Manual is at
if (!defined('_ADODB_LAYER')) {
* Set ADODB_DIR to the directory where this file resides...
* This constant was formerly called $ADODB_RootPath
if (!defined('ADODB_DIR')) define('ADODB_DIR',dirname(__FILE__));
$ADODB_vers, // database version
$ADODB_COUNTRECS, // count number of records returned - slows down query
$ADODB_CACHE_DIR, // directory to cache recordsets
$ADODB_EXTENSION, // ADODB extension installed
$ADODB_COMPAT_PATCH, // If $ADODB_COUNTRECS and this is true, $rs->fields is available on EOF
$ADODB_FETCH_MODE; // DEFAULT, NUM, ASSOC or BOTH. Default follows native driver default...
Bad $rs in %s. Connection or SQL invalid. Try using $connection->debug=true;
// allow [ ] @ ` and . in table names
// prefetching used by oracle
if (!defined('ADODB_PREFETCH_ROWS')) define('ADODB_PREFETCH_ROWS',10);
Controls ADODB_FETCH_ASSOC field-name case. Default is 2, use native case-names.
This currently works only with mssql, odbc, oci8po and ibase derived drivers.
0 = assoc lowercase field names. $rs->fields['orderid']
1 = assoc uppercase field names. $rs->fields['ORDERID']
2 = use native-case field names. $rs->fields['OrderID']
if (!defined('TIMESTAMP_FIRST_YEAR')) define('TIMESTAMP_FIRST_YEAR',100);
if (strnatcmp(PHP_VERSION,'4.3.0')>=0) {
} else if (strnatcmp(PHP_VERSION,'4.2.0')>=0) {
} else if (strnatcmp(PHP_VERSION,'4.0.5')>=0) {
} else {
//if (!defined('ADODB_ASSOC_CASE')) define('ADODB_ASSOC_CASE',2);
Accepts $src and $dest arrays, replacing string $data
function ADODB_str_replace($src, $dest, $data)
if (ADODB_PHPVER >= 0x4050) return str_replace($src,$dest,$data);
$s = reset($src);
$d = reset($dest);
while ($s !== false) {
$data = str_replace($s,$d,$data);
$s = next($src);
$d = next($dest);
return $data;
function ADODB_Setup()
$ADODB_vers, // database version
$ADODB_COUNTRECS, // count number of records returned - slows down query
$ADODB_CACHE_DIR, // directory to cache recordsets
if (!isset($ADODB_CACHE_DIR)) {
$ADODB_CACHE_DIR = '/tmp';
} else {
// do not accept url based paths, eg. http:/ or ftp:/
if (strpos($ADODB_CACHE_DIR,'://') !== false)
die("Illegal path http:// or ftp://");
// Initialize random number generator for randomizing cache flushes
* ADODB version as a string.
$ADODB_vers = 'V4.11 27 Jan 2004 (c) 2000-2004 John Lim ( All rights reserved. Released BSD & LGPL.';
* Determines whether recordset->RecordCount() is used.
* Set to false for highest performance -- RecordCount() will always return -1 then
* for databases that provide "virtual" recordcounts...
// CLASS ADOFieldObject
* Helper class for FetchFields -- holds info on a column
class ADOFieldObject {
var $name = '';
var $max_length=0;
var $type="";
// additional fields by dannym... (
var $not_null = false;
// actually, this has already been built-in in the postgres, fbsql AND mysql module? ^-^
// so we can as well make not_null standard (leaving it at "false" does not harm anyways)
var $has_default = false; // this one I have done only in mysql and postgres for now ...
// others to come (dannym)
var $default_value; // default, if any, and supported. Check has_default first.
function ADODB_TransMonitor($dbms, $fn, $errno, $errmsg, $p1, $p2, &$thisConnection)
//print "Errorno ($fn errno=$errno m=$errmsg) ";
$thisConnection->_transOK = false;
if ($thisConnection->_oldRaiseFn) {
$fn = $thisConnection->_oldRaiseFn;
$fn($dbms, $fn, $errno, $errmsg, $p1, $p2,$thisConnection);
// CLASS ADOConnection
* Connection object. For connecting to databases, and executing queries.
class ADOConnection {
var $dataProvider = 'native';
var $databaseType = ''; /// RDBMS currently in use, eg. odbc, mysql, mssql
var $database = ''; /// Name of database to be used.
var $host = ''; /// The hostname of the database server
var $user = ''; /// The username which is used to connect to the database server.
var $password = ''; /// Password for the username. For security, we no longer store it.
var $debug = false; /// if set to true will output sql statements
var $maxblobsize = 256000; /// maximum size of blobs or large text fields -- some databases die otherwise like foxpro
var $concat_operator = '+'; /// default concat operator -- change to || for Oracle/Interbase
var $substr = 'substr'; /// substring operator
var $length = 'length'; /// string length operator
var $random = 'rand()'; /// random function
var $upperCase = false; /// uppercase function
var $fmtDate = "'Y-m-d'"; /// used by DBDate() as the default date format used by the database
var $fmtTimeStamp = "'Y-m-d, h:i:s A'"; /// used by DBTimeStamp as the default timestamp fmt.
var $true = '1'; /// string that represents TRUE for a database
var $false = '0'; /// string that represents FALSE for a database
var $replaceQuote = "\\'"; /// string to use to replace quotes
var $nameQuote = '"'; /// string to use to quote identifiers and names
var $charSet=false; /// character set to use - only for interbase
var $metaDatabasesSQL = '';
var $metaTablesSQL = '';
var $uniqueOrderBy = false; /// All order by columns have to be unique
var $emptyDate = ' ';
var $emptyTimeStamp = ' ';
var $lastInsID = false;
var $hasInsertID = false; /// supports autoincrement ID?
var $hasAffectedRows = false; /// supports affected rows for update/delete?
var $hasTop = false; /// support mssql/access SELECT TOP 10 * FROM TABLE
var $hasLimit = false; /// support pgsql/mysql SELECT * FROM TABLE LIMIT 10
var $readOnly = false; /// this is a readonly database - used by phpLens
var $hasMoveFirst = false; /// has ability to run MoveFirst(), scrolling backwards
var $hasGenID = false; /// can generate sequences using GenID();
var $hasTransactions = true; /// has transactions
var $genID = 0; /// sequence id used by GenID();
var $raiseErrorFn = false; /// error function to call
var $isoDates = false; /// accepts dates in ISO format
var $cacheSecs = 3600; /// cache for 1 hour
var $sysDate = false; /// name of function that returns the current date
var $sysTimeStamp = false; /// name of function that returns the current timestamp
var $arrayClass = 'ADORecordSet_array'; /// name of class used to generate array recordsets, which are pre-downloaded recordsets
var $noNullStrings = false; /// oracle specific stuff - if true ensures that '' is converted to ' '
var $numCacheHits = 0;
var $numCacheMisses = 0;
var $pageExecuteCountRows = true;
var $uniqueSort = false; /// indicates that all fields in order by must be unique
var $leftOuter = false; /// operator to use for left outer join in WHERE clause
var $rightOuter = false; /// operator to use for right outer join in WHERE clause
var $ansiOuter = false; /// whether ansi outer join syntax supported
var $autoRollback = false; // autoRollback on PConnect().
var $poorAffectedRows = false; // affectedRows not working or unreliable
var $fnExecute = false;
var $fnCacheExecute = false;
var $blobEncodeType = false; // false=not required, 'I'=encode to integer, 'C'=encode to char
var $rsPrefix = "ADORecordSet_";
var $autoCommit = true; /// do not modify this yourself - actually private
var $transOff = 0; /// temporarily disable transactions
var $transCnt = 0; /// count of nested transactions
var $fetchMode=false;
var $_oldRaiseFn = false;
var $_transOK = null;
var $_connectionID = false; /// The returned link identifier whenever a successful database connection is made.
var $_errorMsg = false; /// A variable which was used to keep the returned last error message. The value will
/// then returned by the errorMsg() function
var $_errorCode = false; /// Last error code, not guaranteed to be used - only by oci8
var $_queryID = false; /// This variable keeps the last created result link identifier
var $_isPersistentConnection = false; /// A boolean variable to state whether its a persistent connection or normal connection. */
var $_bindInputArray = false; /// set to true if ADOConnection.Execute() permits binding of array parameters.
var $_evalAll = false;
var $_affected = false;
var $_logsql = false;
* Constructor
function ADOConnection()
die('Virtual Class -- cannot instantiate');
Get server version info...
@returns An array with 2 elements: $arr['string'] is the description string,
and $arr[version] is the version (also a string).
function ServerInfo()
return array('description' => '', 'version' => '');
function _findvers($str)
if (preg_match('/([0-9]+\.([0-9\.])+)/',$str, $arr)) return $arr[1];
else return '';
* All error messages go through this bottleneck function.
* You can define your own handler by defining the function name in ADODB_OUTP.
function outp($msg,$newline=true)
if (defined('ADODB_OUTP')) {
if ($newline) $msg .= "
if (isset($HTTP_SERVER_VARS['HTTP_USER_AGENT'])) echo $msg;
else echo strip_tags($msg);
if (!empty($ADODB_FLUSH) && ob_get_length() !== false) flush(); // dp not flush if output buffering enabled - useless - thx to Jesse Mullan
* Connect to database
* @param [argHostname] Host to connect to
* @param [argUsername] Userid to login
* @param [argPassword] Associated password
* @param [argDatabaseName] database
* @param [forceNew] force new connection
* @return true or false
function Connect($argHostname = "", $argUsername = "", $argPassword = "", $argDatabaseName = "", $forceNew = false)
if ($argHostname != "") $this->host = $argHostname;
if ($argUsername != "") $this->user = $argUsername;
if ($argPassword != "") $this->password = $argPassword; // not stored for security reasons
if ($argDatabaseName != "") $this->database = $argDatabaseName;
$this->_isPersistentConnection = false;
if ($fn = $this->raiseErrorFn) {
if ($forceNew) {
if ($this->_nconnect($this->host, $this->user, $this->password, $this->database)) return true;
} else {
if ($this->_connect($this->host, $this->user, $this->password, $this->database)) return true;
$err = $this->ErrorMsg();
if (empty($err)) $err = "Connection error to server '$argHostname' with user '$argUsername'";
} else {
if ($forceNew) {
if ($this->_nconnect($this->host, $this->user, $this->password, $this->database)) return true;
} else {
if ($this->_connect($this->host, $this->user, $this->password, $this->database)) return true;
if ($this->debug) ADOConnection::outp( $this->host.': '.$this->ErrorMsg());
return false;
function _nconnect($argHostname, $argUsername, $argPassword, $argDatabaseName)
return $this->_connect($argHostname, $argUsername, $argPassword, $argDatabaseName);
* Always force a new connection to database - currently only works with oracle
* @param [argHostname] Host to connect to
* @param [argUsername] Userid to login
* @param [argPassword] Associated password
* @param [argDatabaseName] database
* @return true or false
function NConnect($argHostname = "", $argUsername = "", $argPassword = "", $argDatabaseName = "")
return $this->Connect($argHostname, $argUsername, $argPassword, $argDatabaseName, true);
* Establish persistent connect to database
* @param [argHostname] Host to connect to
* @param [argUsername] Userid to login
* @param [argPassword] Associated password
* @param [argDatabaseName] database
* @return return true or false
function PConnect($argHostname = "", $argUsername = "", $argPassword = "", $argDatabaseName = "")
if (defined('ADODB_NEVER_PERSIST'))
return $this->Connect($argHostname,$argUsername,$argPassword,$argDatabaseName);
if ($argHostname != "") $this->host = $argHostname;
if ($argUsername != "") $this->user = $argUsername;
if ($argPassword != "") $this->password = $argPassword;
if ($argDatabaseName != "") $this->database = $argDatabaseName;
$this->_isPersistentConnection = true;
if ($fn = $this->raiseErrorFn) {
if ($this->_pconnect($this->host, $this->user, $this->password, $this->database)) return true;
$err = $this->ErrorMsg();
if (empty($err)) $err = "Connection error to server '$argHostname' with user '$argUsername'";
} else
if ($this->_pconnect($this->host, $this->user, $this->password, $this->database)) return true;
if ($this->debug) ADOConnection::outp( $this->host.': '.$this->ErrorMsg());
return false;
// Format date column in sql string given an input format that understands Y M D
function SQLDate($fmt, $col=false)
if (!$col) $col = $this->sysDate;
return $col; // child class implement
* Should prepare the sql statement and return the stmt resource.
* For databases that do not support this, we return the $sql. To ensure
* compatibility with databases that do not support prepare:
* $stmt = $db->Prepare("insert into table (id, name) values (?,?)");
* $db->Execute($stmt,array(1,'Jill')) or die('insert failed');
* $db->Execute($stmt,array(2,'Joe')) or die('insert failed');
* @param sql SQL to send to database
* @return return FALSE, or the prepared statement, or the original sql if
* if the database does not support prepare.
function Prepare($sql)
return $sql;
* Some databases, eg. mssql require a different function for preparing
* stored procedures. So we cannot use Prepare().
* Should prepare the stored procedure and return the stmt resource.
* For databases that do not support this, we return the $sql. To ensure
* compatibility with databases that do not support prepare:
* @param sql SQL to send to database
* @return return FALSE, or the prepared statement, or the original sql if
* if the database does not support prepare.
function PrepareSP($sql,$param=false)
return $this->Prepare($sql,$param);
* PEAR DB Compat
function Quote($s)
return $this->qstr($s,false);
Requested by "Karsten Dambekalns"
function QMagic($s)
return $this->qstr($s,get_magic_quotes_gpc());
function q(&$s)
$s = $this->qstr($s,false);
* PEAR DB Compat - do not use internally.
function ErrorNative()
return $this->ErrorNo();
* PEAR DB Compat - do not use internally.
function nextId($seq_name)
return $this->GenID($seq_name);
* Lock a row, will escalate and lock the table if row locking not supported
* will normally free the lock at the end of the transaction
* @param $table name of table to lock
* @param $where where clause to use, eg: "WHERE row=12". If left empty, will escalate to table lock
function RowLock($table,$where)
return false;
function CommitLock($table)
return $this->CommitTrans();
function RollbackLock($table)
return $this->RollbackTrans();
* PEAR DB Compat - do not use internally.
* The fetch modes for NUMERIC and ASSOC for PEAR DB and ADODB are identical
* for easy porting :-)
* @param mode The fetchmode ADODB_FETCH_ASSOC or ADODB_FETCH_NUM
* @returns The previous fetch mode
function SetFetchMode($mode)
$old = $this->fetchMode;
$this->fetchMode = $mode;
if ($old === false) {
return $old;
* PEAR DB Compat - do not use internally.
function &Query($sql, $inputarr=false)
$rs = &$this->Execute($sql, $inputarr);
if (!$rs && defined('ADODB_PEAR')) return ADODB_PEAR_Error();
return $rs;
* PEAR DB Compat - do not use internally
function &LimitQuery($sql, $offset, $count, $params=false)
$rs = &$this->SelectLimit($sql, $count, $offset, $params);
if (!$rs && defined('ADODB_PEAR')) return ADODB_PEAR_Error();
return $rs;
* PEAR DB Compat - do not use internally
function Disconnect()
return $this->Close();
returns placeholder for parameter, eg.
will return ':a' for Oracle, and '?' for most other databases...
function Param($name)
return '?';
InParameter and OutParameter are self-documenting versions of Parameter().
function InParameter(&$stmt,&$var,$name,$maxLen=4000,$type=false)
return $this->Parameter($stmt,$var,$name,false,$maxLen,$type);
function OutParameter(&$stmt,&$var,$name,$maxLen=4000,$type=false)
return $this->Parameter($stmt,$var,$name,true,$maxLen,$type);
Usage in oracle
$stmt = $db->Prepare('select * from table where id =:myid and group=:group');
@param $stmt Statement returned by Prepare() or PrepareSP().
@param $var PHP variable to bind to
@param $name Name of stored procedure variable name to bind to.
@param [$isOutput] Indicates direction of parameter 0/false=IN 1=OUT 2= IN/OUT. This is ignored in oci8.
@param [$maxLen] Holds an maximum length of the variable.
@param [$type] The data type of $var. Legal values depend on driver.
function Parameter(&$stmt,&$var,$name,$isOutput=false,$maxLen=4000,$type=false)
return false;
Improved method of initiating a transaction. Used together with CompleteTrans().
Advantages include:
a. StartTrans/CompleteTrans is nestable, unlike BeginTrans/CommitTrans/RollbackTrans.
Only the outermost block is treated as a transaction.
b. CompleteTrans auto-detects SQL errors, and will rollback on errors, commit otherwise.
c. All BeginTrans/CommitTrans/RollbackTrans inside a StartTrans/CompleteTrans block
are disabled, making it backward compatible.
function StartTrans($errfn = 'ADODB_TransMonitor')
if ($this->transOff > 0) {
$this->transOff += 1;
$this->_oldRaiseFn = $this->raiseErrorFn;
$this->raiseErrorFn = $errfn;
$this->_transOK = true;
if ($this->debug && $this->transCnt > 0) ADOConnection::outp("Bad Transaction: StartTrans called within BeginTrans");
$this->transOff = 1;
Used together with StartTrans() to end a transaction. Monitors connection
for sql errors, and will commit or rollback as appropriate.
@autoComplete if true, monitor sql errors and commit and rollback as appropriate,
and if set to false force rollback even if no SQL error detected.
@returns true on commit, false on rollback.
function CompleteTrans($autoComplete = true)
if ($this->transOff > 1) {
$this->transOff -= 1;
return true;
$this->raiseErrorFn = $this->_oldRaiseFn;
$this->transOff = 0;
if ($this->_transOK && $autoComplete) {
if (!$this->CommitTrans()) {
$this->_transOK = false;
if ($this->debug) ADOConnection::outp("Smart Commit failed");
} else
if ($this->debug) ADOConnection::outp("Smart Commit occurred");
} else {
if ($this->debug) ADOCOnnection::outp("Smart Rollback occurred");
return $this->_transOK;
At the end of a StartTrans/CompleteTrans block, perform a rollback.
function FailTrans()
if ($this->debug)
if ($this->transOff == 0) {
ADOConnection::outp("FailTrans outside StartTrans/CompleteTrans");
} else {
ADOConnection::outp("FailTrans was called");
$this->_transOK = false;
Check if transaction has failed, only for Smart Transactions.
function HasFailedTrans()
if ($this->transOff > 0) return $this->_transOK == false;
return false;
* Execute SQL
* @param sql SQL statement to execute, or possibly an array holding prepared statement ($sql[0] will hold sql text)
* @param [inputarr] holds the input data to bind to. Null elements will be set to null.
* @return RecordSet or false
function &Execute($sql,$inputarr=false)
if ($this->fnExecute) {
$fn = $this->fnExecute;
$ret =& $fn($this,$sql,$inputarr);
if (isset($ret)) return $ret;
if ($inputarr && is_array($inputarr)) {
$element0 = reset($inputarr);
# is_object check is because oci8 descriptors can be passed in
$array_2d = is_array($element0) && !is_object(reset($element0));
if (!is_array($sql) && !$this->_bindInputArray) {
$sqlarr = explode('?',$sql);
if (!$array_2d) $inputarr = array($inputarr);
foreach($inputarr as $arr) {
$sql = ''; $i = 0;
foreach($arr as $v) {
$sql .= $sqlarr[$i];
// from Ron Baldwin
// Only quote string types
if (gettype($v) == 'string')
$sql .= $this->qstr($v);
else if ($v === null)
$sql .= 'NULL';
$sql .= $v;
$i += 1;
$sql .= $sqlarr[$i];
if ($i+1 != sizeof($sqlarr))
ADOConnection::outp( "Input Array does not match ?: ".htmlspecialchars($sql));
$ret =& $this->_Execute($sql,false);
if (!$ret) return $ret;
} else {
if ($array_2d) {
$stmt = $this->Prepare($sql);
foreach($inputarr as $arr) {
$ret =& $this->_Execute($stmt,$arr);
if (!$ret) return $ret;
} else
$ret =& $this->_Execute($sql,$inputarr);
} else {
$ret =& $this->_Execute($sql,false);
return $ret;
function& _Execute($sql,$inputarr=false)
// debug version of query
if ($this->debug) {
$ss = '';
if ($inputarr) {
foreach($inputarr as $kk=>$vv) {
if (is_string($vv) && strlen($vv)>64) $vv = substr($vv,0,64).'...';
$ss .= "($kk=>'$vv') ";
$ss = "[ $ss ]";
$sqlTxt = str_replace(',',', ',is_array($sql) ?$sql[0] : $sql);
// check if running from browser or command-line
$inBrowser = isset($HTTP_SERVER_VARS['HTTP_USER_AGENT']);
if ($inBrowser)
if ($this->debug === -1)
ADOConnection::outp( "
\n($this->databaseType): ".htmlspecialchars($sqlTxt)." $ss
else ADOConnection::outp( "
\n($this->databaseType): ".htmlspecialchars($sqlTxt)." $ss
ADOConnection::outp( "=----\n($this->databaseType): ".($sqlTxt)." \n-----\n",false);
$this->_queryID = $this->_query($sql,$inputarr);
Alexios Fakios notes that ErrorMsg() must be called before ErrorNo() for mssql
because ErrorNo() calls Execute('SELECT @ERROR'), causing recure
if ($this->databaseType == 'mssql') {
// ErrorNo is a slow function call in mssql, and not reliable
// in PHP 4.0.6
if($emsg = $this->ErrorMsg()) {
$err = $this->ErrorNo();
if ($err) {
ADOConnection::outp($err.': '.$emsg);
} else
if (!$this->_queryID) {
$e = $this->ErrorNo();
$m = $this->ErrorMsg();
ADOConnection::outp($e .': '. $m );
} else {
// non-debug version of query
$this->_queryID =@$this->_query($sql,$inputarr);
OK, query executed
// error handling if query fails
if ($this->_queryID === false) {
if ($this->debug == 99) adodb_backtrace(true,5);
$fn = $this->raiseErrorFn;
if ($fn) {
return false;
} else if ($this->_queryID === true) {
// return simplified empty recordset for inserts/updates/deletes with lower overhead
$rs =& new ADORecordSet_empty();
return $rs;
// return real recordset from select statement
$rsclass = $this->rsPrefix.$this->databaseType;
$rs =& new $rsclass($this->_queryID,$this->fetchMode); // &new not supported by older PHP versions
$rs->connection = &$this; // Pablo suggestion
if (is_array($sql)) $rs->sql = $sql[0];
else $rs->sql = $sql;
if ($rs->_numOfRows <= 0) {
if (!$rs->EOF){
$rs = &$this->_rs2rs($rs,-1,-1,!is_array($sql));
$rs->_queryID = $this->_queryID;
} else
$rs->_numOfRows = 0;
return $rs;
function CreateSequence($seqname='adodbseq',$startID=1)
if (empty($this->_genSeqSQL)) return false;
return $this->Execute(sprintf($this->_genSeqSQL,$seqname,$startID));
function DropSequence($seqname)
if (empty($this->_dropSeqSQL)) return false;
return $this->Execute(sprintf($this->_dropSeqSQL,$seqname));
* Generates a sequence id and stores it in $this->genID;
* GenID is only available if $this->hasGenID = true;
* @param seqname name of sequence to use
* @param startID if sequence does not exist, start at this ID
* @return 0 if not supported, otherwise a sequence id
function GenID($seqname='adodbseq',$startID=1)
if (!$this->hasGenID) {
return 0; // formerly returns false pre 1.60
$getnext = sprintf($this->_genIDSQL,$seqname);
$holdtransOK = $this->_transOK;
$rs = @$this->Execute($getnext);
if (!$rs) {
$this->_transOK = $holdtransOK; //if the status was ok before reset
$createseq = $this->Execute(sprintf($this->_genSeqSQL,$seqname,$startID));
$rs = $this->Execute($getnext);
if ($rs && !$rs->EOF) $this->genID = reset($rs->fields);
else $this->genID = 0; // false
if ($rs) $rs->Close();
return $this->genID;
* @return the last inserted ID. Not all databases support this.
function Insert_ID()
if ($this->_logsql && $this->lastInsID) return $this->lastInsID;
if ($this->hasInsertID) return $this->_insertid();
if ($this->debug) {
ADOConnection::outp( 'Insert_ID error
return false;
* Portable Insert ID. Pablo Roca
* @return the last inserted ID. All databases support this. But aware possible
* problems in multiuser environments. Heavy test this before deploying.
function PO_Insert_ID($table="", $id="")
if ($this->hasInsertID){
return $this->Insert_ID();
} else {
return $this->GetOne("SELECT MAX($id) FROM $table");
* @return # rows affected by UPDATE/DELETE
function Affected_Rows()
if ($this->hasAffectedRows) {
if ($this->fnExecute === 'adodb_log_sql') {
if ($this->_logsql && $this->_affected !== false) return $this->_affected;
$val = $this->_affectedrows();
return ($val < 0) ? false : $val;
if ($this->debug) ADOConnection::outp( 'Affected_Rows error
return false;
* @return the last error message
function ErrorMsg()
return '!! '.strtoupper($this->dataProvider.' '.$this->databaseType).': '.$this->_errorMsg;
* @return the last error number. Normally 0 means no error.
function ErrorNo()
return ($this->_errorMsg) ? -1 : 0;
function MetaError($err=false)
if ($err === false) $err = $this->ErrorNo();
return adodb_error($this->dataProvider,$this->databaseType,$err);
function MetaErrorMsg($errno)
return adodb_errormsg($errno);
* @returns an array with the primary key columns in it.
function MetaPrimaryKeys($table, $owner=false)
// owner not used in base class - see oci8
$p = array();
$objs =& $this->MetaColumns($table);
if ($objs) {
foreach($objs as $v) {
if (!empty($v->primary_key))
$p[] = $v->name;
if (sizeof($p)) return $p;
if (function_exists('ADODB_VIEW_PRIMARYKEYS'))
return ADODB_VIEW_PRIMARYKEYS($this->databaseType, $this->database, $table, $owner);
return false;
* @returns assoc array where keys are tables, and values are foreign keys
function MetaForeignKeys($table, $owner=false, $upper=false)
return false;
* Choose a database to connect to. Many databases do not support this.
* @param dbName is the name of the database to select
* @return true or false
function SelectDB($dbName)
{return false;}
* Will select, getting rows from $offset (1-based), for $nrows.
* This simulates the MySQL "select * from table limit $offset,$nrows" , and
* the PostgreSQL "select * from table limit $nrows offset $offset". Note that
* MySQL and PostgreSQL parameter ordering is the opposite of the other.
* eg.
* SelectLimit('select * from table',3); will return rows 1 to 3 (1-based)
* SelectLimit('select * from table',3,2); will return rows 3 to 5 (1-based)
* Uses SELECT TOP for Microsoft databases (when $this->hasTop is set)
* BUG: Currently SelectLimit fails with $sql with LIMIT or TOP clause already set
* @param sql
* @param [offset] is the row to start calculations from (1-based)
* @param [nrows] is the number of rows to get
* @param [inputarr] array of bind variables
* @param [secs2cache] is a private parameter only used by jlim
* @return the recordset ($rs->databaseType == 'array')
function &SelectLimit($sql,$nrows=-1,$offset=-1, $inputarr=false,$secs2cache=0)
if ($this->hasTop && $nrows > 0) {
// suggested by Reinhard Balling. Access requires top after distinct
// Informix requires first before distinct - F Riosa
$ismssql = (strpos($this->databaseType,'mssql') !== false);
if ($ismssql) $isaccess = false;
else $isaccess = (strpos($this->databaseType,'access') !== false);
if ($offset <= 0) {
// access includes ties in result
if ($isaccess) {
$sql = preg_replace(
'/(^\s*select\s+(distinctrow|distinct)?)/i','\\1 '.$this->hasTop.' '.$nrows.' ',$sql);
if ($secs2cache>0) {
$ret =& $this->CacheExecute($secs2cache, $sql,$inputarr);
} else {
$ret =& $this->Execute($sql,$inputarr);
return $ret; // PHP5 fix
} else if ($ismssql){
$sql = preg_replace(
'/(^\s*select\s+(distinctrow|distinct)?)/i','\\1 '.$this->hasTop.' '.$nrows.' ',$sql);
} else {
$sql = preg_replace(
'/(^\s*select\s)/i','\\1 '.$this->hasTop.' '.$nrows.' ',$sql);
} else {
$nn = $nrows + $offset;
if ($isaccess || $ismssql) {
$sql = preg_replace(
'/(^\s*select\s+(distinctrow|distinct)?)/i','\\1 '.$this->hasTop.' '.$nn.' ',$sql);
} else {
$sql = preg_replace(
'/(^\s*select\s)/i','\\1 '.$this->hasTop.' '.$nn.' ',$sql);
// if $offset>0, we want to skip rows, and $ADODB_COUNTRECS is set, we buffer rows
// 0 to offset-1 which will be discarded anyway. So we disable $ADODB_COUNTRECS.
if ($offset>0){
if ($secs2cache>0) $rs = &$this->CacheExecute($secs2cache,$sql,$inputarr);
else $rs = &$this->Execute($sql,$inputarr);
} else {
if ($secs2cache>0) $rs = &$this->CacheExecute($secs2cache,$sql,$inputarr);
else $rs = &$this->Execute($sql,$inputarr);
if ($rs && !$rs->EOF) {
$rs =& $this->_rs2rs($rs,$nrows,$offset);
return $rs;
* Create serializable recordset. Breaks rs link to connection.
* @param rs the recordset to serialize
function &SerializableRS(&$rs)
$rs2 =& $this->_rs2rs($rs);
$ignore = false;
$rs2->connection =& $ignore;
return $rs2;
* Convert database recordset to an array recordset
* input recordset's cursor should be at beginning, and
* old $rs will be closed.
* @param rs the recordset to copy
* @param [nrows] number of rows to retrieve (optional)
* @param [offset] offset by number of rows (optional)
* @return the new recordset
function &_rs2rs(&$rs,$nrows=-1,$offset=-1,$close=true)
if (! $rs) return false;
$dbtype = $rs->databaseType;
if (!$dbtype) {
$rs = &$rs; // required to prevent crashing in 4.2.1, but does not happen in 4.3.1 -- why ?
return $rs;
if (($dbtype == 'array' || $dbtype == 'csv') && $nrows == -1 && $offset == -1) {
$rs = &$rs; // required to prevent crashing in 4.2.1, but does not happen in 4.3.1-- why ?
return $rs;
$flds = array();
for ($i=0, $max=$rs->FieldCount(); $i < $max; $i++) {
$flds[] = $rs->FetchField($i);
$arr =& $rs->GetArrayLimit($nrows,$offset);
if ($close) $rs->Close();
$arrayClass = $this->arrayClass;
$rs2 =& new $arrayClass();
$rs2->connection = &$this;
$rs2->sql = $rs->sql;
$rs2->dataProvider = $this->dataProvider;
return $rs2;
* Return all rows. Compat with PEAR DB
function &GetAll($sql, $inputarr=false)
$arr =& $this->GetArray($sql,$inputarr);
return $arr;
function &GetAssoc($sql, $inputarr=false,$force_array = false, $first2cols = false)
$rs =& $this->Execute($sql, $inputarr);
if (!$rs) return false;
$arr =& $rs->GetAssoc($force_array,$first2cols);
return $arr;
function &CacheGetAssoc($secs2cache, $sql=false, $inputarr=false,$force_array = false, $first2cols = false)
if (!is_numeric($secs2cache)) {
$first2cols = $force_array;
$force_array = $inputarr;
$rs =& $this->CacheExecute($secs2cache, $sql, $inputarr);
if (!$rs) return false;
$arr =& $rs->GetAssoc($force_array,$first2cols);
return $arr;
* Return first element of first row of sql statement. Recordset is disposed
* for you.
* @param sql SQL statement
* @param [inputarr] input bind array
function GetOne($sql,$inputarr=false)
$ret = false;
$rs = &$this->Execute($sql,$inputarr);
if ($rs) {
if (!$rs->EOF) $ret = reset($rs->fields);
return $ret;
function CacheGetOne($secs2cache,$sql=false,$inputarr=false)
$ret = false;
$rs = &$this->CacheExecute($secs2cache,$sql,$inputarr);
if ($rs) {
if (!$rs->EOF) $ret = reset($rs->fields);
return $ret;
function GetCol($sql, $inputarr = false, $trim = false)
$rv = false;
$rs = &$this->Execute($sql, $inputarr);
if ($rs) {
$rv = array();
if ($trim) {
while (!$rs->EOF) {
$rv[] = trim(reset($rs->fields));
} else {
while (!$rs->EOF) {
$rv[] = reset($rs->fields);
return $rv;
function CacheGetCol($secs, $sql = false, $inputarr = false,$trim=false)
$rv = false;
$rs = &$this->CacheExecute($secs, $sql, $inputarr);
if ($rs) {
if ($trim) {
while (!$rs->EOF) {
$rv[] = trim(reset($rs->fields));
} else {
while (!$rs->EOF) {
$rv[] = reset($rs->fields);
return $rv;
Calculate the offset of a date for a particular database and generate
appropriate SQL. Useful for calculating future/past dates and storing
in a database.
If dayFraction=1.5 means 1.5 days from now, 1.0/24 for 1 hour.
function OffsetDate($dayFraction,$date=false)
if (!$date) $date = $this->sysDate;
return '('.$date.'+'.$dayFraction.')';
* @param sql SQL statement
* @param [inputarr] input bind array
function &GetArray($sql,$inputarr=false)
$rs =& $this->Execute($sql,$inputarr);
if (!$rs)
if (defined('ADODB_PEAR')) return ADODB_PEAR_Error();
else return false;
$arr =& $rs->GetArray();
return $arr;
function &CacheGetAll($secs2cache,$sql=false,$inputarr=false)
$rs =& $this->CacheExecute($secs2cache,$sql,$inputarr);
if (!$rs)
if (defined('ADODB_PEAR')) return ADODB_PEAR_Error();
else return false;
$arr =& $rs->GetArray();
return $arr;
* Return one row of sql statement. Recordset is disposed for you.
* @param sql SQL statement
* @param [inputarr] input bind array
function &GetRow($sql,$inputarr=false)
$rs =& $this->Execute($sql,$inputarr);
if ($rs) {
if (!$rs->EOF) $arr = $rs->fields;
else $arr = array();
return $arr;
return false;
function &CacheGetRow($secs2cache,$sql=false,$inputarr=false)
$rs =& $this->CacheExecute($secs2cache,$sql,$inputarr);
if ($rs) {
$arr = false;
if (!$rs->EOF) $arr = $rs->fields;
return $arr;
return false;
* Insert or replace a single record. Note: this is not the same as MySQL's replace.
* ADOdb's Replace() uses update-insert semantics, not insert-delete-duplicates of MySQL.
* Also note that no table locking is done currently, so it is possible that the
* record be inserted twice by two programs...
* $this->Replace('products', array('prodname' =>"'Nails'","price" => 3.99), 'prodname');
* $table table name
* $fieldArray associative array of data (you must quote strings yourself).
* $keyCol the primary key field name or if compound key, array of field names
* autoQuote set to true to use a hueristic to quote strings. Works with nulls and numbers
* but does not work with dates nor SQL functions.
* has_autoinc the primary key is an auto-inc field, so skip in insert.
* Currently blob replace not supported
* returns 0 = fail, 1 = update, 2 = insert
function Replace($table, $fieldArray, $keyCol, $autoQuote=false, $has_autoinc=false)
if (empty($ADODB_INCLUDED_LIB)) include_once(ADODB_DIR.'/');
return _adodb_replace($this, $table, $fieldArray, $keyCol, $autoQuote, $has_autoinc);
* Will select, getting rows from $offset (1-based), for $nrows.
* This simulates the MySQL "select * from table limit $offset,$nrows" , and
* the PostgreSQL "select * from table limit $nrows offset $offset". Note that
* MySQL and PostgreSQL parameter ordering is the opposite of the other.
* eg.
* CacheSelectLimit(15,'select * from table',3); will return rows 1 to 3 (1-based)
* CacheSelectLimit(15,'select * from table',3,2); will return rows 3 to 5 (1-based)
* BUG: Currently CacheSelectLimit fails with $sql with LIMIT or TOP clause already set
* @param [secs2cache] seconds to cache data, set to 0 to force query. This is optional
* @param sql
* @param [offset] is the row to start calculations from (1-based)
* @param [nrows] is the number of rows to get
* @param [inputarr] array of bind variables
* @return the recordset ($rs->databaseType == 'array')
function &CacheSelectLimit($secs2cache,$sql,$nrows=-1,$offset=-1,$inputarr=false)
if (!is_numeric($secs2cache)) {
if ($sql === false) $sql = -1;
if ($offset == -1) $offset = false;
// sql, nrows, offset,inputarr
$rs =& $this->SelectLimit($secs2cache,$sql,$nrows,$offset,$this->cacheSecs);
} else {
if ($sql === false) ADOConnection::outp( "Warning: \$sql missing from CacheSelectLimit()");
$rs =& $this->SelectLimit($sql,$nrows,$offset,$inputarr,$secs2cache);
return $rs;
* Flush cached recordsets that match a particular $sql statement.
* If $sql == false, then we purge all files in the cache.
function CacheFlush($sql=false,$inputarr=false)
if (strlen($ADODB_CACHE_DIR) > 1 && !$sql) {
if (strncmp(PHP_OS,'WIN',3) === 0) {
$cmd = 'del /s '.str_replace('/','\\',$ADODB_CACHE_DIR).'\adodb_*.cache';
} else {
$cmd = 'rm -rf '.$ADODB_CACHE_DIR.'/??/adodb_*.cache';
// old version 'rm -f `find '.$ADODB_CACHE_DIR.' -name adodb_*.cache`';
if ($this->debug) {
ADOConnection::outp( "CacheFlush: $cmd
\n", system($cmd),"
} else {
$f = $this->_gencachename($sql.serialize($inputarr),false);
adodb_write_file($f,''); // is adodb_write_file needed?
if (!@unlink($f)) {
if ($this->debug) ADOConnection::outp( "CacheFlush: failed for $f");
* Private function to generate filename for caching.
* Filename is generated based on:
* - sql statement
* - database type (oci8, ibase, ifx, etc)
* - database name
* - userid
* We create 256 sub-directories in the cache directory ($ADODB_CACHE_DIR).
* Assuming that we can have 50,000 files per directory with good performance,
* then we can scale to 12.8 million unique cached recordsets. Wow!
function _gencachename($sql,$createdir)
$m = md5($sql.$this->databaseType.$this->database.$this->user);
$dir = $ADODB_CACHE_DIR.'/'.substr($m,0,2);
if ($createdir && !file_exists($dir)) {
$oldu = umask(0);
if (!mkdir($dir,0771))
if ($this->debug) ADOConnection::outp( "Unable to mkdir $dir for $sql");
return $dir.'/adodb_'.$m.'.cache';
* Execute SQL, caching recordsets.
* @param [secs2cache] seconds to cache data, set to 0 to force query.
* This is an optional parameter.
* @param sql SQL statement to execute
* @param [inputarr] holds the input data to bind to
* @return RecordSet or false
function &CacheExecute($secs2cache,$sql=false,$inputarr=false)
if (!is_numeric($secs2cache)) {
$inputarr = $sql;
$sql = $secs2cache;
$secs2cache = $this->cacheSecs;
if (empty($ADODB_INCLUDED_CSV)) include_once(ADODB_DIR.'/');
if (is_array($sql)) $sql = $sql[0];
$md5file = $this->_gencachename($sql.serialize($inputarr),true);
$err = '';
if ($secs2cache > 0){
$rs = &csv2rs($md5file,$err,$secs2cache);
$this->numCacheHits += 1;
} else {
$err='Timeout 1';
$rs = false;
$this->numCacheMisses += 1;
if (!$rs) {
// no cached rs found
if ($this->debug) {
if (get_magic_quotes_runtime()) {
ADOConnection::outp("Please disable magic_quotes_runtime - it corrupts cache files :(");
if ($this->debug !== -1) ADOConnection::outp( " $md5file cache failure: $err (see sql below)");
$rs = &$this->Execute($sql,$inputarr);
if ($rs) {
$eof = $rs->EOF;
$rs = &$this->_rs2rs($rs); // read entire recordset into memory immediately
$txt = _rs2serialize($rs,false,$sql); // serialize
if (!adodb_write_file($md5file,$txt,$this->debug)) {
if ($fn = $this->raiseErrorFn) {
$fn($this->databaseType,'CacheExecute',-32000,"Cache write error",$md5file,$sql,$this);
if ($this->debug) ADOConnection::outp( " Cache write error");
if ($rs->EOF && !$eof) {
//$rs = &csv2rs($md5file,$err);
$rs->connection = &$this; // Pablo suggestion
} else
} else {
$this->_errorMsg = '';
$this->_errorCode = 0;
if ($this->fnCacheExecute) {
$fn = $this->fnCacheExecute;
$fn($this, $secs2cache, $sql, $inputarr);
// ok, set cached object found
$rs->connection = &$this; // Pablo suggestion
if ($this->debug){
$inBrowser = isset($HTTP_SERVER_VARS['HTTP_USER_AGENT']);
$ttl = $rs->timeCreated + $secs2cache - time();
$s = is_array($sql) ? $sql[0] : $sql;
if ($inBrowser) $s = ''.htmlspecialchars($s).'';
ADOConnection::outp( " $md5file reloaded, ttl=$ttl [ $s ]");
return $rs;
* Generates an Update Query based on an existing recordset.
* $arrFields is an associative array of fields with the value
* that should be assigned.
* Note: This function should only be used on a recordset
* that is run against a single table and sql should only
* be a simple select stmt with no groupby/orderby/limit
* "Jonathan Younger"
function GetUpdateSQL(&$rs, $arrFields,$forceUpdate=false,$magicq=false)
if (empty($ADODB_INCLUDED_LIB)) include_once(ADODB_DIR.'/');
return _adodb_getupdatesql($this,$rs,$arrFields,$forceUpdate,$magicq);
* Generates an Insert Query based on an existing recordset.
* $arrFields is an associative array of fields with the value
* that should be assigned.
* Note: This function should only be used on a recordset
* that is run against a single table.
function GetInsertSQL(&$rs, $arrFields,$magicq=false)
if (empty($ADODB_INCLUDED_LIB)) include_once(ADODB_DIR.'/');
return _adodb_getinsertsql($this,$rs,$arrFields,$magicq);
* Update a blob column, given a where clause. There are more sophisticated
* blob handling functions that we could have implemented, but all require
* a very complex API. Instead we have chosen something that is extremely
* simple to understand and use.
* Note: $blobtype supports 'BLOB' and 'CLOB', default is BLOB of course.
* Usage to update a $blobvalue which has a primary key blob_id=1 into a
* field blobtable.blobcolumn:
* UpdateBlob('blobtable', 'blobcolumn', $blobvalue, 'blob_id=1');
* Insert example:
* $conn->Execute('INSERT INTO blobtable (id, blobcol) VALUES (1, null)');
* $conn->UpdateBlob('blobtable','blobcol',$blob,'id=1');
function UpdateBlob($table,$column,$val,$where,$blobtype='BLOB')
return $this->Execute("UPDATE $table SET $column=? WHERE $where",array($val)) != false;
* Usage:
* UpdateBlob('TABLE', 'COLUMN', '/path/to/file', 'ID=1');
* $blobtype supports 'BLOB' and 'CLOB'
* $conn->Execute('INSERT INTO blobtable (id, blobcol) VALUES (1, null)');
* $conn->UpdateBlob('blobtable','blobcol',$blobpath,'id=1');
function UpdateBlobFile($table,$column,$path,$where,$blobtype='BLOB')
$fd = fopen($path,'rb');
if ($fd === false) return false;
$val = fread($fd,filesize($path));
return $this->UpdateBlob($table,$column,$val,$where,$blobtype);
function BlobDecode($blob)
return $blob;
function BlobEncode($blob)
return $blob;
function SetCharSet($charset)
return false;
function IfNull( $field, $ifNull )
return " CASE WHEN $field is null THEN $ifNull ELSE $field END ";
function LogSQL($enable=true)
if ($enable) $this->fnExecute = 'adodb_log_sql';
else $this->fnExecute = false;
$old = $this->_logsql;
$this->_logsql = $enable;
if ($enable && !$old) $this->_affected = false;
return $old;
function GetCharSet()
return false;
* Usage:
* UpdateClob('TABLE', 'COLUMN', $var, 'ID=1', 'CLOB');
* $conn->Execute('INSERT INTO clobtable (id, clobcol) VALUES (1, null)');
* $conn->UpdateClob('clobtable','clobcol',$clob,'id=1');
function UpdateClob($table,$column,$val,$where)
return $this->UpdateBlob($table,$column,$val,$where,'CLOB');
* Change the SQL connection locale to a specified locale.
* This is used to get the date formats written depending on the client locale.
function SetDateLocale($locale = 'En')
$this->locale = $locale;
switch ($locale)
case 'En':
$this->fmtTimeStamp = "Y-m-d H:i:s";
case 'Fr':
case 'Ro':
case 'It':
$this->fmtTimeStamp = "d-m-Y H:i:s";
case 'Ge':
$this->fmtTimeStamp = "d.m.Y H:i:s";
* $meta contains the desired type, which could be...
* C for character. You will have to define the precision yourself.
* X for teXt. For unlimited character lengths.
* B for Binary
* F for floating point, with no need to define scale and precision
* N for decimal numbers, you will have to define the (scale, precision) yourself
* D for date
* T for timestamp
* L for logical/Boolean
* I for integer
* R for autoincrement counter/integer
* and if you want to use double-byte, add a 2 to the end, like C2 or X2.
* @return the actual type of the data or false if no such type available
function ActualType($meta)
switch($meta) {
case 'C':
case 'X':
return 'VARCHAR';
case 'B':
case 'D':
case 'T':
case 'L':
case 'R':
case 'I':
case 'N':
return false;
* Close Connection
function Close()
return $this->_close();
// "Simon Lee" reports that persistent connections need
// to be closed too!
//if ($this->_isPersistentConnection != true) return $this->_close();
//else return true;
* Begin a Transaction. Must be followed by CommitTrans() or RollbackTrans().
* @return true if succeeded or false if database does not support transactions
function BeginTrans() {return false;}
* If database does not support transactions, always return true as data always commited
* @param $ok set to false to rollback transaction, true to commit
* @return true/false.
function CommitTrans($ok=true)
{ return true;}
* If database does not support transactions, rollbacks always fail, so return false
* @return true/false.
function RollbackTrans()
{ return false;}
* return the databases that the driver can connect to.
* Some databases will return an empty array.
* @return an array of database names.
function MetaDatabases()
if ($this->metaDatabasesSQL) {
if ($this->fetchMode !== false) $savem = $this->SetFetchMode(false);
$arr = $this->GetCol($this->metaDatabasesSQL);
if (isset($savem)) $this->SetFetchMode($savem);
return $arr;
return false;
* @param ttype can either be 'VIEW' or 'TABLE' or false.
* If false, both views and tables are returned.
* "VIEW" returns only views
* "TABLE" returns only tables
* @param showSchema returns the schema/user with the table name, eg. USER.TABLE
* @param mask is the input mask - only supported by oci8 and postgresql
* @return array of tables for current database.
function &MetaTables($ttype=false,$showSchema=false,$mask=false)
if ($mask) return false;
if ($this->metaTablesSQL) {
// complicated state saving by the need for backward compat
if ($this->fetchMode !== false) $savem = $this->SetFetchMode(false);
$rs = $this->Execute($this->metaTablesSQL);
if (isset($savem)) $this->SetFetchMode($savem);
if ($rs === false) return false;
$arr =& $rs->GetArray();
$arr2 = array();
if ($hast = ($ttype && isset($arr[0][1]))) {
$showt = strncmp($ttype,'T',1);
for ($i=0; $i < sizeof($arr); $i++) {
if ($hast) {
if ($showt == 0) {
if (strncmp($arr[$i][1],'T',1) == 0) $arr2[] = trim($arr[$i][0]);
} else {
if (strncmp($arr[$i][1],'V',1) == 0) $arr2[] = trim($arr[$i][0]);
} else
$arr2[] = trim($arr[$i][0]);
return $arr2;
return false;
function _findschema(&$table,&$schema)
if (!$schema && ($at = strpos($table,'.')) !== false) {
$schema = substr($table,0,$at);
$table = substr($table,$at+1);
* List columns in a database as an array of ADOFieldObjects.
* See top of file for definition of object.
* @param table table name to query
* @param upper uppercase table name (required by some databases)
* @schema is optional database schema to use - not supported by all databases.
* @return array of ADOFieldObjects for current table.
function &MetaColumns($table,$upper=true)
if (!empty($this->metaColumnsSQL)) {
$schema = false;
if ($this->fetchMode !== false) $savem = $this->SetFetchMode(false);
$rs = $this->Execute(sprintf($this->metaColumnsSQL,($upper)?strtoupper($table):$table));
if (isset($savem)) $this->SetFetchMode($savem);
if ($rs === false) return false;
$retarr = array();
while (!$rs->EOF) { //print_r($rs->fields);
$fld =& new ADOFieldObject();
$fld->name = $rs->fields[0];
$fld->type = $rs->fields[1];
if (isset($rs->fields[3]) && $rs->fields[3]) {
if ($rs->fields[3]>0) $fld->max_length = $rs->fields[3];
$fld->scale = $rs->fields[4];
if ($fld->scale>0) $fld->max_length += 1;
} else
$fld->max_length = $rs->fields[2];
if ($ADODB_FETCH_MODE == ADODB_FETCH_NUM) $retarr[] = $fld;
else $retarr[strtoupper($fld->name)] = $fld;
return $retarr;
return false;
* List indexes on a table as an array.
* @param table table name to query
* @param primary include primary keys.
* @return array of indexes on current table.
function &MetaIndexes($table, $primary = false, $owner = false)
return FALSE;
* List columns names in a table as an array.
* @param table table name to query
* @return array of column names for current table.
function &MetaColumnNames($table)
$objarr =& $this->MetaColumns($table);
if (!is_array($objarr)) return false;
$arr = array();
foreach($objarr as $v) {
$arr[] = $v->name;
return $arr;
* Different SQL databases used different methods to combine strings together.
* This function provides a wrapper.
* param s variable number of string parameters
* Usage: $db->Concat($str1,$str2);
* @return concatenated string
function Concat()
$arr = func_get_args();
return implode($this->concat_operator, $arr);
* Converts a date "d" to a string that the database can understand.
* @param d a date in Unix date time format.
* @return date string in database date format
function DBDate($d)
if (empty($d) && $d !== 0) return 'null';
if (is_string($d) && !is_numeric($d)) {
if ($d === 'null' || strncmp($d,"'",1) === 0) return $d;
if ($this->isoDates) return "'$d'";
$d = ADOConnection::UnixDate($d);
return adodb_date($this->fmtDate,$d);
* Converts a timestamp "ts" to a string that the database can understand.
* @param ts a timestamp in Unix date time format.
* @return timestamp string in database timestamp format
function DBTimeStamp($ts)
if (empty($ts) && $ts !== 0) return 'null';
# strlen(14) allows YYYYMMDDHHMMSS format
if (!is_string($ts) || (is_numeric($ts) && strlen($ts)<14))
return adodb_date($this->fmtTimeStamp,$ts);
if ($ts === 'null') return $ts;
if ($this->isoDates && strlen($ts) !== 14) return "'$ts'";
$ts = ADOConnection::UnixTimeStamp($ts);
return adodb_date($this->fmtTimeStamp,$ts);
* Also in ADORecordSet.
* @param $v is a date string in YYYY-MM-DD format
* @return date in unix timestamp format, or 0 if before TIMESTAMP_FIRST_YEAR, or false if invalid date format
function UnixDate($v)
if (!preg_match( "|^([0-9]{4})[-/\.]?([0-9]{1,2})[-/\.]?([0-9]{1,2})|",
($v), $rr)) return false;
if ($rr[1] <= TIMESTAMP_FIRST_YEAR) return 0;
// h-m-s-MM-DD-YY
return @adodb_mktime(0,0,0,$rr[2],$rr[3],$rr[1]);
* Also in ADORecordSet.
* @param $v is a timestamp string in YYYY-MM-DD HH-NN-SS format
* @return date in unix timestamp format, or 0 if before TIMESTAMP_FIRST_YEAR, or false if invalid date format
function UnixTimeStamp($v)
if (!preg_match(
"|^([0-9]{4})[-/\.]?([0-9]{1,2})[-/\.]?([0-9]{1,2})[ ,-]*(([0-9]{1,2}):?([0-9]{1,2}):?([0-9\.]{1,4}))?|",
($v), $rr)) return false;
if ($rr[1] <= TIMESTAMP_FIRST_YEAR && $rr[2]<= 1) return 0;
// h-m-s-MM-DD-YY
if (!isset($rr[5])) return adodb_mktime(0,0,0,$rr[2],$rr[3],$rr[1]);
return @adodb_mktime($rr[5],$rr[6],$rr[7],$rr[2],$rr[3],$rr[1]);
* Also in ADORecordSet.
* Format database date based on user defined format.
* @param v is the character date in YYYY-MM-DD format, returned by database
* @param fmt is the format to apply to it, using date()
* @return a date formated as user desires
function UserDate($v,$fmt='Y-m-d')
$tt = $this->UnixDate($v);
// $tt == -1 if pre TIMESTAMP_FIRST_YEAR
if (($tt === false || $tt == -1) && $v != false) return $v;
else if ($tt == 0) return $this->emptyDate;
else if ($tt == -1) { // pre-TIMESTAMP_FIRST_YEAR
return adodb_date($fmt,$tt);
* @param v is the character timestamp in YYYY-MM-DD hh:mm:ss format
* @param fmt is the format to apply to it, using date()
* @return a timestamp formated as user desires
function UserTimeStamp($v,$fmt='Y-m-d H:i:s')
# strlen(14) allows YYYYMMDDHHMMSS format
if (is_numeric($v) && strlen($v)<14) return adodb_date($fmt,$v);
$tt = $this->UnixTimeStamp($v);
// $tt == -1 if pre TIMESTAMP_FIRST_YEAR
if (($tt === false || $tt == -1) && $v != false) return $v;
if ($tt == 0) return $this->emptyTimeStamp;
return adodb_date($fmt,$tt);
* Correctly quotes a string so that all strings are escaped. We prefix and append
* to the string single-quotes.
* An example is $db->qstr("Don't bother",magic_quotes_runtime());
* @param s the string to quote
* @param [magic_quotes] if $s is GET/POST var, set to get_magic_quotes_gpc().
* This undoes the stupidity of magic quotes for GPC.
* @return quoted string to be sent back to database
function qstr($s,$magic_quotes=false)
if (!$magic_quotes) {
if ($this->replaceQuote[0] == '\\'){
// only since php 4.0.5
$s = adodb_str_replace(array('\\',"\0"),array('\\\\',"\\\0"),$s);
//$s = str_replace("\0","\\\0", str_replace('\\','\\\\',$s));
return "'".str_replace("'",$this->replaceQuote,$s)."'";
// undo magic quotes for "
$s = str_replace('\\"','"',$s);
if ($this->replaceQuote == "\\'") // ' already quoted, no need to change anything
return "'$s'";
else {// change \' to '' for sybase/mssql
$s = str_replace('\\\\','\\',$s);
return "'".str_replace("\\'",$this->replaceQuote,$s)."'";
* Will select the supplied $page number from a recordset, given that it is paginated in pages of
* $nrows rows per page. It also saves two boolean values saying if the given page is the first
* and/or last one of the recordset. Added by Iván Oliva to provide recordset pagination.
* See readme.htm#ex8 for an example of usage.
* @param sql
* @param nrows is the number of rows per page to get
* @param page is the page number to get (1-based)
* @param [inputarr] array of bind variables
* @param [secs2cache] is a private parameter only used by jlim
* @return the recordset ($rs->databaseType == 'array')
* NOTE: phpLens uses a different algorithm and does not use PageExecute().
function &PageExecute($sql, $nrows, $page, $inputarr=false, $secs2cache=0)
if (empty($ADODB_INCLUDED_LIB)) include_once(ADODB_DIR.'/');
if ($this->pageExecuteCountRows) return _adodb_pageexecute_all_rows($this, $sql, $nrows, $page, $inputarr, $secs2cache);
return _adodb_pageexecute_no_last_page($this, $sql, $nrows, $page, $inputarr, $secs2cache);
* Will select the supplied $page number from a recordset, given that it is paginated in pages of
* $nrows rows per page. It also saves two boolean values saying if the given page is the first
* and/or last one of the recordset. Added by Iván Oliva to provide recordset pagination.
* @param secs2cache seconds to cache data, set to 0 to force query
* @param sql
* @param nrows is the number of rows per page to get
* @param page is the page number to get (1-based)
* @param [inputarr] array of bind variables
* @return the recordset ($rs->databaseType == 'array')
function &CachePageExecute($secs2cache, $sql, $nrows, $page,$inputarr=false)
/*switch($this->dataProvider) {
case 'postgres':
case 'mysql':
default: $secs2cache = 0; break;
$rs =& $this->PageExecute($sql,$nrows,$page,$inputarr,$secs2cache);
return $rs;
} // end class ADOConnection
// CLASS ADOFetchObj
* Internal placeholder for record objects. Used by ADORecordSet->FetchObj().
class ADOFetchObj {
// CLASS ADORecordSet_empty
* Lightweight recordset when there are no records to be returned
class ADORecordSet_empty
var $dataProvider = 'empty';
var $databaseType = false;
var $EOF = true;
var $_numOfRows = 0;
var $fields = false;
var $connection = false;
function RowCount() {return 0;}
function RecordCount() {return 0;}
function PO_RecordCount(){return 0;}
function Close(){return true;}
function FetchRow() {return false;}
function FieldCount(){ return 0;}
// CLASS ADORecordSet
if (PHP_VERSION < 5) include_once(ADODB_DIR.'/');
else include_once(ADODB_DIR.'/');
* RecordSet class that represents the dataset returned by the database.
* To keep memory overhead low, this class holds only the current row in memory.
* No prefetching of data is done, so the RecordCount() can return -1 ( which
* means recordcount not known).
class ADORecordSet extends ADODB_BASE_RS {
* public variables
var $dataProvider = "native";
var $fields = false; /// holds the current row data
var $blobSize = 100; /// any varchar/char field this size or greater is treated as a blob
/// in other words, we use a text area for editing.
var $canSeek = false; /// indicates that seek is supported
var $sql; /// sql text
var $EOF = false; /// Indicates that the current record position is after the last record in a Recordset object.
var $emptyTimeStamp = ' '; /// what to display when $time==0
var $emptyDate = ' '; /// what to display when $time==0
var $debug = false;
var $timeCreated=0; /// datetime in Unix format rs created -- for cached recordsets
var $bind = false; /// used by Fields() to hold array - should be private?
var $fetchMode; /// default fetch mode
var $connection = false; /// the parent connection
* private variables
var $_numOfRows = -1; /** number of rows, or -1 */
var $_numOfFields = -1; /** number of fields in recordset */
var $_queryID = -1; /** This variable keeps the result link identifier. */
var $_currentRow = -1; /** This variable keeps the current row in the Recordset. */
var $_closed = false; /** has recordset been closed */
var $_inited = false; /** Init() should only be called once */
var $_obj; /** Used by FetchObj */
var $_names; /** Used by FetchObj */
var $_currentPage = -1; /** Added by Iván Oliva to implement recordset pagination */
var $_atFirstPage = false; /** Added by Iván Oliva to implement recordset pagination */
var $_atLastPage = false; /** Added by Iván Oliva to implement recordset pagination */
var $_lastPageNo = -1;
var $_maxRecordCount = 0;
var $dateHasTime = false;
* Constructor
* @param queryID this is the queryID returned by ADOConnection->_query()
function ADORecordSet($queryID)
$this->_queryID = $queryID;
function Init()
if ($this->_inited) return;
$this->_inited = true;
if ($this->_queryID) @$this->_initrs();
else {
$this->_numOfRows = 0;
$this->_numOfFields = 0;
if ($this->_numOfRows != 0 && $this->_numOfFields && $this->_currentRow == -1) {
$this->_currentRow = 0;
if ($this->EOF = ($this->_fetch() === false)) {
$this->_numOfRows = 0; // _numOfRows could be -1
} else {
$this->EOF = true;
* Generate a SELECT tag string from a recordset, and return the string.
* If the recordset has 2 cols, we treat the 1st col as the containing
* the text to display to the user, and 2nd col as the return value. Default
* strings are compared with the FIRST column.
* @param name name of SELECT tag
* @param [defstr] the value to hilite. Use an array for multiple hilites for listbox.
* @param [blank1stItem] true to leave the 1st item in list empty
* @param [multiple] true for listbox, false for popup
* @param [size] #rows to show for listbox. not used by popup
* @param [selectAttr] additional attributes to defined for SELECT tag.
* useful for holding javascript onChange='...' handlers.
& @param [compareFields0] when we have 2 cols in recordset, we compare the defstr with
* column 0 (1st col) if this is true. This is not documented.
* @return HTML
* changes by to support multiple hilited items
function GetMenu($name,$defstr='',$blank1stItem=true,$multiple=false,
$size=0, $selectAttr='',$compareFields0=true)
if (empty($ADODB_INCLUDED_LIB)) include_once(ADODB_DIR.'/');
return _adodb_getmenu($this, $name,$defstr,$blank1stItem,$multiple,
$size, $selectAttr,$compareFields0);
* Generate a SELECT tag string from a recordset, and return the string.
* If the recordset has 2 cols, we treat the 1st col as the containing
* the text to display to the user, and 2nd col as the return value. Default
* strings are compared with the SECOND column.
function GetMenu2($name,$defstr='',$blank1stItem=true,$multiple=false,$size=0, $selectAttr='')
if (empty($ADODB_INCLUDED_LIB)) include_once(ADODB_DIR.'/');
return _adodb_getmenu($this,$name,$defstr,$blank1stItem,$multiple,
$size, $selectAttr,false);
* return recordset as a 2-dimensional array.
* @param [nRows] is the number of rows to return. -1 means every row.
* @return an array indexed by the rows (0-based) from the recordset
function &GetArray($nRows = -1)
global $ADODB_EXTENSION; if ($ADODB_EXTENSION) return adodb_getall($this,$nRows);
$results = array();
$cnt = 0;
while (!$this->EOF && $nRows != $cnt) {
$results[] = $this->fields;
return $results;
function &GetAll($nRows = -1)
$arr =& $this->GetArray($nRows);
return $arr;
* Some databases allow multiple recordsets to be returned. This function
* will return true if there is a next recordset, or false if no more.
function NextRecordSet()
return false;
* return recordset as a 2-dimensional array.
* Helper function for ADOConnection->SelectLimit()
* @param offset is the row to start calculations from (1-based)
* @param [nrows] is the number of rows to return
* @return an array indexed by the rows (0-based) from the recordset
function &GetArrayLimit($nrows,$offset=-1)
if ($offset <= 0) {
$arr =& $this->GetArray($nrows);
return $arr;
$results = array();
$cnt = 0;
while (!$this->EOF && $nrows != $cnt) {
$results[$cnt++] = $this->fields;
return $results;
* Synonym for GetArray() for compatibility with ADO.
* @param [nRows] is the number of rows to return. -1 means every row.
* @return an array indexed by the rows (0-based) from the recordset
function &GetRows($nRows = -1)
$arr =& $this->GetArray($nRows);
return $arr;
* return whole recordset as a 2-dimensional associative array if there are more than 2 columns.
* The first column is treated as the key and is not included in the array.
* If there is only 2 columns, it will return a 1 dimensional array of key-value pairs unless
* $force_array == true.
* @param [force_array] has only meaning if we have 2 data columns. If false, a 1 dimensional
* array is returned, otherwise a 2 dimensional array is returned. If this sounds confusing,
* read the source.
* @param [first2cols] means if there are more than 2 cols, ignore the remaining cols and
* instead of returning array[col0] => array(remaining cols), return array[col0] => col1
* @return an associative array indexed by the first column of the array,
* or false if the data has less than 2 cols.
function &GetAssoc($force_array = false, $first2cols = false) {
$cols = $this->_numOfFields;
if ($cols < 2) {
return false;
$numIndex = isset($this->fields[0]);
$results = array();
if (!$first2cols && ($cols > 2 || $force_array)) {
if ($numIndex) {
while (!$this->EOF) {
$results[trim($this->fields[0])] = array_slice($this->fields, 1);
} else {
while (!$this->EOF) {
$results[trim(reset($this->fields))] = array_slice($this->fields, 1);
} else {
// return scalar values
if ($numIndex) {
while (!$this->EOF) {
// some bug in mssql PHP 4.02 -- doesn't handle references properly so we FORCE creating a new string
$results[trim(($this->fields[0]))] = $this->fields[1];
} else {
while (!$this->EOF) {
// some bug in mssql PHP 4.02 -- doesn't handle references properly so we FORCE creating a new string
$v1 = trim(reset($this->fields));
$v2 = ''.next($this->fields);
$results[$v1] = $v2;
return $results;
* @param v is the character timestamp in YYYY-MM-DD hh:mm:ss format
* @param fmt is the format to apply to it, using date()
* @return a timestamp formated as user desires
function UserTimeStamp($v,$fmt='Y-m-d H:i:s')
if (is_numeric($v) && strlen($v)<14) return adodb_date($fmt,$v);
$tt = $this->UnixTimeStamp($v);
// $tt == -1 if pre TIMESTAMP_FIRST_YEAR
if (($tt === false || $tt == -1) && $v != false) return $v;
if ($tt === 0) return $this->emptyTimeStamp;
return adodb_date($fmt,$tt);
* @param v is the character date in YYYY-MM-DD format, returned by database
* @param fmt is the format to apply to it, using date()
* @return a date formated as user desires
function UserDate($v,$fmt='Y-m-d')
$tt = $this->UnixDate($v);
// $tt == -1 if pre TIMESTAMP_FIRST_YEAR
if (($tt === false || $tt == -1) && $v != false) return $v;
else if ($tt == 0) return $this->emptyDate;
else if ($tt == -1) { // pre-TIMESTAMP_FIRST_YEAR
return adodb_date($fmt,$tt);
* @param $v is a date string in YYYY-MM-DD format
* @return date in unix timestamp format, or 0 if before TIMESTAMP_FIRST_YEAR, or false if invalid date format
function UnixDate($v)
if (!preg_match( "|^([0-9]{4})[-/\.]?([0-9]{1,2})[-/\.]?([0-9]{1,2})|",
($v), $rr)) return false;
if ($rr[1] <= TIMESTAMP_FIRST_YEAR) return 0;
// h-m-s-MM-DD-YY
return @adodb_mktime(0,0,0,$rr[2],$rr[3],$rr[1]);
* @param $v is a timestamp string in YYYY-MM-DD HH-NN-SS format
* @return date in unix timestamp format, or 0 if before TIMESTAMP_FIRST_YEAR, or false if invalid date format
function UnixTimeStamp($v)
if (!preg_match(
"|^([0-9]{4})[-/\.]?([0-9]{1,2})[-/\.]?([0-9]{1,2})[ ,-]*(([0-9]{1,2}):?([0-9]{1,2}):?([0-9\.]{1,4}))?|",
($v), $rr)) return false;
if ($rr[1] <= TIMESTAMP_FIRST_YEAR && $rr[2]<= 1) return 0;
// h-m-s-MM-DD-YY
if (!isset($rr[5])) return adodb_mktime(0,0,0,$rr[2],$rr[3],$rr[1]);
return @adodb_mktime($rr[5],$rr[6],$rr[7],$rr[2],$rr[3],$rr[1]);
* PEAR DB Compat - do not use internally
function Free()
return $this->Close();
* PEAR DB compat, number of rows
function NumRows()
return $this->_numOfRows;
* PEAR DB compat, number of cols
function NumCols()
return $this->_numOfFields;
* Fetch a row, returning false if no more rows.
* This is PEAR DB compat mode.
* @return false or array containing the current record
function FetchRow()
if ($this->EOF) return false;
$arr = $this->fields;
if (!$this->_fetch()) $this->EOF = true;
return $arr;
* Fetch a row, returning PEAR_Error if no more rows.
* This is PEAR DB compat mode.
* @return DB_OK or error object
function FetchInto(&$arr)
if ($this->EOF) return (defined('PEAR_ERROR_RETURN')) ? new PEAR_Error('EOF',-1): false;
$arr = $this->fields;
return 1; // DB_OK
* Move to the first row in the recordset. Many databases do NOT support this.
* @return true or false
function MoveFirst()
if ($this->_currentRow == 0) return true;
return $this->Move(0);
* Move to the last row in the recordset.
* @return true or false
function MoveLast()
if ($this->_numOfRows >= 0) return $this->Move($this->_numOfRows-1);
if ($this->EOF) return false;
while (!$this->EOF) {
$f = $this->fields;
$this->fields = $f;
$this->EOF = false;
return true;
* Move to next record in the recordset.
* @return true if there still rows available, or false if there are no more rows (EOF).
function MoveNext()
if (!$this->EOF) {
if ($this->_fetch()) return true;
$this->EOF = true;
/* -- tested error handling when scrolling cursor -- seems useless.
$conn = $this->connection;
if ($conn && $conn->raiseErrorFn && ($errno = $conn->ErrorNo())) {
$fn = $conn->raiseErrorFn;
$fn($conn->databaseType,'MOVENEXT',$errno,$conn->ErrorMsg().' ('.$this->sql.')',$conn->host,$conn->database);
return false;
* Random access to a specific row in the recordset. Some databases do not support
* access to previous rows in the databases (no scrolling backwards).
* @param rowNumber is the row to move to (0-based)
* @return true if there still rows available, or false if there are no more rows (EOF).
function Move($rowNumber = 0)
$this->EOF = false;
if ($rowNumber == $this->_currentRow) return true;
if ($rowNumber >= $this->_numOfRows)
if ($this->_numOfRows != -1) $rowNumber = $this->_numOfRows-2;
if ($this->canSeek) {
if ($this->_seek($rowNumber)) {
$this->_currentRow = $rowNumber;
if ($this->_fetch()) {
return true;
} else {
$this->EOF = true;
return false;
} else {
if ($rowNumber < $this->_currentRow) return false;
while (!$this->EOF && $this->_currentRow < $rowNumber) {
} else {
while (! $this->EOF && $this->_currentRow < $rowNumber) {
if (!$this->_fetch()) $this->EOF = true;
return !($this->EOF);
$this->fields = false;
$this->EOF = true;
return false;
* Get the value of a field in the current row by column name.
* Will not work if ADODB_FETCH_MODE is set to ADODB_FETCH_NUM.
* @param colname is the field to access
* @return the value of $colname column
function Fields($colname)
return $this->fields[$colname];
function GetAssocKeys($upper=true)
$this->bind = array();
for ($i=0; $i < $this->_numOfFields; $i++) {
$o =& $this->FetchField($i);
if ($upper === 2) $this->bind[$o->name] = $i;
else $this->bind[($upper) ? strtoupper($o->name) : strtolower($o->name)] = $i;
* Use associative array to get fields array for databases that do not support
* associative arrays. Submitted by Paolo S. Asioli
* If you don't want uppercase cols, set $ADODB_FETCH_MODE = ADODB_FETCH_ASSOC
* before you execute your SQL statement, and access $rs->fields['col'] directly.
* $upper 0 = lowercase, 1 = uppercase, 2 = whatever is returned by FetchField
function &GetRowAssoc($upper=1)
$record = array();
// if (!$this->fields) return $record;
if (!$this->bind) {
foreach($this->bind as $k => $v) {
$record[$k] = $this->fields[$v];
return $record;
* Clean up recordset
* @return true or false
function Close()
// free connection object - this seems to globally free the object
// and not merely the reference, so don't do this...
// $this->connection = false;
if (!$this->_closed) {
$this->_closed = true;
return $this->_close();
} else
return true;
* synonyms RecordCount and RowCount
* @return the number of rows or -1 if this is not supported
function RecordCount() {return $this->_numOfRows;}
* If we are using PageExecute(), this will return the maximum possible rows
* that can be returned when paging a recordset.
function MaxRecordCount()
return ($this->_maxRecordCount) ? $this->_maxRecordCount : $this->RecordCount();
* synonyms RecordCount and RowCount
* @return the number of rows or -1 if this is not supported
function RowCount() {return $this->_numOfRows;}
* Portable RecordCount. Pablo Roca
* @return the number of records from a previous SELECT. All databases support this.
* But aware possible problems in multiuser environments. For better speed the table
* must be indexed by the condition. Heavy test this before deploying.
function PO_RecordCount($table="", $condition="") {
$lnumrows = $this->_numOfRows;
// the database doesn't support native recordcount, so we do a workaround
if ($lnumrows == -1 && $this->connection) {
IF ($table) {
if ($condition) $condition = " WHERE " . $condition;
$resultrows = &$this->connection->Execute("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM $table $condition");
if ($resultrows) $lnumrows = reset($resultrows->fields);
return $lnumrows;
* @return the current row in the recordset. If at EOF, will return the last row. 0-based.
function CurrentRow() {return $this->_currentRow;}
* synonym for CurrentRow -- for ADO compat
* @return the current row in the recordset. If at EOF, will return the last row. 0-based.
function AbsolutePosition() {return $this->_currentRow;}
* @return the number of columns in the recordset. Some databases will set this to 0
* if no records are returned, others will return the number of columns in the query.
function FieldCount() {return $this->_numOfFields;}
* Get the ADOFieldObject of a specific column.
* @param fieldoffset is the column position to access(0-based).
* @return the ADOFieldObject for that column, or false.
function &FetchField($fieldoffset)
// must be defined by child class
* Get the ADOFieldObjects of all columns in an array.
function FieldTypesArray()
$arr = array();
for ($i=0, $max=$this->_numOfFields; $i < $max; $i++)
$arr[] = $this->FetchField($i);
return $arr;
* Return the fields array of the current row as an object for convenience.
* The default case is lowercase field names.
* @return the object with the properties set to the fields of the current row
function &FetchObj()
$o =& $this->FetchObject(false);
return $o;
* Return the fields array of the current row as an object for convenience.
* The default case is uppercase.
* @param $isupper to set the object property names to uppercase
* @return the object with the properties set to the fields of the current row
function &FetchObject($isupper=true)
if (empty($this->_obj)) {
$this->_obj =& new ADOFetchObj();
$this->_names = array();
for ($i=0; $i <$this->_numOfFields; $i++) {
$f = $this->FetchField($i);
$this->_names[] = $f->name;
$i = 0;
$o = &$this->_obj;
for ($i=0; $i <$this->_numOfFields; $i++) {
$name = $this->_names[$i];
if ($isupper) $n = strtoupper($name);
else $n = $name;
$o->$n = $this->Fields($name);
return $o;
* Return the fields array of the current row as an object for convenience.
* The default is lower-case field names.
* @return the object with the properties set to the fields of the current row,
* or false if EOF
* Fixed bug reported by
function &FetchNextObj()
return $this->FetchNextObject(false);
* Return the fields array of the current row as an object for convenience.
* The default is upper case field names.
* @param $isupper to set the object property names to uppercase
* @return the object with the properties set to the fields of the current row,
* or false if EOF
* Fixed bug reported by
function &FetchNextObject($isupper=true)
$o = false;
if ($this->_numOfRows != 0 && !$this->EOF) {
$o = $this->FetchObject($isupper);
if ($this->_fetch()) return $o;
$this->EOF = true;
return $o;
* Get the metatype of the column. This is used for formatting. This is because
* many databases use different names for the same type, so we transform the original
* type to our standardised version which uses 1 character codes:
* @param t is the type passed in. Normally is ADOFieldObject->type.
* @param len is the maximum length of that field. This is because we treat character
* fields bigger than a certain size as a 'B' (blob).
* @param fieldobj is the field object returned by the database driver. Can hold
* additional info (eg. primary_key for mysql).
* @return the general type of the data:
* C for character < 200 chars
* X for teXt (>= 200 chars)
* B for Binary
* N for numeric floating point
* D for date
* T for timestamp
* L for logical/Boolean
* I for integer
* R for autoincrement counter/integer
function MetaType($t,$len=-1,$fieldobj=false)
if (is_object($t)) {
$fieldobj = $t;
$t = $fieldobj->type;
$len = $fieldobj->max_length;
// changed in 2.32 to hashing instead of switch stmt for speed...
static $typeMap = array(
'VARCHAR' => 'C',
'VARCHAR2' => 'C',
'CHAR' => 'C',
'C' => 'C',
'STRING' => 'C',
'NCHAR' => 'C',
'NVARCHAR' => 'C',
'VARYING' => 'C',
'BPCHAR' => 'C',
'INTERVAL' => 'C', # Postgres
'LONGCHAR' => 'X',
'TEXT' => 'X',
'NTEXT' => 'X',
'M' => 'X',
'X' => 'X',
'CLOB' => 'X',
'NCLOB' => 'X',
'LVARCHAR' => 'X',
'BLOB' => 'B',
'IMAGE' => 'B',
'BINARY' => 'B',
'B' => 'B',
'YEAR' => 'D', // mysql
'DATE' => 'D',
'D' => 'D',
'TIME' => 'T',
'DATETIME' => 'T',
'T' => 'T',
'BOOL' => 'L',
'BOOLEAN' => 'L',
'BIT' => 'L',
'L' => 'L',
'COUNTER' => 'R',
'R' => 'R',
'SERIAL' => 'R', // ifx
'INT' => 'I',
'INTEGER' => 'I',
'SHORT' => 'I',
'TINYINT' => 'I',
'SMALLINT' => 'I',
'I' => 'I',
'LONG' => 'N', // interbase is numeric, oci8 is blob
'BIGINT' => 'N', // this is bigger than PHP 32-bit integers
'DECIMAL' => 'N',
'DEC' => 'N',
'REAL' => 'N',
'DOUBLE' => 'N',
'FLOAT' => 'N',
'NUMBER' => 'N',
'NUM' => 'N',
'NUMERIC' => 'N',
'MONEY' => 'N',
## informix 9.2
'SQLINT' => 'I',
'SQLSMINT' => 'I',
'SQLFLOAT' => 'N',
'SQLMONEY' => 'N',
'SQLDATE' => 'D',
'SQLVCHAR' => 'C',
'SQLCHAR' => 'C',
'SQLDTIME' => 'T',
'SQLBYTES' => 'B',
'SQLTEXT' => 'X'
$tmap = false;
$t = strtoupper($t);
$tmap = @$typeMap[$t];
switch ($tmap) {
case 'C':
// is the char field is too long, return as text field...
if ($this->blobSize >= 0) {
if ($len > $this->blobSize) return 'X';
} else if ($len > 250) {
return 'X';
return 'C';
case 'I':
if (!empty($fieldobj->primary_key)) return 'R';
return 'I';
case false:
return 'N';
case 'B':
if (isset($fieldobj->binary))
return ($fieldobj->binary) ? 'B' : 'X';
return 'B';
case 'D':
if (!empty($this->dateHasTime)) return 'T';
return 'D';
if ($t == 'LONG' && $this->dataProvider == 'oci8') return 'B';
return $tmap;
function _close() {}
* set/returns the current recordset page when paginating
function AbsolutePage($page=-1)
if ($page != -1) $this->_currentPage = $page;
return $this->_currentPage;
* set/returns the status of the atFirstPage flag when paginating
function AtFirstPage($status=false)
if ($status != false) $this->_atFirstPage = $status;
return $this->_atFirstPage;
function LastPageNo($page = false)
if ($page != false) $this->_lastPageNo = $page;
return $this->_lastPageNo;
* set/returns the status of the atLastPage flag when paginating
function AtLastPage($status=false)
if ($status != false) $this->_atLastPage = $status;
return $this->_atLastPage;
} // end class ADORecordSet
// CLASS ADORecordSet_array
* This class encapsulates the concept of a recordset created in memory
* as an array. This is useful for the creation of cached recordsets.
* Note that the constructor is different from the standard ADORecordSet
class ADORecordSet_array extends ADORecordSet
var $databaseType = 'array';
var $_array; // holds the 2-dimensional data array
var $_types; // the array of types of each column (C B I L M)
var $_colnames; // names of each column in array
var $_skiprow1; // skip 1st row because it holds column names
var $_fieldarr; // holds array of field objects
var $canSeek = true;
var $affectedrows = false;
var $insertid = false;
var $sql = '';
var $compat = false;
* Constructor
function ADORecordSet_array($fakeid=1)
// fetch() on EOF does not delete $this->fields
$this->compat = !empty($ADODB_COMPAT_FETCH);
$this->ADORecordSet($fakeid); // fake queryID
$this->fetchMode = $ADODB_FETCH_MODE;
* Setup the array.
* @param array is a 2-dimensional array holding the data.
* The first row should hold the column names
* unless paramter $colnames is used.
* @param typearr holds an array of types. These are the same types
* used in MetaTypes (C,B,L,I,N).
* @param [colnames] array of column names. If set, then the first row of
* $array should not hold the column names.
function InitArray($array,$typearr,$colnames=false)
$this->_array = $array;
$this->_types = $typearr;
if ($colnames) {
$this->_skiprow1 = false;
$this->_colnames = $colnames;
} else {
$this->_skiprow1 = true;
$this->_colnames = $array[0];
* Setup the Array and datatype file objects
* @param array is a 2-dimensional array holding the data.
* The first row should hold the column names
* unless paramter $colnames is used.
* @param fieldarr holds an array of ADOFieldObject's.
function InitArrayFields($array,$fieldarr)
$this->_array = $array;
$this->_skiprow1= false;
if ($fieldarr) {
$this->_fieldobjects = $fieldarr;
function &GetArray($nRows=-1)
if ($nRows == -1 && $this->_currentRow <= 0 && !$this->_skiprow1) {
return $this->_array;
} else {
$arr =& ADORecordSet::GetArray($nRows);
return $arr;
function _initrs()
$this->_numOfRows = sizeof($this->_array);
if ($this->_skiprow1) $this->_numOfRows -= 1;
$this->_numOfFields =(isset($this->_fieldobjects)) ?
/* Use associative array to get fields array */
function Fields($colname)
if ($this->fetchMode & ADODB_FETCH_ASSOC) return $this->fields[$colname];
if (!$this->bind) {
$this->bind = array();
for ($i=0; $i < $this->_numOfFields; $i++) {
$o = $this->FetchField($i);
$this->bind[strtoupper($o->name)] = $i;
return $this->fields[$this->bind[strtoupper($colname)]];
function &FetchField($fieldOffset = -1)
if (isset($this->_fieldobjects)) {
return $this->_fieldobjects[$fieldOffset];
$o = new ADOFieldObject();
$o->name = $this->_colnames[$fieldOffset];
$o->type = $this->_types[$fieldOffset];
$o->max_length = -1; // length not known
return $o;
function _seek($row)
if (sizeof($this->_array) && 0 <= $row && $row < $this->_numOfRows) {
$this->_currentRow = $row;
if ($this->_skiprow1) $row += 1;
$this->fields = $this->_array[$row];
return true;
return false;
function MoveNext()
if (!$this->EOF) {
$pos = $this->_currentRow;
if ($this->_numOfRows <= $pos) {
if (!$this->compat) $this->fields = false;
} else {
if ($this->_skiprow1) $pos += 1;
$this->fields = $this->_array[$pos];
return true;
$this->EOF = true;
return false;
function _fetch()
$pos = $this->_currentRow;
if ($this->_numOfRows <= $pos) {
if (!$this->compat) $this->fields = false;
return false;
if ($this->_skiprow1) $pos += 1;
$this->fields = $this->_array[$pos];
return true;
function _close()
return true;
} // ADORecordSet_array
* Synonym for ADOLoadCode. Private function. Do not use.
* @deprecated
function ADOLoadDB($dbType)
return ADOLoadCode($dbType);
* Load the code for a specific database driver. Private function. Do not use.
function ADOLoadCode($dbType)
if (!$dbType) return false;
$db = strtolower($dbType);
switch ($db) {
case 'maxsql': $db = 'mysqlt'; break;
case 'postgres':
case 'pgsql': $db = 'postgres7'; break;
$ok = @include_once(ADODB_DIR."/drivers/adodb-".$db.".inc.php");
if ($ok) return $db;
$file = ADODB_DIR."/drivers/adodb-".$db.".inc.php";
if (file_exists($file)) ADOConnection::outp("Missing file: $file");
else ADOConnection::outp("Syntax error in file: $file");
return false;
* synonym for ADONewConnection for people like me who cannot remember the correct name
function &NewADOConnection($db='')
$tmp =& ADONewConnection($db);
return $tmp;
* Instantiate a new Connection class for a specific database driver.
* @param [db] is the database Connection object to create. If undefined,
* use the last database driver that was loaded by ADOLoadCode().
* @return the freshly created instance of the Connection class.
function &ADONewConnection($db='')
if (!defined('ADODB_ASSOC_CASE')) define('ADODB_ASSOC_CASE',2);
$errorfn = (defined('ADODB_ERROR_HANDLER')) ? ADODB_ERROR_HANDLER : false;
if ($obj) {
if ($errorfn) $obj->raiseErrorFn = $errorfn;
return $obj;
if (!isset($ADODB_LASTDB)) $ADODB_LASTDB = '';
if (empty($db)) $db = $ADODB_LASTDB;
if ($db != $ADODB_LASTDB) $db = ADOLoadCode($db);
if (!$db) {
if ($errorfn) {
// raise an error
$ignore = false;
$errorfn('ADONewConnection', 'ADONewConnection', -998,
"could not load the database driver for '$db",
} else
ADOConnection::outp( "ADONewConnection: Unable to load database driver '$db'
return false;
$cls = 'ADODB_'.$db;
if (!class_exists($cls)) {
return false;
$obj =& new $cls();
if ($errorfn) $obj->raiseErrorFn = $errorfn;
return $obj;
// $perf == true means called by NewPerfMonitor()
function _adodb_getdriver($provider,$drivername,$perf=false)
if ($provider !== 'native' && $provider != 'odbc' && $provider != 'ado')
$drivername = $provider;
else {
if (substr($drivername,0,5) == 'odbc_') $drivername = substr($drivername,5);
else if (substr($drivername,0,4) == 'ado_') $drivername = substr($drivername,4);
switch($drivername) {
case 'oracle': $drivername = 'oci8';break;
//case 'sybase': $drivername = 'mssql';break;
case 'access':
if ($perf) $drivername = '';
case 'db2':
if ($perf) break;
$drivername = 'generic';
return $drivername;
function &NewPerfMonitor(&$conn)
$drivername = _adodb_getdriver($conn->dataProvider,$conn->databaseType,true);
if (!$drivername || $drivername == 'generic') return false;
$class = "Perf_$drivername";
if (!class_exists($class)) return false;
$perf =& new $class($conn);
return $perf;
function &NewDataDictionary(&$conn)
$drivername = _adodb_getdriver($conn->dataProvider,$conn->databaseType);
$path = ADODB_DIR."/datadict/datadict-$";
if (!file_exists($path)) {
ADOConnection::outp("Database driver '$path' not available");
return false;
$class = "ADODB2_$drivername";
$dict =& new $class();
$dict->dataProvider = $conn->dataProvider;
$dict->connection = &$conn;
$dict->upperName = strtoupper($drivername);
$dict->quote = $conn->nameQuote;
if (is_resource($conn->_connectionID))
$dict->serverInfo = $conn->ServerInfo();
return $dict;
* Save a file $filename and its $contents (normally for caching) with file locking
function adodb_write_file($filename, $contents,$debug=false)
# Bug that flock fails on Windows
# So to simulate locking, we assume that rename is an atomic operation.
# First we delete $filename, then we create a $tempfile write to it and
# rename to the desired $filename. If the rename works, then we successfully
# modified the file exclusively.
# What a stupid need - having to simulate locking.
# Risks:
# 1. $tempfile name is not unique -- very very low
# 2. unlink($filename) fails -- ok, rename will fail
# 3. adodb reads stale file because unlink fails -- ok, $rs timeout occurs
# 4. another process creates $filename between unlink() and rename() -- ok, rename() fails and cache updated
if (strncmp(PHP_OS,'WIN',3) === 0) {
// skip the decimal place
$mtime = substr(str_replace(' ','_',microtime()),2);
// getmypid() actually returns 0 on Win98 - never mind!
$tmpname = $filename.uniqid($mtime).getmypid();
if (!($fd = fopen($tmpname,'a'))) return false;
$ok = ftruncate($fd,0);
if (!fwrite($fd,$contents)) $ok = false;
// the tricky moment
if (!@rename($tmpname,$filename)) {
$ok = false;
if (!$ok) {
if ($debug) ADOConnection::outp( " Rename $tmpname ".($ok? 'ok' : 'failed'));
return $ok;
if (!($fd = fopen($filename, 'a'))) return false;
if (flock($fd, LOCK_EX) && ftruncate($fd, 0)) {
$ok = fwrite( $fd, $contents );
}else {
if ($debug)ADOConnection::outp( " Failed acquiring lock for $filename
$ok = false;
return $ok;
Perform a print_r, with pre tags for better formatting.
function adodb_pr($var)
if (isset($_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT'])) {
echo " \n";print_r($var);echo "
} else
Perform a stack-crawl and pretty print it.
@param printOrArr Pass in a boolean to indicate print, or an $exception->trace array (assumes that print is true then).
@param levels Number of levels to display
function adodb_backtrace($printOrArr=true,$levels=9999)
$s = '';
if (PHPVERSION() < 4.3) return;
$html = (isset($_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT']));
$fmt = ($html) ? " %% line %4d, file: %s" : "%% line %4d, file: %s";
$s = ($html) ? '' : '';
if (is_array($printOrArr)) $traceArr = $printOrArr;
else $traceArr = debug_backtrace();
$tabs = sizeof($traceArr)-1;
foreach ($traceArr as $arr) {
$levels -= 1;
if ($levels < 0) break;
$args = array();
for ($i=0; $i < $tabs; $i++) $s .= ($html) ? ' ' : "\t";
$tabs -= 1;
if ($html) $s .= '';
if (isset($arr['class'])) $s .= $arr['class'].'.';
if (isset($arr['args']))
foreach($arr['args'] as $v) {
if (is_null($v)) $args[] = 'null';
else if (is_array($v)) $args[] = 'Array['.sizeof($v).']';
else if (is_object($v)) $args[] = 'Object:'.get_class($v);
else if (is_bool($v)) $args[] = $v ? 'true' : 'false';
else {
$v = (string) @$v;
$str = htmlspecialchars(substr($v,0,$MAXSTRLEN));
if (strlen($v) > $MAXSTRLEN) $str .= '...';
$args[] = $str;
$s .= $arr['function'].'('.implode(', ',$args).')';
$s .= @sprintf($fmt, $arr['line'],$arr['file'],basename($arr['file']));
$s .= "\n";
if ($html) $s .= '
if ($printOrArr) print $s;
return $s;
} // defined