. /** * SOAP web service implementation classes and methods. * * @package webservice_soap * @copyright 2009 Petr Skodak * @license http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html GNU GPL v3 or later */ require_once("$CFG->dirroot/webservice/lib.php"); require_once 'Zend/Soap/Server.php'; /** * The Zend XMLRPC server but with a fault that returns debuginfo * * @package webservice_soap * @copyright 2011 Jerome Mouneyrac * @license http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html GNU GPL v3 or later * @since 2.2 */ class moodle_zend_soap_server extends Zend_Soap_Server { /** * Generate a server fault * * Note that the arguments are the reverse of those used by SoapFault. * * Moodle note: basically we return the faultactor (errorcode) and faultdetails (debuginfo) * * If an exception is passed as the first argument, its message and code * will be used to create the fault object if it has been registered via * {@Link registerFaultException()}. * * @link http://www.w3.org/TR/soap12-part1/#faultcodes * @param string|Exception $fault * @param string $code SOAP Fault Codes * @return SoapFault */ public function fault($fault = null, $code = "Receiver") { // Run the zend code that clean/create a soapfault. $soapfault = parent::fault($fault, $code); // Intercept any exceptions and add the errorcode and debuginfo (optional). $actor = null; $details = null; if ($fault instanceof Exception) { // Add the debuginfo to the exception message if debuginfo must be returned. $actor = $fault->errorcode; if (debugging() and isset($fault->debuginfo)) { $details = $fault->debuginfo; } } return new SoapFault($soapfault->faultcode, $soapfault->getMessage() . ' | ERRORCODE: ' . $fault->errorcode, $actor, $details); } /** * Handle a request * * NOTE: this is basically a copy of the Zend handle() * but with $soap->fault returning faultactor + faultdetail * So we don't require coding style checks within this method * to keep it as similar as the original one. * * Instantiates SoapServer object with options set in object, and * dispatches its handle() method. * * $request may be any of: * - DOMDocument; if so, then cast to XML * - DOMNode; if so, then grab owner document and cast to XML * - SimpleXMLElement; if so, then cast to XML * - stdClass; if so, calls __toString() and verifies XML * - string; if so, verifies XML * * If no request is passed, pulls request using php:://input (for * cross-platform compatability purposes). * * @param DOMDocument|DOMNode|SimpleXMLElement|stdClass|string $request Optional request * @return void|string */ public function handle($request = null) { if (null === $request) { $request = file_get_contents('php://input'); } // Set Zend_Soap_Server error handler $displayErrorsOriginalState = $this->_initializeSoapErrorContext(); $setRequestException = null; /** * @see Zend_Soap_Server_Exception */ require_once 'Zend/Soap/Server/Exception.php'; try { $this->_setRequest($request); } catch (Zend_Soap_Server_Exception $e) { $setRequestException = $e; } $soap = $this->_getSoap(); ob_start(); if($setRequestException instanceof Exception) { // Send SOAP fault message if we've catched exception $soap->fault("Sender", $setRequestException->getMessage()); } else { try { $soap->handle($request); } catch (Exception $e) { $fault = $this->fault($e); $faultactor = isset($fault->faultactor) ? $fault->faultactor : null; $detail = isset($fault->detail) ? $fault->detail : null; $soap->fault($fault->faultcode, $fault->faultstring, $faultactor, $detail); } } $this->_response = ob_get_clean(); // Restore original error handler restore_error_handler(); ini_set('display_errors', $displayErrorsOriginalState); if (!$this->_returnResponse) { echo $this->_response; return; } return $this->_response; } } /** * SOAP service server implementation. * * @package webservice_soap * @copyright 2009 Petr Skodak * @license http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html GNU GPL v3 or later * @since 2.0 */ class webservice_soap_server extends webservice_zend_server { /** * Contructor * * @param string $authmethod authentication method of the web service (WEBSERVICE_AUTHMETHOD_PERMANENT_TOKEN, ...) */ public function __construct($authmethod) { // must not cache wsdl - the list of functions is created on the fly ini_set('soap.wsdl_cache_enabled', '0'); require_once 'Zend/Soap/Server.php'; require_once 'Zend/Soap/AutoDiscover.php'; if (optional_param('wsdl', 0, PARAM_BOOL)) { parent::__construct($authmethod, 'Zend_Soap_AutoDiscover'); } else { parent::__construct($authmethod, 'moodle_zend_soap_server'); } $this->wsname = 'soap'; } /** * Set up zend service class */ protected function init_zend_server() { global $CFG; parent::init_zend_server(); if ($this->authmethod == WEBSERVICE_AUTHMETHOD_USERNAME) { $username = optional_param('wsusername', '', PARAM_RAW); $password = optional_param('wspassword', '', PARAM_RAW); // aparently some clients and zend soap server does not work well with "&" in urls :-( //TODO MDL-31151 the zend error has been fixed in the last Zend SOAP version, check that is fixed and remove obsolete code $url = $CFG->wwwroot.'/webservice/soap/simpleserver.php/'.urlencode($username).'/'.urlencode($password); // the Zend server is using this uri directly in xml - weird :-( $this->zend_server->setUri(htmlentities($url)); } else { $wstoken = optional_param('wstoken', '', PARAM_RAW); $url = $CFG->wwwroot.'/webservice/soap/server.php?wstoken='.urlencode($wstoken); // the Zend server is using this uri directly in xml - weird :-( $this->zend_server->setUri(htmlentities($url)); } if (!optional_param('wsdl', 0, PARAM_BOOL)) { $this->zend_server->setReturnResponse(true); $this->zend_server->registerFaultException('moodle_exception'); $this->zend_server->registerFaultException('webservice_parameter_exception'); //deprecated since Moodle 2.2 - kept for backward compatibility $this->zend_server->registerFaultException('invalid_parameter_exception'); $this->zend_server->registerFaultException('invalid_response_exception'); //when DEBUG >= NORMAL then the thrown exceptions are "casted" into a PHP SoapFault expception //in order to diplay the $debuginfo (see moodle_zend_soap_server class - MDL-29435) if (debugging()) { $this->zend_server->registerFaultException('SoapFault'); } } } /** * This method parses the $_POST and $_GET superglobals and looks for * the following information: * user authentication - username+password or token (wsusername, wspassword and wstoken parameters) */ protected function parse_request() { parent::parse_request(); if (!$this->username or !$this->password) { //note: this is the workaround for the trouble with & in soap urls $authdata = get_file_argument(); $authdata = explode('/', trim($authdata, '/')); if (count($authdata) == 2) { list($this->username, $this->password) = $authdata; } } } /** * Send the error information to the WS client * formatted as an XML document. * * @param exception $ex the exception to send back */ protected function send_error($ex=null) { if ($ex) { $info = $ex->getMessage(); if (debugging() and isset($ex->debuginfo)) { $info .= ' - '.$ex->debuginfo; } } else { $info = 'Unknown error'; } $xml = ' MOODLE:error '.$info.' '; $this->send_headers(); header('Content-Type: application/xml; charset=utf-8'); header('Content-Disposition: inline; filename="response.xml"'); echo $xml; } /** * Generate 'struct' type name * This type name is the name of a class generated on the fly. * * @param external_single_structure $structdesc * @return string */ protected function generate_simple_struct_class(external_single_structure $structdesc) { global $USER; // let's use unique class name, there might be problem in unit tests $classname = 'webservices_struct_class_000000'; while(class_exists($classname)) { $classname++; } $fields = array(); foreach ($structdesc->keys as $name => $fieldsdesc) { $type = $this->get_phpdoc_type($fieldsdesc); $fields[] = ' /** @var '.$type." */\n" . ' public $'.$name.';'; } $code = ' /** * Virtual struct class for web services for user id '.$USER->id.' in context '.$this->restricted_context->id.'. */ class '.$classname.' { '.implode("\n", $fields).' } '; eval($code); return $classname; } } /** * SOAP test client class * * @package webservice_soap * @copyright 2009 Petr Skodak * @license http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html GNU GPL v3 or later * @since 2.0 */ class webservice_soap_test_client implements webservice_test_client_interface { /** * Execute test client WS request * * @param string $serverurl server url (including token parameter or username/password parameters) * @param string $function function name * @param array $params parameters of the called function * @return mixed */ public function simpletest($serverurl, $function, $params) { //zend expects 0 based array with numeric indexes $params = array_values($params); require_once 'Zend/Soap/Client.php'; $client = new Zend_Soap_Client($serverurl.'&wsdl=1'); return $client->__call($function, $params); } }