libdir . '/simpletestlib.php'); require_once($CFG->libdir . '/simpletestlib/web_tester.php'); require_once($CFG->libdir . '/dmllib.php'); class datalib_test extends prefix_changing_test_case { var $table = 'table'; var $data = array( array('id', 'textfield', 'numberfield'), array( 1, 'frog', 101), array( 2, 'toad', 102), array( 3, 'tadpole', 103), array( 4, 'tadpole', 104), ); var $objects = array(); function setUp() { global $CFG, $db; parent::setUp(); wipe_tables($CFG->prefix, $db); load_test_table($CFG->prefix . $this->table, $this->data, $db); $keys = reset($this->data); foreach ($this->data as $datum) { if ($datum != $keys) { $this->objects[$datum[0]] = (object) array_combine($keys, $datum); } } } function tearDown() { global $CFG, $db; remove_test_table($CFG->prefix . $this->table, $db); parent::tearDown(); } function test_where_clause() { $this->assertEqual(where_clause('f1', 'v1'), "WHERE f1 = 'v1'"); $this->assertEqual(where_clause('f1', 'v1', 'f2', 2), "WHERE f1 = 'v1' AND f2 = '2'"); $this->assertEqual(where_clause('f1', 'v1', 'f2', 1.75, 'f3', 'v3'), "WHERE f1 = 'v1' AND f2 = '1.75' AND f3 = 'v3'"); } function test_record_exists() { $this->assertTrue(record_exists($this->table, 'numberfield', 101, 'id', 1)); $this->assertFalse(record_exists($this->table, 'numberfield', 102, 'id', 1)); } function test_record_exists_select() { $this->assertTrue(record_exists_select($this->table, 'numberfield = 101 AND id = 1')); $this->assertFalse(record_exists_select($this->table, 'numberfield = 102 AND id = 1')); } function test_record_exists_sql() { global $CFG; $this->assertTrue(record_exists_sql("SELECT * FROM {$CFG->prefix}$this->table WHERE numberfield = 101 AND id = 1")); $this->assertFalse(record_exists_sql("SELECT * FROM {$CFG->prefix}$this->table WHERE numberfield = 102 AND id = 1")); } function test_get_record() { // Get particular records. $this->assert(new CheckSpecifiedFieldsExpectation($this->objects[1]), get_record($this->table, 'id', 1), 'id = 1'); $this->assert(new CheckSpecifiedFieldsExpectation($this->objects[3]), get_record($this->table, 'textfield', 'tadpole', 'numberfield', 103), 'textfield = tadpole AND numberfield = 103'); // Abiguous get attempt, should return one, and print a warning in debug mode. global $CFG; $old_debug = $CFG->debug; $CFG->debug = 0; ob_start(); $record = get_record($this->table, 'textfield', 'tadpole'); $result = ob_get_contents(); ob_end_clean(); $this->assertEqual('', $result, '%s (No error ouside debug mode).'); $CFG->debug = E_ALL; ob_start(); $record = get_record($this->table, 'textfield', 'tadpole'); $result = ob_get_contents(); ob_end_clean(); $this->assert(new TextExpectation('Error:'), $result, 'Error in debug mode.'); $CFG->debug = $old_debug; // Return only specified fields $expected = new stdClass; $expected->id = 3; $expected->textfield = 'tadpole'; $result = get_record($this->table, 'id', '3', '', '', '', '', 'id,textfield'); $this->assert(new CheckSpecifiedFieldsExpectation($expected), $result); $this->assertFalse(isset($result->numberfield)); $expected = new stdClass; $expected->textfield = 'tadpole'; $expected->numberfield = 103; $result = get_record($this->table, 'id', '3', '', '', '', '', 'textfield,numberfield'); $this->assert(new CheckSpecifiedFieldsExpectation($expected), $result); $this->assertFalse(isset($result->id)); // Attempting to get a non-existant records should return false. $this->assertFalse(get_record($this->table, 'textfield', 'not there'), 'attempt to get non-existant record'); } function test_get_record_sql() { global $CFG; // Get particular records. $this->assert(new CheckSpecifiedFieldsExpectation($this->objects[1]), get_record_sql("SELECT * FROM {$CFG->prefix}" . $this->table . " WHERE id = '1'", 'id = 1')); // Abiguous get attempt, should return one, and print a warning in debug mode, unless $expectmultiple is used. $old_debug = $CFG->debug; $CFG->debug = 0; ob_start(); $record = get_record_sql("SELECT * FROM {$CFG->prefix}" . $this->table . " WHERE textfield = 'tadpole'"); $result = ob_get_contents(); ob_end_clean(); $this->assertEqual('', $result, '%s (No error ouside debug mode).'); $CFG->debug = E_ALL; ob_start(); $record = get_record_sql("SELECT * FROM {$CFG->prefix}" . $this->table . " WHERE textfield = 'tadpole'"); $result = ob_get_contents(); ob_end_clean(); $this->assert(new TextExpectation('Error:'), $result, 'Error in debug mode.'); ob_start(); $record = get_record_sql("SELECT * FROM {$CFG->prefix}" . $this->table . " WHERE textfield = 'tadpole'", true); $result = ob_get_contents(); ob_end_clean(); $this->assertEqual('', $result, '%s (No error ouside debug mode).'); $CFG->debug = $old_debug; // Attempting to get a non-existant records should return false. $this->assertFalse(get_record_sql("SELECT * FROM {$CFG->prefix}" . $this->table . " WHERE textfield = 'not there'"), 'attempt to get non-existant record'); } function test_get_record_select() { // Get particular records. $this->assert(new CheckSpecifiedFieldsExpectation($this->objects[2]), get_record_select($this->table, 'id > 1 AND id < 3'), 'id > 1 AND id < 3'); // Abiguous get attempt, should return one, and print a warning in debug mode. global $CFG; $old_debug = $CFG->debug; $CFG->debug = 0; ob_start(); $record = get_record_select($this->table, "textfield = 'tadpole'"); $result = ob_get_contents(); ob_end_clean(); $this->assertEqual('', $result, '%s (No error ouside debug mode).'); $CFG->debug = E_ALL; ob_start(); $record = get_record_select($this->table, "textfield = 'tadpole'"); $result = ob_get_contents(); ob_end_clean(); $this->assert(new TextExpectation('Error:'), $result, 'Error in debug mode.'); $CFG->debug = $old_debug; // Return only specified fields $expected = new stdClass; $expected->id = 1; $expected->textfield = 'frog'; $result = get_record_select($this->table, "textfield = 'frog'", 'id,textfield'); $this->assert(new CheckSpecifiedFieldsExpectation($expected), $result); $this->assertFalse(isset($result->numberfield)); // Attempting to get a non-existant records should return false. $this->assertFalse(get_record_select($this->table, 'id > 666'), 'attempt to get non-existant record'); } function test_get_field() { $this->assertEqual(get_field($this->table, 'numberfield', 'id', 1), 101); $this->assertEqual(get_field($this->table, 'textfield', 'numberfield', 102), 'toad'); $this->assertEqual(get_field($this->table, 'numberfield', 'textfield', 'tadpole', 'id', 4), 104); $this->assertEqual(get_field($this->table, 'numberfield + id', 'textfield', 'tadpole', 'id', 4), 108); } function test_get_field_select() { $this->assertEqual(get_field_select($this->table, 'numberfield', 'id = 1'), 101); } function test_get_field_sql() { global $CFG; $this->assertEqual(get_field_sql("SELECT numberfield FROM {$CFG->prefix}$this->table WHERE id = 1"), 101); } function test_set_field() { set_field($this->table, 'numberfield', 12345, 'id', 1); $this->assertEqual(get_field($this->table, 'numberfield', 'id', 1), 12345); set_field($this->table, 'textfield', 'newvalue', 'numberfield', 102); $this->assertEqual(get_field($this->table, 'textfield', 'numberfield', 102), 'newvalue'); set_field($this->table, 'numberfield', -1, 'textfield', 'tadpole', 'id', 4); $this->assertEqual(get_field($this->table, 'numberfield', 'textfield', 'tadpole', 'id', 4), -1); } function test_delete_records() { delete_records($this->table, 'id', 666); $this->assertEqual(count_records($this->table), 4); delete_records($this->table, 'id', 1); $this->assertEqual(count_records($this->table), 3); delete_records($this->table, 'textfield', 'tadpole'); $this->assertEqual(count_records($this->table), 1); } function test_delete_records2() { delete_records($this->table, 'textfield', 'tadpole', 'id', 4); $this->assertEqual(count_records($this->table), 3); delete_records($this->table); $this->assertEqual(count_records($this->table), 0); } function test_delete_records_select() { delete_records_select($this->table, "textfield LIKE 't%'"); $this->assertEqual(count_records($this->table), 1); delete_records_select($this->table, "'1' = '1'"); $this->assertEqual(count_records($this->table), 0); } //function insert_record($table, $dataobject, $returnid=true, $primarykey='id', $feedback=true) { function test_insert_record() { // Simple insert with $returnid $obj = new stdClass; $obj->textfield = 'new entry'; $obj->numberfield = 123; $this->assertEqual(insert_record($this->table, $obj), 5); $obj->id = 5; $this->assert(new CheckSpecifiedFieldsExpectation($obj, 'Simple insert with returnid (%s)'), get_record($this->table, 'id', 5)); // Simple insert without $returnid $obj = new stdClass; $obj->textfield = 'newer entry'; $obj->numberfield = 321; $this->assertEqual(insert_record($this->table, $obj, false), true); $obj->id = 6; $this->assert(new CheckSpecifiedFieldsExpectation($obj, 'Simple insert without returnid (%s)'), get_record($this->table, 'id', 6)); // Insert with missing columns - should get defaults. $obj = new stdClass; $obj->textfield = 'partial entry'; $this->assertEqual(insert_record($this->table, $obj), 7); $obj->id = 7; $obj->numberfield = 0xDefa; $got = get_record($this->table, 'id', 7); $this->assert(new CheckSpecifiedFieldsExpectation($obj, 'Insert with missing columns - should get defaults (%s)'), get_record($this->table, 'id', 7)); // Insert with extra columns - should be ingnored. $obj = new stdClass; $obj->textfield = 'entry with extra'; $obj->numberfield = 747; $obj->unused = 666; $this->assertEqual(insert_record($this->table, $obj), 8); $obj->id = 8; unset($obj->unused); $this->assert(new CheckSpecifiedFieldsExpectation($obj, 'Insert with extra columns - should be ingnored (%s)'), get_record($this->table, 'id', 8)); // Insert into nonexistant table - should fail. $obj = new stdClass; $obj->textfield = 'new entry'; $obj->numberfield = 123; $this->assertFalse(insert_record('nonexistant_table', $obj), 'Insert into nonexistant table'); // Insert bad data - error should be printed. $obj = new stdClass; $obj->textfield = 'new entry'; $obj->numberfield = 'not a number'; ob_start(); $this->assertFalse(insert_record($this->table, $obj), 'Insert bad data - should fail.'); $result = ob_get_contents(); ob_end_clean(); $this->assert(new TextExpectation('ERROR:'), $result, 'Insert bad data - error should have been printed. This is known not to work on MySQL.'); } } ?>