback_atx($matches) {
$level = strlen($matches[1]);
$block = "` blocks.
$text = preg_replace_callback('{
( # $1 = the code block -- one or more lines, starting with a space/tab
(?:[ ]{'.$this->tab_width.'} | \t) # Lines must start with a tab or a tab-width of spaces
((?=^[ ]{0,'.$this->tab_width.'}\S)|\Z) # Lookahead for non-space at line-start, or end of doc
array(&$this, '_doCodeBlocks_callback'), $text);
return $text;
function _doCodeBlocks_callback($matches) {
$codeblock = $matches[1];
$codeblock = $this->encodeCode($this->outdent($codeblock));
// $codeblock = $this->detab($codeblock);
# trim leading newlines and trailing whitespace
$codeblock = preg_replace(array('/\A\n+/', '/\n+\z/'), '', $codeblock);
$result = "\n\n".$this->hashBlock("
return $result;
function doCodeSpans($text) {
# * Backtick quotes are used for " . $codeblock . "\n
# * You can use multiple backticks as the delimiters if you want to
# include literal backticks in the code span. So, this input:
# Just type ``foo `bar` baz`` at the prompt.
# Will translate to:
foo `bar` baz
at the prompt.`bar`
$text = preg_replace_callback('@
return $this->hashSpan("$c
function encodeCode($_) {
# Encode/escape certain characters inside Markdown code runs.
# The point is that in code, these characters are literals,
# and lose their special Markdown meanings.
# Encode all ampersands; HTML entities are not
# entities within a Markdown code span.
$_ = str_replace('&', '&', $_);
# Do the angle bracket song and dance:
$_ = str_replace(array('<', '>'),
array('<', '>'), $_);
# Now, escape characters that are magic in Markdown:
// $_ = str_replace(array_keys($this->escape_table),
// array_values($this->escape_table), $_);
return $_;
function doItalicsAndBold($text) {
# must go first:
$text = preg_replace_callback('{
( # $1: Marker
$text = preg_replace_callback(
'{ ( (?runSpanGamut($text);
return $this->hashSpan("$text");
function _doItalicAndBold_strong_callback($matches) {
$text = $matches[2];
$text = $this->runSpanGamut($text);
return $this->hashSpan("$text");
function doBlockQuotes($text) {
$text = preg_replace_callback('/
( # Wrap whole match in $1
^[ \t]*>[ \t]? # ">" at the start of a line
.+\n # rest of the first line
(.+\n)* # subsequent consecutive lines
\n* # blanks
array(&$this, '_doBlockQuotes_callback'), $text);
return $text;
function _doBlockQuotes_callback($matches) {
$bq = $matches[1];
# trim one level of quoting - trim whitespace-only lines
$bq = preg_replace(array('/^[ \t]*>[ \t]?/m', '/^[ \t]+$/m'), '', $bq);
$bq = $this->runBlockGamut($bq); # recurse
$bq = preg_replace('/^/m', " ", $bq);
# These leading spaces cause problem with content,
# so we need to fix that:
$bq = preg_replace_callback('{(\s*
array(&$this, '_DoBlockQuotes_callback2'), $bq);
return "\n". $this->hashBlock("\n$bq\n
function _doBlockQuotes_callback2($matches) {
$pre = $matches[1];
$pre = preg_replace('/^ /m', '', $pre);
return $pre;
function formParagraphs($text) {
# Params:
# $text - string to process with html
# Comments and Processing Instructions.
if (preg_match("{^?(?:$this->auto_close_tags)\b}", $tag) ||
$tag{1} == '!' || $tag{1} == '?')
# Just add the tag to the block as if it was text.
$block_text .= $tag;
else {
# Increase/decrease nested tag count. Only do so if
# the tag's name match base tag's.
if (preg_match("{^?$base_tag_name\b}", $tag)) {
if ($tag{1} == '/') $depth--;
else if ($tag{strlen($tag)-2} != '/') $depth++;
# Check for `markdown="1"` attribute and handle it.
if ($md_attr &&
preg_match($markdown_attr_match, $tag, $attr_matches) &&
preg_match('/^1|block|span$/', $attr_matches[2]))
# Remove `markdown` attribute from opening tag.
$tag = preg_replace($markdown_attr_match, '', $tag);
# Check if text inside this tag must be parsed in span mode.
$this->mode = $attr_matches[2];
$span_mode = $this->mode == 'span' || $this->mode != 'block' &&
preg_match("{^<(?:$this->contain_span_tags)\b}", $tag);
# Calculate indent before tag.
preg_match('/(?:^|\n)( *?)(?! ).*?$/', $block_text, $matches);
$indent = strlen($matches[1]);
# End preceding block with this tag.
$block_text .= $tag;
$parsed .= $this->$hash_method($block_text);
# Get enclosing tag name for the ParseMarkdown function.
preg_match('/^<([\w:$]*)\b/', $tag, $matches);
$tag_name = $matches[1];
# Parse the content using the HTML-in-Markdown parser.
list ($block_text, $text)
= $this->_hashHTMLBlocks_inMarkdown($text, $indent,
$tag_name, $span_mode);
# Outdent markdown text.
if ($indent > 0) {
$block_text = preg_replace("/^[ ]{1,$indent}/m", "",
# Append tag content to parsed text.
if (!$span_mode) $parsed .= "\n\n$block_text\n\n";
else $parsed .= "$block_text";
# Start over a new block.
$block_text = "";
else $block_text .= $tag;
} while ($depth > 0);
# Hash last block text that wasn't processed inside the loop.
$parsed .= $this->$hash_method($block_text);
return array($parsed, $text);
function hashClean($text) {
# Called whenever a tag must be hashed when a function insert a "clean" tag
# in $text, it pass through this function and is automaticaly escaped,
# blocking invalid nested overlap.
# Swap back any tag hash found in $text so we do not have to `unhash`
# multiple times at the end.
$text = $this->unhash($text);
# Then hash the tag.
$key = md5($text);
$this->html_cleans[$key] = $text;
$this->html_hashes[$key] = $text;
return $key; # String that will replace the clean tag.
function doHeaders($text) {
# Redefined to add id attribute support.
# Setext-style headers:
# Header 1 {#header1}
# ========
# Header 2 {#header2}
# --------
$text = preg_replace_callback(
'{ (^.+?) (?:[ ]+\{\#([-_:a-zA-Z0-9]+)\})? [ \t]*\n=+[ \t]*\n+ }mx',
array(&$this, '_doHeaders_callback_setext_h1'), $text);
$text = preg_replace_callback(
'{ (^.+?) (?:[ ]+\{\#([-_:a-zA-Z0-9]+)\})? [ \t]*\n-+[ \t]*\n+ }mx',
array(&$this, '_doHeaders_callback_setext_h2'), $text);
# atx-style headers:
# # Header 1 {#header1}
# ## Header 2 {#header2}
# ## Header 2 with closing hashes ## {#header3}
# ...
# ###### Header 6 {#header2}
$text = preg_replace_callback('{
^(\#{1,6}) # $1 = string of #\'s
[ \t]*
(.+?) # $2 = Header text
[ \t]*
\#* # optional closing #\'s (not counted)
(?:[ ]+\{\#([-_:a-zA-Z0-9]+)\})? # id attribute
[ \t]*
array(&$this, '_doHeaders_callback_atx'), $text);
return $text;
function _doHeaders_attr($attr) {
if (empty($attr)) return "";
return " id=\"$attr\"";
function _doHeaders_callback_setext_h1($matches) {
$attr = $this->_doHeaders_attr($id =& $matches[2]);
$block = "".$this->runSpanGamut($matches[1])."
return "\n" . $this->hashBlock($block) . "\n\n";
function _doHeaders_callback_setext_h2($matches) {
$attr = $this->_doHeaders_attr($id =& $matches[2]);
$block = "".$this->runSpanGamut($matches[1])."
return "\n" . $this->hashBlock($block) . "\n\n";
function _doHeaders_callback_atx($matches) {
$level = strlen($matches[1]);
$attr = $this->_doHeaders_attr($id =& $matches[3]);
$block = "\n";
$text .= "\n";
$text .= "
return $this->hashBlock($text) . "\n";
function doDefLists($text) {
# Form HTML definition lists.
$less_than_tab = $this->tab_width - 1;
# Re-usable pattern to match any entire dl list:
$whole_list = '
( # $1 = whole list
( # $2
[ ]{0,'.$less_than_tab.'}
((?>.*\S.*\n)+) # $3 = defined term
[ ]{0,'.$less_than_tab.'}:[ ]+ # colon starting definition
( # $4
(?! # Negative lookahead for another term
[ ]{0,'.$less_than_tab.'}
(?: \S.*\n )+? # defined term
[ ]{0,'.$less_than_tab.'}:[ ]+ # colon starting definition
(?! # Negative lookahead for another definition
[ ]{0,'.$less_than_tab.'}:[ ]+ # colon starting definition
'; // mx
$text = preg_replace_callback('{
array(&$this, '_doDefLists_callback'), $text);
return $text;
function _doDefLists_callback($matches) {
# Re-usable patterns to match list item bullets and number markers:
$list = $matches[1];
# Turn double returns into triple returns, so that we can make a
# paragraph for the last item in a list, if necessary:
$result = trim($this->processDefListItems($list));
$result = "\n";
foreach ($headers as $n => $header)
$text .= " \n";
$text .= "\n";
# Split content by row.
$rows = explode("\n", trim($content, "\n"));
$text .= "\n";
foreach ($rows as $row) {
# Creating code spans before splitting the row is an easy way to
# handle a code span containg pipes.
$row = $this->doCodeSpans($row);
# Split row by cell.
$row_cells = preg_split('/ *[|] */', $row, $col_count);
$row_cells = array_pad($row_cells, $col_count, '');
$text .= "".$this->runSpanGamut(trim($header))." \n";
$text .= "\n";
foreach ($row_cells as $n => $cell)
$text .= " \n";
$text .= "\n";
$text .= "".$this->runSpanGamut(trim($cell))." \n";
$text .= "\n" . $result . "\n
return $this->hashBlock($result) . "\n\n";
function processDefListItems($list_str) {
# Process the contents of a single definition list, splitting it
# into individual term and definition list items.
$less_than_tab = $this->tab_width - 1;
# trim trailing blank lines:
$list_str = preg_replace("/\n{2,}\\z/", "\n", $list_str);
# Process definition terms.
$list_str = preg_replace_callback('{
(?:\n\n+|\A\n?) # leading line
( # definition terms = $1
[ ]{0,'.$less_than_tab.'} # leading whitespace
(?![:][ ]|[ ]) # negative lookahead for a definition
# mark (colon) or more whitespace.
(?: \S.* \n)+? # actual term (not whitespace).
(?=\n?[ ]{0,3}:[ ]) # lookahead for following line feed
# with a definition mark.
array(&$this, '_processDefListItems_callback_dt'), $list_str);
# Process actual definitions.
$list_str = preg_replace_callback('{
\n(\n+)? # leading line = $1
[ ]{0,'.$less_than_tab.'} # whitespace before colon
[:][ ]+ # definition mark (colon)
((?s:.+?)) # definition text = $2
(?= \n+ # stop at next definition mark,
(?: # next term or end of text
[ ]{0,'.$less_than_tab.'} [:][ ] |
fn_backlink_class != "") {
$class = $this->fn_backlink_class;
$class = $this->encodeAmpsAndAngles($class);
$class = str_replace('"', '"', $class);
$attr .= " class=\"$class\"";
if ($this->fn_backlink_title != "") {
$title = $this->fn_backlink_title;
$title = $this->encodeAmpsAndAngles($title);
$title = str_replace('"', '"', $title);
$attr .= " title=\"$title\"";
$num = 0;
foreach ($this->footnotes_ordered as $note_id => $footnote) {
$footnote .= "\n"; # Need to append newline before parsing.
$footnote = $this->runBlockGamut("$footnote\n");
$attr2 = str_replace("%%", ++$num, $attr);
# Add backlink to last paragraph; create new paragraph if needed.
$backlink = "↩";
if (preg_match('{$}', $footnote)) {
$footnote = substr($footnote, 0, -4) . " $backlink";
} else {
$footnote .= "\n\n as well).
For more information about Markdown's syntax, see: