name)) { $form->name = ""; } if (empty($form->text)) { $form->text = ""; } if (empty($form->format)) { $form->format = 0; } if (empty($form->timeopen)) { $form->timeopen = ""; $form->timerestrict = 0; } else { $form->timerestrict = 1; } if (empty($form->timeclose)) { $form->timeclose = ""; } if (empty($form->publish)) { $form->publish = 0; } if (empty($form->release)) { $form->release = 0; } if (empty($form->allowupdate)) { $form->allowupdate = 0; } if (empty($form->showunanswered)) { $form->showunanswered = 0; } if (!(empty($form->addmorechoices))) { error("not submitted!"); } ?>
instance,"id","id ,answer"); foreach ($choiceqs as $current=>$answer) { ?>
: " value="name) ?>" />

"; helpbutton("questions", get_string("helpquestions"), "moodle", true, true); echo "
"; if ($usehtmleditor) { helpbutton("richtext", get_string("helprichtext"), "moodle", true, true); } else { emoticonhelpbutton("form", "text"); } echo "
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text); if ($usehtmleditor) { echo ''; } else { echo "
"; helpbutton("textformat", get_string("formattexttype")); print_string("formattexttype"); echo ": "; if (!$form->format) { $form->format = $defaultformat; } choose_from_menu(format_text_menu(), "format", $form->format, ""); echo "
"; } ?>




: " onclick="return lockoptions('form','timerestrict', timeitems)" timerestrict) echo 'checked="checked"'; ?> />
: timeopen and $course->format == "weeks") { $form->timeopen = $course->startdate + (($form->section - 1) * 608400); } print_date_selector("openday", "openmonth", "openyear", $form->timeopen); print_time_selector("openhour", "openminute", $form->timeopen); ?>
: timeclose and $course->format == "weeks") { $form->timeclose = $course->startdate + (($form->section) * 608400); } print_date_selector("closeday", "closemonth", "closeyear", $form->timeclose); print_time_selector("closehour", "closeminute", $form->timeclose); ?> timerestrict) { echo "\n"; } ?>
: dirroot/mod/choice/lib.php"); choose_from_menu($CHOICE_DISPLAY, "display", "$form->display", ""); ?>
: dirroot/mod/choice/lib.php"); choose_from_menu($CHOICE_RELEASE, "release", "$form->release", ""); ?>
: dirroot/mod/choice/lib.php"); choose_from_menu($CHOICE_PUBLISH, "publish", "$form->publish", ""); ?>
: allowupdate", ""); ?>
: showunanswered", ""); ?>
" /> " />