. /** * Cache language strings * * This file is part of Moodle's cache API, affectionately called MUC. * It contains the components that are requried in order to use caching. * * @package core * @category cache * @copyright 2012 Sam Hemelryk * @license http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html GNU GPL v3 or later */ $string['actions'] = 'Actions'; $string['addinstance'] = 'Add instance'; $string['addstore'] = 'Add {$a} store'; $string['addstoresuccess'] = 'Successfully added a new {$a} store.'; $string['area'] = 'Area'; $string['caching'] = 'Caching'; $string['cacheadmin'] = 'Cache administration'; $string['cacheconfig'] = 'Configuration'; $string['cachedef_databasemeta'] = 'Database meta information'; $string['cachedef_eventinvalidation'] = 'Event invalidation'; $string['cachedef_locking'] = 'Locking'; $string['cachedef_questiondata'] = 'Question definitions'; $string['cachedef_string'] = 'Language string cache'; $string['cachelock_file_default'] = 'Default file locking'; $string['cachestores'] = 'Cache stores'; $string['component'] = 'Component'; $string['confirmstoredeletion'] = 'Confirm store deletion'; $string['defaultmappings'] = 'Stores used when no mapping is present'; $string['defaultmappings_help'] = 'These are the default stores that will be used if you don\'t map one or more stores to the cache definition.'; $string['defaultstoreactions'] = 'Default stores cannot be modified'; $string['default_application'] = 'Default application store'; $string['default_request'] = 'Default request store'; $string['default_session'] = 'Default session store'; $string['definition'] = 'Definition'; $string['definitionsummaries'] = 'Known cache definitions'; $string['delete'] = 'Delete'; $string['deletestore'] = 'Delete store'; $string['deletestoreconfirmation'] = 'Are you sure you want to delete the "{$a}" store?'; $string['deletestorehasmappings'] = 'You cannot delete this store because it has mappings. Please delete all mappings before deleting the store'; $string['deletestoresuccess'] = 'Successfully deleted the cache store'; $string['editmappings'] = 'Edit mappings'; $string['editstore'] = 'Edit store'; $string['editstoresuccess'] = 'Succesfully edited the cache store.'; $string['editdefinitionmappings'] = '{$a} definition store mappings'; $string['ex_configcannotsave'] = 'Unable to save the cache config to file.'; $string['ex_nodefaultlock'] = 'Unable to find a default lock instance.'; $string['ex_unabletolock'] = 'Unable to acquire a lock for caching.'; $string['ex_unmetstorerequirements'] = 'You are unable to use this store at the present time. Please refer to the documentation to determine its requirements.'; $string['gethit'] = 'Get - Hit'; $string['getmiss'] = 'Get - Miss'; $string['invalidplugin'] = 'Invalid plugin'; $string['invalidstore'] = 'Invalid cache store provided'; $string['lockdefault'] = 'Default'; $string['lockmethod'] = 'Lock method'; $string['lockmethod_help'] = 'This is the method used for locking when required of this store.'; $string['lockname'] = 'Name'; $string['locksummary'] = 'Summary of cache lock instances.'; $string['lockuses'] = 'Uses'; $string['mappings'] = 'Store mappings'; $string['mappingdefault'] = '(default)'; $string['mappingprimary'] = 'Primary store'; $string['mappingfinal'] = 'Final store'; $string['mode'] = 'Mode'; $string['modes'] = 'Modes'; $string['mode_1'] = 'Application'; $string['mode_2'] = 'Session'; $string['mode_4'] = 'Request'; $string['nativelocking'] = 'This plugin handles its own locking.'; $string['none'] = 'None'; $string['plugin'] = 'Plugin'; $string['pluginsummaries'] = 'Installed cache stores'; $string['purge'] = 'Purge'; $string['purgestoresuccess'] = 'Successfully purged the requested store.'; $string['requestcount'] = 'Test with {$a} requests'; $string['rescandefinitions'] = 'Rescan definitions'; $string['result'] = 'Result'; $string['set'] = 'Set'; $string['storeconfiguration'] = 'Store configuration'; $string['storename'] = 'Store name'; $string['storename_help'] = 'This sets the store name. It is used to identify the store within the system and can only consist of a-z A-Z 0-9 -_ and spaces. It also must be unique. If you attempt to use a name that has already been used you will recieve an error.'; $string['storenamealreadyused'] = 'You must choose a unique name for this store.'; $string['storenameinvalid'] = 'Invalid store name. You can only use a-z A-Z 0-9 -_ and spaces.'; $string['storeperformance'] = 'Cache store performance reporting - {$a} unique requests per operation.'; $string['storeready'] = 'Ready'; $string['storeresults_application'] = 'Store requests when used as an application cache.'; $string['storeresults_request'] = 'Store requests when used as a request cache.'; $string['storeresults_session'] = 'Store requests when used as a session cache.'; $string['stores'] = 'Stores'; $string['store_default_application'] = 'Default file store for application caches'; $string['store_default_request'] = 'Default static store for request caches'; $string['store_default_session'] = 'Default session store for session caches'; $string['storesummaries'] = 'Configured store instances'; $string['supports'] = 'Supports'; $string['supports_multipleidentifiers'] = 'multiple identifiers'; $string['supports_dataguarantee'] = 'data guarantee'; $string['supports_nativettl'] = 'ttl'; $string['supports_nativelocking'] = 'locking'; $string['supports_keyawareness'] = 'key awareness'; $string['tested'] = 'Tested'; $string['testperformance'] = 'Test performance'; $string['unsupportedmode'] = 'Unsupported mode'; $string['untestable'] = 'Untestable';