. /** * This defines the core classes of the Moodle question engine. * * @package moodlecore * @subpackage questionengine * @copyright 2009 The Open University * @license http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html GNU GPL v3 or later */ require_once(dirname(__FILE__) . '/states.php'); require_once(dirname(__FILE__) . '/datalib.php'); require_once(dirname(__FILE__) . '/renderer.php'); require_once(dirname(__FILE__) . '/bank.php'); require_once(dirname(__FILE__) . '/../type/questiontype.php'); require_once(dirname(__FILE__) . '/../type/questionbase.php'); require_once(dirname(__FILE__) . '/../type/rendererbase.php'); require_once(dirname(__FILE__) . '/../behaviour/behaviourbase.php'); require_once(dirname(__FILE__) . '/../behaviour/rendererbase.php'); require_once($CFG->libdir . '/questionlib.php'); /** * This static class provides access to the other question engine classes. * * It provides functions for managing question behaviours), and for * creating, loading, saving and deleting {@link question_usage_by_activity}s, * which is the main class that is used by other code that wants to use questions. * * @copyright 2009 The Open University * @license http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html GNU GPL v3 or later */ abstract class question_engine { /** @var array behaviour name => 1. Records which behaviours have been loaded. */ private static $loadedbehaviours = array(); /** * Create a new {@link question_usage_by_activity}. The usage is * created in memory. If you want it to persist, you will need to call * {@link save_questions_usage_by_activity()}. * * @param string $component the plugin creating this attempt. For example mod_quiz. * @param object $context the context this usage belongs to. * @return question_usage_by_activity the newly created object. */ public static function make_questions_usage_by_activity($component, $context) { return new question_usage_by_activity($component, $context); } /** * Load a {@link question_usage_by_activity} from the database, based on its id. * @param integer $qubaid the id of the usage to load. * @return question_usage_by_activity loaded from the database. */ public static function load_questions_usage_by_activity($qubaid) { $dm = new question_engine_data_mapper(); return $dm->load_questions_usage_by_activity($qubaid); } /** * Save a {@link question_usage_by_activity} to the database. This works either * if the usage was newly created by {@link make_questions_usage_by_activity()} * or loaded from the database using {@link load_questions_usage_by_activity()} * @param question_usage_by_activity the usage to save. */ public static function save_questions_usage_by_activity(question_usage_by_activity $quba) { $dm = new question_engine_data_mapper(); $observer = $quba->get_observer(); if ($observer instanceof question_engine_unit_of_work) { $observer->save($dm); } else { $dm->insert_questions_usage_by_activity($quba); } } /** * Delete a {@link question_usage_by_activity} from the database, based on its id. * @param integer $qubaid the id of the usage to delete. */ public static function delete_questions_usage_by_activity($qubaid) { global $CFG; self::delete_questions_usage_by_activities('{question_usages}.id = :qubaid', array('qubaid' => $qubaid)); } /** * Delete a {@link question_usage_by_activity} from the database, based on its id. * @param integer $qubaid the id of the usage to delete. */ public static function delete_questions_usage_by_activities($where, $params) { $dm = new question_engine_data_mapper(); $dm->delete_questions_usage_by_activities($where, $params); } /** * Change the maxmark for the question_attempt with number in usage $slot * for all the specified question_attempts. * @param qubaid_condition $qubaids Selects which usages are updated. * @param integer $slot the number is usage to affect. * @param number $newmaxmark the new max mark to set. */ public static function set_max_mark_in_attempts(qubaid_condition $qubaids, $slot, $newmaxmark) { $dm = new question_engine_data_mapper(); $dm->set_max_mark_in_attempts($qubaids, $slot, $newmaxmark); } /** * @param array $questionids of question ids. * @return boolean whether any of these questions are being used by the question engine. */ public static function questions_in_use(array $questionids) { $dm = new question_engine_data_mapper(); return $dm->questions_in_use($questionids); } /** * Create an archetypal behaviour for a particular question attempt. * Used by {@link question_definition::make_behaviour()}. * * @param string $preferredbehaviour the type of model required. * @param question_attempt $qa the question attempt the model will process. * @return question_behaviour an instance of appropriate behaviour class. */ public static function make_archetypal_behaviour($preferredbehaviour, question_attempt $qa) { question_engine::load_behaviour_class($preferredbehaviour); $class = 'qbehaviour_' . $preferredbehaviour; if (!constant($class . '::IS_ARCHETYPAL')) { throw new Exception('The requested behaviour is not actually an archetypal one.'); } return new $class($qa, $preferredbehaviour); } /** * @param string $behaviour the name of a behaviour. * @return array of {@link question_display_options} field names, that are * not relevant to this behaviour before a 'finish' action. */ public static function get_behaviour_unused_display_options($behaviour) { self::load_behaviour_class($behaviour); $class = 'qbehaviour_' . $behaviour; if (!method_exists($class, 'get_unused_display_options')) { return question_behaviour::get_unused_display_options(); } return call_user_func(array($class, 'get_unused_display_options')); } /** * Create an behaviour for a particular type. If that type cannot be * found, return an instance of qbehaviour_missing. * * Normally you should use {@link make_archetypal_behaviour()}, or * call the constructor of a particular model class directly. This method * is only intended for use by {@link question_attempt::load_from_records()}. * * @param string $behaviour the type of model to create. * @param question_attempt $qa the question attempt the model will process. * @param string $preferredbehaviour the preferred behaviour for the containing usage. * @return question_behaviour an instance of appropriate behaviour class. */ public static function make_behaviour($behaviour, question_attempt $qa, $preferredbehaviour) { try { self::load_behaviour_class($behaviour); } catch (Exception $e) { question_engine::load_behaviour_class('missing'); return new qbehaviour_missing($qa, $preferredbehaviour); } $class = 'qbehaviour_' . $behaviour; return new $class($qa, $preferredbehaviour); } /** * Load the behaviour class(es) belonging to a particular model. That is, * include_once('/question/behaviour/' . $behaviour . '/behaviour.php'), with a bit * of checking. * @param string $qtypename the question type name. For example 'multichoice' or 'shortanswer'. */ public static function load_behaviour_class($behaviour) { global $CFG; if (isset(self::$loadedbehaviours[$behaviour])) { return; } $file = $CFG->dirroot . '/question/behaviour/' . $behaviour . '/behaviour.php'; if (!is_readable($file)) { throw new Exception('Unknown question behaviour ' . $behaviour); } include_once($file); self::$loadedbehaviours[$behaviour] = 1; } /** * Return an array where the keys are the internal names of the archetypal * behaviours, and the values are a human-readable name. An * archetypal behaviour is one that is suitable to pass the name of to * {@link question_usage_by_activity::set_preferred_behaviour()}. * * @return array model name => lang string for this behaviour name. */ public static function get_archetypal_behaviours() { $archetypes = array(); $behaviours = get_list_of_plugins('question/behaviour'); foreach ($behaviours as $path) { $behaviour = basename($path); self::load_behaviour_class($behaviour); $plugin = 'qbehaviour_' . $behaviour; if (constant($plugin . '::IS_ARCHETYPAL')) { $archetypes[$behaviour] = self::get_behaviour_name($behaviour); } } asort($archetypes, SORT_LOCALE_STRING); return $archetypes; } /** * Return an array where the keys are the internal names of the behaviours * in preferred order and the values are a human-readable name. * * @param array $archetypes, array of behaviours * @param string $questionbehavioursorder, a comma separated list of behaviour names * @param string $questionbehavioursdisabled, a comma separated list of behaviour names * @param string $currentbahaviour, current behaviour name * @return array model name => lang string for this behaviour name. */ public static function sort_behaviours($archetypes, $questionbehavioursorder, $questionbehavioursdisabled, $currentbahaviour) { $behaviourorder = array(); $behaviourdisabled = array(); // Get disabled behaviours if ($questionbehavioursdisabled) { $behaviourdisabledtemp = preg_split('/[\s,;]+/', $questionbehavioursdisabled); } else { $behaviourdisabledtemp = array(); } if ($questionbehavioursorder) { $behaviourordertemp = preg_split('/[\s,;]+/', $questionbehavioursorder); } else { $behaviourordertemp = array(); } foreach ($behaviourdisabledtemp as $key) { if (array_key_exists($key, $archetypes)) { // Do not disable the current behaviour if ($key != $currentbahaviour) { $behaviourdisabled[$key] = $archetypes[$key]; } } } // Get behaviours in preferred order foreach ($behaviourordertemp as $key) { if (array_key_exists($key, $archetypes)) { $behaviourorder[$key] = $archetypes[$key]; } } // Get the rest of behaviours and sort them alphabetically $leftover = array_diff_key($archetypes, $behaviourdisabled, $behaviourorder); asort($leftover, SORT_LOCALE_STRING); // Set up the final order to be displayed $finalorder = $behaviourorder + $leftover; return $finalorder; } /** * Return an array where the keys are the internal names of the behaviours * in preferred order and the values are a human-readable name. * * @param string $currentbahaviour * @return array model name => lang string for this behaviour name. */ public static function get_behaviour_options($currentbahaviour) { global $CFG; $archetypes = self::get_archetypal_behaviours(); // If no admin setting return all behavious if (empty($CFG->questionbehavioursdisabled) && empty($CFG->questionbehavioursorder)) { return $archetypes; } return self::sort_behaviours($archetypes, $CFG->questionbehavioursorder, $CFG->questionbehavioursdisabled, $currentbahaviour); } /** * Get the translated name of an behaviour, for display in the UI. * @param string $behaviour the internal name of the model. * @return string name from the current language pack. */ public static function get_behaviour_name($behaviour) { return get_string($behaviour, 'qbehaviour_' . $behaviour); } /** * Returns the valid choices for the number of decimal places for showing * question marks. For use in the user interface. * @return array suitable for passing to {@link choose_from_menu()} or similar. */ public static function get_dp_options() { return question_display_options::get_dp_options(); } public static function initialise_js() { return question_flags::initialise_js(); } } /** * This class contains all the options that controls how a question is displayed. * * Normally, what will happen is that the calling code will set up some display * options to indicate what sort of question display it wants, and then before the * question is rendered, the behaviour will be given a chance to modify the * display options, so that, for example, A question that is finished will only * be shown read-only, and a question that has not been submitted will not have * any sort of feedback displayed. * * @copyright 2009 The Open University * @license http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html GNU GPL v3 or later */ class question_display_options { /**#@+ @var integer named constants for the values that most of the options take. */ const HIDDEN = 0; const VISIBLE = 1; const EDITABLE = 2; /**#@-*/ /**#@+ @var integer named constants for the {@link $marks} option. */ const MAX_ONLY = 1; const MARK_AND_MAX = 2; /**#@-*/ /** * @var integer maximum value for the {@link $markpd} option. This is * effectively set by the database structure, which uses NUMBER(12,7) columns * for question marks/fractions. */ const MAX_DP = 7; /** * @var boolean whether the question should be displayed as a read-only review, * or in an active state where you can change the answer. */ public $readonly = false; /** * @var boolean whether the question type should output hidden form fields * to reset any incorrect parts of the resonse to blank. */ public $clearwrong = false; /** * Should the student have what they got right and wrong clearly indicated. * This includes the green/red hilighting of the bits of their response, * whether the one-line summary of the current state of the question says * correct/incorrect or just answered. * @var integer {@link question_display_options::HIDDEN} or * {@link question_display_options::VISIBLE} */ public $correctness = self::VISIBLE; /** * The the mark and/or the maximum available mark for this question be visible? * @var integer {@link question_display_options::HIDDEN}, * {@link question_display_options::MAX_ONLY} or {@link question_display_options::MARK_AND_MAX} */ public $marks = self::MARK_AND_MAX; /** @var number of decimal places to use when formatting marks for output. */ public $markdp = 2; /** * Should the flag this question UI element be visible, and if so, should the * flag state be changable? * @var integer {@link question_display_options::HIDDEN}, * {@link question_display_options::VISIBLE} or {@link question_display_options::EDITABLE} */ public $flags = self::VISIBLE; /** * Should the specific feedback be visible. * @var integer {@link question_display_options::HIDDEN} or * {@link question_display_options::VISIBLE} */ public $feedback = self::VISIBLE; /** * For questions with a number of sub-parts (like matching, or * multiple-choice, multiple-reponse) display the number of sub-parts that * were correct. * @var integer {@link question_display_options::HIDDEN} or * {@link question_display_options::VISIBLE} */ public $numpartscorrect = self::VISIBLE; /** * Should the general feedback be visible? * @var integer {@link question_display_options::HIDDEN} or * {@link question_display_options::VISIBLE} */ public $generalfeedback = self::VISIBLE; /** * Should the automatically generated display of what the correct answer is * be visible? * @var integer {@link question_display_options::HIDDEN} or * {@link question_display_options::VISIBLE} */ public $rightanswer = self::VISIBLE; /** * Should the manually added marker's comment be visible. Should the link for * adding/editing the comment be there. * @var integer {@link question_display_options::HIDDEN}, * {@link question_display_options::VISIBLE}, or {@link question_display_options::EDITABLE}. * Editable means that form fields are displayed inline. */ public $manualcomment = self::VISIBLE; /** * Should we show a 'Make comment or override grade' link? * @var string base URL for the edit comment script, which will be shown if * $manualcomment = self::VISIBLE. */ public $manualcommentlink = null; /** * Used in places like the question history table, to show a link to review * this question in a certain state. If blank, a link is not shown. * @var string base URL for a review question script. */ public $questionreviewlink = null; /** * Should the history of previous question states table be visible? * @var integer {@link question_display_options::HIDDEN} or * {@link question_display_options::VISIBLE} */ public $history = self::HIDDEN; /** * Set all the feedback-related fields {@link $feedback}, {@link generalfeedback}, * {@link rightanswer} and {@link manualcomment} to * {@link question_display_options::HIDDEN}. */ public function hide_all_feedback() { $this->feedback = self::HIDDEN; $this->numpartscorrect = self::HIDDEN; $this->generalfeedback = self::HIDDEN; $this->rightanswer = self::HIDDEN; $this->manualcomment = self::HIDDEN; $this->correctness = self::HIDDEN; } /** * Returns the valid choices for the number of decimal places for showing * question marks. For use in the user interface. * * Calling code should probably use {@link question_engine::get_dp_options()} * rather than calling this method directly. * * @return array suitable for passing to {@link choose_from_menu()} or similar. */ public static function get_dp_options() { $options = array(); for ($i = 0; $i <= self::MAX_DP; $i += 1) { $options[$i] = $i; } return $options; } } /** * Contains the logic for handling question flags. * * @copyright 2010 The Open University * @license http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html GNU GPL v3 or later */ abstract class question_flags { /** * Get the checksum that validates that a toggle request is valid. * @param integer $qubaid the question usage id. * @param integer $questionid the question id. * @param integer $sessionid the question_attempt id. * @param object $user the user. If null, defaults to $USER. * @return string that needs to be sent to question/toggleflag.php for it to work. */ protected static function get_toggle_checksum($qubaid, $questionid, $qaid, $slot, $user = null) { if (is_null($user)) { global $USER; $user = $USER; } return md5($qubaid . "_" . $user->secret . "_" . $questionid . "_" . $qaid . "_" . $slot); } /** * Get the postdata that needs to be sent to question/toggleflag.php to change the flag state. * You need to append &newstate=0/1 to this. * @return the post data to send. */ public static function get_postdata(question_attempt $qa) { $qaid = $qa->get_database_id(); $qubaid = $qa->get_usage_id(); $qid = $qa->get_question()->id; $slot = $qa->get_slot(); $checksum = self::get_toggle_checksum($qubaid, $qid, $qaid, $slot); return "qaid=$qaid&qubaid=$qubaid&qid=$qid&slot=$slot&checksum=$checksum&sesskey=" . sesskey(); } /** * If the request seems valid, update the flag state of a question attempt. * Throws exceptions if this is not a valid update request. * @param integer $qubaid the question usage id. * @param integer $questionid the question id. * @param integer $sessionid the question_attempt id. * @param string $checksum checksum, as computed by {@link get_toggle_checksum()} * corresponding to the last three arguments. * @param boolean $newstate the new state of the flag. true = flagged. */ public static function update_flag($qubaid, $questionid, $qaid, $slot, $checksum, $newstate) { // Check the checksum - it is very hard to know who a question session belongs // to, so we require that checksum parameter is matches an md5 hash of the // three ids and the users username. Since we are only updating a flag, that // probably makes it sufficiently difficult for malicious users to toggle // other users flags. if ($checksum != question_flags::get_toggle_checksum($qubaid, $questionid, $qaid, $slot)) { throw new Exception('checksum failure'); } $dm = new question_engine_data_mapper(); $dm->update_question_attempt_flag($qubaid, $questionid, $qaid, $slot, $newstate); } public static function initialise_js() { global $CFG, $PAGE, $OUTPUT; static $done = false; if ($done) { return; } $module = array( 'name' => 'core_question_flags', 'fullpath' => '/question/flags.js', 'requires' => array('base', 'dom', 'event-delegate', 'io-base'), ); $actionurl = $CFG->wwwroot . '/question/toggleflag.php'; $flagattributes = array( 0 => array( 'src' => $OUTPUT->pix_url('i/unflagged') . '', 'title' => get_string('clicktoflag', 'question'), 'alt' => get_string('notflagged', 'question'), ), 1 => array( 'src' => $OUTPUT->pix_url('i/flagged') . '', 'title' => get_string('clicktounflag', 'question'), 'alt' => get_string('flagged', 'question'), ), ); $PAGE->requires->js_init_call('M.core_question_flags.init', array($actionurl, $flagattributes), false, $module); $done = true; } } class question_out_of_sequence_exception extends moodle_exception { function __construct($qubaid, $slot, $postdata) { if ($postdata == null) { $postdata = data_submitted(); } parent::__construct('submissionoutofsequence', 'question', '', null, "QUBAid: $qubaid, slot: $slot, post data: " . print_r($postdata, true)); } } /** * This class keeps track of a group of questions that are being attempted, * and which state, and so on, each one is currently in. * * A quiz attempt or a lesson attempt could use an instance of this class to * keep track of all the questions in the attempt and process student submissions. * It is basically a collection of {@question_attempt} objects. * * The questions being attempted as part of this usage are identified by an integer * that is passed into many of the methods as $slot. ($question->id is not * used so that the same question can be used more than once in an attempt.) * * Normally, calling code should be able to do everything it needs to be calling * methods of this class. You should not normally need to get individual * {@question_attempt} objects and play around with their inner workind, in code * that it outside the quetsion engine. * * Instances of this class correspond to rows in the question_usages table. * * @copyright 2009 The Open University * @license http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html GNU GPL v3 or later */ class question_usage_by_activity { /** * @var integer|string the id for this usage. If this usage was loaded from * the database, then this is the database id. Otherwise a unique random * string is used. */ protected $id = null; /** * @var string name of an archetypal behaviour, that should be used * by questions in this usage if possible. */ protected $preferredbehaviour = null; /** @var object the context this usage belongs to. */ protected $context; /** @var string plugin name of the plugin this usage belongs to. */ protected $owningcomponent; /** @var array {@link question_attempt}s that make up this usage. */ protected $questionattempts = array(); /** @var question_usage_observer that tracks changes to this usage. */ protected $observer; /** * Create a new instance. Normally, calling code should use * {@link question_engine::make_questions_usage_by_activity()} or * {@link question_engine::load_questions_usage_by_activity()} rather than * calling this constructor directly. * * @param string $component the plugin creating this attempt. For example mod_quiz. * @param object $context the context this usage belongs to. */ public function __construct($component, $context) { $this->owningcomponent = $component; $this->context = $context; $this->observer = new question_usage_null_observer(); } /** * @param string $behaviour the name of an archetypal behaviour, that should * be used by questions in this usage if possible. */ public function set_preferred_behaviour($behaviour) { $this->preferredbehaviour = $behaviour; $this->observer->notify_modified(); } /** @return string the name of the preferred behaviour. */ public function get_preferred_behaviour() { return $this->preferredbehaviour; } /** @return stdClass the context this usage belongs to. */ public function get_owning_context() { return $this->context; } /** @return string the name of the plugin that owns this attempt. */ public function get_owning_component() { return $this->owningcomponent; } /** @return integer|string If this usage came from the database, then the id * from the question_usages table is returned. Otherwise a random string is * returned. */ public function get_id() { if (is_null($this->id)) { $this->id = random_string(10); } return $this->id; } /** @return question_usage_observer that is tracking changes made to this usage. */ public function get_observer() { return $this->observer; } /** * For internal use only. Used by {@link question_engine_data_mapper} to set * the id when a usage is saved to the database. * @param integer $id the newly determined id for this usage. */ public function set_id_from_database($id) { $this->id = $id; foreach ($this->questionattempts as $qa) { $qa->set_usage_id($id); } } /** * Add another question to this usage. * * The added question is not started until you call {@link start_question()} * on it. * * @param question_definition $question the question to add. * @param number $maxmark the maximum this question will be marked out of in * this attempt (optional). If not given, $question->defaultmark is used. * @return integer the number used to identify this question within this usage. */ public function add_question(question_definition $question, $maxmark = null) { $qa = new question_attempt($question, $this->get_id(), $this->context->id, $this->observer, $maxmark); if (count($this->questionattempts) == 0) { $this->questionattempts[1] = $qa; } else { $this->questionattempts[] = $qa; } $qa->set_number_in_usage(end(array_keys($this->questionattempts))); $this->observer->notify_attempt_added($qa); return $qa->get_slot(); } /** * Get the question_definition for a question in this attempt. * @param integer $slot the number used to identify this question within this usage. * @return question_definition the requested question object. */ public function get_question($slot) { return $this->get_question_attempt($slot)->get_question(); } /** @return array all the identifying numbers of all the questions in this usage. */ public function get_question_numbers() { return array_keys($this->questionattempts); } /** @return integer the identifying number of the first question that was added to this usage. */ public function get_first_question_number() { reset($this->questionattempts); return key($this->questionattempts); } /** @return integer the number of questions that are currently in this usage. */ public function question_count() { return count($this->questionattempts); } /** * Note the part of the {@link question_usage_by_activity} comment that explains * that {@link question_attempt} objects should be considered part of the inner * workings of the question engine, and should not, if possible, be accessed directly. * * @return question_attempt_iterator for iterating over all the questions being * attempted. as part of this usage. */ public function get_attempt_iterator() { return new question_attempt_iterator($this); } /** * Check whether $number actually corresponds to a question attempt that is * part of this usage. Throws an exception if not. * * @param integer $slot a number allegedly identifying a question within this usage. */ protected function check_slot($slot) { if (!array_key_exists($slot, $this->questionattempts)) { throw new exception("There is no question_attempt number $slot in this attempt."); } } /** * Note the part of the {@link question_usage_by_activity} comment that explains * that {@link question_attempt} objects should be considered part of the inner * workings of the question engine, and should not, if possible, be accessed directly. * * @param integer $slot the number used to identify this question within this usage. * @return question_attempt the corresponding {@link question_attempt} object. */ public function get_question_attempt($slot) { $this->check_slot($slot); return $this->questionattempts[$slot]; } /** * Get the current state of the attempt at a question. * @param integer $slot the number used to identify this question within this usage. * @return question_state. */ public function get_question_state($slot) { return $this->get_question_attempt($slot)->get_state(); } /** * @param integer $slot the number used to identify this question within this usage. * @param boolean $showcorrectness Whether right/partial/wrong states should * be distinguised. * @return string A brief textual description of the current state. */ public function get_question_state_string($slot, $showcorrectness) { return $this->get_question_attempt($slot)->get_state_string($showcorrectness); } /** * Get the time of the most recent action performed on a question. * @param integer $slot the number used to identify this question within this usage. * @return integer timestamp. */ public function get_question_action_time($slot) { return $this->get_question_attempt($slot)->get_last_action_time(); } /** * Get the current fraction awarded for the attempt at a question. * @param integer $slot the number used to identify this question within this usage. * @return number|null The current fraction for this question, or null if one has * not been assigned yet. */ public function get_question_fraction($slot) { return $this->get_question_attempt($slot)->get_fraction(); } /** * Get the current mark awarded for the attempt at a question. * @param integer $slot the number used to identify this question within this usage. * @return number|null The current mark for this question, or null if one has * not been assigned yet. */ public function get_question_mark($slot) { return $this->get_question_attempt($slot)->get_mark(); } /** * Get the maximum mark possible for the attempt at a question. * @param integer $slot the number used to identify this question within this usage. * @return number the available marks for this question. */ public function get_question_max_mark($slot) { return $this->get_question_attempt($slot)->get_max_mark(); } /** * Get the current mark awarded for the attempt at a question. * @param integer $slot the number used to identify this question within this usage. * @return number|null The current mark for this question, or null if one has * not been assigned yet. */ public function get_total_mark() { $mark = 0; foreach ($this->questionattempts as $qa) { if ($qa->get_state() == question_state::$needsgrading) { return null; } $mark += $qa->get_mark(); } return $mark; } /** * @return string a simple textual summary of the question that was asked. */ public function get_question_summary($slot) { return $this->get_question_attempt($slot)->get_question_summary(); } /** * @return string a simple textual summary of response given. */ public function get_response_summary($slot) { return $this->get_question_attempt($slot)->get_response_summary(); } /** * @return string a simple textual summary of the correct resonse. */ public function get_right_answer_summary($slot) { return $this->get_question_attempt($slot)->get_right_answer_summary(); } /** * Get the {@link core_question_renderer}, in collaboration with appropriate * {@link qbehaviour_renderer} and {@link qtype_renderer} subclasses, to generate the * HTML to display this question. * @param integer $slot the number used to identify this question within this usage. * @param question_display_options $options controls how the question is rendered. * @param string|null $number The question number to display. 'i' is a special * value that gets displayed as Information. Null means no number is displayed. * @return string HTML fragment representing the question. */ public function render_question($slot, $options, $number = null) { return $this->get_question_attempt($slot)->render($options, $number); } /** * Generate any bits of HTML that needs to go in the tag when this question * is displayed in the body. * @param integer $slot the number used to identify this question within this usage. * @return string HTML fragment. */ public function render_question_head_html($slot) { return $this->get_question_attempt($slot)->render_head_html(); } /** * Like {@link render_question()} but displays the question at the past step * indicated by $seq, rather than showing the latest step. * * @param integer $slot the number used to identify this question within this usage. * @param integer $seq the seq number of the past state to display. * @param question_display_options $options controls how the question is rendered. * @param string|null $number The question number to display. 'i' is a special * value that gets displayed as Information. Null means no number is displayed. * @return string HTML fragment representing the question. */ public function render_question_at_step($slot, $seq, $options, $number = null) { return $this->get_question_attempt($slot)->render_at_step($seq, $options, $number, $this->preferredbehaviour); } /** * Checks whether the users is allow to be served a particular file. * @param integer $slot the number used to identify this question within this usage. * @param question_display_options $options the options that control display of the question. * @param string $component the name of the component we are serving files for. * @param string $filearea the name of the file area. * @param array $args the remaining bits of the file path. * @param boolean $forcedownload whether the user must be forced to download the file. * @return boolean true if the user can access this file. */ public function check_file_access($slot, $options, $component, $filearea, $args, $forcedownload) { return $this->get_question_attempt($slot)->check_file_access($options, $component, $filearea, $args, $forcedownload); } /** * Replace a particular question_attempt with a different one. * * For internal use only. Used when reloading the state of a question from the * database. * * @param array $records Raw records loaded from the database. * @param integer $questionattemptid The id of the question_attempt to extract. * @return question_attempt The newly constructed question_attempt_step. */ public function replace_loaded_question_attempt_info($slot, $qa) { $this->check_slot($slot); $this->questionattempts[$slot] = $qa; } /** * You should probably not use this method in code outside the question engine. * The main reason for exposing it was for the benefit of unit tests. * @param integer $slot the number used to identify this question within this usage. * @return string return the prefix that is pre-pended to field names in the HTML * that is output. */ public function get_field_prefix($slot) { return $this->get_question_attempt($slot)->get_field_prefix(); } /** * Start the attempt at a question that has been added to this usage. * @param integer $slot the number used to identify this question within this usage. */ public function start_question($slot) { $qa = $this->get_question_attempt($slot); $qa->start($this->preferredbehaviour); $this->observer->notify_attempt_modified($qa); } /** * Start the attempt at all questions that has been added to this usage. */ public function start_all_questions() { foreach ($this->questionattempts as $qa) { $qa->start($this->preferredbehaviour); $this->observer->notify_attempt_modified($qa); } } /** * Start the attempt at a question, starting from the point where the previous * question_attempt $oldqa had reached. This is used by the quiz 'Each attempt * builds on last' mode. * @param integer $slot the number used to identify this question within this usage. * @param question_attempt $oldqa a previous attempt at this quetsion that * defines the starting point. */ public function start_question_based_on($slot, question_attempt $oldqa) { $qa = $this->get_question_attempt($slot); $qa->start_based_on($oldqa); $this->observer->notify_attempt_modified($qa); } /** * Process all the question actions in the current request. * * If there is a parameter slots included in the post data, then only * those question numbers will be processed, otherwise all questions in this * useage will be. * * This function also does {@link update_question_flags()}. * * @param integer $timestamp optional, use this timestamp as 'now'. * @param array $postdata optional, only intended for testing. Use this data * instead of the data from $_POST. */ public function process_all_actions($timestamp = null, $postdata = null) { $slots = question_attempt::get_submitted_var('slots', PARAM_SEQUENCE, $postdata); if (is_null($slots)) { $slots = $this->get_question_numbers(); } else if (!$slots) { $slots = array(); } else { $slots = explode(',', $slots); } foreach ($slots as $slot) { $this->validate_sequence_number($slot, $postdata); $submitteddata = $this->extract_responses($slot, $postdata); $this->process_action($slot, $submitteddata, $timestamp); } $this->update_question_flags($postdata); } /** * Get the submitted data from the current request that belongs to this * particular question. * * @param integer $slot the number used to identify this question within this usage. * @param $postdata optional, only intended for testing. Use this data * instead of the data from $_POST. * @return array submitted data specific to this question. */ public function extract_responses($slot, $postdata = null) { return $this->get_question_attempt($slot)->get_submitted_data($postdata); } /** * Process a specific action on a specific question. * @param integer $slot the number used to identify this question within this usage. * @param $submitteddata the submitted data that constitutes the action. */ public function process_action($slot, $submitteddata, $timestamp = null) { $qa = $this->get_question_attempt($slot); $qa->process_action($submitteddata, $timestamp); $this->observer->notify_attempt_modified($qa); } /** * Check that the sequence number, that detects weird things like the student * clicking back, is OK. * @param integer $slot the number used to identify this question within this usage. * @param array $submitteddata the submitted data that constitutes the action. */ public function validate_sequence_number($slot, $postdata = null) { $qa = $this->get_question_attempt($slot); $sequencecheck = question_attempt::get_submitted_var( $qa->get_control_field_name('sequencecheck'), PARAM_INT, $postdata); if (!is_null($sequencecheck) && $sequencecheck != $qa->get_num_steps()) { throw new question_out_of_sequence_exception($this->id, $slot, $postdata); } } /** * Update the flagged state for all question_attempts in this usage, if their * flagged state was changed in the request. * * @param $postdata optional, only intended for testing. Use this data * instead of the data from $_POST. */ public function update_question_flags($postdata = null) { foreach ($this->questionattempts as $qa) { $flagged = question_attempt::get_submitted_var( $qa->get_flag_field_name(), PARAM_BOOL, $postdata); if (!is_null($flagged) && $flagged != $qa->is_flagged()) { $qa->set_flagged($flagged); } } } /** * Get the correct response to a particular question. Passing the results of * this method to {@link process_action()} will probably result in full marks. * @param integer $slot the number used to identify this question within this usage. * @return array that constitutes a correct response to this question. */ public function get_correct_response($slot) { return $this->get_question_attempt($slot)->get_correct_response(); } /** * Finish the active phase of an attempt at a question. * * This is an external act of finishing the attempt. Think, for example, of * the 'Submit all and finish' button in the quiz. Some behaviours, * (for example, immediatefeedback) give a way of finishing the active phase * of a question attempt as part of a {@link process_action()} call. * * After the active phase is over, the only changes possible are things like * manual grading, or changing the flag state. * * @param integer $slot the number used to identify this question within this usage. */ public function finish_question($slot, $timestamp = null) { $qa = $this->get_question_attempt($slot); $qa->finish($timestamp); $this->observer->notify_attempt_modified($qa); } /** * Finish the active phase of an attempt at a question. See {@link finish_question()} * for a fuller description of what 'finish' means. */ public function finish_all_questions($timestamp = null) { foreach ($this->questionattempts as $qa) { $qa->finish($timestamp); $this->observer->notify_attempt_modified($qa); } } /** * Perform a manual grading action on a question attempt. * @param integer $slot the number used to identify this question within this usage. * @param string $comment the comment being added to the question attempt. * @param number $mark the mark that is being assigned. Can be null to just * add a comment. */ public function manual_grade($slot, $comment, $mark) { $qa = $this->get_question_attempt($slot); $qa->manual_grade($comment, $mark); $this->observer->notify_attempt_modified($qa); } /** * Regrade a question in this usage. This replays the sequence of submitted * actions to recompute the outcomes. * @param integer $slot the number used to identify this question within this usage. * @param boolean $finished whether the question attempt should be forced to be finished * after the regrade, or whether it may still be in progress (default false). * @param number $newmaxmark (optional) if given, will change the max mark while regrading. */ public function regrade_question($slot, $finished = false, $newmaxmark = null) { $oldqa = $this->get_question_attempt($slot); if (is_null($newmaxmark)) { $newmaxmark = $oldqa->get_max_mark(); } $this->observer->notify_delete_attempt_steps($oldqa); $newqa = new question_attempt($oldqa->get_question(), $oldqa->get_usage_id(), $this->context->id, $this->observer, $newmaxmark); $newqa->set_database_id($oldqa->get_database_id()); $newqa->regrade($oldqa, $finished); $this->questionattempts[$slot] = $newqa; $this->observer->notify_attempt_modified($newqa); } /** * Regrade all the questions in this usage (without changing their max mark). * @param boolean $finished whether each question should be forced to be finished * after the regrade, or whether it may still be in progress (default false). */ public function regrade_all_questions($finished = false) { foreach ($this->questionattempts as $slot => $notused) { $this->regrade_question($slot, $finished); } } /** * Create a question_usage_by_activity from records loaded from the database. * * For internal use only. * * @param array $records Raw records loaded from the database. * @param integer $questionattemptid The id of the question_attempt to extract. * @return question_attempt The newly constructed question_attempt_step. */ public static function load_from_records(&$records, $qubaid) { $record = current($records); while ($record->qubaid != $qubaid) { $record = next($records); if (!$record) { throw new Exception("Question usage $qubaid not found in the database."); } } $quba = new question_usage_by_activity($record->component, get_context_instance_by_id($record->contextid)); $quba->set_id_from_database($record->qubaid); $quba->set_preferred_behaviour($record->preferredbehaviour); $quba->observer = new question_engine_unit_of_work($quba); while ($record && $record->qubaid == $qubaid && !is_null($record->slot)) { $quba->questionattempts[$record->slot] = question_attempt::load_from_records($records, $record->questionattemptid, $quba->observer, $quba->get_preferred_behaviour()); $record = current($records); } return $quba; } } /** * A class abstracting access to the * {@link question_usage_by_activity::$questionattempts} array. * * This class snapshots the list of {@link question_attempts} to iterate over * when it is created. If a question is added to the usage mid-iteration, it * will now show up. * * To create an instance of this class, use * {@link question_usage_by_activity::get_attempt_iterator()} * * @copyright 2009 The Open University * @license http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html GNU GPL v3 or later */ class question_attempt_iterator implements Iterator, ArrayAccess { /** @var question_usage_by_activity that we are iterating over. */ protected $quba; /** @var array of question numbers. */ protected $slots; /** * To create an instance of this class, use {@link question_usage_by_activity::get_attempt_iterator()}. * @param $quba the usage to iterate over. */ public function __construct(question_usage_by_activity $quba) { $this->quba = $quba; $this->slots = $quba->get_question_numbers(); $this->rewind(); } /** @return question_attempt_step */ public function current() { return $this->offsetGet(current($this->slots)); } /** @return integer */ public function key() { return current($this->slots); } public function next() { next($this->slots); } public function rewind() { reset($this->slots); } /** @return boolean */ public function valid() { return current($this->slots) !== false; } /** @return boolean */ public function offsetExists($slot) { return in_array($slot, $this->slots); } /** @return question_attempt_step */ public function offsetGet($slot) { return $this->quba->get_question_attempt($slot); } public function offsetSet($slot, $value) { throw new Exception('You are only allowed read-only access to question_attempt::states through a question_attempt_step_iterator. Cannot set.'); } public function offsetUnset($slot) { throw new Exception('You are only allowed read-only access to question_attempt::states through a question_attempt_step_iterator. Cannot unset.'); } } /** * Tracks an attempt at one particular question in a {@link question_usage_by_activity}. * * Most calling code should need to access objects of this class. They should be * able to do everything through the usage interface. This class is an internal * implementation detail of the question engine. * * Instances of this class correspond to rows in the question_attempts table, and * a collection of {@link question_attempt_steps}. Question inteaction models and * question types do work with question_attempt objects. * * @copyright 2009 The Open University * @license http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html GNU GPL v3 or later */ class question_attempt { /** * @var string this is a magic value that question types can return from * {@link question_definition::get_expected_data()}. */ const USE_RAW_DATA = 'use raw data'; /** * @var string special value used by manual grading because {@link PARAM_NUMBER} * converts '' to 0. */ const PARAM_MARK = 'parammark'; /** @var integer if this attempts is stored in the question_attempts table, the id of that row. */ protected $id = null; /** @var integer|string the id of the question_usage_by_activity we belong to. */ protected $usageid; /** @var integer the id of the context this question_attempt belongs to. */ protected $owningcontextid = null; /** @var integer the number used to identify this question_attempt within the usage. */ protected $slot = null; /** * @var question_behaviour the behaviour controlling this attempt. * null until {@link start()} is called. */ protected $behaviour = null; /** @var question_definition the question this is an attempt at. */ protected $question; /** @var number the maximum mark that can be scored at this question. */ protected $maxmark; /** * @var number the minimum fraction that can be scored at this question, so * the minimum mark is $this->minfraction * $this->maxmark. */ protected $minfraction = null; /** * @var string plain text summary of the variant of the question the * student saw. Intended for reporting purposes. */ protected $questionsummary = null; /** * @var string plain text summary of the response the student gave. * Intended for reporting purposes. */ protected $responsesummary = null; /** * @var string plain text summary of the correct response to this question * variant the student saw. The format should be similar to responsesummary. * Intended for reporting purposes. */ protected $rightanswer = null; /** @var array of {@link question_attempt_step}s. The steps in this attempt. */ protected $steps = array(); /** @var boolean whether the user has flagged this attempt within the usage. */ protected $flagged = false; /** @var question_usage_observer tracks changes to the useage this attempt is part of.*/ protected $observer; /**#@+ * Constants used by the intereaction models to indicate whether the current * pending step should be kept or discarded. */ const KEEP = true; const DISCARD = false; /**#@-*/ /** * Create a new {@link question_attempt}. Normally you should create question_attempts * indirectly, by calling {@link question_usage_by_activity::add_question()}. * * @param question_definition $question the question this is an attempt at. * @param integer|string $usageid The id of the * {@link question_usage_by_activity} we belong to. Used by {@link get_field_prefix()}. * @param question_usage_observer $observer tracks changes to the useage this * attempt is part of. (Optional, a {@link question_usage_null_observer} is * used if one is not passed. * @param number $maxmark the maximum grade for this question_attempt. If not * passed, $question->defaultmark is used. */ public function __construct(question_definition $question, $usageid, $owningcontextid, question_usage_observer $observer = null, $maxmark = null) { $this->question = $question; $this->usageid = $usageid; $this->owningcontextid = $owningcontextid; if (is_null($observer)) { $observer = new question_usage_null_observer(); } $this->observer = $observer; if (!is_null($maxmark)) { $this->maxmark = $maxmark; } else { $this->maxmark = $question->defaultmark; } } /** @return question_definition the question this is an attempt at. */ public function get_question() { return $this->question; } /** * Set the number used to identify this question_attempt within the usage. * For internal use only. * @param integer $slot */ public function set_number_in_usage($slot) { $this->slot = $slot; } /** @return integer the number used to identify this question_attempt within the usage. */ public function get_slot() { return $this->slot; } /** * @return integer the id of row for this question_attempt, if it is stored in the * database. null if not. */ public function get_database_id() { return $this->id; } /** * For internal use only. Set the id of the corresponding database row. * @param integer $id the id of row for this question_attempt, if it is * stored in the database. */ public function set_database_id($id) { $this->id = $id; } /** @return integer|string the id of the {@link question_usage_by_activity} we belong to. */ public function get_usage_id() { return $this->usageid; } /** * Set the id of the {@link question_usage_by_activity} we belong to. * For internal use only. * @param integer|string the new id. */ public function set_usage_id($usageid) { $this->usageid = $usageid; } /** @return string the name of the behaviour that is controlling this attempt. */ public function get_behaviour_name() { return $this->behaviour->get_name(); } /** * For internal use only. * @return question_behaviour the behaviour that is controlling this attempt. */ public function get_behaviour() { return $this->behaviour; } /** * Set the flagged state of this question. * @param boolean $flagged the new state. */ public function set_flagged($flagged) { $this->flagged = $flagged; $this->observer->notify_attempt_modified($this); } /** @return boolean whether this question is currently flagged. */ public function is_flagged() { return $this->flagged; } /** * Get the name (in the sense a HTML name="" attribute, or a $_POST variable * name) to use for the field that indicates whether this question is flagged. * * @return string The field name to use. */ public function get_flag_field_name() { return $this->get_control_field_name('flagged'); } /** * Get the name (in the sense a HTML name="" attribute, or a $_POST variable * name) to use for a question_type variable belonging to this question_attempt. * * See the comment on {@link question_attempt_step} for an explanation of * question type and behaviour variables. * * @param $varname The short form of the variable name. * @return string The field name to use. */ public function get_qt_field_name($varname) { return $this->get_field_prefix() . $varname; } /** * Get the name (in the sense a HTML name="" attribute, or a $_POST variable * name) to use for a question_type variable belonging to this question_attempt. * * See the comment on {@link question_attempt_step} for an explanation of * question type and behaviour variables. * * @param $varname The short form of the variable name. * @return string The field name to use. */ public function get_behaviour_field_name($varname) { return $this->get_field_prefix() . '-' . $varname; } /** * Get the name (in the sense a HTML name="" attribute, or a $_POST variable * name) to use for a control variables belonging to this question_attempt. * * Examples are :sequencecheck and :flagged * * @param $varname The short form of the variable name. * @return string The field name to use. */ public function get_control_field_name($varname) { return $this->get_field_prefix() . ':' . $varname; } /** * Get the prefix added to variable names to give field names for this * question attempt. * * You should not use this method directly. This is an implementation detail * anyway, but if you must access it, use {@link question_usage_by_activity::get_field_prefix()}. * * @param $varname The short form of the variable name. * @return string The field name to use. */ public function get_field_prefix() { return 'q' . $this->usageid . ':' . $this->slot . '_'; } /** * Get one of the steps in this attempt. * For internal/test code use only. * @param integer $i the step number. * @return question_attempt_step */ public function get_step($i) { if ($i < 0 || $i >= count($this->steps)) { throw new Exception('Index out of bounds in question_attempt::get_step.'); } return $this->steps[$i]; } /** * Get the number of steps in this attempt. * For internal/test code use only. * @return integer the number of steps we currently have. */ public function get_num_steps() { return count($this->steps); } /** * Return the latest step in this question_attempt. * For internal/test code use only. * @return question_attempt_step */ public function get_last_step() { if (count($this->steps) == 0) { return new question_null_step(); } return end($this->steps); } /** * @return question_attempt_step_iterator for iterating over the steps in * this attempt, in order. */ public function get_step_iterator() { return new question_attempt_step_iterator($this); } /** * The same as {@link get_step_iterator()}. However, for a * {@link question_attempt_with_restricted_history} this returns the full * list of steps, while {@link get_step_iterator()} returns only the * limited history. * @return question_attempt_step_iterator for iterating over the steps in * this attempt, in order. */ public function get_full_step_iterator() { return $this->get_step_iterator(); } /** * @return question_attempt_reverse_step_iterator for iterating over the steps in * this attempt, in reverse order. */ public function get_reverse_step_iterator() { return new question_attempt_reverse_step_iterator($this); } /** * Get the qt data from the latest step that has any qt data. Return $default * array if it is no step has qt data. * * @param string $name the name of the variable to get. * @param mixed default the value to return no step has qt data. * (Optional, defaults to an empty array.) * @return array|mixed the data, or $default if there is not any. */ public function get_last_qt_data($default = array()) { foreach ($this->get_reverse_step_iterator() as $step) { $response = $step->get_qt_data(); if (!empty($response)) { return $response; } } return $default; } /** * Get the latest value of a particular question type variable. That is, get * the value from the latest step that has it set. Return null if it is not * set in any step. * * @param string $name the name of the variable to get. * @param mixed default the value to return in the variable has never been set. * (Optional, defaults to null.) * @return mixed string value, or $default if it has never been set. */ public function get_last_qt_var($name, $default = null) { foreach ($this->get_reverse_step_iterator() as $step) { if ($step->has_qt_var($name)) { return $step->get_qt_var($name); } } return $default; } /** * Get the latest value of a particular behaviour variable. That is, * get the value from the latest step that has it set. Return null if it is * not set in any step. * * @param string $name the name of the variable to get. * @param mixed default the value to return in the variable has never been set. * (Optional, defaults to null.) * @return mixed string value, or $default if it has never been set. */ public function get_last_behaviour_var($name, $default = null) { foreach ($this->get_reverse_step_iterator() as $step) { if ($step->has_behaviour_var($name)) { return $step->get_behaviour_var($name); } } return $default; } /** * Get the current state of this question attempt. That is, the state of the * latest step. * @return question_state */ public function get_state() { return $this->get_last_step()->get_state(); } /** * @param boolean $showcorrectness Whether right/partial/wrong states should * be distinguised. * @return string A brief textual description of the current state. */ public function get_state_string($showcorrectness) { return $this->behaviour->get_state_string($showcorrectness); } /** * @return integer the timestamp of the most recent step in this question attempt. */ public function get_last_action_time() { return $this->get_last_step()->get_timecreated(); } /** * Get the current fraction of this question attempt. That is, the fraction * of the latest step, or null if this question has not yet been graded. * @return number the current fraction. */ public function get_fraction() { return $this->get_last_step()->get_fraction(); } /** @return boolean whether this question attempt has a non-zero maximum mark. */ public function has_marks() { // Since grades are stored in the database as NUMBER(12,7). return $this->maxmark >= 0.00000005; } /** * @return number the current mark for this question. * {@link get_fraction()} * {@link get_max_mark()}. */ public function get_mark() { return $this->fraction_to_mark($this->get_fraction()); } /** * This is used by the manual grading code, particularly in association with * validation. If there is a mark submitted in the request, then use that, * otherwise use the latest mark for this question. * @return number the current mark for this question. * {@link get_fraction()} * {@link get_max_mark()}. */ public function get_current_manual_mark() { $mark = self::get_submitted_var($this->get_behaviour_field_name('mark'), question_attempt::PARAM_MARK); if (is_null($mark)) { return $this->get_mark(); } else { return $mark; } } /** * @param number|null $fraction a fraction. * @return number|null the corresponding mark. */ public function fraction_to_mark($fraction) { if (is_null($fraction)) { return null; } return $fraction * $this->maxmark; } /** @return number the maximum mark possible for this question attempt. */ public function get_max_mark() { return $this->maxmark; } /** @return number the maximum mark possible for this question attempt. */ public function get_min_fraction() { if (is_null($this->minfraction)) { throw new Exception('This question_attempt has not been started yet, the min fraction is not yet konwn.'); } return $this->minfraction; } /** * The current mark, formatted to the stated number of decimal places. Uses * {@link format_float()} to format floats according to the current locale. * @param integer $dp number of decimal places. * @return string formatted mark. */ public function format_mark($dp) { return $this->format_fraction_as_mark($this->get_fraction(), $dp); } /** * The current mark, formatted to the stated number of decimal places. Uses * {@link format_float()} to format floats according to the current locale. * @param integer $dp number of decimal places. * @return string formatted mark. */ public function format_fraction_as_mark($fraction, $dp) { return format_float($this->fraction_to_mark($fraction), $dp); } /** * The maximum mark for this question attempt, formatted to the stated number * of decimal places. Uses {@link format_float()} to format floats according * to the current locale. * @param integer $dp number of decimal places. * @return string formatted maximum mark. */ public function format_max_mark($dp) { return format_float($this->maxmark, $dp); } /** * Return the hint that applies to the question in its current state, or null. * @return question_hint|null */ public function get_applicable_hint() { return $this->behaviour->get_applicable_hint(); } /** * Produce a plain-text summary of what the user did during a step. * @param question_attempt_step $step the step in quetsion. * @return string a summary of what was done during that step. */ public function summarise_action(question_attempt_step $step) { return $this->behaviour->summarise_action($step); } /** * Calls {@link question_rewrite_question_urls()} with appropriate parameters * for content belonging to this question. * @param string $text the content to output. * @param string $component the component name (normally 'question' or 'qtype_...') * @param string $filearea the name of the file area. * @param integer $itemid the item id. */ public function rewrite_pluginfile_urls($text, $component, $filearea, $itemid) { return question_rewrite_question_urls($text, 'pluginfile.php', $this->owningcontextid, $component, $filearea, array($this->get_usage_id(), $this->get_slot()), $itemid); } /** * Get the {@link core_question_renderer}, in collaboration with appropriate * {@link qbehaviour_renderer} and {@link qtype_renderer} subclasses, to generate the * HTML to display this question attempt in its current state. * @param question_display_options $options controls how the question is rendered. * @param string|null $number The question number to display. * @return string HTML fragment representing the question. */ public function render($options, $number) { global $PAGE; $qoutput = $PAGE->get_renderer('core', 'question'); $qtoutput = $this->question->get_renderer(); return $this->behaviour->render($options, $number, $qoutput, $qtoutput); } /** * Generate any bits of HTML that needs to go in the tag when this question * attempt is displayed in the body. * @return string HTML fragment. */ public function render_head_html() { return $this->question->get_renderer()->head_code($this) . $this->behaviour->get_renderer()->head_code($this); } /** * Like {@link render_question()} but displays the question at the past step * indicated by $seq, rather than showing the latest step. * * @param integer $seq the seq number of the past state to display. * @param question_display_options $options controls how the question is rendered. * @param string|null $number The question number to display. 'i' is a special * value that gets displayed as Information. Null means no number is displayed. * @return string HTML fragment representing the question. */ public function render_at_step($seq, $options, $number, $preferredbehaviour) { $restrictedqa = new question_attempt_with_restricted_history($this, $seq, $preferredbehaviour); return $restrictedqa->render($options, $number); } /** * Checks whether the users is allow to be served a particular file. * @param question_display_options $options the options that control display of the question. * @param string $component the name of the component we are serving files for. * @param string $filearea the name of the file area. * @param array $args the remaining bits of the file path. * @param boolean $forcedownload whether the user must be forced to download the file. * @return boolean true if the user can access this file. */ public function check_file_access($options, $component, $filearea, $args, $forcedownload) { return $this->behaviour->check_file_access($options, $component, $filearea, $args, $forcedownload); } /** * Add a step to this question attempt. * @param question_attempt_step $step the new step. */ protected function add_step(question_attempt_step $step) { $this->steps[] = $step; end($this->steps); $this->observer->notify_step_added($step, $this, key($this->steps)); } /** * Start (or re-start) this question attempt. * * You should not call this method directly. Call * {@link question_usage_by_activity::start_question()} instead. * * @param string|question_behaviour $preferredbehaviour the name of the * desired archetypal behaviour, or an actual model instance. * @param $submitteddata optional, used when re-starting to keep the same initial state. * @param $timestamp optional, the timstamp to record for this action. Defaults to now. * @param $userid optional, the user to attribute this action to. Defaults to the current user. */ public function start($preferredbehaviour, $submitteddata = array(), $timestamp = null, $userid = null) { // Initialise the behaviour. if (is_string($preferredbehaviour)) { $this->behaviour = $this->question->make_behaviour($this, $preferredbehaviour); } else { $class = get_class($preferredbehaviour); $this->behaviour = new $class($this, $preferredbehaviour); } // Record the minimum fraction. $this->minfraction = $this->behaviour->get_min_fraction(); // Initialise the first step. $firststep = new question_attempt_step($submitteddata, $timestamp, $userid); $firststep->set_state(question_state::$todo); $this->behaviour->init_first_step($firststep); $this->add_step($firststep); // Record questionline and correct answer. // TODO we should only really do this for new attempts, not when called // via load_from_records. $this->questionsummary = $this->behaviour->get_question_summary(); $this->rightanswer = $this->behaviour->get_right_answer_summary(); } /** * Start this question attempt, starting from the point that the previous * attempt $oldqa had reached. * * You should not call this method directly. Call * {@link question_usage_by_activity::start_question_based_on()} instead. * * @param question_attempt $oldqa a previous attempt at this quetsion that * defines the starting point. */ public function start_based_on(question_attempt $oldqa) { $this->start($oldqa->behaviour, $oldqa->get_resume_data()); } /** * Used by {@link start_based_on()} to get the data needed to start a new * attempt from the point this attempt has go to. * @return array name => value pairs. */ protected function get_resume_data() { return $this->behaviour->get_resume_data(); } /** * Get a particular parameter from the current request. A wrapper round * {@link optional_param()}, except that the results is returned without * slashes. * @param string $name the paramter name. * @param integer $type one of the PARAM_... constants. * @param array $postdata (optional, only inteded for testing use) take the * data from this array, instead of from $_POST. * @return mixed the requested value. */ public static function get_submitted_var($name, $type, $postdata = null) { // Special case to work around PARAM_NUMBER converting '' to 0. if ($type == self::PARAM_MARK) { $mark = self::get_submitted_var($name, PARAM_RAW_TRIMMED, $postdata); if ($mark === '') { return $mark; } else { return self::get_submitted_var($name, PARAM_NUMBER, $postdata); } } if (is_null($postdata)) { $var = optional_param($name, null, $type); } else if (array_key_exists($name, $postdata)) { $var = clean_param($postdata[$name], $type); } else { $var = null; } if (is_string($var)) { $var = stripslashes($var); } return $var; } /** * Get any data from the request that matches the list of expected params. * @param array $expected variable name => PARAM_... constant. * @param string $extraprefix '-' or ''. * @return array name => value. */ protected function get_expected_data($expected, $postdata, $extraprefix) { $submitteddata = array(); foreach ($expected as $name => $type) { $value = self::get_submitted_var( $this->get_field_prefix() . $extraprefix . $name, $type, $postdata); if (!is_null($value)) { $submitteddata[$extraprefix . $name] = $value; } } return $submitteddata; } /** * Get all the submitted question type data for this question, whithout checking * that it is valid or cleaning it in any way. * @return array name => value. */ protected function get_all_submitted_qt_vars($postdata) { if (is_null($postdata)) { $postdata = $_POST; } $pattern = '/^' . preg_quote($this->get_field_prefix()) . '[^-:]/'; $prefixlen = strlen($this->get_field_prefix()); $submitteddata = array(); foreach ($_POST as $name => $value) { if (preg_match($pattern, $name)) { $submitteddata[substr($name, $prefixlen)] = $value; } } return $submitteddata; } /** * Get all the sumbitted data belonging to this question attempt from the * current request. * @param array $postdata (optional, only inteded for testing use) take the * data from this array, instead of from $_POST. * @return array name => value pairs that could be passed to {@link process_action()}. */ public function get_submitted_data($postdata = null) { $submitteddata = $this->get_expected_data( $this->behaviour->get_expected_data(), $postdata, '-'); $expected = $this->behaviour->get_expected_qt_data(); if ($expected === self::USE_RAW_DATA) { $submitteddata += $this->get_all_submitted_qt_vars($postdata); } else { $submitteddata += $this->get_expected_data($expected, $postdata, ''); } return $submitteddata; } /** * Get a set of response data for this question attempt that would get the * best possible mark. * @return array name => value pairs that could be passed to {@link process_action()}. */ public function get_correct_response() { $response = $this->question->get_correct_response(); $imvars = $this->behaviour->get_correct_response(); foreach ($imvars as $name => $value) { $response['-' . $name] = $value; } return $response; } /** * Change the quetsion summary. Note, that this is almost never necessary. * This method was only added to work around a limitation of the Opaque * protocol, which only sends questionLine at the end of an attempt. * @param $questionsummary the new summary to set. */ public function set_question_summary($questionsummary) { $this->questionsummary = $questionsummary; $this->observer->notify_attempt_modified($this); } /** * @return string a simple textual summary of the question that was asked. */ public function get_question_summary() { return $this->questionsummary; } /** * @return string a simple textual summary of response given. */ public function get_response_summary() { return $this->responsesummary; } /** * @return string a simple textual summary of the correct resonse. */ public function get_right_answer_summary() { return $this->rightanswer; } /** * Perform the action described by $submitteddata. * @param array $submitteddata the submitted data the determines the action. * @param integer $timestamp the time to record for the action. (If not given, use now.) * @param integer $userid the user to attribute the aciton to. (If not given, use the current user.) */ public function process_action($submitteddata, $timestamp = null, $userid = null) { $pendingstep = new question_attempt_pending_step($submitteddata, $timestamp, $userid); if ($this->behaviour->process_action($pendingstep) == self::KEEP) { $this->add_step($pendingstep); if ($pendingstep->response_summary_changed()) { $this->responsesummary = $pendingstep->get_new_response_summary(); } } } /** * Perform a finish action on this question attempt. This corresponds to an * external finish action, for example the user pressing Submit all and finish * in the quiz, rather than using one of the controls that is part of the * question. * * @param integer $timestamp the time to record for the action. (If not given, use now.) * @param integer $userid the user to attribute the aciton to. (If not given, use the current user.) */ public function finish($timestamp = null, $userid = null) { $this->process_action(array('-finish' => 1), $timestamp, $userid); } /** * Perform a regrade. This replays all the actions from $oldqa into this * attempt. * @param question_attempt $oldqa the attempt to regrade. * @param boolean $finished whether the question attempt should be forced to be finished * after the regrade, or whether it may still be in progress (default false). */ public function regrade(question_attempt $oldqa, $finished) { $first = true; foreach ($oldqa->get_step_iterator() as $step) { if ($first) { $first = false; $this->start($oldqa->behaviour, $step->get_all_data(), $step->get_timecreated(), $step->get_user_id()); } else { $this->process_action($step->get_submitted_data(), $step->get_timecreated(), $step->get_user_id()); } } if ($finished) { $this->finish(); } } /** * Perform a manual grading action on this attempt. * @param $comment the comment being added. * @param $mark the new mark. (Optional, if not given, then only a comment is added.) * @param integer $timestamp the time to record for the action. (If not given, use now.) * @param integer $userid the user to attribute the aciton to. (If not given, use the current user.) * @return unknown_type */ public function manual_grade($comment, $mark, $timestamp = null, $userid = null) { $submitteddata = array('-comment' => $comment); if (!is_null($mark)) { $submitteddata['-mark'] = $mark; $submitteddata['-maxmark'] = $this->maxmark; } $this->process_action($submitteddata, $timestamp, $userid); } /** @return boolean Whether this question attempt has had a manual comment added. */ public function has_manual_comment() { foreach ($this->steps as $step) { if ($step->has_behaviour_var('comment')) { return true; } } return false; } /** * @return array(string, int) the most recent manual comment that was added * to this question, and the FORMAT_... it is. */ public function get_manual_comment() { foreach ($this->get_reverse_step_iterator() as $step) { if ($step->has_behaviour_var('comment')) { return array($step->get_behaviour_var('comment'), $step->get_behaviour_var('commentformat')); } } return array(null, null); } /** * @return array subpartid => object with fields * ->responseclassid the * ->response the actual response the student gave to this part, as a string. * ->fraction the credit awarded for this subpart, may be null. * returns an empty array if no analysis is possible. */ public function classify_response() { return $this->behaviour->classify_response(); } /** * Create a question_attempt_step from records loaded from the database. * * For internal use only. * * @param array $records Raw records loaded from the database. * @param integer $questionattemptid The id of the question_attempt to extract. * @return question_attempt The newly constructed question_attempt_step. */ public static function load_from_records(&$records, $questionattemptid, question_usage_observer $observer, $preferredbehaviour) { $record = current($records); while ($record->questionattemptid != $questionattemptid) { $record = next($records); if (!$record) { throw new Exception("Question attempt $questionattemptid not found in the database."); } } try { $question = question_bank::load_question($record->questionid); } catch (Exception $e) { // The question must have been deleted somehow. Create a missing // question to use in its place. $question = question_bank::get_qtype('missingtype')->make_deleted_instance( $record->questionid, $record->maxmark + 0); } $qa = new question_attempt($question, $record->questionusageid, $record->contextid, null, $record->maxmark + 0); $qa->set_database_id($record->questionattemptid); $qa->set_number_in_usage($record->slot); $qa->minfraction = $record->minfraction + 0; $qa->set_flagged($record->flagged); $qa->questionsummary = $record->questionsummary; $qa->rightanswer = $record->rightanswer; $qa->responsesummary = $record->responsesummary; $qa->timemodified = $record->timemodified; $qa->behaviour = question_engine::make_behaviour( $record->behaviour, $qa, $preferredbehaviour); $i = 0; while ($record && $record->questionattemptid == $questionattemptid && !is_null($record->attemptstepid)) { $qa->steps[$i] = question_attempt_step::load_from_records($records, $record->attemptstepid); if ($i == 0) { $question->init_first_step($qa->steps[0]); } $i++; $record = current($records); } $qa->observer = $observer; return $qa; } } /** * This subclass of question_attempt pretends that only part of the step history * exists. It is used for rendering the question in past states. * * All methods that try to modify the question_attempt throw exceptions. * * @copyright 2010 The Open University * @license http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html GNU GPL v3 or later */ class question_attempt_with_restricted_history extends question_attempt { /** * @var question_attempt the underlying question_attempt. */ protected $baseqa; /** * Create a question_attempt_with_restricted_history * @param question_attempt $baseqa The question_attempt to make a restricted version of. * @param integer $lastseq the index of the last step to include. * @param string $preferredbehaviour the preferred behaviour. It is slightly * annoyting that this needs to be passed, but unavoidable for now. */ public function __construct(question_attempt $baseqa, $lastseq, $preferredbehaviour) { if ($lastseq < 0 || $lastseq >= $baseqa->get_num_steps()) { throw new coding_exception('$seq out of range', $seq); } $this->baseqa = $baseqa; $this->steps = array_slice($baseqa->steps, 0, $lastseq + 1); $this->observer = new question_usage_null_observer(); // This should be a straight copy of all the remaining fields. $this->id = $baseqa->id; $this->usageid = $baseqa->usageid; $this->slot = $baseqa->slot; $this->question = $baseqa->question; $this->maxmark = $baseqa->maxmark; $this->minfraction = $baseqa->minfraction; $this->questionsummary = $baseqa->questionsummary; $this->responsesummary = $baseqa->responsesummary; $this->rightanswer = $baseqa->rightanswer; $this->flagged = $baseqa->flagged; // Except behaviour, where we need to create a new one. $this->behaviour = question_engine::make_behaviour( $baseqa->get_behaviour_name(), $this, $preferredbehaviour); } public function get_full_step_iterator() { return $this->baseqa->get_step_iterator(); } protected function add_step(question_attempt_step $step) { coding_exception('Cannot modify a question_attempt_with_restricted_history.'); } public function process_action($submitteddata, $timestamp = null, $userid = null) { coding_exception('Cannot modify a question_attempt_with_restricted_history.'); } public function start($preferredbehaviour, $submitteddata = array(), $timestamp = null, $userid = null) { coding_exception('Cannot modify a question_attempt_with_restricted_history.'); } public function set_database_id($id) { coding_exception('Cannot modify a question_attempt_with_restricted_history.'); } public function set_flagged($flagged) { coding_exception('Cannot modify a question_attempt_with_restricted_history.'); } public function set_number_in_usage($slot) { coding_exception('Cannot modify a question_attempt_with_restricted_history.'); } public function set_question_summary($questionsummary) { coding_exception('Cannot modify a question_attempt_with_restricted_history.'); } public function set_usage_id($usageid) { coding_exception('Cannot modify a question_attempt_with_restricted_history.'); } } /** * A class abstracting access to the {@link question_attempt::$states} array. * * This is actively linked to question_attempt. If you add an new step * mid-iteration, then it will be included. * * @copyright 2009 The Open University * @license http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html GNU GPL v3 or later */ class question_attempt_step_iterator implements Iterator, ArrayAccess { /** @var question_attempt the question_attempt being iterated over. */ protected $qa; /** @var integer records the current position in the iteration. */ protected $i; /** * Do not call this constructor directly. * Use {@link question_attempt::get_step_iterator()}. * @param question_attempt $qa the attempt to iterate over. */ public function __construct(question_attempt $qa) { $this->qa = $qa; $this->rewind(); } /** @return question_attempt_step */ public function current() { return $this->offsetGet($this->i); } /** @return integer */ public function key() { return $this->i; } public function next() { ++$this->i; } public function rewind() { $this->i = 0; } /** @return boolean */ public function valid() { return $this->offsetExists($this->i); } /** @return boolean */ public function offsetExists($i) { return $i >= 0 && $i < $this->qa->get_num_steps(); } /** @return question_attempt_step */ public function offsetGet($i) { return $this->qa->get_step($i); } public function offsetSet($offset, $value) { throw new Exception('You are only allowed read-only access to question_attempt::states through a question_attempt_step_iterator. Cannot set.'); } public function offsetUnset($offset) { throw new Exception('You are only allowed read-only access to question_attempt::states through a question_attempt_step_iterator. Cannot unset.'); } } /** * A variant of {@link question_attempt_step_iterator} that iterates through the * steps in reverse order. * * @copyright 2009 The Open University * @license http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html GNU GPL v3 or later */ class question_attempt_reverse_step_iterator extends question_attempt_step_iterator { public function next() { --$this->i; } public function rewind() { $this->i = $this->qa->get_num_steps() - 1; } } /** * Stores one step in a {@link question_attempt}. * * The most important attributes of a step are the state, which is one of the * {@link question_state} constants, the fraction, which may be null, or a * number bewteen the attempt's minfraction and 1.0, and the array of submitted * data, about which more later. * * A step also tracks the time it was created, and the user responsible for * creating it. * * The submitted data is basically just an array of name => value pairs, with * certain conventions about the to divide the variables into four = two times two * categories. * * Variables may either belong to the behaviour, in which case the * name starts with a '-', or they may belong to the question type in which case * they name does not start with a '-'. * * Second, variables may either be ones that came form the original request, in * which case the name does not start with an _, or they are cached values that * were created during processing, in which case the name does start with an _. * * That is, each name will start with one of '', '_'. '-' or '-_'. The remainder * of the name should match the regex [a-z][a-z0-9]*. * * These variables can be accessed with {@link get_behaviour_var()} and {@link get_qt_var()}, * - to be clear, ->get_behaviour_var('x') gets the variable with name '-x' - * and values whose names start with '_' can be set using {@link set_behaviour_var()} * and {@link set_qt_var()}. There are some other methods like {@link has_behaviour_var()} * to check wether a varaible with a particular name is set, and {@link get_behaviour_data()} * to get all the behaviour data as an associative array. * * @copyright 2009 The Open University * @license http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html GNU GPL v3 or later */ class question_attempt_step { /** @var integer if this attempts is stored in the question_attempts table, the id of that row. */ private $id = null; /** @var question_state one of the {@link question_state} constants. The state after this step. */ private $state; /** @var null|number the fraction (grade on a scale of minfraction .. 1.0) or null. */ private $fraction = null; /** @var integer the timestamp when this step was created. */ private $timecreated; /** @var integer the id of the user resonsible for creating this step. */ private $userid; /** @var array name => value pairs. The submitted data. */ private $data; /** * You should not need to call this constructor in your own code. Steps are * normally created by {@link question_attempt} methods like * {@link question_attempt::process_action()}. * @param array $data the submitted data that defines this step. * @param integer $timestamp the time to record for the action. (If not given, use now.) * @param integer $userid the user to attribute the aciton to. (If not given, use the current user.) */ public function __construct($data = array(), $timecreated = null, $userid = null) { global $USER; $this->state = question_state::$unprocessed; $this->data = $data; if (is_null($timecreated)) { $this->timecreated = time(); } else { $this->timecreated = $timecreated; } if (is_null($userid)) { $this->userid = $USER->id; } else { $this->userid = $userid; } } /** @return question_state The state after this step. */ public function get_state() { return $this->state; } /** * Set the state. Normally only called by behaviours. * @param question_state $state one of the {@link question_state} constants. */ public function set_state($state) { $this->state = $state; } /** * @return null|number the fraction (grade on a scale of minfraction .. 1.0) * or null if this step has not been marked. */ public function get_fraction() { return $this->fraction; } /** * Set the fraction. Normally only called by behaviours. * @param null|number $fraction the fraction to set. */ public function set_fraction($fraction) { $this->fraction = $fraction; } /** @return integer the id of the user resonsible for creating this step. */ public function get_user_id() { return $this->userid; } /** @return integer the timestamp when this step was created. */ public function get_timecreated() { return $this->timecreated; } /** * @param string $name the name of a question type variable to look for in the submitted data. * @return boolean whether a variable with this name exists in the question type data. */ public function has_qt_var($name) { return array_key_exists($name, $this->data); } /** * @param string $name the name of a question type variable to look for in the submitted data. * @return string the requested variable, or null if the variable is not set. */ public function get_qt_var($name) { if (!$this->has_qt_var($name)) { return null; } return $this->data[$name]; } /** * Set a cached question type variable. * @param string $name the name of the variable to set. Must match _[a-z][a-z0-9]*. * @param string $value the value to set. */ public function set_qt_var($name, $value) { if ($name[0] != '_') { throw new Exception('Cannot set question type data ' . $name . ' on an attempt step. You can only set variables with names begining with _.'); } $this->data[$name] = $value; } /** * Get all the question type variables. * @param array name => value pairs. */ public function get_qt_data() { $result = array(); foreach ($this->data as $name => $value) { if ($name[0] != '-' && $name[0] != ':') { $result[$name] = $value; } } return $result; } /** * @param string $name the name of an behaviour variable to look for in the submitted data. * @return boolean whether a variable with this name exists in the question type data. */ public function has_behaviour_var($name) { return array_key_exists('-' . $name, $this->data); } /** * @param string $name the name of an behaviour variable to look for in the submitted data. * @return string the requested variable, or null if the variable is not set. */ public function get_behaviour_var($name) { if (!$this->has_behaviour_var($name)) { return null; } return $this->data['-' . $name]; } /** * Set a cached behaviour variable. * @param string $name the name of the variable to set. Must match _[a-z][a-z0-9]*. * @param string $value the value to set. */ public function set_behaviour_var($name, $value) { if ($name[0] != '_') { throw new Exception('Cannot set question type data ' . $name . ' on an attempt step. You can only set variables with names begining with _.'); } return $this->data['-' . $name] = $value; } /** * Get all the behaviour variables. * @param array name => value pairs. */ public function get_behaviour_data() { $result = array(); foreach ($this->data as $name => $value) { if ($name[0] == '-') { $result[substr($name, 1)] = $value; } } return $result; } /** * Get all the submitted data, but not the cached data. behaviour * variables have the - at the start of their name. This is only really * intended for use by {@link question_attempt::regrade()}, it should not * be considered part of the public API. * @param array name => value pairs. */ public function get_submitted_data() { $result = array(); foreach ($this->data as $name => $value) { if ($name[0] == '_' || ($name[0] == '-' && $name[1] == '_')) { continue; } $result[$name] = $value; } return $result; } /** * Get all the data. behaviour variables have the ! at the start of * their name. This is only intended for internal use, for example by * {@link question_engine_data_mapper::insert_question_attempt_step()}, * however, it can ocasionally be useful in test code. It should not be * considered part of the public API of this class. * @param array name => value pairs. */ public function get_all_data() { return $this->data; } /** * Create a question_attempt_step from records loaded from the database. * @param array $records Raw records loaded from the database. * @param integer $stepid The id of the records to extract. * @return question_attempt_step The newly constructed question_attempt_step. */ public static function load_from_records(&$records, $attemptstepid) { $currentrec = current($records); while ($currentrec->attemptstepid != $attemptstepid) { $currentrec = next($records); if (!$currentrec) { throw new Exception("Question attempt step $attemptstepid not found in the database."); } } $record = $currentrec; $data = array(); while ($currentrec && $currentrec->attemptstepid == $attemptstepid) { if ($currentrec->name) { $data[$currentrec->name] = $currentrec->value; } $currentrec = next($records); } $step = new question_attempt_step_read_only($data, $record->timecreated, $record->userid); $step->state = question_state::get($record->state); if (!is_null($record->fraction)) { $step->fraction = $record->fraction + 0; } return $step; } } /** * A subclass with a bit of additional funcitonality, for pending steps. * * @copyright 2010 The Open University * @license http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html GNU GPL v3 or later */ class question_attempt_pending_step extends question_attempt_step { /** @var string . */ protected $newresponsesummary = null; /** * If as a result of processing this step, the response summary for the * question attempt should changed, you should call this method to set the * new summary. * @param string $responsesummary the new response summary. */ public function set_new_response_summary($responsesummary) { $this->newresponsesummary = $responsesummary; } /** @return string the new response summary, if any. */ public function get_new_response_summary() { return $this->newresponsesummary; } /** @return string whether this step changes the response summary. */ public function response_summary_changed() { return !is_null($this->newresponsesummary); } } /** * A subclass of {@link question_attempt_step} that cannot be modified. * * @copyright 2009 The Open University * @license http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html GNU GPL v3 or later */ class question_attempt_step_read_only extends question_attempt_step { public function set_state($state) { throw new coding_exception('Cannot modify a question_attempt_step_read_only.'); } public function set_fraction($fraction) { throw new coding_exception('Cannot modify a question_attempt_step_read_only.'); } public function set_qt_var($name, $value) { throw new coding_exception('Cannot modify a question_attempt_step_read_only.'); } public function set_behaviour_var($name, $value) { throw new coding_exception('Cannot modify a question_attempt_step_read_only.'); } } /** * A null {@link question_attempt_step} returned from * {@link question_attempt::get_last_step()} etc. when a an attempt has just been * created and there is no acutal step. * * @copyright 2009 The Open University * @license http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html GNU GPL v3 or later */ class question_null_step { public function get_state() { return question_state::$notstarted; } public function set_state($state) { throw new Exception('This question has not been started.'); } public function get_fraction() { return null; } } /** * Interface for things that want to be notified of signficant changes to a * {@link question_usage_by_activity}. * * A question behaviour controls the flow of actions a student can * take as they work through a question, and later, as a teacher manually grades it. * * @copyright 2009 The Open University * @license http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html GNU GPL v3 or later */ interface question_usage_observer { /** Called when a field of the question_usage_by_activity is changed. */ public function notify_modified(); /** * Called when the fields of a question attempt in this usage are modified. * @param question_attempt $qa the newly added question attempt. */ public function notify_attempt_modified(question_attempt $qa); /** * Called when a new question attempt is added to this usage. * @param question_attempt $qa the newly added question attempt. */ public function notify_attempt_added(question_attempt $qa); /** * Called we want to delete the old step records for an attempt, prior to * inserting newones. This is used by regrading. * @param question_attempt $qa the question attempt to delete the steps for. */ public function notify_delete_attempt_steps(question_attempt $qa); /** * Called when a new step is added to a question attempt in this usage. * @param $step the new step. * @param $qa the usage it is being added to. * @param $seq the sequence number of the new step. */ public function notify_step_added(question_attempt_step $step, question_attempt $qa, $seq); } /** * Null implmentation of the {@link question_usage_watcher} interface. * Does nothing. * * @copyright 2009 The Open University * @license http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html GNU GPL v3 or later */ class question_usage_null_observer implements question_usage_observer { public function notify_modified() { } public function notify_attempt_modified(question_attempt $qa) { } public function notify_attempt_added(question_attempt $qa) { } public function notify_delete_attempt_steps(question_attempt $qa) { } public function notify_step_added(question_attempt_step $step, question_attempt $qa, $seq) { } } /** * Useful functions for writing question types and behaviours. * * @copyright 2010 The Open University * @license http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html GNU GPL v3 or later */ abstract class question_utils { /** * Tests to see whether two arrays have the same keys, with the same values * (as compared by ===) for each key. However, the order of the arrays does * not have to be the same. * @param array $array1 the first array. * @param array $array2 the second array. * @return boolean whether the two arrays have the same keys with the same * corresponding values. */ public static function arrays_have_same_keys_and_values(array $array1, array $array2) { if (count($array1) != count($array2)) { return false; } foreach ($array1 as $key => $value1) { if (!array_key_exists($key, $array2)) { return false; } if (((string) $value1) !== ((string) $array2[$key])) { return false; } } return true; } /** * Tests to see whether two arrays have the same value at a particular key. * This method will return true if: * 1. Neither array contains the key; or * 2. Both arrays contain the key, and the corresponding values compare * identical when cast to strings and compared with ===. * @param array $array1 the first array. * @param array $array2 the second array. * @param string $key an array key. * @return boolean whether the two arrays have the same value (or lack of * one) for a given key. */ public static function arrays_same_at_key(array $array1, array $array2, $key) { if (array_key_exists($key, $array1) && array_key_exists($key, $array2)) { return ((string) $array1[$key]) === ((string) $array2[$key]); } if (!array_key_exists($key, $array1) && !array_key_exists($key, $array2)) { return true; } return false; } /** * Tests to see whether two arrays have the same value at a particular key. * Missing values are replaced by '', and then the values are cast to * strings and compared with ===. * @param array $array1 the first array. * @param array $array2 the second array. * @param string $key an array key. * @return boolean whether the two arrays have the same value (or lack of * one) for a given key. */ public static function arrays_same_at_key_missing_is_blank( array $array1, array $array2, $key) { if (array_key_exists($key, $array1)) { $value1 = $array1[$key]; } else { $value1 = ''; } if (array_key_exists($key, $array2)) { $value2 = $array2[$key]; } else { $value2 = ''; } return ((string) $value1) === ((string) $value2); } /** * Tests to see whether two arrays have the same value at a particular key. * Missing values are replaced by 0, and then the values are cast to * integers and compared with ===. * @param array $array1 the first array. * @param array $array2 the second array. * @param string $key an array key. * @return boolean whether the two arrays have the same value (or lack of * one) for a given key. */ public static function arrays_same_at_key_integer( array $array1, array $array2, $key) { if (array_key_exists($key, $array1)) { $value1 = $array1[$key]; } else { $value1 = 0; } if (array_key_exists($key, $array2)) { $value2 = $array2[$key]; } else { $value2 = 0; } return ((integer) $value1) === ((integer) $value2); } private static $units = array('', 'i', 'ii', 'iii', 'iv', 'v', 'vi', 'vii', 'viii', 'ix'); private static $tens = array('', 'x', 'xx', 'xxx', 'xl', 'l', 'lx', 'lxx', 'lxxx', 'xc'); private static $hundreds = array('', 'c', 'cc', 'ccc', 'cd', 'd', 'dc', 'dcc', 'dccc', 'cm'); private static $thousands = array('', 'm', 'mm', 'mmm'); /** * Convert an integer to roman numerals. * @param integer $number an integer between 1 and 3999 inclusive. Anything else will throw an exception. * @return string the number converted to lower case roman numerals. */ public static function int_to_roman($number) { if (!is_integer($number) || $number < 1 || $number > 3999) { throw new coding_exception('Only integers between 0 and 3999 can be ' . 'converted to roman numerals.', $number); } return self::$thousands[$number / 1000 % 10] . self::$hundreds[$number / 100 % 10] . self::$tens[$number / 10 % 10] . self::$units[$number % 10]; } }