. /** * Classes representing HTML elements, used by $OUTPUT methods * * Please see http://docs.moodle.org/en/Developement:How_Moodle_outputs_HTML * for an overview. * * @package moodlecore * @copyright 2009 Tim Hunt * @license http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html GNU GPL v3 or later */ /** * Base class for classes representing HTML elements, like html_select. * * Handles the id and class attributes. * * @copyright 2009 Tim Hunt * @license http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html GNU GPL v3 or later * @since Moodle 2.0 */ class html_component { /** * @var string value to use for the id attribute of this HTML tag. */ public $id = ''; /** * @var string $alt value to use for the alt attribute of this HTML tag. */ public $alt = ''; /** * @var string $style value to use for the style attribute of this HTML tag. */ public $style = ''; /** * @var array class names to add to this HTML element. */ public $classes = array(); /** * @var string $title The title attributes applicable to any XHTML element */ public $title = ''; /** * An optional array of component_action objects handling the action part of this component. * @var array $actions */ protected $actions = array(); /** * Ensure some class names are an array. * @param mixed $classes either an array of class names or a space-separated * string containing class names. * @return array the class names as an array. */ public static function clean_classes($classes) { if (empty($classes)) { return array(); } else if (is_array($classes)) { return $classes; } else { return explode(' ', trim($classes)); } } /** * Set the class name array. * @param mixed $classes either an array of class names or a space-separated * string containing class names. * @return void */ public function set_classes($classes) { $this->classes = self::clean_classes($classes); } /** * Add a class name to the class names array. * @param string $class the new class name to add. * @return void */ public function add_class($class) { $this->classes[] = $class; } /** * Add a whole lot of class names to the class names array. * @param mixed $classes either an array of class names or a space-separated * string containing class names. * @return void */ public function add_classes($classes) { $this->classes = array_merge($this->classes, self::clean_classes($classes)); } /** * Get the class names as a string. * @return string the class names as a space-separated string. Ready to be put in the class="" attribute. */ public function get_classes_string() { return implode(' ', $this->classes); } /** * Perform any cleanup or final processing that should be done before an * instance of this class is output. This method is supposed to be called * only from renderers. * * @param renderer_base $output output renderer * @param moodle_page $page * @param string $target rendering target * @return void */ public function prepare(renderer_base $output, moodle_page $page, $target) { $this->classes = array_unique(self::clean_classes($this->classes)); } /** * This checks developer do not try to assign a property directly * if we have a setter for it. Otherwise, the property is set as expected. * @param string $name The name of the variable to set * @param mixed $value The value to assign to the variable * @return void */ public function __set($name, $value) { if ($name == 'class') { debugging('this way of setting css class has been deprecated. use set_classes() method instead.'); $this->set_classes($value); } else { $this->{$name} = $value; } } /** * Adds a JS action to this component. * Note: the JS function you write must have only two arguments: (string)event and (object|array)args * If you want to add an instantiated component_action (or one of its subclasses), give the object as the only parameter * * @param mixed $event a DOM event (click, mouseover etc.) or a component_action object * @param string $jsfunction The name of the JS function to call. required if argument 1 is a string (event) * @param array $jsfunctionargs An optional array of JS arguments to pass to the function */ public function add_action($event, $jsfunction=null, $jsfunctionargs=array()) { if (empty($this->id)) { $this->generate_id(); } if ($event instanceof component_action) { $this->actions[] = $event; } else { if (empty($jsfunction)) { throw new coding_exception('html_component::add_action requires a JS function argument if the first argument is a string event'); } $this->actions[] = new component_action($event, $jsfunction, $jsfunctionargs); } } /** * Internal method for generating a unique ID for the purpose of event handlers. */ protected function generate_id() { $this->id = uniqid(get_class($this)); } /** * Returns the array of component_actions. * @return array Component actions */ public function get_actions() { return $this->actions; } /** * Shortcut for adding a JS confirm dialog when the component is clicked. * The message must be a yes/no question. * @param string $message The yes/no confirmation question. If "Yes" is clicked, the original action will occur. * @param string $callback The name of a JS function whose scope will be set to the simpleDialog object and have this * function's arguments set as this.args. * @return void */ public function add_confirm_action($message, $callback=null) { $this->add_action(new component_action('click', 'confirm_dialog', array('message' => $message, 'callback' => $callback))); } /** * Returns true if this component has an action of the requested type (component_action by default). * @param string $class The class of the action we are looking for * @return boolean True if action is found */ public function has_action($class='component_action') { foreach ($this->actions as $action) { if (get_class($action) == $class) { return true; } } return false; } } class labelled_html_component extends html_component { /** * @var mixed $label The label for that component. String or html_label object */ public $label; /** * Adds a descriptive label to the component. * * This can be used in two ways: * *
     * $component->set_label($elementlabel, $elementid);
     * // OR
     * $label = new html_label();
     * $label->for = $elementid;
     * $label->text = $elementlabel;
     * $component->set_label($label);
* * Use the second form when you need to add additional HTML attributes * to the label and/or JS actions. * * @param mixed $text Either the text of the label or a html_label object * @param text $for The value of the "for" attribute (the associated element's id) * @return void */ public function set_label($text, $for=null) { if ($text instanceof html_label) { $this->label = $text; } else if (!empty($text)) { $this->label = new html_label(); $this->label->for = $for; if (empty($for)) { if (empty($this->id)) { $this->generate_id(); } $this->label->for = $this->id; } $this->label->text = $text; } } } /// Components representing HTML elements /** * This class represents a label element * * @copyright 2009 Nicolas Connault * @license http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html GNU GPL v3 or later * @since Moodle 2.0 */ class html_label extends html_component { /** * @var string $text The text to display in the label */ public $text; /** * @var string $for The name of the form field this label is associated with */ public $for; /** * @see html_component::prepare() * @return void */ public function prepare(renderer_base $output, moodle_page $page, $target) { if (empty($this->text)) { throw new coding_exception('html_label must have a $text value.'); } parent::prepare($output, $page, $target); } } /** * This class hold all the information required to describe a element. Default 0. */ public $tabindex = 0; /** * @var mixed Defaults to false, which means display the select as a dropdown menu. * If true, display this select as a list box whose size is chosen automatically. * If an integer, display as list box of that size. */ public $listbox = false; /** * @var integer if you are using $listbox === true to get an automatically * sized list box, the size of the list box will be the number of options, * or this number, whichever is smaller. */ public $maxautosize = 10; /** * @var boolean if true, allow multiple selection. Only used if $listbox is true, or if * the select is to be output as checkboxes. */ public $multiple = false; /** * Another way to use nested menu is to prefix optgroup labels with -- and end the optgroup with -- * Leave this setting to false if you are using the latter method. * @var boolean $nested if true, uses $options' keys as option headings (optgroup) */ public $nested = false; /** * @var html_form $form An optional html_form component */ public $form; /** * @var moodle_help_icon $form An optional moodle_help_icon component */ public $helpicon; /** * @var boolean $rendertype How the select element should be rendered: menu or radio (checkbox is just radio + multiple) */ public $rendertype = 'menu'; /** * @see html_component::prepare() * @return void */ public function prepare(renderer_base $output, moodle_page $page, $target) { global $CFG; // name may contain [], which would make an invalid id. e.g. numeric question type editing form, assignment quickgrading if (empty($this->id)) { $this->id = 'menu' . str_replace(array('[', ']'), '', $this->name); } if (empty($this->classes)) { $this->set_classes(array('menu' . str_replace(array('[', ']'), '', $this->name))); } if (is_null($this->nothinglabel)) { $this->nothinglabel = get_string('choosedots'); } if (!empty($this->label) && !($this->label instanceof html_label)) { $label = new html_label(); $label->text = $this->label; $label->for = $this->name; $this->label = $label; } $this->add_class('select'); $this->initialise_options(); parent::prepare($output, $page, $target); } /** * This is a shortcut for making a simple select menu. It lets you specify * the options, name and selected option in one line of code. * @param array $options used to initialise {@link $options}. * @param string $name used to initialise {@link $name}. * @param string $selected used to initialise {@link $selected}. * @param string $nothinglabel The label for the 'nothing is selected' option. Defaults to "Choose..." * @return html_select A html_select object with the three common fields initialised. */ public static function make($options, $name, $selected = '', $nothinglabel='choosedots') { $menu = new html_select(); $menu->options = $options; $menu->name = $name; $menu->selectedvalue = $selected; return $menu; } /** * This is a shortcut for making a yes/no select menu. * @param string $name used to initialise {@link $name}. * @param string $selected used to initialise {@link $selected}. * @return html_select A menu initialised with yes/no options. */ public static function make_yes_no($name, $selected) { return self::make(array(0 => get_string('no'), 1 => get_string('yes')), $name, $selected); } /** * This is a shortcut for making an hour selector menu. * @param string $type The type of selector (years, months, days, hours, minutes) * @param string $name fieldname * @param int $currenttime A default timestamp in GMT * @param int $step minute spacing * @return html_select A menu initialised with hour options. */ public static function make_time_selector($type, $name, $currenttime=0, $step=5) { if (!$currenttime) { $currenttime = time(); } $currentdate = usergetdate($currenttime); $userdatetype = $type; switch ($type) { case 'years': for ($i=1970; $i<=2020; $i++) { $timeunits[$i] = $i; } $userdatetype = 'year'; break; case 'months': for ($i=1; $i<=12; $i++) { $timeunits[$i] = userdate(gmmktime(12,0,0,$i,15,2000), "%B"); } $userdatetype = 'month'; $currentdate['month'] = $currentdate['mon']; break; case 'days': for ($i=1; $i<=31; $i++) { $timeunits[$i] = $i; } $userdatetype = 'mday'; break; case 'hours': for ($i=0; $i<=23; $i++) { $timeunits[$i] = sprintf("%02d",$i); } break; case 'minutes': if ($step != 1) { $currentdate['minutes'] = ceil($currentdate['minutes']/$step)*$step; } for ($i=0; $i<=59; $i+=$step) { $timeunits[$i] = sprintf("%02d",$i); } break; default: throw new coding_exception("Time type $type is not supported by html_select::make_time_selector()."); } $timerselector = self::make($timeunits, $name, $currentdate[$userdatetype]); $timerselector->label = new html_label(); $timerselector->label->text = get_string(substr($type, 0, -1), 'form'); $timerselector->label->for = "menu$timerselector->name"; $timerselector->label->add_class('accesshide'); $timerselector->nothinglabel = ''; return $timerselector; } /** * Given an associative array of type => fieldname and an optional timestamp, * returns an array of html_select components representing date/time selectors. * @param array $selectors Arrays of type => fieldname. Selectors will be returned in the order of the types given * @param int $currenttime A UNIX timestamp * @param int $step minute spacing * @return array Instantiated date/time selectors */ public function make_time_selectors($selectors, $currenttime=0, $step=5) { $selects = array(); foreach ($selectors as $type => $name) { $selects[] = html_select::make_time_selector($type, $name, $currenttime, $step); } return $selects; } /** * This is a shortcut for making a select popup form. * @param mixed $baseurl The target URL, string or moodle_url * @param string $name The variable which this select's options are changing in the URL * @param array $options A list of value-label pairs for the popup list * @param string $formid id for the control. Must be unique on the page. Used in the HTML. * @param string $selected The option that is initially selected * @return html_select A menu initialised as a popup form. */ public function make_popup_form($baseurl, $name, $options, $formid, $selected=null) { global $CFG; $selectedurl = null; if (!($baseurl instanceof moodle_url)) { $baseurl = new moodle_url($baseurl); } if (!empty($selected)) { $selectedurl = $baseurl->out(false, array($name => $selected), false); } if (!($baseurl instanceof moodle_url)) { $baseurl = new moodle_url($baseurl); } // Replace real value by formatted URLs foreach ($options as $value => $label) { $options[$baseurl->out(false, array($name => $value), false)] = $label; unset($options[$value]); } $select = self::make($options, 'jump', $selectedurl); $select->form = new html_form(); $select->form->id = $formid; $select->form->method = 'get'; $select->form->jssubmitaction = true; $select->form->add_class('popupform'); $select->form->url = new moodle_url($CFG->wwwroot . '/course/jumpto.php', array('sesskey' => sesskey())); $select->form->button->text = get_string('go'); $select->id = $formid . '_jump'; $select->add_action('change', 'submit_form_by_id', array('id' => $formid, 'selectid' => $select->id)); return $select; } /** * Override the URLs of the default popup_form, which only supports one base URL * @param array $options value=>label pairs representing select options * @return void */ public function override_option_values($options) { $originalcount = count($options); $this->initialise_options(); $newcount = count($this->options); $first = true; reset($options); foreach ($this->options as $optkey => $optgroup) { if ($optgroup instanceof html_select_optgroup) { foreach ($optgroup->options as $key => $option) { next($options); $this->options[$optkey]->options[$key]->value = key($options); $optionurl = new moodle_url(key($options)); if ($optionurl->compare($page->url, URL_MATCH_PARAMS)) { $this->options[$optkey]->options[$key]->selected = 'selected'; } } next($options); } else if ($optgroup instanceof html_select_option && !($first && $originalcount < $newcount)) { $this->options[$optkey]->value = key($options); $optionurl = new moodle_url(key($options)); if ($optionurl->compare($page->url, URL_MATCH_PARAMS)) { $this->options[$optkey]->selected = 'selected'; } next($options); } $first = false; } } /** * Adds a help icon next to the select menu. * * This can be used in two ways: * *
     * $select->set_help_icon($page, $text, $linktext);
     * // OR
     * $helpicon = new moodle_help_icon();
     * $helpicon->page = $page;
     * $helpicon->text = $text;
     * $helpicon->linktext = $linktext;
     * $select->set_help_icon($helpicon);
* * Use the second form when you need to add additional HTML attributes * to the label and/or JS actions. * * @param mixed $page Either the keyword that defines a help page or a moodle_help_icon object * @param text $text The text of the help icon * @param boolean $linktext Whether or not to show text next to the icon * @return void */ public function set_help_icon($page, $text, $linktext=false) { if ($page instanceof moodle_help_icon) { $this->helpicon = $page; } else if (!empty($page)) { $this->helpicon = new moodle_help_icon(); $this->helpicon->page = $page; $this->helpicon->text = $text; $this->helpicon->linktext = $linktext; } } /** * Parses the $options array and instantiates html_select_option objects in * the place of the original value => label pairs. This is useful for when you * need to setup extra html attributes and actions on individual options before * the component is sent to the renderer * @return void; */ public function initialise_options() { // If options are already instantiated objects, stop here $firstoption = reset($this->options); if ($firstoption instanceof html_select_option || $firstoption instanceof html_select_optgroup) { return; } if ($this->rendertype == 'radio' && $this->multiple) { $this->rendertype = 'checkbox'; } // If nested is on, or if radio/checkbox rendertype is set, remove the default Choose option if ($this->nested || $this->rendertype == 'radio' || $this->rendertype == 'checkbox') { $this->nothinglabel = ''; } $options = $this->options; $this->options = array(); if ($this->nested && $this->rendertype != 'menu') { throw new coding_exception('html_select cannot render nested options as radio buttons or checkboxes.'); } else if ($this->nested) { foreach ($options as $section => $values) { $optgroup = new html_select_optgroup(); $optgroup->text = $section; foreach ($values as $value => $display) { $option = new html_select_option(); $option->value = s($value); $option->text = $display; if ($display === '') { $option->text = $value; } if ((string) $value == (string) $this->selectedvalue || (is_array($this->selectedvalue) && in_array($value, $this->selectedvalue))) { $option->selected = 'selected'; } $optgroup->options[] = $option; } $this->options[] = $optgroup; } } else { $inoptgroup = false; $optgroup = false; foreach ($options as $value => $display) { if ($display == '--') { /// we are ending previous optgroup // $this->options[] = $optgroup; $inoptgroup = false; continue; } else if (substr($display,0,2) == '--') { /// we are starting a new optgroup if (!empty($optgroup->options)) { $this->options[] = $optgroup; } $optgroup = new html_select_optgroup(); $optgroup->text = substr($display,2); // stripping the -- $inoptgroup = true; /// everything following will be in an optgroup continue; } else { // Add $nothing option if there are not optgroups if ($this->nothinglabel && empty($this->options[0]) && !$inoptgroup) { $nothingoption = new html_select_option(); $nothingoption->value = 0; if (!empty($this->nothingvalue)) { $nothingoption->value = $this->nothingvalue; } $nothingoption->text = $this->nothinglabel; $this->options = array($nothingoption) + $this->options; } $option = new html_select_option(); $option->text = $display; if ($display === '') { $option->text = $value; } if ((string) $value == (string) $this->selectedvalue || (is_array($this->selectedvalue) && in_array($value, $this->selectedvalue))) { $option->selected = 'selected'; } $option->value = s($value); if ($inoptgroup) { $optgroup->options[] = $option; } else { $this->options[] = $option; } } } if ($optgroup) { $this->options[] = $optgroup; } } } } /** * This class represents a select option element * * @copyright 2009 Nicolas Connault * @license http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html GNU GPL v3 or later * @since Moodle 2.0 */ class html_select_option extends labelled_html_component { /** * @var string $value The value of this option (will be sent with form) */ public $value; /** * @var string $text The display value of the option */ public $text; /** * @var boolean $selected Whether or not this option is selected */ public $selected = false; /** * @var boolean $disabled Whether or not this option is disabled */ public $disabled = false; public function __construct() { $this->label = new html_label(); } /** * @see html_component::prepare() * @return void */ public function prepare(renderer_base $output, moodle_page $page, $target) { if (empty($this->text) && (string)$this->text!=='0') { throw new coding_exception('html_select_option requires a $text value.'); } if (empty($this->label->text)) { $this->set_label($this->text); } else if (!($this->label instanceof html_label)) { $this->set_label($this->label); } if (empty($this->id)) { $this->generate_id(); } parent::prepare($output, $page, $target); } /** * Shortcut for making a checkbox-ready option * @param string $value The value of the checkbox * @param boolean $checked * @param string $label * @param string $alt * @return html_select_option A component ready for $OUTPUT->checkbox() */ public function make_checkbox($value, $checked, $label, $alt='') { $checkbox = new html_select_option(); $checkbox->value = $value; $checkbox->selected = $checked; $checkbox->text = $label; $checkbox->label->text = $label; $checkbox->alt = $alt; return $checkbox; } } /** * This class represents a select optgroup element * * @copyright 2009 Nicolas Connault * @license http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html GNU GPL v3 or later * @since Moodle 2.0 */ class html_select_optgroup extends html_component { /** * @var string $text The display value of the optgroup */ public $text; /** * @var array $options An array of html_select_option objects */ public $options = array(); public function prepare(renderer_base $output, moodle_page $page, $target) { if (empty($this->text)) { throw new coding_exception('html_select_optgroup requires a $text value.'); } if (empty($this->options)) { throw new coding_exception('html_select_optgroup requires at least one html_select_option object'); } parent::prepare($output, $page, $target); } } /** * This class represents an input field * * @copyright 2009 Nicolas Connault * @license http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html GNU GPL v3 or later * @since Moodle 2.0 */ class html_field extends labelled_html_component { /** * @var string $name The name attribute of the field */ public $name; /** * @var string $value The value attribute of the field */ public $value; /** * @var string $type The type attribute of the field (text, submit, checkbox etc) */ public $type; /** * @var string $maxlength The maxlength attribute of the field (only applies to text type) */ public $maxlength; /** * @var boolean $disabled Whether or not this field is disabled */ public $disabled = false; public function __construct() { $this->label = new html_label(); } /** * @see html_component::prepare() * @return void */ public function prepare(renderer_base $output, moodle_page $page, $target) { if (empty($this->style)) { $this->style = 'width: 4em;'; } if (empty($this->id)) { $this->generate_id(); } parent::prepare($output, $page, $target); } /** * Shortcut for creating a text input component. * @param string $name The name of the text field * @param string $value The value of the text field * @param string $alt The info to be inserted in the alt tag * @param int $maxlength Sets the maxlength attribute of the field. Not set by default * @return html_field The field component */ public static function make_text($name='unnamed', $value='', $alt='', $maxlength=0) { $field = new html_field(); if (empty($alt)) { $alt = $name; } $field->type = 'text'; $field->name = $name; $field->value = $value; $field->alt = $alt; $field->maxlength = $maxlength; return $field; } } /** * Holds all the information required to render a by * {@see core_renderer::table()} or by an overridden version of that * method in a subclass. * * Example of usage: * $t = new html_table(); * ... // set various properties of the object $t as described below * echo $OUTPUT->table($t); * * @copyright 2009 David Mudrak * @license http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html GNU GPL v3 or later * @since Moodle 2.0 */ class html_table extends labelled_html_component { /** * For more control over the rendering of the headers, an array of html_table_cell objects * can be passed instead of an array of strings. * @var array of headings. The n-th array item is used as a heading of the n-th column. * * Example of usage: * $t->head = array('Student', 'Grade'); */ public $head; /** * @var array can be used to make a heading span multiple columns * * Example of usage: * $t->headspan = array(2,1); * * In this example, {@see html_table:$data} is supposed to have three columns. For the first two columns, * the same heading is used. Therefore, {@see html_table::$head} should consist of two items. */ public $headspan; /** * @var array of column alignments. The value is used as CSS 'text-align' property. Therefore, possible * values are 'left', 'right', 'center' and 'justify'. Specify 'right' or 'left' from the perspective * of a left-to-right (LTR) language. For RTL, the values are flipped automatically. * * Examples of usage: * $t->align = array(null, 'right'); * or * $t->align[1] = 'right'; * */ public $align; /** * @var array of column sizes. The value is used as CSS 'size' property. * * Examples of usage: * $t->size = array('50%', '50%'); * or * $t->size[1] = '120px'; */ public $size; /** * @var array of wrapping information. The only possible value is 'nowrap' that sets the * CSS property 'white-space' to the value 'nowrap' in the given column. * * Example of usage: * $t->wrap = array(null, 'nowrap'); */ public $wrap; /** * @var array of arrays or html_table_row objects containing the data. Alternatively, if you have * $head specified, the string 'hr' (for horizontal ruler) can be used * instead of an array of cells data resulting in a divider rendered. * * Example of usage with array of arrays: * $row1 = array('Harry Potter', '76 %'); * $row2 = array('Hermione Granger', '100 %'); * $t->data = array($row1, $row2); * * Example with array of html_table_row objects: (used for more fine-grained control) * $cell1 = new html_table_cell(); * $cell1->text = 'Harry Potter'; * $cell1->colspan = 2; * $row1 = new html_table_row(); * $row1->cells[] = $cell1; * $cell2 = new html_table_cell(); * $cell2->text = 'Hermione Granger'; * $cell3 = new html_table_cell(); * $cell3->text = '100 %'; * $row2 = new html_table_row(); * $row2->cells = array($cell2, $cell3); * $t->data = array($row1, $row2); */ public $data; /** * @var string width of the table, percentage of the page preferred. Defaults to 80% of the page width. * @deprecated since Moodle 2.0. Styling should be in the CSS. */ public $width = null; /** * @var string alignment the whole table. Can be 'right', 'left' or 'center' (default). * @deprecated since Moodle 2.0. Styling should be in the CSS. */ public $tablealign = null; /** * @var int padding on each cell, in pixels * @deprecated since Moodle 2.0. Styling should be in the CSS. */ public $cellpadding = null; /** * @var int spacing between cells, in pixels * @deprecated since Moodle 2.0. Styling should be in the CSS. */ public $cellspacing = null; /** * @var array classes to add to particular rows, space-separated string. * Classes 'r0' or 'r1' are added automatically for every odd or even row, * respectively. Class 'lastrow' is added automatically for the last row * in the table. * * Example of usage: * $t->rowclasses[9] = 'tenth' */ public $rowclasses; /** * @var array classes to add to every cell in a particular column, * space-separated string. Class 'cell' is added automatically by the renderer. * Classes 'c0' or 'c1' are added automatically for every odd or even column, * respectively. Class 'lastcol' is added automatically for all last cells * in a row. * * Example of usage: * $t->colclasses = array(null, 'grade'); */ public $colclasses; /** * @var string description of the contents for screen readers. */ public $summary; /** * @var bool true causes the contents of the heading cells to be rotated 90 degrees. */ public $rotateheaders = false; /** * @var array $headclasses Array of CSS classes to apply to the table's thead. */ public $headclasses = array(); /** * @var array $bodyclasses Array of CSS classes to apply to the table's tbody. */ public $bodyclasses = array(); /** * @var array $footclasses Array of CSS classes to apply to the table's tfoot. */ public $footclasses = array(); /** * @see html_component::prepare() * @return void */ public function prepare(renderer_base $output, moodle_page $page, $target) { if (!empty($this->align)) { foreach ($this->align as $key => $aa) { if ($aa) { $this->align[$key] = 'text-align:'. fix_align_rtl($aa) .';'; // Fix for RTL languages } else { $this->align[$key] = ''; } } } if (!empty($this->size)) { foreach ($this->size as $key => $ss) { if ($ss) { $this->size[$key] = 'width:'. $ss .';'; } else { $this->size[$key] = ''; } } } if (!empty($this->wrap)) { foreach ($this->wrap as $key => $ww) { if ($ww) { $this->wrap[$key] = 'white-space:nowrap;'; } else { $this->wrap[$key] = ''; } } } if (!empty($this->head)) { foreach ($this->head as $key => $val) { if (!isset($this->align[$key])) { $this->align[$key] = ''; } if (!isset($this->size[$key])) { $this->size[$key] = ''; } if (!isset($this->wrap[$key])) { $this->wrap[$key] = ''; } } } if (empty($this->classes)) { // must be done before align $this->set_classes(array('generaltable')); } if (!empty($this->tablealign)) { $this->add_class('boxalign' . $this->tablealign); } if (!empty($this->rotateheaders)) { $this->add_class('rotateheaders'); } else { $this->rotateheaders = false; // Makes life easier later. } parent::prepare($output, $page, $target); } /** * @param string $name The name of the variable to set * @param mixed $value The value to assign to the variable * @return void */ public function __set($name, $value) { if ($name == 'rowclass') { debugging('rowclass[] has been deprecated for html_table ' . 'and should be replaced with rowclasses[]. please fix the code.'); $this->rowclasses = $value; } else { parent::__set($name, $value); } } } /** * Component representing a table row. * * @copyright 2009 Nicolas Connault * @license http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html GNU GPL v3 or later * @since Moodle 2.0 */ class html_table_row extends html_component { /** * @var array $cells Array of html_table_cell objects */ public $cells = array(); /** * @see lib/html_component#prepare() * @return void */ public function prepare(renderer_base $output, moodle_page $page, $target) { parent::prepare($output, $page, $target); } /** * Shortcut method for creating a row with an array of cells. Converts cells to html_table_cell objects. * @param array $cells * @return html_table_row */ public function make($cells=array()) { $row = new html_table_row(); foreach ($cells as $celltext) { if (!($celltext instanceof html_table_cell)) { $cell = new html_table_cell(); $cell->text = $celltext; $row->cells[] = $cell; } else { $row->cells[] = $celltext; } } return $row; } } /** * Component representing a table cell. * * @copyright 2009 Nicolas Connault * @license http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html GNU GPL v3 or later * @since Moodle 2.0 */ class html_table_cell extends html_component { /** * @var string $text The contents of the cell */ public $text; /** * @var string $abbr Abbreviated version of the contents of the cell */ public $abbr = ''; /** * @var int $colspan Number of columns this cell should span */ public $colspan = ''; /** * @var int $rowspan Number of rows this cell should span */ public $rowspan = ''; /** * @var string $scope Defines a way to associate header cells and data cells in a table */ public $scope = ''; /** * @var boolean $header Whether or not this cell is a header cell */ public $header = null; /** * @see lib/html_component#prepare() * @return void */ public function prepare(renderer_base $output, moodle_page $page, $target) { if ($this->header && empty($this->scope)) { $this->scope = 'col'; } parent::prepare($output, $page, $target); } } /** * Component representing a XHTML link. * * @copyright 2009 Nicolas Connault * @license http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html GNU GPL v3 or later * @since Moodle 2.0 */ class html_link extends html_component { /** * URL can be simple text or a moodle_url object * @var mixed $url */ public $url; /** * @var string $text The text that will appear between the link tags */ public $text; /** * @var boolean $disabled Whether or not this link is disabled (will be rendered as plain text) */ public $disabled = false; /** * @var boolean $disableifcurrent Whether or not this link should be disabled if it the same as the current page */ public $disableifcurrent = false; /** * @see lib/html_component#prepare() Disables the link if it links to the current page. * @return void */ public function prepare(renderer_base $output, moodle_page $page, $target) { // We can't accept an empty text value if (empty($this->text)) { throw new coding_exception('A html_link must have a descriptive text value!'); } if (!($this->url instanceof moodle_url)) { $this->url = new moodle_url($this->url); } if ($this->url->compare($page->url, URL_MATCH_PARAMS) && $this->disableifcurrent) { $this->disabled = true; } parent::prepare($output, $page, $target); } /** * Shortcut for creating a link component. * @param mixed $url String or moodle_url * @param string $text The text of the link * @return html_link The link component */ public function make($url, $text) { $link = new html_link(); $link->url = $url; $link->text = $text; return $link; } } /** * Component representing a XHTML button (input of type 'button'). * The renderer will either output it as a button with an onclick event, * or as a form with hidden inputs. * * @copyright 2009 Nicolas Connault * @license http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html GNU GPL v3 or later * @since Moodle 2.0 */ class html_button extends labelled_html_component { /** * @var string $text */ public $text; /** * @var boolean $disabled Whether or not this button is disabled */ public $disabled = false; /** * @see lib/html_component#prepare() * @return void */ public function prepare(renderer_base $output, moodle_page $page, $target) { $this->add_class('singlebutton'); if (empty($this->text)) { $this->text = get_string('submit'); } if ($this->disabled) { $this->disabled = 'disabled'; } parent::prepare($output, $page, $target); } } /** * Component representing an image. * * @copyright 2009 Nicolas Connault * @license http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html GNU GPL v3 or later * @since Moodle 2.0 */ class html_image extends labelled_html_component { /** * @var string $alt A descriptive text */ public $alt = HTML_ATTR_EMPTY; /** * @var string $src The path to the image being used */ public $src; /** * @see lib/html_component#prepare() * @return void */ public function prepare(renderer_base $output, moodle_page $page, $target) { if (empty($this->src)) { throw new coding_exception('html_image requires a $src value (moodle_url).'); } $this->add_class('image'); //TODO. remove this like somehow parent::prepare($output, $page, $target); } /** * Shortcut for initialising a html_image. * * @param mixed $url The URL to the image (string or moodle_url) */ public function make($url) { $image = new html_image(); $image->src = $url; return $image; } } /** * Component representing a textarea. * * @copyright 2009 Nicolas Connault * @license http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html GNU GPL v3 or later * @since Moodle 2.0 */ class html_textarea extends html_component { /** * @param string $name Name to use for the textarea element. */ public $name; /** * @param string $value Initial content to display in the textarea. */ public $value; /** * @param int $rows Number of rows to display (minimum of 10 when $height is non-null) */ public $rows; /** * @param int $cols Number of columns to display (minimum of 65 when $width is non-null) */ public $cols; /** * @param bool $usehtmleditor Enables the use of the htmleditor for this field. */ public $usehtmleditor; /** * @see lib/html_component#prepare() * @return void */ public function prepare(renderer_base $output, moodle_page $page, $target) { $this->add_class('form-textarea'); if (empty($this->id)) { $this->id = "edit-$this->name"; } if ($this->usehtmleditor) { editors_head_setup(); $editor = get_preferred_texteditor(FORMAT_HTML); $editor->use_editor($this->id, array('legacy'=>true)); $this->value = htmlspecialchars($value); } parent::prepare($output, $page, $target); } } /** * Component representing a simple form wrapper. Its purpose is mainly to enclose * a submit input with the appropriate action and hidden inputs. * * @copyright 2009 Nicolas Connault * @license http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html GNU GPL v3 or later * @since Moodle 2.0 */ class html_form extends html_component { /** * @var string $method post or get */ public $method = 'post'; /** * If a string is given, it will be converted to a moodle_url during prepare() * @var mixed $url A moodle_url including params or a string */ public $url; /** * @var array $params Optional array of parameters. Ignored if $url instanceof moodle_url */ public $params = array(); /** * @var boolean $showbutton If true, the submit button will always be shown even if JavaScript is available */ public $showbutton = false; /** * @var string $targetwindow The name of the target page to open the linked page in. */ public $targetwindow = 'self'; /** * @var html_button $button A submit button */ public $button; /** * @var boolean $jssubmitaction If true, the submit button will be hidden when JS is enabled */ public $jssubmitaction = false; /** * Constructor: sets up the other components in case they are needed * @return void */ public function __construct() { $this->button = new html_button(); $this->button->text = get_string('yes'); } /** * @see lib/html_component#prepare() * @return void */ public function prepare(renderer_base $output, moodle_page $page, $target) { if (empty($this->url)) { throw new coding_exception('A html_form must have a $url value (string or moodle_url).'); } if (!($this->url instanceof moodle_url)) { $this->url = new moodle_url($this->url, $this->params); } if ($this->method == 'post') { $this->url->param('sesskey', sesskey()); } parent::prepare($output, $page, $target); } public static function make_button($url, $options, $label='OK', $method='post') { $form = new html_form(); $form->url = new moodle_url($url, $options); $form->button->text = $label; $form->method = $method; return $form; } } /** * Component representing a list. * * The advantage of using this object instead of a flat array is that you can load it * with metadata (CSS classes, event handlers etc.) which can be used by the renderers. * * @copyright 2009 Nicolas Connault * @license http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html GNU GPL v3 or later * @since Moodle 2.0 */ class html_list extends html_component { /** * @var array $items An array of html_list_item or html_list objects */ public $items = array(); /** * @var string $type The type of list (ordered|unordered), definition type not yet supported */ public $type = 'unordered'; /** * @var string $text An optional descriptive text for the list. Will be output as a list item before opening the new list */ public $text = false; /** * @see lib/html_component#prepare() * @return void */ public function prepare(renderer_base $output, moodle_page $page, $target) { parent::prepare($output, $page, $target); } /** * This function takes a nested array of data and maps it into this list's $items array * as proper html_list_item and html_list objects, with appropriate metadata. * * @param array $tree A nested array (array keys are ignored); * @param int $row Used in identifying the iteration level and in ul classes * @return void */ public function load_data($tree, $level=0) { $this->add_class("list-$level"); $i = 1; foreach ($tree as $key => $element) { if (is_array($element)) { $newhtmllist = new html_list(); $newhtmllist->type = $this->type; $newhtmllist->load_data($element, $level + 1); $newhtmllist->text = $key; $this->items[] = $newhtmllist; } else { $listitem = new html_list_item(); $listitem->value = $element; $listitem->add_class("list-item-$level-$i"); $this->items[] = $listitem; } $i++; } } /** * Adds a html_list_item or html_list to this list. * If the param is a string, a html_list_item will be added. * @param mixed $item String, html_list or html_list_item object * @return void */ public function add_item($item) { if ($item instanceof html_list_item || $item instanceof html_list) { $this->items[] = $item; } else { $listitem = new html_list_item(); $listitem->value = $item; $this->items[] = $item; } } } /** * Component representing a list item. * * @copyright 2009 Nicolas Connault * @license http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html GNU GPL v3 or later * @since Moodle 2.0 */ class html_list_item extends html_component { /** * @var string $value The value of the list item */ public $value; /** * @see lib/html_component#prepare() * @return void */ public function prepare(renderer_base $output, moodle_page $page, $target) { parent::prepare($output, $page, $target); } } /** * Component representing a span element. It has no special attributes, so * it is very low-level and can be used for styling and JS actions. * * @copyright 2009 Nicolas Connault * @license http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html GNU GPL v3 or later * @since Moodle 2.0 */ class html_span extends html_component { /** * @var string $text The contents of the span */ public $contents; /** * @see lib/html_component#prepare() * @return void */ public function prepare(renderer_base $output, moodle_page $page, $target) { parent::prepare($output, $page, $target); } } /// Complex components aggregating simpler components /** * Component representing a paging bar. * * @copyright 2009 Nicolas Connault * @license http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html GNU GPL v3 or later * @since Moodle 2.0 */ class moodle_paging_bar extends html_component { /** * @var int $maxdisplay The maximum number of pagelinks to display */ public $maxdisplay = 18; /** * @var int $totalcount post or get */ public $totalcount; /** * @var int $page The page you are currently viewing */ public $page = 0; /** * @var int $perpage The number of entries that should be shown per page */ public $perpage; /** * @var string $baseurl If this is a string then it is the url which will be appended with $pagevar, an equals sign and the page number. * If this is a moodle_url object then the pagevar param will be replaced by the page no, for each page. */ public $baseurl; /** * @var string $pagevar This is the variable name that you use for the page number in your code (ie. 'tablepage', 'blogpage', etc) */ public $pagevar = 'page'; /** * @var html_link $previouslink A HTML link representing the "previous" page */ public $previouslink = null; /** * @var html_link $nextlink A HTML link representing the "next" page */ public $nextlink = null; /** * @var html_link $firstlink A HTML link representing the first page */ public $firstlink = null; /** * @var html_link $lastlink A HTML link representing the last page */ public $lastlink = null; /** * @var array $pagelinks An array of html_links. One of them is just a string: the current page */ public $pagelinks = array(); /** * @see lib/html_component#prepare() * @return void */ public function prepare(renderer_base $output, moodle_page $page, $target) { if (!isset($this->totalcount) || is_null($this->totalcount)) { throw new coding_exception('moodle_paging_bar requires a totalcount value.'); } if (!isset($this->page) || is_null($this->page)) { throw new coding_exception('moodle_paging_bar requires a page value.'); } if (empty($this->perpage)) { throw new coding_exception('moodle_paging_bar requires a perpage value.'); } if (empty($this->baseurl)) { throw new coding_exception('moodle_paging_bar requires a baseurl value.'); } if (!($this->baseurl instanceof moodle_url)) { $this->baseurl = new moodle_url($this->baseurl); } if ($this->totalcount > $this->perpage) { $pagenum = $this->page - 1; if ($this->page > 0) { $this->previouslink = new html_link(); $this->previouslink->add_class('previous'); $this->previouslink->url = clone($this->baseurl); $this->previouslink->url->param($this->pagevar, $pagenum); $this->previouslink->text = get_string('previous'); } if ($this->perpage > 0) { $lastpage = ceil($this->totalcount / $this->perpage); } else { $lastpage = 1; } if ($this->page > 15) { $startpage = $this->page - 10; $this->firstlink = new html_link(); $this->firstlink->url = clone($this->baseurl); $this->firstlink->url->param($this->pagevar, 0); $this->firstlink->text = 1; $this->firstlink->add_class('first'); } else { $startpage = 0; } $currpage = $startpage; $displaycount = $displaypage = 0; while ($displaycount < $this->maxdisplay and $currpage < $lastpage) { $displaypage = $currpage + 1; if ($this->page == $currpage) { $this->pagelinks[] = $displaypage; } else { $pagelink = new html_link(); $pagelink->url = clone($this->baseurl); $pagelink->url->param($this->pagevar, $currpage); $pagelink->text = $displaypage; $this->pagelinks[] = $pagelink; } $displaycount++; $currpage++; } if ($currpage < $lastpage) { $lastpageactual = $lastpage - 1; $this->lastlink = new html_link(); $this->lastlink->url = clone($this->baseurl); $this->lastlink->url->param($this->pagevar, $lastpageactual); $this->lastlink->text = $lastpage; $this->lastlink->add_class('last'); } $pagenum = $this->page + 1; if ($pagenum != $displaypage) { $this->nextlink = new html_link(); $this->nextlink->url = clone($this->baseurl); $this->nextlink->url->param($this->pagevar, $pagenum); $this->nextlink->text = get_string('next'); $this->nextlink->add_class('next'); } } } /** * Shortcut for initialising a moodle_paging_bar with only the required params. * * @param int $totalcount Thetotal number of entries available to be paged through * @param int $page The page you are currently viewing * @param int $perpage The number of entries that should be shown per page * @param mixed $baseurl If this is a string then it is the url which will be appended with $pagevar, an equals sign and the page number. * If this is a moodle_url object then the pagevar param will be replaced by the page no, for each page. */ public function make($totalcount, $page, $perpage, $baseurl) { $pagingbar = new moodle_paging_bar(); $pagingbar->totalcount = $totalcount; $pagingbar->page = $page; $pagingbar->perpage = $perpage; $pagingbar->baseurl = $baseurl; return $pagingbar; } } /** * Component representing a user picture. * * @copyright 2009 Nicolas Connault * @license http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html GNU GPL v3 or later * @since Moodle 2.0 */ class user_picture extends html_image { /** * @var mixed $user A user object with at least fields id, picture, imagealt, firstname and lastname set. */ public $user; /** * @var int $courseid The course id. Used when constructing the link to the user's profile, * page course id used if not specified. */ public $courseid; /** * @var bool $link add course profile link to image */ public $link = true; /** * @var int $size Size in pixels. Special values are (true/1 = 100px) and (false/0 = 35px) for backward compatibility */ public $size = 35; /** * @var boolean $alttext add non-blank alt-text to the image. * Default true, set to false when image alt just duplicates text in screenreaders. */ public $alttext = true; /** * @var boolean $popup Whether or not to open the link in a popup window. */ public $popup = false; /** * @var link to profile if link requested */ public $url; /** * @see lib/html_component#prepare() * @return void */ public function prepare(renderer_base $output, moodle_page $page, $target) { global $CFG, $DB; if (empty($this->user)) { throw new coding_exception('A user_picture object must have a $user object before being rendered.'); } if (empty($this->user->id)) { throw new coding_exception('User id missing in $user object.'); } if (empty($this->courseid)) { $courseid = $page->course->id; } else { $courseid = $this->courseid; } // only touch the DB if we are missing data and complain loudly... $needrec = false; if (!array_key_exists('picture', $this->user)) { $needrec = true; debugging('Missing picture property in $user object, this is a performance problem that needs to be fixed by a developer.', DEBUG_DEVELOPER); } if ($this->alttext) { if (!array_key_exists('firstname', $this->user) || !array_key_exists('lastname', $this->user) || !array_key_exists('imagealt', $this->user)) { $needrec = true; debugging('Missing firstname, lastname or imagealt property in $user object, this is a performance problem that needs to be fixed by a developer.', DEBUG_DEVELOPER); } } if ($needrec) { $this->user = $DB->get_record('user', array('id'=>$this->user->id), 'id, firstname, lastname, imagealt'); } if ($this->alttext) { if (!empty($user->imagealt)) { $this->alt = $user->imagealt; } else { $this->alt = get_string('pictureof', '', fullname($this->user)); } } else { $this->alt = HTML_ATTR_EMPTY; } if ($this->link) { $this->url = new moodle_url('/user/view.php', array('id' => $this->user->id, 'course' => $courseid)); } else { $this->url = null; $this->popup = false; } if (empty($this->size)) { $file = 'f2'; $this->size = 35; } else if ($this->size === true or $this->size == 1) { $file = 'f1'; $this->size = 100; } else if ($this->size >= 50) { $file = 'f1'; } else { $file = 'f2'; } if (!empty($this->size)) { $this->width = $this->size; $this->height = $this->size; } $this->add_class('userpicture'); if (!empty($this->user->picture)) { require_once($CFG->libdir.'/filelib.php'); $this->src = new moodle_url(get_file_url($this->user->id.'/'.$file.'.jpg', null, 'user')); } else { // Print default user pictures (use theme version if available) $this->add_class('defaultuserpic'); $this->src = $output->pix_url('u/' . $file); } parent::prepare($output, $page, $target); } } /** * Component representing a help icon. * * @copyright 2009 Nicolas Connault * @license http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html GNU GPL v3 or later * @since Moodle 2.0 */ class moodle_help_icon extends labelled_html_component { /** * @var html_link $link A html_link object that will hold the URL info */ public $link; /** * @var string $text A descriptive text */ public $text; /** * @var string $page The keyword that defines a help page */ public $page; /** * @var string $module Which module is the page defined in */ public $module = 'moodle'; /** * @var boolean $linktext Whether or not to show text next to the icon */ public $linktext = false; /** * @var mixed $image The help icon. Can be set to true (will use default help icon), * false (will not use any icon), the URL to an image, or a full * html_image object. */ public $image; /** * Constructor: sets up the other components in case they are needed * @return void */ public function __construct() { $this->link = new html_link(); $this->image = new html_image(); } /** * @see lib/html_component#prepare() * @return void */ public function prepare(renderer_base $output, moodle_page $page, $target) { global $CFG; if (empty($this->page)) { throw new coding_exception('A moodle_help_icon object requires a $page parameter'); } if (empty($this->text) && empty($this->link->text)) { throw new coding_exception('A moodle_help_icon object (or its $link attribute) requires a $text parameter'); } else if (!empty($this->text) && empty($this->link->text)) { $this->link->text = $this->text; } // fix for MDL-7734 $this->link->url = new moodle_url($CFG->wwwroot.'/help.php', array('module' => $this->module, 'file' => $this->page .'.html')); // fix for MDL-7734 if (!empty($page->course->lang)) { $this->link->url->param('forcelang', $page->course->lang); } // Catch references to the old text.html and emoticons.html help files that // were renamed in MDL-13233. if (in_array($this->page, array('text', 'emoticons', 'richtext'))) { $oldname = $this->page; $this->page .= '2'; debugging("You are referring to the old help file '$oldname'. " . "This was renamed to '$this->page' because of MDL-13233. " . "Please update your code.", DEBUG_DEVELOPER); } if ($this->module == '') { $this->module = 'moodle'; } // Warn users about new window for Accessibility $this->title = get_string('helpprefix2', '', trim($this->text, ". \t")) .' ('.get_string('newwindow').')'; // Prepare image and linktext if ($this->image && !($this->image instanceof html_image)) { $image = fullclone($this->image); $this->image = new html_image(); if ($image instanceof moodle_url) { $this->image->src = $image->out(); } else if ($image === true) { $this->image->src = $output->pix_url('help'); } else if (is_string($image)) { $this->image->src = $image; } $this->image->alt = $this->text; if ($this->linktext) { $this->image->alt = get_string('helpwiththis'); } else { $this->image->alt = $this->title; } $this->image->add_class('iconhelp'); } else if (empty($this->image->src)) { if (!($this->image instanceof html_image)) { $this->image = new html_image(); } $this->image->src = $output->pix_url('help'); } parent::prepare($output, $page, $target); } /** * This is a shortcut for creating a help_icon with only the 2 required params * @param string $page The keyword that defines a help page * @param string $text A descriptive text * @return moodle_help_icon A moodle_help_icon object with the two common fields initialised. */ public static function make($page, $text, $module='moodle', $linktext=false) { $helpicon = new moodle_help_icon(); $helpicon->page = $page; $helpicon->text = $text; $helpicon->module = $module; $helpicon->linktext = $linktext; return $helpicon; } public static function make_scale_menu($courseid, $scale) { $helpbutton = new moodle_help_icon(); $strscales = get_string('scales'); $helpbutton->image->alt = $scale->name; $helpbutton->link->url = new moodle_url('/course/scales.php', array('id' => $courseid, 'list' => true, 'scaleid' => $scale->id)); $popupaction = new popup_action('click', $helpbutton->url, 'ratingscale', $popupparams); $popupaction->width = 500; $popupaction->height = 400; $helpbutton->link->add_action($popupaction); $helpbutton->link->title = $scale->name; return $helpbutton; } } /** * Component representing an icon linking to a Moodle page. * * @copyright 2009 Nicolas Connault * @license http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html GNU GPL v3 or later * @since Moodle 2.0 */ class moodle_action_icon extends labelled_html_component { /** * @var string $linktext Optional text to display next to the icon */ public $linktext; /** * @var html_image $image The icon */ public $image; /** * @var html_link $link The link */ public $link; /** * Constructor: sets up the other components in case they are needed * @return void */ public function __construct() { $this->image = new html_image(); $this->link = new html_link(); } /** * @see lib/html_component#prepare() * @return void */ public function prepare(renderer_base $output, moodle_page $page, $target) { $this->image->add_class('action-icon'); if (!empty($this->actions)) { foreach ($this->actions as $action) { $this->link->add_action($action); } unset($this->actions); } parent::prepare($output, $page, $target); if (empty($this->image->src)) { throw new coding_exception('moodle_action_icon->image->src must not be empty'); } if (empty($this->image->alt) && !empty($this->linktext)) { $this->image->alt = $this->linktext; } else if (empty($this->image->alt)) { debugging('moodle_action_icon->image->alt should not be empty.', DEBUG_DEVELOPER); } } } /** * This class represents how a block appears on a page. * * During output, each block instance is asked to return a block_contents object, * those are then passed to the $OUTPUT->block function for display. * * {@link $contents} should probably be generated using a moodle_block_..._renderer. * * Other block-like things that need to appear on the page, for example the * add new block UI, are also represented as block_contents objects. * * @copyright 2009 Tim Hunt * @license http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html GNU GPL v3 or later * @since Moodle 2.0 */ class block_contents extends html_component { /** @var int used to set $skipid. */ protected static $idcounter = 1; const NOT_HIDEABLE = 0; const VISIBLE = 1; const HIDDEN = 2; /** * @param integer $skipid All the blocks (or things that look like blocks) * printed on a page are given a unique number that can be used to construct * id="" attributes. This is set automatically be the {@link prepare()} method. * Do not try to set it manually. */ public $skipid; /** * @var integer If this is the contents of a real block, this should be set to * the block_instance.id. Otherwise this should be set to 0. */ public $blockinstanceid = 0; /** * @var integer if this is a real block instance, and there is a corresponding * block_position.id for the block on this page, this should be set to that id. * Otherwise it should be 0. */ public $blockpositionid = 0; /** * @param array $attributes an array of attribute => value pairs that are put on the * outer div of this block. {@link $id} and {@link $classes} attributes should be set separately. */ public $attributes = array(); /** * @param string $title The title of this block. If this came from user input, * it should already have had format_string() processing done on it. This will * be output inside

tags. Please do not cause invalid XHTML. */ public $title = ''; /** * @param string $content HTML for the content */ public $content = ''; /** * @param array $list an alternative to $content, it you want a list of things with optional icons. */ public $footer = ''; /** * Any small print that should appear under the block to explain to the * teacher about the block, for example 'This is a sticky block that was * added in the system context.' * @var string */ public $annotation = ''; /** * @var integer one of the constants NOT_HIDEABLE, VISIBLE, HIDDEN. Whether * the user can toggle whether this block is visible. */ public $collapsible = self::NOT_HIDEABLE; /** * A (possibly empty) array of editing controls. Each element of this array * should be an array('url' => $url, 'icon' => $icon, 'caption' => $caption). * $icon is the icon name. Fed to $OUTPUT->pix_url. * @var array */ public $controls = array(); /** * @see html_component::prepare() * @return void */ public function prepare(renderer_base $output, moodle_page $page, $target) { $this->skipid = self::$idcounter; self::$idcounter += 1; $this->add_class('sideblock'); if (empty($this->blockinstanceid) || !strip_tags($this->title)) { $this->collapsible = self::NOT_HIDEABLE; } if ($this->collapsible == self::HIDDEN) { $this->add_class('hidden'); } if (!empty($this->controls)) { $this->add_class('block_with_controls'); } parent::prepare($output, $page, $target); } } /** * This class represents a target for where a block can go when it is being moved. * * This needs to be rendered as a form with the given hidden from fields, and * clicking anywhere in the form should submit it. The form action should be * $PAGE->url. * * @copyright 2009 Tim Hunt * @license http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html GNU GPL v3 or later * @since Moodle 2.0 */ class block_move_target extends html_component { /** * List of hidden form fields. * @var array */ public $url = array(); /** * List of hidden form fields. * @var array */ public $text = ''; }