teacher has posted some feedback on your assignment submission for \'$a->assignment\' You can see it appended to your assignment submission: $a->url'; $string['assignmentmailhtml'] = '$a->teacher has posted some feedback on your assignment submission for \'$a->assignment\'

You can see it appended to your url\">assignment submission.'; $string['assignmentname'] = 'Assignment name'; $string['assignmenttype'] = 'Assignment type'; $string['availabledate'] = 'Available from'; $string['allowmultiple'] = 'Allow multiple files'; $string['attachfile'] = 'Attach file'; $string['attachfiletoassignment'] = 'Attach file(s) to assignment'; $string['backtoassignment'] = 'Back to Assignment'; $string['backtofeedback'] = 'Back to Feedback'; $string['choosereviewfile'] = 'Choose a file to upload as an assignment review:'; $string['comment'] = 'Comment'; $string['commentinline'] = 'Comment inline'; $string['configitemstocount'] = 'Nature of items to be counted for student submissions in online assignments.'; $string['configmaxbytes'] = 'Default maximum assignment size for all assignments on the site (subject to course limits and other local settings)'; $string['deletecheckfile'] = 'Are you absolutely sure you want to delete this file?'; $string['deleteednotification'] = 'File has been deleted.'; $string['deletefail'] = 'The following file has not been deleted:'; $string['description'] = 'Description'; $string['duedate'] = 'Due date'; $string['duedateno'] = 'No due date'; $string['early'] = '$a early'; $string['editmysubmission'] = 'Edit my submission'; $string['emailstudents'] = 'Email alerts to students'; $string['emailteachers'] = 'Email alerts to teachers'; $string['emailteachermail'] = ' $a->username has updated their assignment submission for \'$a->assignment\' It is available here: $a->url'; $string['emailteachermailhtml'] = '$a->username has updated their assignment submission for \'$a->assignment\'

It is url\">available on the web site.'; $string['emptysubmission'] = 'You have not submitted anything yet'; $string['existingfiledeleted'] = 'Existing file has been deleted: $a'; $string['failedupdatefeedback'] = 'Failed to update submission feedback for user $a'; $string['feedback'] = 'Feedback'; $string['feedbackfromteacher'] = 'Feedback from the $a'; $string['feedbackupdated'] = 'Submissions feedback updated for $a people'; $string['graded'] = 'Graded'; $string['guestnoupload'] = 'Sorry, guests are not allowed to upload'; $string['guestnosubmit'] = 'Sorry, guests are not allowed to submit an assignment. You have to log in/ register before you can submit your answer'; $string['helpoffline'] = '

This is useful when the assignment is performed outside of Moodle. It could be something elsewhere on the web or face-to-face.

Students can see a description of the assignment, but can\'t upload files or anything. Grading works normally, and students will get notifications of their grades.

'; $string['helponline'] = '

This assignment type asks users to edit a text, using the normal editing tools. Teachers can grade them online, and even add inline comments or changes.

(If you are familiar with older versions of Moodle, this Assignment type does the same thing as the old Journal module used to do.)

'; $string['helpupload'] = '

This type of assignment allows each participant to upload one or several files, of any type.

These might be a Word processor documents, images, a zipped web site, or anything you ask them to submit.

This type also allows you to upload multiple response files of any type.

'; $string['helpuploadsingle'] = '

This type of assignment allows each participant to upload a single file, of any type.

This might be a Word processor document, an image, a zipped web site, or anything you ask them to submit.

'; $string['late'] = '$a late'; $string['markingsubmitnotification'] = 'File has been submitted for marking successfully.'; $string['maximumgrade'] = 'Maximum grade'; $string['maximumsize'] = 'Maximum size'; $string['modulename'] = 'Assignment'; $string['modulenameplural'] = 'Assignments'; $string['namedeletefile'] = 'You about to delete this file:'; $string['newsubmissions'] = 'Assignments submitted'; $string['noassignments'] = 'There are no assignments yet'; $string['noattempts'] = 'No attempts have been made on this assignment'; $string['nofilesforsubmit'] = 'No file was found for submitting - are you sure you uploaded any?'; $string['notgradedyet'] = 'Not graded yet'; $string['notsubmittedyet'] = 'Not submitted yet'; $string['onceassignmentsent'] = 'Once the assignment is sent for marking, you will no longer be able to delete or attach file(s).'; $string['overwritewarning'] = 'Warning: uploading again will REPLACE your current submission'; $string['pagesize'] = 'Submissions shown per page'; $string['preventlate'] = 'Prevent late submissions'; $string['quickgrade'] = 'Allow quick grading'; $string['removelink'] = 'Remove'; $string['responsefile'] = 'Response File:'; $string['responsesfromteacher'] = 'Responses Uploaded by the Teacher'; $string['saveallfeedback'] = 'Save all my feedback'; $string['sendformarking'] = 'Send for marking'; $string['step1'] = 'Step 1: '; $string['step2'] = 'Step 2: '; $string['submissionstatusblank'] = 'Blank'; $string['submissionstatusdraft'] = 'Draft'; $string['submissionstatusmarked'] = 'Marked'; $string['submissionstatusreturned'] = 'Returned'; $string['submissionstatus'] = 'Submission status:'; $string['submissionstatussubmitted'] = 'Submitted'; $string['submission'] = 'Submission'; $string['submissionfeedback'] = 'Submission feedback'; $string['submissions'] = 'Submissions'; $string['submissionsaved'] = 'Your changes have been saved'; $string['submissionsnotgraded'] = '$a submissions not graded'; $string['submitassignment'] = 'Submit your assignment using this form'; $string['submitformarking'] = 'Submit assignment for marking'; $string['submitted'] = 'Submitted'; $string['typeoffline'] = 'Offline activity'; $string['typeonline'] = 'Online text'; $string['typeupload'] = 'Advanced uploading of files'; $string['typeuploadsingle'] = 'Upload a single file'; $string['uploadbadname'] = 'This filename contained strange characters and couldn\'t be uploaded'; $string['uploadedfiles'] = 'uploaded files'; $string['uploaderror'] = 'An error happened while saving the file on the server'; $string['uploadfailnoupdate'] = 'File was uploaded OK but could not update your submission!'; $string['uploadfiletoobig'] = 'Sorry, but that file is too big (limit is $a bytes)'; $string['uploadnofilefound'] = 'No file was found - are you sure you selected one to upload?'; $string['uploadnotregistered'] = '\'$a\' was uploaded OK but submission did not register!'; $string['uploadsuccess'] = 'Uploaded \'$a\' successfully'; $string['uploadsuccessresponse'] = 'Response file uploaded successfully.'; $string['viewfeedback'] = 'View assignment grades and feedback'; $string['viewsubmissions'] = 'View $a submitted assignments'; $string['yoursubmission'] = 'Your submission'; ?>