M.core_question_engine = M.core_question_engine || {}; /** * Initialise a form that contains questions printed using print_question. * This has the effect of: * 1. Turning off browser autocomlete. * 2. Stopping enter from submitting the form (or toggling the next flag) unless * keyboard focus is on the submit button or the flag. * 3. Removes any '.questionflagsavebutton's, since we have JavaScript to toggle * the flags using Ajax. * @param Y the Yahoo object. Needs to have the DOM and Event modules loaded. * @param form something that can be passed to Y.one, to find the form element. */ M.core_question_engine.init_form = function(Y, form) { Y.one(form).setAttribute('autocomplete', 'off'); Y.on('key', function (e) { if (!e.target.test('a') && !e.target.test('input[type=submit]') && !e.target.test('input[type=img]')) { e.preventDefault(); } }, form, 'press:13'); Y.one(form).all('.questionflagsavebutton').remove(); }