get_record("course", array("id"=>$cm->course))) { print_error('coursemisconf'); } require_login($course->id, false, $cm); $context = get_context_instance(CONTEXT_MODULE, $cm->id); require_capability('mod/survey:readresponses', $context); if (! $survey = $DB->get_record("survey", array("id"=>$cm->instance))) { print_error('invalidsurveyid', 'survey'); } if (! $template = $DB->get_record("survey", array("id"=>$survey->template))) { print_error('invalidtmptid', 'survey'); } $showscales = ($template->name != 'ciqname'); $strreport = get_string("report", "survey"); $strsurvey = get_string("modulename", "survey"); $strsurveys = get_string("modulenameplural", "survey"); $strsummary = get_string("summary", "survey"); $strscales = get_string("scales", "survey"); $strquestion = get_string("question", "survey"); $strquestions = get_string("questions", "survey"); $strdownload = get_string("download", "survey"); $strallscales = get_string("allscales", "survey"); $strallquestions = get_string("allquestions", "survey"); $strselectedquestions = get_string("selectedquestions", "survey"); $strseemoredetail = get_string("seemoredetail", "survey"); $strnotes = get_string("notes", "survey"); add_to_log($course->id, "survey", "view report", "report.php?id=$cm->id", "$survey->id", $cm->id); if ($course->id != SITEID) { $navigation = "id\">$course->shortname -> id\">$strsurveys -> id\">".format_string($survey->name,true)." -> "; } else { $navigation = "id\">$strsurveys -> id\">".format_string($survey->name,true)." -> "; } $navigation = build_navigation($strreport, $cm); print_header("$course->shortname: ".format_string($survey->name), $course->fullname, $navigation, "", "", true, update_module_button($cm->id, $course->id, $strsurvey), navmenu($course, $cm)); /// Check to see if groups are being used in this survey if ($groupmode = groups_get_activity_groupmode($cm)) { // Groups are being used $menuaction = $action == "student" ? "students" : $action; $currentgroup = groups_get_activity_group($cm, true); groups_print_activity_menu($cm, "report.php?id=$cm->id&action=$menuaction&qid=$qid"); } else { $currentgroup = 0; } if ($currentgroup) { $users = get_users_by_capability($context, 'mod/survey:participate', '', '', '', '', $currentgroup, null, false); } else if (!empty($CFG->enablegroupings) && !empty($cm->groupingid)) { $groups = groups_get_all_groups($courseid, 0, $cm->groupingid); $groups = array_keys($groups); $users = get_users_by_capability($context, 'mod/survey:participate', '', '', '', '', $groups, null, false); } else { $users = get_users_by_capability($context, 'mod/survey:participate', '', '', '', '', '', null, false); $group = false; } $groupingid = $cm->groupingid; print_simple_box_start("center"); if ($showscales) { echo "$strsummary"; echo "    $strscales"; echo "    $strquestions"; echo "    $course->students"; if (has_capability('mod/survey:download', $context)) { echo "    $strdownload"; } if (empty($action)) { $action = "summary"; } } else { echo "$strquestions"; echo "    $course->students"; if (has_capability('mod/survey:download', $context)) { echo "    $strdownload"; } if (empty($action)) { $action = "questions"; } } print_simple_box_end(); print_spacer(30,30); /// Print the menu across the top $virtualscales = false; switch ($action) { case "summary": print_heading($strsummary); if (survey_count_responses($survey->id, $currentgroup, $groupingid)) { echo "
"; survey_print_graph("id=$id&group=$currentgroup&type=overall.png"); echo "
"; } else { notify(get_string("nobodyyet","survey")); } break; case "scales": print_heading($strscales); if (! $results = survey_get_responses($survey->id, $currentgroup, $groupingid) ) { notify(get_string("nobodyyet","survey")); } else { $questions = $DB->get_records_list("survey_questions", "id", explode(',', $survey->questions)); $questionorder = explode(",", $survey->questions); foreach ($questionorder as $key => $val) { $question = $questions[$val]; if ($question->type < 0) { // We have some virtual scales. Just show them. $virtualscales = true; break; } } foreach ($questionorder as $key => $val) { $question = $questions[$val]; if ($question->multi) { if (!empty($virtualscales) && $question->type > 0) { // Don't show non-virtual scales if virtual continue; } echo "

multi\">"; survey_print_graph("id=$id&qid=$question->id&group=$currentgroup&type=multiquestion.png"); echo "

"; } } } break; case "questions": if ($qid) { // just get one multi-question $questions = $DB->get_record("survey_questions", "id", $qid); $questionorder = explode(",", $qid); if ($scale = $DB->get_records("survey_questions", array("multi"=>$qid))) { $scale = array_pop($scale); print_heading("$scale->text - $strselectedquestions"); } else { print_heading($strselectedquestions); } } else { // get all top-level questions $questions = $DB->get_records_list("survey_questions", "id", explode(',',$survey->questions)); $questionorder = explode(",", $survey->questions); print_heading($strallquestions); } if (! $results = survey_get_responses($survey->id, $currentgroup, $groupingid) ) { notify(get_string("nobodyyet","survey")); } else { foreach ($questionorder as $key => $val) { $question = $questions[$val]; if ($question->type < 0) { // We have some virtual scales. DON'T show them. $virtualscales = true; break; } } foreach ($questionorder as $key => $val) { $question = $questions[$val]; if ($question->type < 0) { // We have some virtual scales. DON'T show them. continue; } $question->text = get_string($question->text, "survey"); if ($question->multi) { echo "


"; $subquestions = $DB->get_records_list("survey_questions", "id", explode(',', $question->multi)); $subquestionorder = explode(",", $question->multi); foreach ($subquestionorder as $key => $val) { $subquestion = $subquestions[$val]; if ($subquestion->type > 0) { echo "

"; echo "id\">"; survey_print_graph("id=$id&qid=$subquestion->id&group=$currentgroup&type=question.png"); echo "

"; } } } else if ($question->type > 0 ) { echo "

"; echo "id\">"; survey_print_graph("id=$id&qid=$question->id&group=$currentgroup&type=question.png"); echo "

"; } else { $table = NULL; $table->head = array($question->text); $table->align = array ("left"); $contents = ''; if ($aaa = survey_get_user_answers($survey->id, $question->id, $currentgroup, "sa.time ASC")) { foreach ($aaa as $a) { $contents .= ""; $contents .= ''; $contents .= ''; $contents .= ""; } } $contents .= "
"; $table->data[] = array($contents); print_table($table); print_spacer(30); } } } break; case "question": if (!$question = $DB->get_record("survey_questions", array("id"=>$qid))) { print_error('cannotfindquestion', 'survey'); } $question->text = get_string($question->text, "survey"); $answers = explode(",", get_string($question->options, "survey")); print_heading("$strquestion: $question->text"); $strname = get_string("name", "survey"); $strtime = get_string("time", "survey"); $stractual = get_string("actual", "survey"); $strpreferred = get_string("preferred", "survey"); $strdateformat = get_string("strftimedatetime"); $table = NULL; $table->head = array("", $strname, $strtime, $stractual, $strpreferred); $table->align = array ("left", "left", "left", "left", "right"); $table->size = array (35, "", "", "", ""); if ($aaa = survey_get_user_answers($survey->id, $question->id, $currentgroup)) { foreach ($aaa as $a) { if ($a->answer1) { $answer1 = "$a->answer1 - ".$answers[$a->answer1 - 1]; } else { $answer1 = " "; } if ($a->answer2) { $answer2 = "$a->answer2 - ".$answers[$a->answer2 - 1]; } else { $answer2 = " "; } $table->data[] = array( print_user_picture($a->userid, $course->id, $a->picture, false, true, true), "userid\">".fullname($a)."", userdate($a->time), $answer1, $answer2); } } print_table($table); break; case "students": print_heading(get_string("analysisof", "survey", "$course->students")); if (! $results = survey_get_responses($survey->id, $currentgroup, $groupingid) ) { notify(get_string("nobodyyet","survey")); } else { survey_print_all_responses($cm->id, $results, $course->id); } break; case "student": if (!$user = $DB->get_record("user", array("id"=>$student))) { print_error('invaliduserid'); } print_heading(get_string("analysisof", "survey", fullname($user))); if ($notes != '' and confirm_sesskey()) { if (survey_get_analysis($survey->id, $user->id)) { if (! survey_update_analysis($survey->id, $user->id, $notes)) { notify("An error occurred while saving your notes. Sorry."); } else { notify(get_string("savednotes", "survey")); } } else { if (! survey_add_analysis($survey->id, $user->id, $notes)) { notify("An error occurred while saving your notes. Sorry."); } else { notify(get_string("savednotes", "survey")); } } } echo "

"; print_user_picture($user->id, $course->id, $user->picture, true); echo "

"; $questions = $DB->get_records_list("survey_questions", "id", explode(',', $survey->questions)); $questionorder = explode(",", $survey->questions); if ($showscales) { // Print overall summary echo "

>"; survey_print_graph("id=$id&sid=$student&type=student.png"); echo "

"; // Print scales foreach ($questionorder as $key => $val) { $question = $questions[$val]; if ($question->type < 0) { // We have some virtual scales. Just show them. $virtualscales = true; break; } } foreach ($questionorder as $key => $val) { $question = $questions[$val]; if ($question->multi) { if ($virtualscales && $question->type > 0) { // Don't show non-virtual scales if virtual continue; } echo "

"; echo "multi\">"; survey_print_graph("id=$id&qid=$question->id&sid=$student&type=studentmultiquestion.png"); echo "

"; } } } // Print non-scale questions foreach ($questionorder as $key => $val) { $question = $questions[$val]; if ($question->type == 0 or $question->type == 1) { if ($answer = survey_get_user_answer($survey->id, $question->id, $user->id)) { $table = NULL; $table->head = array(get_string($question->text, "survey")); $table->align = array ("left"); $table->data[] = array(s($answer->answer1)); // no html here, just plain text print_table($table); print_spacer(30); } } } if ($rs = survey_get_analysis($survey->id, $user->id)) { $notes = $rs->notes; } else { $notes = ""; } echo "
"; echo "
"; echo "
"; echo "


"; echo "
"; echo "
"; echo ""; echo ""; echo ""; echo "id\" />"; echo ""; echo "
"; echo "
"; echo "
"; break; case "download": print_heading($strdownload); require_capability('mod/survey:download', $context); echo '

'.get_string("downloadinfo", "survey").'

'; echo '
'; $optons = array(); $options["id"] = "$cm->id"; $options["group"] = $currentgroup; $options["type"] = "ods"; print_single_button("download.php", $options, get_string("downloadods")); $options["type"] = "xls"; print_single_button("download.php", $options, get_string("downloadexcel")); $options["type"] = "txt"; print_single_button("download.php", $options, get_string("downloadtext")); echo '
'; break; } print_footer($course); ?>